Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by wanksta23

^son how old are you?

keep it up though

You just been trolled.
Do y'all workout in the evening/night? If so what do you take for energy? If I take a caffeine pill and kill myself for 2 hrs I still feel like I wanna stick my **** in the world for the whole night. What has a short term boost?
i need to get my diet straight, i think im just gonna drink water, eat some chicken, and eat some oats and honey bars

im sure ill lose weight
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I fell off badly this semester..

Started school at ~154lbs, just weighed myself on monday and I am at 175lbs.. Truly embarrassed, all that hard work for no reason.. smh

But, I started hitting the gym hard since monday.. doing 30mins of cardio a day and weights.

Right now, I am using ON Whey and Jack3d..

Questions about Jack3d:

1. How exactly does it work? I honestly don't really feel a boost?

2. I start my workouts with a 30min cardio session, but on Jack3d it says not to do any activity until 30-40mins after you take your first dosage... am I wasting my Jack3d dosage on my cardio, or shall I do cardio then take Jack3d, then hit the weights?
Originally Posted by acekilla408

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I fell off badly this semester..

Started school at ~154lbs, just weighed myself on monday and I am at 175lbs.. Truly embarrassed, all that hard work for no reason.. smh

But, I started hitting the gym hard since monday.. doing 30mins of cardio a day and weights.

Right now, I am using ON Whey and Jack3d..

Questions about Jack3d:

1. How exactly does it work? I honestly don't really feel a boost?

2. I start my workouts with a 30min cardio session, but on Jack3d it says not to do any activity until 30-40mins after you take your first dosage... am I wasting my Jack3d dosage on my cardio, or shall I do cardio then take Jack3d, then hit the weights?

30-40 min is a general time that it takes to work for most people. The 2 main ingredients in Jack3d that you'll feel are the caffeine and 1,3 Dimethylamylamine which are gonna be the main components of the energy and focus you'll feel.

Your biggest problem right now is the length of your cardio routine. You don't wanna fatigue your body before you even start lifting. Warm-up at low intensity for 5-10 minutes to get your blood flowing and then lift. After you lift, do your cardio. That could be a big reason you aren't feeling the boost. Also, how many scoops are you taking?

I always take my PWO a little bit before I head out the door and can feel it kick in right about when I pull into the parking lot
I tested my max bench a few days ago...went up by 5 pounds despite losing 1 pound and not really focusing on strength training. My main strength goal for 2011 is to be able to rep 2-plates as many times as possible.

I started doing HIIT on the treadmill last week for the first time in about 5 years and it reminded me why I stopped doing it. After the HIIT portion of the session I stop the treadmill and crawl up into a ball into a corner and weep quietly to myself for about 10 minutes. I then go and finish off the session with some low intensity cardio and experience a mixture of heat flashes and cold sweats combined with burning and aching muscles and an uncontrollable heart rate. Makes me question the cardio routine that I had been following the past year or so (usually low intensity cardio while watching TV...aka "fat burning" mode). I'll see what kind of results I get from HIIT in a couple of weeks.
Originally Posted by itzbooranss

Seriously, what are some good ab and oblique exercises? i feel like that area is the only place I truly lack.

I'm about to go into carb cycling next week too.
Look up some gymnastics training moves. Hanging leg raises, side levers, human flag, front lever, L-sit, manna, straddle L, dragonflags, etc.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I tested my max bench a few days ago...went up by 5 pounds despite losing 1 pound and not really focusing on strength training. My main strength goal for 2011 is to be able to rep 2-plates as many times as possible.

I started doing HIIT on the treadmill last week for the first time in about 5 years and it reminded me why I stopped doing it. After the HIIT portion of the session I stop the treadmill and crawl up into a ball into a corner and weep quietly to myself for about 10 minutes. I then go and finish off the session with some low intensity cardio and experience a mixture of heat flashes and cold sweats combined with burning and aching muscles and an uncontrollable heart rate. Makes me question the cardio routine that I had been following the past year or so (usually low intensity cardio while watching TV...aka "fat burning" mode). I'll see what kind of results I get from HIIT in a couple of weeks.
I highly recommend giving the "Critical Bench" program a try.  I've been on a variation of it for about 2 months now and I went from 260x2 on November 8th to 290x2 on December 20th.  I'm hoping to hit 325x1 by the end of January.
The trick is reverse pyramiding. I see a lot of people come in to the gym, warm-up with 135 and go straight to try and rep 225.  This works if you're in the 400 rep range because its light weight, but for someone with a lower bench, bad idea.

