Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Al Audi

well said.........

i for one dont like stims like that........ive used them in the past, even then id use them on certain days.

think ill try cellucor N0 extreme maybe..........thats more along the lines for my goals instead of m5 extreme.

anyone try it?


not even out yet but has creatine nitrate............

edit again: FResHtuDEF good looks
Cellucor C4 Pre-Workout Review
just started back at it.

did shoulder and legs today. lunges killed me
feels like im about to catch a cramp each damn step

free shipping on orders over $99 on BB.

was gonna get the 10lb bag of ON Whey, wondering what else i should get to make the order over $99????

stack currently:
fish oil pills
caffeine pills (for pre workout, seem to work well)

i'm not looking to bulk, if anything lose weight and get more fit. get my strength back up
Originally Posted by TheGreekGangsta

just started back at it.

did shoulder and legs today. lunges killed me
feels like im about to catch a cramp each damn step

free shipping on orders over $99 on BB.

was gonna get the 10lb bag of ON Whey, wondering what else i should get to make the order over $99????

stack currently:
fish oil pills
caffeine pills (for pre workout, seem to work well)

i'm not looking to bulk, if anything lose weight and get more fit. get my strength back up
thinking of ordering some ON casein.
would taking whey and casein be detrimental to my goals?
just trying to get fit again while dropping some weight.
weights&cardio 4-5 days a week
Anyone read the 4 hour body yet?

Going to apply some of these principals and see how legit it is.
"28 lbs of muscle in 30 days with 4hours of total gym time"
IF it was possible, I'd let Tim Ferris find out
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH
Avy goes HARD, camel.

Originally Posted by I3


Whats a good substitute for a Standing Military press? Im lifting at 5x5 50kg.. but my form is ****e. I heard Upright Rows aren't good in the long run either.
Why is your form off?

Weight is getting too heavy.

Hard to say without pictures. It could be anything from your ankles, hips, or shoulders.

Do you feel pain when you lift?

thx bra i love that pic. gets me amped
as for the military press.......switch to seated DB 
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH
Avy goes HARD, camel.

Originally Posted by I3


Whats a good substitute for a Standing Military press? Im lifting at 5x5 50kg.. but my form is ****e. I heard Upright Rows aren't good in the long run either.
Why is your form off?

Weight is getting too heavy.

Hard to say without pictures. It could be anything from your ankles, hips, or shoulders.

Do you feel pain when you lift?

No pain when I lift, I copy this dudes form..

What I mean is, because im increasing my weight every workout, my form diminishes and perhaps I should take a break from that exercise and do others so when I come back to it.. I build!
i got to the point on bb military where it was so heavy i felt like i was gonna hurt my back (225+)

switch to seated, and try DB i feel it hits my shoulders better anyway
Originally Posted by roc4life24

Randy Couture Workout for MMA Conditioning
Randy Couture performs a circuit training workout routine with a barbell. He does 8 reps of each exercise and repeats 3-5 times, resting one minute between circuits.

Bent over rows
Upright rows
Military press
Good morning
Squat push press

i'm sure after round 3 its a wrap

need to try it though.
I wonder how heavy his barbell is when he does this?????
I've been sick for a week... not going to the gym to spread it.

Did this circuit at home with 25lbs dumbbells... great quick exercise! 
I wanted know if anyone had any tips or advice on what types of food I should be eating to put on weight because I've always had a problem gaining weight
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH
Avy goes HARD, camel.

Originally Posted by I3


Whats a good substitute for a Standing Military press? Im lifting at 5x5 50kg.. but my form is ****e. I heard Upright Rows aren't good in the long run either.
Why is your form off?

Weight is getting too heavy.
Hard to say without pictures. It could be anything from your ankles, hips, or shoulders.

Do you feel pain when you lift?

You need to strengthen your core and are you arching your back when you do military presses? If you are, either lower the weight or do seated military presses so you have a back support. You need to strength your abs and keep your core tight when doing military presses. Also wear a weight belt, it'll help...
Originally Posted by AI for MVP

I wanted know if anyone had any tips or advice on what types of food I should be eating to put on weight because I've always had a problem gaining weight

High calorie foods....
Eat what you want to eat, just more of it.
Originally Posted by Money Making A

Originally Posted by I3


Whats a good substitute for a Standing Military press? Im lifting at 5x5 50kg.. but my form is ****e. I heard Upright Rows aren't good in the long run either.
Why is your form off?

Weight is getting too heavy.

You need to strengthen your core and are you arching your back when you do military presses? If you are, either lower the weight or do seated military presses so you have a back support. You need to strength your abs and keep your core tight when doing military presses. Also wear a weight belt, it'll help...

