Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

ive been getting like no cardio in my life lately

yea i gotta stop bein lazy with that this year. for real.
Cardio is cool if your main purpose for going to the gym is to stare at the lingerie model pump out that stair master for an hour.
Unless... you know... you are concerned with heart health 

I love these women
I absolutely hate cardio but HAVE to do it. I usually hit the treadmill for 30-40 min after lifting. Set it for a 15% incline and 3.5mph

Also, for the person asking about Oxy Elite Pro, it definitely works. One of the "best" fat burners I've ever used in regards to the end result. While taking it however I was sweaty (more than normal for any kind of thermogenic I've taken in the past), EXTREMELY irritable, and had no appetite. I switched to Recreate which is another USP labs fat burner that has MUCH less stimulants and this one IS stackable. I'll let you know how it works, but I've read a lot of good things about it
It's all dextrose. It always has been. We've been living a lie. Wouldn't that be the ultimate troll move? At least you tried, Durden.

Anyway, club29 is back to job to all your candy...dextrasses.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Anyway, club29 is back to job to all your candy...dextrasses.

Both of you in the wrestling thread. Now!

BTW all this supp talk got me going again. Just picked up 1MR. Damn you guys..
Originally Posted by wanksta23

nice results club

have you posted your diet/workout plan on here?
I do alot of circuit training/MMA specific training to mimic rounds in a fight.

Lots of anaerobic cardio/running as well

but i still do work with weights 2-3 days a week

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Anyway, club29 is back to job to all your candy...dextrasses.

Both of you in the wrestling thread. Now!

BTW all this supp talk got me going again. Just picked up 1MR. Damn you guys..
That stuff was TOO much for me
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wanksta23 you guys do ab workouts EVERYDAY?
i always do every other day and im sure i can do everyday but im guessing i need to let them recover

I try to do some ab exercises 2 or 3 times a week, but in reality it becomes 2 or 3 times every 2 weeks.  I HATE ab exercises.  Like I hate them with a passion.

I am perfectly content with not having sculpted abs and an incredibly low bf%.  I see no/have no reason for it.

i have always had great abs if i do say so myself despite rarely doing direct ab work. i do some now just because it's probably good for my body in general but again not frequently......1or 2 x a week. they also are very boring and feel bad.
but how can you see no reason for having visible abs????? one of the main aspects of one's physique. shredded is the key word for 2011.
For me personally I dont have a reason to have sculpted abs.  I have no desire to be shredded or maintain a low bf%.  Now granted my bf% is below the average male (8.5% as of a month ago so its anywhere from there to 10 or 11%) but I dont see a need to be "shredded".  Thats never appealed to me.  I can see why people would want to be like that but for me its not necessary.  I need the extra weight for sports.  I'd also like to put on a few more lbs.

I do think everyone should have a strong core so I do see a need for that, but as far as being sculpted its not as necessary.
I agree with this, I actually dislike having super sculpted abs. I want/need ab strength because it helps my vertical jump, bit I don't really wanna look super duper ripped. For some reason I associate it with douchiness. I know that may sound dumb, but whatever. 
Originally Posted by Smedroc

NT Lifters who do a majority of compound work (Tevez and nealraj i think??)

what does your routine generally look like over a week period??
My routine is pretty basic. Either I'll lift 3x or 4x a week.

3 day split (every other day)...
Day 1: Two chest exercises, pull-ups, squats + another quad exercise
Day 2: Two shoulder exercises, barbell rows, Deadlifts + another leg exercise
Day 3: Same as Day 1

4 day split:
Day 1: Two chest exercises + chin ups + squats
Day 2: 2 shoulder exercises + Pull-ups + Deadlifts
Day 3: Same as day 1
Day 4: Same as day 2 except maybe switch pull-ups for barbell rows

Basically I just stick to the popular lifts...

