Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Every time I run or play basketball my lower back gets very sore the next day. This is not normal right?
IDK how I'm going to cut if I can't run.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by Wade187

Trying to work on my posture but don't know where to start. Can some of you guys give me some things I can do without having to buy any type of products and not seeing any trainers or anything. Problems are a weak upper and middle back, tight hamstrings and tight hip flexors. Anyone who can give me some insight I have a thread with a little more detail on what I'm looking for. Would appreciate any kind of help and know a few other guys on here will too.

I'm trying to keep up but I'm beyond lost on that site.
Yeah it's a lot to read but the last two parts of the article (last two links) have illustrations of various stretches/exercises you can start doing. I didn't follow the whole routine exactly but just doing a few of the things shown every day helped me a lot.
Your core doesnt need as much rest as your other muscles right?
I know abs can take a lot of abuse. 2 days enough or every other day enough rest?
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

as for lateral raises......with straight arms it feels awful for my shoulder joints, so i do them with arms bent so the weight is out in front of me. feels great, ridiculous burn.
Same here. And I wasn't progressing in weight when I was doing them with my arms straight.

I started doing them with my arms bent after I saw Zyzz do them that way in a video.
That was the first time I saw them done that way.

lol but no im kinda the same way, always saw a bunch of people in the gym doin em that way, didnt even realize they hit the same areas as regular lateral raises. tried em one day and although the form is a little tricker than keeping your arms straight out it is sooo much better for me.
i decided what im doing for my serving of carbs a day, oatmeal (oats+water no milk) preworkout, because honestly my body cannot handle lifting with no carbs well enough for it to be worthwhile

very low gi carb source once a day about 1 hr preworkout should lean me out really well i presume. and it gives me the energy i need, i dont feel too tired like i do on no carbs.

been eating a lot of fats to make up for it.......salmon, eggs (with the yolks), extra virgin olive oil, some fat from lean meats, lots of avocado, etc.

i want a source of saturated fats as well though.....palm/coconut oil, something like that. i read that palm oil mimics some of the effects of trans fats and while it isn't as bad as like them its not a great thing to eat a lot of coconut oil better? 
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

as for lateral raises......with straight arms it feels awful for my shoulder joints, so i do them with arms bent so the weight is out in front of me. feels great, ridiculous burn.
Same here. And I wasn't progressing in weight when I was doing them with my arms straight.

I started doing them with my arms bent after I saw Zyzz do them that way in a video.
That was the first time I saw them done that way.

When i do them i also have a slight bend in my arm but you should also try it with a loose grip and your palm bent at a 45 degree angle

kind of like the way a stereotypical homosexual would bend their wrist

it really hits the muscle well

been to the gym two days in a row. it's a slow start, but i'm getting there.

anybody got any workouts i can do to get back up and at it?

not tryna get real big, just lean and tone. i weighed 141 when i left the gym today.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

been to the gym two days in a row. it's a slow start, but i'm getting there.

anybody got any workouts i can do to get back up and at it?

not tryna get real big, just lean and tone. i weighed 141 when i left the gym today.
how tall are you? 5'7" 141 is a lot different than 6'2" 141
how many days a week are you trying to hit the gym?

and there is no such thing as toning. not trying to pick on you, i understand what you mean. you want to be lean and defined, and not build a very large amount of muscle. i've got good news for you- you won't accidentally get huge, it takes a high caloric intake and years of lifting heavy weight to do so. don't be afraid to lift heavy, you won't get big overnight.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

been to the gym two days in a row. it's a slow start, but i'm getting there.

anybody got any workouts i can do to get back up and at it?

not tryna get real big, just lean and tone. i weighed 141 when i left the gym today.
how tall are you? 5'7" 141 is a lot different than 6'2" 141
how many days a week are you trying to hit the gym?

and there is no such thing as toning. not trying to pick on you, i understand what you mean. you want to be lean and defined, and not build a very large amount of muscle. i've got good news for you- you won't accidentally get huge, it takes a high caloric intake and years of lifting heavy weight to do so. don't be afraid to lift heavy, you won't get big overnight.

well, i know that. i worked out in highschool when i played football and ran track, but i graduated 5 years ago and haven't actually been in the gym since my freshman year of college.

i'm basically tryna get back to where i was when i was playing sports. just looking for a new workout. oh, i'm 5'10 by the way.

when i graduated i was 135 pounds and benching 225.
 i've got good news for you- you won't accidentally get huge, it takes a high caloric intake and years of lifting heavy weight to do so. don't be afraid to lift heavy, you won't get big overnight.


Ive always laughed at people who say "I dont wanna get too big!"

As if folks have some silly notion that building muscle happens in two weeks or something.

it takes months to see legitimate progress, and thats assuming you're doing everything else right with your diet and such.
Originally Posted by Club29

 i've got good news for you- you won't accidentally get huge, it takes a high caloric intake and years of lifting heavy weight to do so. don't be afraid to lift heavy, you won't get big overnight.