Yeah back is arched, my form is pretty sweet I believe.  I squat pretty good and deadlift well.. so im guessing my core is pretty strong too.  I guess i'll try mix it up with seated DB presses, then come back to the standing BB press.

I like to do it standing up (nh) as it works the stabilisers and besides you like baaawse with a bb over yur head lulz.
been lurkin to for a while... finally though i'd post just wanted to share my bulk between about 7 months started at about 135lbs to 180lbs
i have too admit it was not hard at all just alot more eating than normal and some intense weight lifting.

I've been lookin into this thread...
 How far down the slippery path I have fallen.  I used to be in much better shape, but then I started hittin the clubs, lounges, bottle service, burgers, always eating out and worst of all BEER 

Here I stand at 5'9 189 pounds.  The bulk of it seems to be in the gut.  

Nonetheless, I went back to gym today, first time in about 6 weeks (i goto gym every year, my issue is consistency)...felt good...

I'm looking to shed weight fast.  I'm currently rotating:

-Spinning 60 min (training for a cycle race that I've always wanted to do next year)

-Running (just started so I don't really have a distance yet. But last time I went running with a friend a few times, we were doing about 3 miles each time just starting out). 

-Tennis (i play against/with my lady about 3-4 times a week pending on weather, she's been playing since high school, so it's a bit of a work out)

-Weights (just starting back up with them again I'll prob post my routine as soon as i find my lil book lingering around somewhere...but I'm really not trying to bulk up.  I want to be the same size, but more muscle and far less fat. )

Anyone have any suggestions on how I can shed some extra weight fast?  (I've begun to change my diet already- cut out beer and most alcohol). 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by roc4life24

Randy Couture Workout for MMA Conditioning
Randy Couture performs a circuit training workout routine with a barbell. He does 8 reps of each exercise and repeats 3-5 times, resting one minute between circuits.

Bent over rows
Upright rows
Military press
Good morning
Squat push press

i'm sure after round 3 its a wrap

need to try it though.

I wonder how heavy his barbell is when he does this?????
I use the standard 45 pound barbell and then add weight to that depending upon how many rounds I want to get done. 

I've been lazy since mid-October so I have to get back on the grind.

Here's what my workout will be for the first month to six weeks:

Back and Biceps: 
-Concentration Curls 2x12
-Standing Hammer Curls 2x12
-Pull-ups Until Fail
-Lat Pull downs 3x8
-Dips 2x12

Chest and Triceps:
-Pushups Wide Grip 1x25
-Pushups Decline 1x25
-Pec Flies 4x8
-Bench Press 4x8
-Incline Bench Press 4x8
-Skull Crushers 3x12

-Weighted Lunges 4x8 each leg
-Back Squat 4x8
-Seated Calf Raises 4x8

Back and Biceps:
-Seated Bicep Curls 2x12
-Standing Barbell Bicep Curl 2x12
-Pull-ups Until Fail
-Lat Pull downs 3x8
-Dips 2x12

Chest and Triceps:
-Pushups Wide Grip 1x25
-Pec Flies 4x8
-Bench Press 4x8
-Incline Bench Press 4x8
-Skull Crushers 3x12

Run 3 Miles


I plan on cutting and losing 25 pounds. Does anyone have suggestions for a proven diet for a picky eater while cutting?
I'll add protein shakes to my diet. I eat one packet of oatmeal in the mornings, usually a turkey sandwich plain with hot sauce for lunch, and chicken and broccoli/corn/rice for dinner with another protein shake for dinner. One thing I've got to cut down is the beer consumption on Fridays and Saturdays.
For anyone who seeks some sort of motivation or self discipline, I read an interesting fact.

Since humans are a product of habit it simply takes FIVE to get things really going.

5 healthy meals, 5 workouts, 5 whatever you want to start doing.
So one thing I notice when I start to work out is I get hungry like every 2hrs! It almost makes you wanna overeat! Is it due to metabolism being sped up and what's a good way to battle that?
Originally Posted by YUNGRICH 702

been lurkin to for a while... finally though i'd post just wanted to share my bulk between about 7 months started at about 135lbs to 180lbs
i have too admit it was not hard at all just alot more eating than normal and some intense weight lifting.
How was you that frail but still had Brock Lesnar Traps?? 

good job one the progress though, you're carrying the extra weight well
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

For anyone who seeks some sort of motivation or self discipline, I read an interesting fact.

Since humans are a product of habit it simply takes FIVE to get things really going.

5 healthy meals, 5 workouts, 5 whatever you want to start doing.
interesting. i tried googling but couldn't find it. if i have proof of this then I'll psyche myself into believing it. even if it's placebo effect.
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