Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

So what are y'all fitness goals for 2011? I thought it'd be cool for us to list then and then revisit them later in the year...

-get to 8% BF (I am about 3-4% away from this so maybe 1-2 months to get there)
-Rep 225 x 10 (I'm at 225 x4 now)
-Gain 10 pounds of muscle by the end of the year
-finish the year at 8% BF

Modest goals with slow and gradual progress in mind. Should be a good year
Goals: (current)

1 x BW SOHP (.85)
1.5 x BW Bench (1.1~)
2 x BW Squat (1.5)
2.5 x BW DL (1.7)
My goals:

- 315 x 5 deep squat.
- 365 x 5 deadlift.
- 250 x 10 bench.
- Get my weight up to a solid 220. Am at 205 or so now.
- Maintain ab definition throughout weight gain. Not sure what my bf% is but I'd guess around 10 or so and I'm OK with that.
- Put on a couple of inches on my arms and especially my legs.
I went to the gym NYE. Partied HARD that very same night. Word of advice. Never drink vodka, tequila, rum and whiskey in the same night. I felt like I was going to die.

Yesterday was a wasted day, since I didn't eat enough and drink enough water. MUST REGAIN EVERYTHING TODAY.
can you guys recomend any good weekly diets for someone who is trying to cut back mass weight and build body fat into muscle mass? mostly my stomach is where i need most work on and any good work out plans too. need to get it in for 2011
A few goals:

405 lb Deadlift
315 lb Back Squat
+BW Weighted Dips
One Arm Chin Up
Human Flag
Straddle Planche
Full Front Lever Pull Ups
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

My goals:

- 315 x 5 deep squat.
- 365 x 5 deadlift.
- 250 x 10 bench.
- Get my weight up to a solid 220. Am at 205 or so now.
- Maintain ab definition throughout weight gain. Not sure what my bf% is but I'd guess around 10 or so and I'm OK with that.
- Put on a couple of inches on my arms and especially my legs.
Are you taking weight gainer or protein? What's everyone's thoughts on a weight gainer supplement vs. Whey? Is the weight gainer worth it?

I'm asking because I'm looking to put on a few pounds by March.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

I went to the gym NYE. Partied HARD that very same night. Word of advice. Never drink vodka, tequila, rum and whiskey in the same night. I felt like I was going to die.

Yesterday was a wasted day, since I didn't eat enough and drink enough water. MUST REGAIN EVERYTHING TODAY.
I believe all 4 of those drinks are used to make Captain Morgan's Long island iced tea. Tastes amazing though...
Originally Posted by needsomejays

anybody know some good filling foods to eat on days when I go low carb?

Veggies, whole eggs, egg whites, fish, etc.

I dont recommend whey protein on low carb days because it isnt very satisfying and you'll be hungry 5 minutes later.
Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

My goals:

- 315 x 5 deep squat.
- 365 x 5 deadlift.
- 250 x 10 bench.
- Get my weight up to a solid 220. Am at 205 or so now.
- Maintain ab definition throughout weight gain. Not sure what my bf% is but I'd guess around 10 or so and I'm OK with that.
- Put on a couple of inches on my arms and especially my legs.
Are you taking weight gainer or protein? What's everyone's thoughts on a weight gainer supplement vs. Whey? Is the weight gainer worth it?

I'm asking because I'm looking to put on a few pounds by March.
Protein, but not weight gainer. I only took weight gainer once, in high school, and I remember it being a pain in the %%% to drink and just generally unpleasant. I much prefer protein + lots of clean foods like rice, chicken, steak, pasta, fruit etc. Not sure if weight gainer is "bad" or unhealthy for any reason, I just didn't like the process of drinking it. 
What's up guys?

I'm about 5'9" and 140 pounds (yes I'm super skinny). I've been looking to just generally get bigger. I have a fast metabolism so it's pretty hard for me to gain weight. This semester I'm looking to go to the gym all the time as part of my schedule. Any tips and workout routines? What supplements and specific brands?

I'm looking to gain lean weight. I'm trying to get my upper body bigger. I want that V shape lol

Thanks guys!
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Has anyone taken Oxy Elite Pro?

stack it with leanxtreme
nah just take eca or take oxy elite pro by itself imo
doesnt lean xtreme have some sketchy amphetamine analog? they got in trouble for that a while back
Originally Posted by af1 1982

What's up guys?

I'm about 5'9" and 140 pounds (yes I'm super skinny). I've been looking to just generally get bigger. I have a fast metabolism so it's pretty hard for me to gain weight. This semester I'm looking to go to the gym all the time as part of my schedule. Any tips and workout routines? What supplements and specific brands?

I'm looking to gain lean weight. I'm trying to get my upper body bigger. I want that V shape lol

Thanks guys!
Eat a LOT of food and lift big. 
Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by af1 1982

What's up guys?

I'm about 5'9" and 140 pounds (yes I'm super skinny). I've been looking to just generally get bigger. I have a fast metabolism so it's pretty hard for me to gain weight. This semester I'm looking to go to the gym all the time as part of my schedule. Any tips and workout routines? What supplements and specific brands?

I'm looking to gain lean weight. I'm trying to get my upper body bigger. I want that V shape lol

Thanks guys!
Eat a LOT of food and lift big. 
I'm a big fan of USP Labs as far as supplements go. Jack3d is a great pre-workout no matter what your goal. Energy, focus, and a little added strength.

I also tried BPI's 1MR for PWO and like it but the caffeine was a little too much for me.

A good multi-vitamin, fish oil, and whey protein should also be staples in your supplementation. Here is what I take, I'm sure other NT'ers can help out in this department also...
Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Whey (Vanilla Ice Cream is my favorite because it mixes well with damn near everything when the powder itself gets boring) 

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men Multivitamin (these are a bit pricey compared to things like One a Day but didn't upset my stomach the way other Multis did)

GNC Triple Strength Fish Oil (also a bit pricey but pretty close to the prescription strength stuff my dad takes without the fishy burps)
Gonna start doing the Strong Lifts 5x5 workout tomorrow (monday) anyone on here have any success stories?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Has anyone taken Oxy Elite Pro?

stack it with leanxtreme
nah just take eca or take oxy elite pro by itself imo
doesnt lean xtreme have some sketchy amphetamine analog? they got in trouble for that a while back
no idea...i was reading about these supps in bb and they seemed to be pretty popular stacked together
sneakerking just do some research yourself to be sure
well if it no longer has the sketch chemical then its prob no good

honestly theyre all caffeine based with another stim sometimes thrown in. no need to stack a bunch of diff ones, buying one and taking a double dose should do the same thing more or less.

oxy elite pro has DMAA which is a good stim the one in jack3d, should burn off some pounds in conjunction with the caffeine in it and a deficit diet and exercise

id still recommend ec stack though, prob better and just as safe.
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