Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Man, I cant help but shudder at the thought of the amount of money supplement companies make off of weight gainers each year. They've actually misled people into believing that taking "weight gainers" will help you gain weight more quickly than actually *gasp* eating real food.
is there a current 10% code for

i searched google didnt find anything unless i just missed it. aren't these codes usually year-round? or at least everytime i order there is...
Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

I know some of us don't frequent this thread but I see no reason for some of you to act like snobs toward us. I was in the gym hard like 2yrs ago but got laid off and gained like 17lbs. I never really had a workout partner and really just did regular bench press, ab work, leg work, etc. Nothing fancy like some of you guys are talking. I'm basically just looking for beginner pointers like how to tone up, what vitamins/supplements to start with, and how you guy's diets work. Any help would be appreciated. I'm 6'3 217. I use to fluctuate between 195-205. I'm basically shaped like Illest was in those before pics except with a slimmer build. Thanks

To tone up, lift lighter weight with more reps (should still be challenging yourself). As for vitamins, I would suggest a multi-vitamin, I get mine from costco. As for supplements, I was on a whey protein blend for about 4-6 months(from costco as well). A lot of people like to use ON Whey protein but I favored a whey blend instead.

For your diet, you have to work on it. It's not going to change overnight completely but try to eliminate one bad item at a time. E.G. first week cut out soda and juice and opt for strictly water, second or third week cut out fast food, etc etc. By tweaking your diet little by little, you are able to adapt to it as opposed to making a dramtic diet change over night, to only grow tired of it after a few weeks.

Cardio is also beneficial too.
I saw someone asking for a routine so I thought I'd share.  I like doing a 5 day split with 2 days of rest in between the week.  Like so:


Each day do 4-5 different exercises for ~3-4 sets per exercise.  Each exercise ranging between ~8-12 reps.

4 sets Incline Dumbbell or Barbell Benchpress
4 sets Flat DB or BB Benchpress
3 sets of dips
3 sets of weighted DB or cable Flys

4 sets Body weight wide grip pull ups (until failure)
4 sets Bent over Barbell or DB row
5 sets Deadlift (5 reps per set) I usually start my back day off with these as they involve a lot of mental preparation
4 sets front pulldown (Lat pulldown)
3 sets Cable rows

4 sets Squats (6-10 reps)
4 sets leg extension
3 sets leg press
4 sets walking DB lunges
3 sets leg curl
4 sets calf raises

4 sets DB press or Military Press
4 sets DB front raise
4 sets DB side raise
6 sets DB or BB Shrugs

Arms ~ Biceps
3 sets BB curl
3 sets DB Hammer Curl
4 sets closegrip pullups

Arms ~ Triceps
4 sets skullcrushers
4 sets DB extension
4 sets cable pushdown

I try to do ab work every other day or whenever they're not sore anymore.  As Audi said, squats and deadlifts are incredibly important.  This is nowhere near perfect but I saw vast improvements in my overall fitness and life when I started lifting weights and using this routine. 

I feel too many people today focus on the most minute details while neglecting the most important..  Lift heavy weights and push yourself to be better, eat like a growing human being should eat (~4k calories or so a day) of wholesome nutritious food and you will see the results you want.  You get out what you put into it.

With that said, I hope everyone has the drive and ambition to get where they want this year.  If you have a goal, you can reach it.  Happy new years. 
who can help put a diet together for me. my weight fluctuates alot. right now im 6'1'' weighing 250. im trying to drop 30 pounds withing the next couple months. I drop weight easily. btw im on a college meal plan
When trying to lose weight, would you guys suggest I drink gatorade or just water?

I'll be doing a lot of cardio.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

When trying to lose weight, would you guys suggest I drink gatorade or just water?

I'll be doing a lot of cardio.

I'd say water. There is alot of sugar in gatorade.   
Originally Posted by Luong1209

^ Yea, I'm pretty aware of that...Which is why I might dilute it 

That would be a better option. I guess it's just me but even when I play ball for like 2-3 hours straight, gatorade or water dosen't make a difference to me.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Going to get my diet right for about 2 weeks, then hit the gym.
I was going hard in the gym and making good progress, but I fell off after I cam from Cali 

Maintaining the diet was the hardest part for me. I just copped a rice cooker and a foreman grill, hopefully I can stay on track.

daytona what brand rice cooker you got? is it also just an overall steamer like that you can use for veggies?

ive been interested in one of these for a while , dont know which brand to go with
Go with Zojirushi

Heres the one I have, works pretty well:
Hyper - I took Beta Alanine for 2.5 months and honestly I didnt notice a significant effect.  My opinion still stands.  
beta alanine creatine etc honestly dont do enough for me to notice, which means they do VERY little

only things i notice are stimulants, which get me !@+%!*% amped in the gym and make me push myself 110%

and of course i take whey due to convenience
Back to the gym today after about a 1 1/2 week hiatus because of the holidays and NYC snow, and partly being lazy
Originally Posted by bkmac

Back to the gym today after about a 1 1/2 week hiatus because of the holidays and NYC snow, and partly being lazy
Conquer the weight room young grass hopper
Originally Posted by D723

I saw someone asking for a routine so I thought I'd share.  I like doing a 5 day split with 2 days of rest in between the week.  Like so:


Each day do 4-5 different exercises for ~3-4 sets per exercise.  Each exercise ranging between ~8-12 reps.

