Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I def. do agree that theres narcissism with all types of people who exercise.  Powerlifters, Bodybuilders, Runners, Athletes.  Exercise is all about personal achievement, and that alone makes its susceptible to be narcissistic.  It all depends on how someone uses that ego.

Theres def. a linear relationship between level of narcissism and age.  As people age, they realize that exercise is less about the external and more about the internal.

Btw, theres a ton of research that shows that caffeine has no performance benefits.  I did a research lab a few months ago on caffeine and other than a mental stimulant, it doesnt have a big effect on exercise performance.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

A large coffee has 300mg of caff.... no one coming on here and talking about Starbucks like it's the newest drug

venti = 420

lethal dose of caff = 11900mg (for a 175lbs man)

Originally Posted by Durden7

I def. do agree that theres narcissism with all types of people who exercise.  Powerlifters, Bodybuilders, Runners, Athletes.  Exercise is all about personal achievement, and that alone makes its susceptible to be narcissistic.  It all depends on how someone uses that ego.

Theres def. a linear relationship between level of narcissism and age.  As people age, they realize that exercise is less about the external and more about the internal.

Btw, theres a ton of research that shows that caffeine has no performance benefits.  I did a research lab a few months ago on caffeine and other than a mental stimulant, it doesnt have a big effect on exercise performance.

i take it for the mental edge though. thats why i like jack3d, the other ingredients + caffeine give me a great intensity and focus.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

A large coffee has 300mg of caff.... no one coming on here and talking about Starbucks like it's the newest drug

for a LOT of ppl 300mg is a lot of caff imo

but caff also effects us all different.......many have reported a crash from this product

while on the topic of pre workouts once again, holidays/slackin off have kicked my #$#

anyone ever try cellucor m5 extreme? im gonna try something new to give me a lil boost.

edit: caff def gives you mental alertness, durden you agree with that, no? i mean mental alertness also equals more motivation in the gym also so it can have an awesome placebo effect if not effect performance wise.......but if you think about it it gives ppl better performance. did i make sense?
anyone heard of eric cresseys magnificent mobility?

i injured my shoulder and have decided to take two weeks off from the gym.

i plan onworking on my flexibility/mobility in the meantime. i followed some of the drills the other day, felt great.

starting my keto diet also.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

anyone heard of eric cresseys magnificent mobility?

i injured my shoulder and have decided to take two weeks off from the gym.

i plan onworking on my flexibility/mobility in the meantime. i followed some of the drills the other day, felt great.

starting my keto diet also.

flexibility is another thing i need
nike talkers i need help....

so ive been working out for about 6 months and i havent seen any results

can some one tell me what supplements or protein i can buy to help my progress?
Originally Posted by maicolkickhead

nike talkers i need help....

so ive been working out for about 6 months and i havent seen any results

can some one tell me what supplements or protein i can buy to help my progress?

cell tech
Anyone have any experience/feedback with

Originally Posted by Al Audi

edit: caff def gives you mental alertness, durden you agree with that, no? i mean mental alertness also equals more motivation in the gym also so it can have an awesome placebo effect if not effect performance wise.......but if you think about it it gives ppl better performance. did i make sense?

Oh yeah, I def. agree with that.  It DEF. has cognitive effects.  Theres no doubt about that.  Im not sure if it equals more motivation though.  People respond differently to it though.  Some people are focused, some people get jittery and cant concentrate.  Hell, some people are able to concentrate better.  Does that equal better performance though?

Lets say I do a 200 lb squat. Now suppose I take X mg of caffeine and do a 205 or 210 squat.  Is it the caffeine that caused the increase?  Is it my ability to focus?  Is it nutrition related, or did I physically adapt to the stressors and am now able to lift more.

You did make sense, but a lot of things equal better performance.  Good nutrition means better performance.  Same with rest, any form of motivation, muscle adaptation, etc.

Theres a benefit to caffeine, but from everything ive read its not physiological.  So yes, caffeine will mean better performance in those who respond to it, but it isnt a physiological effect.
well said.........

i for one dont like stims like that........ive used them in the past, even then id use them on certain days.

think ill try cellucor N0 extreme maybe..........thats more along the lines for my goals instead of m5 extreme.

anyone try it?


not even out yet but has creatine nitrate............

edit again: FResHtuDEF good looks
Originally Posted by Money Making A

Originally Posted by maicolkickhead

nike talkers i need help....

so ive been working out for about 6 months and i havent seen any results

can some one tell me what supplements or protein i can buy to help my progress?

cell tech
thanks..... i was also wondering about jack3d, does it really get you pumped?
Originally Posted by maicolkickhead

Originally Posted by Money Making A

Originally Posted by maicolkickhead

nike talkers i need help....

so ive been working out for about 6 months and i havent seen any results

can some one tell me what supplements or protein i can buy to help my progress?

cell tech
thanks..... i was also wondering about jack3d, does it really get you pumped?

pretty sure he was joking about the celltech
and dont waste your money, just eat A LOT of clean food

Whats a good substitute for a Standing Military press? Im lifting at 5x5 50kg.. but my form is ****e. I heard Upright Rows aren't good in the long run either.

