Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by NjCollector

yea, but alot of people dont do that.

For instance, when i cycled jack3d, i used it for 4-6 weeks and then switched to another pre-workout supplement for 5-6 weeks, just to keep that pump going. It's rare for someone to go w/o a pre-workout for a while, once you've taken a pre-workout supp. in the past.
If thats the case, you're gonna need an entire container of jack3d in 1 preworkout drink makes no sense.

I don't see how you can't lift without needing that 'pump.'

It makes you feel better during the lift, sure, but a pre-workout supplement is not the sole reason you are able to lift.  
dude...this is my 2nd time cycling off of jack3d. it's like i have ADD in the gym.

it's terrible...


cant wait for these 4 weeks to be done with so i can get back on it...this is bad. i sound like an addict
Need help here. i weigh 165lbs 5'8. ive been working out 4 times out of the week but i think i hit a plateu since i havent losing or gaining weight. so 3 weeks ago i decided to do double days and eat clean and count calories with a cheat day once a week so here's my workout and meal plan
Morning - Mocha
Lunch - Protein Bar before the gym and then subway sandwich after
Dinner - Salad then gym usually cardio

my rotation at the gym is
then at night i usually do cardio for an hour

i haven't had a rest day yet but im sure i will. so i weighed myself yesterday and i gained 3lbs...%%!!!?
my buddy says it must be muscle but i doing something wrong here? if anyone has experience doing two a days can you post your workout plan? thanks!
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

Need help here. i weigh 165lbs 5'8. ive been working out 4 times out of the week but i think i hit a plateu since i havent losing or gaining weight. so 3 weeks ago i decided to do double days and eat clean and count calories with a cheat day once a week so here's my workout and meal plan
Morning - Mocha
Lunch - Protein Bar before the gym and then subway sandwich after
Dinner - Salad then gym usually cardio

my rotation at the gym is
then at night i usually do cardio for an hour

i haven't had a rest day yet but im sure i will. so i weighed myself yesterday and i gained 3lbs...%%!!!?
my buddy says it must be muscle but i doing something wrong here? if anyone has experience doing two a days can you post your workout plan? thanks!
Even if you are cutting, you aren't getting enough calories (from what you posted).  At the most you're getting 1000 calories.  The 3 lbs may be from water weight.  For future reference, weigh yourself in the morning after you've pissed.

What are your overall goals bro?  Seems like you want to get stronger and bigger?  If thats the case you need to restructure your diet so that you take in more calories.

But yea, lemme know what your overall goals are, what your caloric intake is throught the day, specific workout plan and people here could help you easier.

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

Need help here. i weigh 165lbs 5'8. ive been working out 4 times out of the week but i think i hit a plateu since i havent losing or gaining weight. so 3 weeks ago i decided to do double days and eat clean and count calories with a cheat day once a week so here's my workout and meal plan
Morning - Mocha
Lunch - Protein Bar before the gym and then subway sandwich after
Dinner - Salad then gym usually cardio 
When cutting is there a set amount of calories you should intake?

Edit- I know you should take in ~500 cals less than usual, but does it effect your cut in a negative way if you intake less calories than that and also workout and do cardio?
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

When cutting is there a set amount of calories you should intake?

Edit- I know you should take in ~500 cals less than usual, but does it effect your cut in a negative way if you intake less calories than that and also workout and do cardio?

One might lose muscle mass if you eat too little.  Then again it depends if you care about losing muslce mass or not.  Do you want to look like a football player ripped? Or marathon runner ripped?

A great way to burn a lot of calories but still maintain mass is HIIT (for me at least).  Basically, sprint a football field 10x.

Yes, I've posted a lot...I'm bored at
Say I consume about 1500 calories a day. Lift weights and do cardio, I should be able to cut weight pretty effectively assuming I eat clean?
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Say I consume about 1500 calories a day. Lift weights and do cardio, I should be able to cut weight pretty effectively assuming I eat clean?

1500 calories in general is way too small an amount and your body will end up going into a catabolic state to compensate.

 lift and do cardio (and if you're going to do them in the same day, try waiting 6-8 hours in between workouts)

1500 calories is honestly going to get you nowhere.

Look around online for a calorie calculator that allows you to input your height and weight along with some other questions (such as activity level) and it will give you a rough estimate of how many calories you should take in per day as maintenance, and then subtract 500 from that. Work from there.
lol before spring break last year i dropped my cals down to 1500/day while doing a brutal full body split

leaving the gym i would need to sit down outside for like 20 minutes in order to not puke and pass out it was terrible
Even if you are cutting, you aren't getting enough calories (from whatyou posted).  At the most you're getting 1000 calories.  The 3 lbs maybe from water weight.  For future reference, weigh yourself in themorning after you've pissed.

What are your overall goals bro? Seems like you want to get stronger and bigger?  If thats the case youneed to restructure your diet so that you take in more calories.