Chest: Barbell Bench and incline bench, DB Bench and incline bench, dips (weighted sometimes), push-ups

Shoulders: Seated military, standing military, seated dumbell, seated arnold press, power cleans

Back: BB rows, DB rows, pull-ups, chin-ups + I'll throw in lat pulldowns and cable rows

Legs: Squats, DLs, power cleans, kettle bells, pylometrics, + I'll throw in lunges and leg press

I am happy with this program and I rarely do isolation lifts (except for shoulders) but I stick with this kind of routine because it keeps things interesting for me. My advice is to listen to your body and follow a routine in line with your schedule, interests and goals. If you enjoy doing body part splits then all the power to you. If you want certain "beach muscles" to stand out then follow a routine specific to those goals. For the most part though I think a compound-oriented routine will address most goals.
I like 1MR way better than jack3d. The effects are much more intense and the crash is a lot worse but I work out at night so I'll just go to sleep when I crash...
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I agree with this, I actually dislike having super sculpted abs. I want/need ab strength because it helps my vertical jump, bit I don't really wanna look super duper ripped. For some reason I associate it with douchiness. I know that may sound dumb, but whatever. 
I didnt want to say it, but I appreciate you saying it. 

I dont know if "douchiness" is the word i would use, but there is an association there.  I just havent found the right word for it.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I agree with this, I actually dislike having super sculpted abs. I want/need ab strength because it helps my vertical jump, bit I don't really wanna look super duper ripped. For some reason I associate it with douchiness. I know that may sound dumb, but whatever. 
I didnt want to say it, but I appreciate you saying it. 

I dont know if "douchiness" is the word i would use, but there is an association there.  I just havent found the right word for it.
Yeah... it's probably "situational" anyways 
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I agree with this, I actually dislike having super sculpted abs. I want/need ab strength because it helps my vertical jump, bit I don't really wanna look super duper ripped. For some reason I associate it with douchiness. I know that may sound dumb, but whatever. 
I didnt want to say it, but I appreciate you saying it. 

I dont know if "douchiness" is the word i would use, but there is an association there.  I just havent found the right word for it.
honestly i think it looks awesome, really sets you apart from the avg 10-12% bf gym goers. it's a whole nother realm.
It's because a large majority of guys with low BMR also have low IQ

A normal, honest, humble man isn't able to live anymore - jersey shore has ruined that
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I agree with this, I actually dislike having super sculpted abs. I want/need ab strength because it helps my vertical jump, bit I don't really wanna look super duper ripped. For some reason I associate it with douchiness. I know that may sound dumb, but whatever. 
I didnt want to say it, but I appreciate you saying it. 

I dont know if "douchiness" is the word i would use, but there is an association there.  I just havent found the right word for it.
honestly i think it looks awesome, really sets you apart from the avg 10-12% bf gym goers. it's a whole nother realm.
to have ripped sculpted abs you gotta kinda be a narcissistic person an i have no shame in sayin so
its true......bodybuilding is full of it

durden i look at you as more of someone who trains for atheltism

while i do care for overall health, core and power i would say i def care for a certain look........if that makes me a douche so be it

if you wanna jump like jordan in his prime do you, if one wants look like a CK model thats their choice

either way, they both require training we all train for a different purpose.

i think both sides can come off got your fitness models, your cross fit douche bags who runnin around the gym thinkin their elite doin (#&$# monkeys do in the jungle, then you have you huge power lifter douche bags who think their the #(&$# cuz they bench 400 an are as big as fridge an look down on dudes like me who are ripped up and veiny.

o yea i hate those cross fit 5 finger wearin guys who swear they are olympic athletes in the gym too, biggest d bags of all........

j/k but yea you got my point. d bag can go for all catergories in the gym
@%#% i typed up a long response and its gone
long story short i agree and everyone is some what narcissistic it just shows more with people training for appearance since they look the best and their progress is measured in the mirror, so to speak.

like if i were to flex my arms in the mirror when doin an arms workout i might look like a douche, but a powerlifter checking his progress by doing a 1rm squat wouldn't come across that way.

in either case if i saw someone doing it i wouldnt care, i feel like the most judgemental people in these scenarios are those who are insecure themselves. if i was a fat slob i bet i would be too. haters gonna hate.
1MR is crazy, I am usually extremely lethargic in the gym until I warm up but I drank this today for the first time and went crazy as soon as I stepped in. Also had crazy focus and this was on 1/4th of a dose. To compare, I get similar intensity drinking 3 scoops of jack3d. I'm 6'5 225
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

I work chest/abs, back/shoulders, and bis/tris....somebody told me that's it?
Do you train your legs?

It's not "bad" per se, but depending on your lifting status(novice, intermediate, advanced), you may be able to make better gains through other routines.
I work legs every other day just about....Days i don't do cardio of course
BPI 1MR has 300mg of caff in it................

thats why the work out is so intense an also why you crash off it

ive never used the product but ppl become dependent on caff to work out.
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