Basically ive been doing a compound workout for the last 6months:

A: Squats, BB Bench, Rows, Push Ups, Abs
B: Squats, BB Standing Military, Deadlift, Chin/Pull ups, Abs.

Repeat 3x a week.

I feel like I dont workout out enough though, prehaps I should do a set of DB inc press (A), and perhaps some shrugs and seated rows on workout B..

I love the Squat - dont want to change that. I love the rows, theres BB, DB and some machines which im beginning to switch it up to work out my back/lats - I love that - I wont get bored, but for me its a matter of increasing the weight and getting progess rather than confusing the body primarily with different exercises?

But yeah Shoulders are a bit lack I feel, I am beginning to hate the BB Military press - is there similar susbtitute that I can utilise for a month or so?

And as for ABS and cockiness lol.. each to their own, I am training for Basketball so I sort of hope I would get that 10% look, but Im not too fussed either because I know the compounds + diet should take care of it. Besides I see it as an indication that the man is 'dedicated' to his work!!!!
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Al Audi

edit: caff def gives you mental alertness, durden you agree with that, no? i mean mental alertness also equals more motivation in the gym also so it can have an awesome placebo effect if not effect performance wise.......but if you think about it it gives ppl better performance. did i make sense?

Oh yeah, I def. agree with that.  It DEF. has cognitive effects.  Theres no doubt about that.  Im not sure if it equals more motivation though.  People respond differently to it though.  Some people are focused, some people get jittery and cant concentrate.  Hell, some people are able to concentrate better.  Does that equal better performance though?

Lets say I do a 200 lb squat. Now suppose I take X mg of caffeine and do a 205 or 210 squat.  Is it the caffeine that caused the increase?  Is it my ability to focus?  Is it nutrition related, or did I physically adapt to the stressors and am now able to lift more.

You did make sense, but a lot of things equal better performance.  Good nutrition means better performance.  Same with rest, any form of motivation, muscle adaptation, etc.

Theres a benefit to caffeine, but from everything ive read its not physiological.  So yes, caffeine will mean better performance in those who respond to it, but it isnt a physiological effect.
 links i posted say otherwise 

as for cellucor products i know they are very $$.....and ive never seen em in person,  only online. cool bottles.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

well said.........

i for one dont like stims like that........ive used them in the past, even then id use them on certain days.

think ill try cellucor N0 extreme maybe..........thats more along the lines for my goals instead of m5 extreme.

anyone try it?
m5 is a joke. dont buy that trash

wait till the 14th and get their C4, i read and heard some good things about it, i was gonna try it till i found out it has 1,3 d in it, o well

their no extreme will further lean u out, i like it very much beta alanine tingles are crazy for first 20 mins lol

the p6 is pretty nice as well
Durden, you seem to preoccupy yourself on matters of causation a whole lot. I think maybe I'll provide some quick and dirty simplification.

I would guess you and everyone else intuit this already, but here it goes one more time.

Some things have a bunch of different causes (cancer, for instance).
Different things can cause the same thing (smoking, radiation, etc.-->cancer)

Put clearly, some things can sufficiently cause certain things (caffeine can lead to better work outs), but might not be necessary for causing those things (good diet can lead to better work outs, without caffeine).

Moreover certain things might be ultimately responsible (caffeine leading to better workouts), but not immediately responsible (person's capacity to focus actually being responsible for better work out).

It's just a matter of recognizing immediate and ultimate causes and understanding that one should either credit one thing (person's own ability) or everything (everything that has contributed in one way or another to person's ability).
Here's my dilemma/problem. Its my daily schedule. Im up at 3:50 - 4am driving at 430 and at work by 6:20 (thats after stops) i then work from usually 6:30am until 6:30pm. Then i pick up wife n kids and head home around 7:30 and get home around 8:20 %#! based on traffic it could be later. Where in the hell do i get a workout in and try to get adequate amounts of rest?? I live in Riverside, CA but work in West LA. Now there is days that i stay overnight in LA and when i do the plan is to just get up and be at the gym by 4:15am.

Also i have bought jack3d and havent touched it yet reason being i dont know when to take it because i dont want to take it and still be up late into the night. Is there any suggestion. Before i made the move to riverside i was doing great and going normally before work and got down from 195 to 174. since then I was involved in a car accident that sidelined me for 2 months and i since then gain all my weight back.

Seeing thos pics that illest posted is motivation for me (no +*+@ lol) Im built like he was just shorter most likely and a bigger stomach. I really want to get back to being in shape and confident.

All comments and suggestions welcomed. I need to figure this out
Attention: The best workout you could possibly get next time late at night would probably be at the club or at a party. I only danced with a few girls and my $$!!@+ quads are killin me.....But it has been a longggg time since such a night like this. Looks like I'ma skip legs this week 
Originally Posted by Fog Raw

I swear, all of them munchies from blazing will be the death of me 

I feel like that at colllege too. I've just been surrounding myself with healthy food... munching on fruits/vegetables/cold cuts doesn't hurt you too bad, can even help if you're trying to gain weight.
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