Ive always laughed at people who say "I dont wanna get too big!"

As if folks have some silly notion that building muscle happens in two weeks or something.

it takes months to see legitimate progress, and thats assuming you're doing everything else right with your diet and such.

almost every gf ive had has asked me to help them work out as they know im pretty into it.
i always lol when they say "i dont want muscles!!" when i try to get them to lift weights. and one actually told me, at the end of one workout "omg my arms got bigger im not doing this anymore." 

my buddy on the other hand has his gf on a workout routine that is better than most guys'.....squats, deadlifts, etc. she texts him when she pr's on her deads and he's given her jack3d a few times preworkout 

Cobra Kai wrote:
Cobra Kai wrote:
been to the gym two days in a row. it's a slow start, but i'm getting there.

anybody got any workouts i can do to get back up and at it?

not tryna get real big, just lean and tone. i weighed 141 when i left the gym today.

how tall are you? 5'7" 141 is a lot different than 6'2" 141
how many days a week are you trying to hit the gym?

and there is no such thing as toning. not trying to pick on you, i understand what you mean. you want to be lean and defined, and not build a very large amount of muscle. i've got good news for you- you won't accidentally get huge, it takes a high caloric intake and years of lifting heavy weight to do so. don't be afraid to lift heavy, you won't get big overnigwell, i know that. i worked out in highschool when i played football and ran track, but i graduated 5 years ago and haven't actually been in the gym since my freshman year of college.

i'm basically tryna get back to where i was when i was playing sports. just looking for a new workout. oh, i'm 5'10 by the way.

when i graduated i was 135 pounds and benching 225.

ok well id say do a full body split with heavy compound lifts (bench, deadlift, row, squat, maybe cleans) if you want to hit the gym 3x a week, do a body part split (one or two heavy compounds per day, for example deadlifts and rows on back day) if you want to go 5x a week. i can give you a sample workout for each if you want.
Originally Posted by picknroll24

Every time I run or play basketball my lower back gets very sore the next day. This is not normal right?
IDK how I'm going to cut if I can't run.

I am constantly asking this question and either get responses and I forget to write them down, or I don't get responses at all.

What type of diet should I be looking to follow while working on getting six-pack abs? I definitely see them forming, but I know my diet is going to kill any chance at full results.
Originally Posted by bkmac

I am constantly asking this question and either get responses and I forget to write them down, or I don't get responses at all.

What type of diet should I be looking to follow while working on getting six-pack abs? I definitely see them forming, but I know my diet is going to kill any chance at full results.

I would like to know that as well.  I'm 5'6" 140lbs but for whatever reason, I can't lose my belly fat.  Run anywhere from 9-15 miles a week.
Originally Posted by rickjames10

Originally Posted by bkmac

I am constantly asking this question and either get responses and I forget to write them down, or I don't get responses at all.

What type of diet should I be looking to follow while working on getting six-pack abs? I definitely see them forming, but I know my diet is going to kill any chance at full results.

I would like to know that as well.  I'm 5'6" 140lbs but for whatever reason, I can't lose my belly fat.  Run anywhere from 9-15 miles a week.
probably genetics with you....

first off, you have to list WHAT are you eating...the calories you are taking might think you're eating the right stuff when indeed it's actually the wrong stuff....ab's start in the kitchen...doesn't matter WHAT you do when you're working out....and we all know you can't spot reduce (target one area of your body and lose weight there only) won't happen that way...

running helps alot, but also try some leg raises, and crunches.......different type of crunches at that.

stay away from any fatty foods.....and drink LOTS of need this for your body and muscles to operate well.

switch to noodles, a couple of egg's a day, not too many, wheat bread.........rice, nut's for snacks like almonds, cashew's, peanuts, trail mix,etc.

you can also perform standing leg raises, when you are switch leg's and bringing your knee's up to your chesk/stomach alot of stuff that work's on your abs....

some of us have to do more to get rid of access body fat cus sometimes it might fall under genetics....other's have to do less because that's just how their body operates. You can't get ab's overnight, or even in a couple of months, the *@*% takes time and dedication for REAL. it's probably one of if not the hardest muscle group to really get to show if you have some weight on you and you're trying to cut.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

as for lateral raises......with straight arms it feels awful for my shoulder joints, so i do them with arms bent so the weight is out in front of me. feels great, ridiculous burn.
Same here. And I wasn't progressing in weight when I was doing them with my arms straight.

I started doing them with my arms bent after I saw Zyzz do them that way in a video.
That was the first time I saw them done that way.