Butyea, lemme know what your overall goals are, what your caloric intakeis throught the day, specific workout plan and people here couldhelp you easier.
My goals is to be lean again and cut down my body fat to 10% or lesser so that's why ive been doing cardio at night. I do weigh myself in the morning and right now i weigh 165 thats in the morning and usually depends on what i eat it'll go from 167-169 when i weigh myself at night.

my calorie intake as of right now is less than 2000-2500 calories a day.
the mocha - 470 (i need the caffeine since im up in the morning)
Subway sandwich - 800
Protein bar - 280
Dinner - usually its when i eat big in terms of carbs and calories
Its obvious you either have not taken jack3d, or are not aware of what jack3d actually is.Read what bred posted on jack3d and its compounds. Then you might have a better insight on what you are talking about.Circuit training was weird, I feel like its just better to do in my garage or something. I needed too much space, started with 55 and then 80, I stopped halfway through, shoulder was in pain.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

dude...this is my 2nd time cycling off of jack3d. it's like i have ADD in the gym.

it's terrible...


cant wait for these 4 weeks to be done with so i can get back on it...this is bad. i sound like an addict
I do 3 weeks on, 1 week off.
Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

I'm curious to find out what you're thoughts are on caffeine pre-workout.  For the past 2-3 months, I've been religiously taking caffeine approximately 20 minutes pre-workout.  One of my buddies told me that you should use caffeine sparingly pre-workout because your body grows tolerant of it and you start relying on it for all your workouts.  I've seen significant increases in strength overall and I attribute it to the mental focus/energy I get from the caffeine.

Use it when you feel like you need it, but don't take it before every single workout. Find other ways to focus in the gym.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

I'm curious to find out what you're thoughts are on caffeine pre-workout.  For the past 2-3 months, I've been religiously taking caffeine approximately 20 minutes pre-workout.  One of my buddies told me that you should use caffeine sparingly pre-workout because your body grows tolerant of it and you start relying on it for all your workouts.  I've seen significant increases in strength overall and I attribute it to the mental focus/energy I get from the caffeine.

Use it when you feel like you need it, but don't take it before every single workout. Find other ways to focus in the gym.
this. if you take it every day it loses its effectiveness. then it sucks working out without it.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

Need help here. i weigh 165lbs 5'8. ive been working out 4 times out of the week but i think i hit a plateu since i havent losing or gaining weight. so 3 weeks ago i decided to do double days and eat clean and count calories with a cheat day once a week so here's my workout and meal plan
Morning - Mocha
Lunch - Protein Bar before the gym and then subway sandwich after
Dinner - Salad then gym usually cardio 

cutting is really not that hard to do if you work out like you're suppose to and eat right (good diet).

of course you'll need to load up on stuff with protein though, because that's help's feed your's the energy for them....

so for people that just don't want to just lose weight and knock off body fat and actually want to lose it while still looking like a comic book super-hero then make sure you're diet is right and you're taking in stuff with alot of protein.

some dudes work out, work out and work out, and eat pretty well..but only take in about 20grams of protein a day
and wonder why they don't get a grown man that is NOT going to cut the cake.
You fkin serious brah?? Don't make me get MISC. on ya...

I've taken jack3d AND read the article...
you irate chum??

The Internet... its serious business.

cutting is really not that hard to do if you work out like you're suppose to and eat right (good diet).

Of course its not hard to do if youre doing the difficult things correctly. 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

btw u ate no carbs today thinking of starting off the semester in full keto mode and see how that goes

getting shredded is the goal obviously
im craving carbs so badly already though 

alright im hoping you or someone else can answer this, but ive been wondering for a while now. when people say no or low carbs, are we talking anything with carbs or more so carbs like breads, pastas, oats, etc.. ?
"zero" carb means no direct carb sources at grains, starchy vegetables, fruits, etc. you will get a few carbs from leafy green vegetables, etc. but total carb count for the day will be like 10g, which is negligible. 
low carb usually just restricts total carb intake at a certain number, say 40g /day. you can eat whatever carb sources you want to meet the 40g/day but usually complex carbs are recommended. keep in mind that 40g or whatever else the guideline is is very little, this is basically one or two servings of carbs.
!@!!, this is gonna suck, i eat a lot of carbs
yeah dude its rough for me even though i eat like zero sugar/processed carbs outside of fruit

one serving of carbs a day is infinitely easier than zero though, trust me.
IF youre interested, please let me know what you guys think, its from my blog (my workout is at the end)

How i learned how to learn.

So i've been on and off on the whole getting in shape thing. I've done every diet, and almost every workout possible, from all protein, to all carbs. From HIIT to long 3 hour basketball sessions. I have always been on the "search" to find the best way to get in shape. I've ben 210 pounds and ive also been 160 pounds. Some of these "quick fixes" did help....but i was never able to make a new lifestyle. I would either go back to how i was before or... i would lose motivation.