4 sets Incline Dumbbell or Barbell Benchpress
4 sets Flat DB or BB Benchpress
3 sets of dips
3 sets of weighted DB or cable Flys

4 sets Body weight wide grip pull ups (until failure)
4 sets Bent over Barbell or DB row
5 sets Deadlift (5 reps per set) I usually start my back day off with these as they involve a lot of mental preparation
4 sets front pulldown (Lat pulldown)
3 sets Cable rows

4 sets Squats (6-10 reps)
4 sets leg extension
3 sets leg press
4 sets walking DB lunges
3 sets leg curl
4 sets calf raises

4 sets DB press or Military Press
4 sets DB front raise
4 sets DB side raise
6 sets DB or BB Shrugs

Arms ~ Biceps
3 sets BB curl
3 sets DB Hammer Curl
4 sets closegrip pullups

Arms ~ Triceps
4 sets skullcrushers
4 sets DB extension
4 sets cable pushdown

I try to do ab work every other day or whenever they're not sore anymore.  As Audi said, squats and deadlifts are incredibly important.  This is nowhere near perfect but I saw vast improvements in my overall fitness and life when I started lifting weights and using this routine. 

I feel too many people today focus on the most minute details while neglecting the most important..  Lift heavy weights and push yourself to be better, eat like a growing human being should eat (~4k calories or so a day) of wholesome nutritious food and you will see the results you want.  You get out what you put into it.

With that said, I hope everyone has the drive and ambition to get where they want this year.  If you have a goal, you can reach it.  Happy new years. 

How much time is taken out per day for this kind of routine?  I work and go to school full time, I need a routine that is short and powerful perhaps. 

I know things will take time considering my schedule, but I definitely want to gain 20 lbs by summer ... I'm 6 ft 6 maybe 190+ maybeeee ..

after a month long of no working out, what do you guys normally do, the first day you go back into working out? do you just go on with the same routine? or do you guys do some "refresher", you know, like taking it easy at first lifting lighter weights during the first week?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Weight: 185lbs. (173)
Bench: 225x5 (185x5)
Squat: 225x5 (225x1) - I hate doing squats
25 pullups (10)
Deadlift: 405 (325)
Military Press 185 (135)

dam man... you made progress. i remember back in april or so we had similar numbers, similar build, etc. and also similar goals. but i slacked off and you did work. im back at it now... just got hard with working 2 jobs over the summer... + starting school at duke.
props though, props 
Appreciate the pointers guys. I already try to watch my diet but I do have to cut ginger ale and juice down a bit. I don't do dark sodas or pork and I cook with low fat intake in mind. I'll let you guys know how my progress goes in a month or so..
really you should cut out all sugary drinks. the color of the soda or juice makes no difference. all of it is bad for you.

and dont worry as much about fat. in fact as long as you don't go overboard both saturated and unsaturated fats are good for you. worry about bad carbs (wheat flour, sugars, etc.), processed meats, and a lack of fruits and vegetables
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Club29

Outside of sex and humiliating someone during a sparring session, Squats make me feel the most manly

I feel mad awkward. I've read endless articles to help my form but I still don't feel comfortable.
I HAVE only been doing em for about 10 months though..

Dead lifts make me feel like man


why cant i seem to ever, ever get an ab workout in?  My bf% is naturally around 10%, ectomorph for the win, so my abs are seen even if i dont work on em, but they arent as defined as i would like them to be.  A downside of being an ectomorph is not being able to gain weight.

i went from being 6'5, 175 as a senior in highschool, to working my @+% off to 205 by the beginning of my sophomore year in college.  Stopped lifting for a couple months due to a extinuating circumstance, and fell back to 195.  Been in the gym now for about 3-4 months hard and still around 195-198.  However my strength has gone up dramatically, Im still not seeing the 'weight' gains that I had before.

I've used oxy elite pro, but like i've said before, i stopped taking them because it (if this sounds wierd,idk) made my heart skip, or just feel funny. After that i just stopped usage completely. I would recommend only using 1 in the morning, or whenever you are not active; why? because you will sweat like a damn pig justby sitting.

Other then the heart issue (like thats no big deal
), the pill is a damn near worth every buck. You are going to have to remember to eat, because your appetite just disappears, and i wouldn't stack it, that's dumb. It is already a stack in itself, it's ephedrine with caffeine and a couple other ingredients. Of course a self-made EC stack would be better, but idk where you can buy the stuff(Ephedrine) in US.

A goal of mine would just be to hit 180 with 10-17% bf, probably not this year but early next year. I usually hover around 160. Bench/squat/dl/etc i don't really care for that much, maybe DL but meh, it'll all go up with my weight, slowly but surely.
So I just uploaded a recent pic of me finally back in fight shape.

Ill put it in a spoiler since im in my boxers (no H)

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