When i do them i also have a slight bend in my arm but you should also try it with a loose grip and your palm bent at a 45 degree angle

kind of like the way a stereotypical homosexual would bend their wrist

it really hits the muscle well


I stopped reading after the first sentence and positioned myself to try to figure out what you meant, and I was having trouble. Then I went back and read the homosexual wrist comment and fully understood.
I'll give it a try my next shoulder day.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Club29

 i've got good news for you- you won't accidentally get huge, it takes a high caloric intake and years of lifting heavy weight to do so. don't be afraid to lift heavy, you won't get big overnight.


Ive always laughed at people who say "I dont wanna get too big!"

As if folks have some silly notion that building muscle happens in two weeks or something.

it takes months to see legitimate progress, and thats assuming you're doing everything else right with your diet and such.

almost every gf ive had has asked me to help them work out as they know im pretty into it.
i always lol when they say "i dont want muscles!!" when i try to get them to lift weights. and one actually told me, at the end of one workout "omg my arms got bigger im not doing this anymore." 

my buddy on the other hand has his gf on a workout routine that is better than most guys'.....squats, deadlifts, etc. she texts him when she pr's on her deads and he's given her jack3d a few times preworkout 

Cobra Kai wrote:
Cobra Kai wrote:
been to the gym two days in a row. it's a slow start, but i'm getting there.

anybody got any workouts i can do to get back up and at it?

not tryna get real big, just lean and tone. i weighed 141 when i left the gym today.

how tall are you? 5'7" 141 is a lot different than 6'2" 141
how many days a week are you trying to hit the gym?

and there is no such thing as toning. not trying to pick on you, i understand what you mean. you want to be lean and defined, and not build a very large amount of muscle. i've got good news for you- you won't accidentally get huge, it takes a high caloric intake and years of lifting heavy weight to do so. don't be afraid to lift heavy, you won't get big overnigwell, i know that. i worked out in highschool when i played football and ran track, but i graduated 5 years ago and haven't actually been in the gym since my freshman year of college.

i'm basically tryna get back to where i was when i was playing sports. just looking for a new workout. oh, i'm 5'10 by the way.

when i graduated i was 135 pounds and benching 225.

ok well id say do a full body split with heavy compound lifts (bench, deadlift, row, squat, maybe cleans) if you want to hit the gym 3x a week, do a body part split (one or two heavy compounds per day, for example deadlifts and rows on back day) if you want to go 5x a week. i can give you a sample workout for each if you want.

squat 3x a week

eat like a mother @%$%%@% horse

i get frustrated, im the skinny guy, but i can see progress.. i just know it'll take another year or so of eating a high caloric intake in order to get to around 150ish

but hey, ive got pretty lean gains so far. obviously i dont have the ripped 6 pack, but ive got abs.. just not that visible lol.
I'm curious to find out what you're thoughts are on caffeine pre-workout.  For the past 2-3 months, I've been religiously taking caffeine approximately 20 minutes pre-workout.  One of my buddies told me that you should use caffeine sparingly pre-workout because your body grows tolerant of it and you start relying on it for all your workouts.  I've seen significant increases in strength overall and I attribute it to the mental focus/energy I get from the caffeine.

ive cycled some of my supplements, that contain stimulants. 2 Scoops of jack3d doesnt do it for me anymore, and that scared me, so i've been off the stuff for 1month? or so, no stimulants just my beta-alanine, protein shake, BCAA pre/post-workout.

The focus is gone, literally gone, i remember just staring at the barbell thinking ok i'm going to clean this and then shoulder press...clean this, then shoulder press, over and over; or it would be complete silence and i would just be staring at the BB...amazing feeling.

Now, my mind just ponders off. I couldn't lay off completely, i just couldn't..i took coffee instead, but it wasnt the same anymore.

Now, im good, i sound like a recovering addict lol, but yea i dare anyone who has taken jack3d for over a 3-6month period(cycled of course) to stay off the stuff for good. Haaard as hell.

Im going to try that circuit training, it's kind of my off day/cardio day, but might as well. 45bb, 25 on the sides right?
Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

I'm curious to find out what you're thoughts are on caffeine pre-workout.  For the past 2-3 months, I've been religiously taking caffeine approximately 20 minutes pre-workout.  One of my buddies told me that you should use caffeine sparingly pre-workout because your body grows tolerant of it and you start relying on it for all your workouts.  I've seen significant increases in strength overall and I attribute it to the mental focus/energy I get from the caffeine.


Same as taking Jack3d, SuperPump, etc.

After a couple of weeks (4-5) you will have to cycle them out...meaning take Jack3d for 4 weeks, then go without a pre-workout for 4 weeks...then just do it all over again.  Like you said, one gets used to the caffeine and it will take a greater dosage for you to feel the 'pump' like you did when you first started taking it; hence the cycling.

yea, but alot of people dont do that.

For instance, when i cycled jack3d, i used it for 4-6 weeks and then switched to another pre-workout supplement for 5-6 weeks, just to keep that pump going. It's rare for someone to go w/o a pre-workout for a while, once you've taken a pre-workout supp. in the past.
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