Now that i have a certain goal in mind, i have never been more motivated, but its tough. There will always be days where i just don't want to do anything. That's when i start talking to myself.
"5 years from now...will this ONE day really affect me?" I then get up...grab a glass of water, and go back to bed.

Now you might think...wait...thats how you motivate yourself?
YES. because one thing i always "knew" but really didnt know was the age old fact (that really is a myth) that "no pain no gain, work till you die, blood and sweat on the floor, worout 7 days a week" poop.

Our bodies are built to be built while we rest, while we sleep, and from what we eat. Not only are literally just tearing muscle fibers while we workout, but if we dont rest and get enough sleep, we are literally just taking a step back ( i dont know why i said literally).

I used to be the guy who worked out, 2 times a day, 6 days a week, and on sundays i try to sneak in a little workout. Not only did i not see any results, but my performance on the court was going no where, i was always agitated, and i was downright exhausted.

after years and years of "research" and trial & error, ive finally hit it on the spot.
Not only am i seeing results daily/weekly, but i wake up every morning excited, ready to go, and with a rejuvenated feeling.

Somethings i've incorporated:
9-10 hours of sleep
40-50 glasses of water through out the day
foam rolling
contstant self massage (ha .. ha. . ha.) aka foam rolling
daily stretching
buy a notebook write down these things (what you eat, your workouts, and how much you lifted)
no need to count calories, BUT estimate (overestimate calories and underestimate protein)
and just make sure youre eating every 3 hours.

Here's my workout for now:
(i must admit, this will not work for anybody but me, because every person is different, so why should every person have the same workouts? Try different things and see what works for you, trust me, the time you take to see results will bring results)

My basketball workouts will NEVER EVER last longer than 1 hour, they incorporate skill work and a 15 minute conditioning at the end. After the 1 hour workout, i shoot free throws for a good 5-6 hours. (and not exaggerating to sound cool, i literally just find the free throw to be one of the most important and underrated parts of the game) Monday is endurance day (suicides, mile run) , wednesday is plyo vertical day (depth jumps, tuck jumps), and friday is agility day (sprints, lateral work)

My weight training sessions will NEVER EVER last longer than one hour, but i give every humanly possible ounce of man juice i can put into that 45-60 minute session.

some of these are not technical terms, because i have no idea what they are called....but its just what i called them. (sorry, if youre interested, i can make a video...but i highly doubt anyone has read this far)

Mondays -
Gym- Basketball skill work (1pm-2pm)
10 suicides in 10 minutes
1 17's
1 sub 7:30 mile
5 hours free throws and form shooting, dribbling in place

Tuesday - Leg work
Squats 3x6
deadlifts 3x6
Pistol squats 3x8
jump squats 3x8
wood chop (abs) 3x10
leg lifts (Abs) 3x8
Calf Raise 3x12-15
Quad Raise 3x8

wednesday - (1-2 pm)
bball skill work
Plyo work
Tuck jumps- 3x10
1 Leg Bench Jump- 3x10
Depth Jumps- 3x10
Rim Jumps- 3x8
5 hours free throws and form shooting, dribbling in place

Thursday- Upper body work
Pullup Workout
(6,5,4,3,2,1 2 sets
25 negatives)
Standing Press 3x6
1 Arm Bench Press 3x8
1 Arm Bench Lift 3x8
weighted situps 3x12
ab rotate 3x10
Shoulder row 3x10
2 arm bench 3x6
Bicep tricep circuit (not much)

Friday (1-2pm)
bball skill work
zig zag defense
5 chair defense drill
defensive stance for 3 minutes (2 sets)
backpedal, lateral work, sprints
5 hours free throws and form shooting, dribbling in place

saturday Full body work
Clean & press 3x5
Squat press 3x8
1 arm stand press 3x8
1 Foot Step up w/dumbbells 3x8
Jump press to bench w/ 15kg plate
Pullup Workout
(6,5,4,3,2,1 2 sets
25 negatives)
3 min ab plank (2 sets)

eat alot of chicken
rest sleep rest
40-50 glasses might be a little OD unless they are shooters.

don't feel the need to eat every 3-4 hours. Learn to accept hunger as a sensation and not a feeling that needs to be avoided at all cost.

In fact, with the 3-4 hr eating rule people just end up eating +$!# because nothing healthy is available. both bulkers AND cutters.

It's just hunger... I'd avoid starvation and catabolism, but both of those are grossly exaggerated too.

Don't confuse comfort with happiness!

If you are addicted to jack3d you should probably just stop taking it all together, as opposed to waiting for your next cycle. 

It's not natural for your body.. and learning to be FOCUSED AND INTENSE without superficial aides could be an asset in your day to day life.

with that said, the grape flavor is 
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