My warm-up usually looks like this:




These warm-up sets are just to prepare my body for the heavier weight.  They are not intended to be my actual sets.

From there I wait 7-8 minutes and go for my heavy set (295x2 for next week).  Two minutes after this set, I drop it back down about 25-35 pounds and burn out 6-8 reps.

I would highly recommend using this formula as it's worked very well for myself and some of my friends.  I should have a video up in the next couple weeks of me hitting 315 at a body weight of 175-180lbs.

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

This is my first time posting here.

I am in my 6th week of the Insanity program and I've gotten amazing results.
I have a little over two weeks left on the program and have gone from 195 to 189.
Once this is over, I'm looking to add more mass with minimal weight gain.

Any suggestions on the most effective way to do this.
I was thinking of starting P90X immediately afterward. 
Good to hear, i am about to finish up week 2 of Insanity, should be finishing it on Feb 20th. Feb21st I got the P90X schedule all set up already

I am getting good results after only 2 weeks of Insanity and running 12 miles a week(3mi x 4 days/wk)
took before and after pics, will keep you guys posted come Feb.
2011 imma get back on my gym grind, also going to be vegan

so i was wondering what are some good protein shakes to drink before working out

those pics sputnik posted youre 17 in the first set of pics?


late bloomer...........

wait, in your now pics gotdamn least you goin hard in the gym your face looks YOUNG as hell though. wow............

edit: lol man i cant stop lookin at those pics no @!%!

the before pics youre 17? dude that looks like a grade school kid wow your face is a baby even at 19, your gonna get carded crazy when you turn 21

i assume youre in college geez, how is that goin for you?

edit: kinda question is that? kid has a gt-r

wait i missed your reponse before, geezus 16 in those pics thats insane. 16 and some change and now 19 lol wow....
Originally Posted by iLLest


my man, im glad you got back in shape! i remember those back and forth messages talking about getting back in shape last year!

looking at your youtube channel looks like you finished p90x, great job man
i just saw that those before pics were 2 summers ago

holy *@** i looked like that when i was maybe ..... 8?

no hate at all its just blowing my mind. awesome progress in terms of muscle mass, you had literally nothing on your frame and now youve filled out a lot. you def dont look 6' tall btw but w/e
ok so last time i posted here i said i hit a plateau and so i definitely broke that over christmas.........i pretty much overate during a 4 day period and gained like 5 temporary pounds but when i started goin to the gym again it went away in 3 days and then the next couple days pounds started to come off easily again

oh and ive tried experimenting on some weight loss techniques and eating those fiber one bars before going to sleep does wonders IMO, since you dont burn as much calories in sleep, the fiber slows down digestion and your metabolism is working while you sleep
Damn my gym was packed, at 9AM! Usually only 8-10people, there was like 30 today.

Iaintevenmadtho,jpeg...cardio bunnies were looking good ,never seen them before. I guess its their new year resolution, or something.

Carb cycling is the best, turkey burgers with mozzarella+american cheese and 0cal ketchup; then Sunday comes and have a carbup(+cheat meal). Bloat sucks %$+ but i can realistically follow this diet.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Diego - Depends on what your overall goals are.

But for general weight/fat loss:

1) Cut calories
2) Cardio

Again, those 2 bullet points come with so much more. You can look into macro intake (Protein/Carbs/Fat Ratios), go low carbs, do a 500 cal deficit...and much more.
You can try HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training: Basically anything that involves high amounts of work, followed by a rest period)
You can also try Steady State Cardio, long distance running, biking, etc.

My advice to you is to try out all methods, and see which of the methods your body reacts to the best.

Best of luck!

Appreciate the response bro.

Heres the thing, I get home from work and either my moms or wifey got a nice plate of food served for me when I get home. How would I go about counting carbs/calories in this type of meal? Ive done a lot of reading but this just seems so confusing from the start that I never really get into it.

Like I said before, Im a fairly thin dude about 5'10 maybe 165 lbs.
Ive been going to the gym on and off for some time now and I noticed that I have gotten a little bigger like but Id appreciate if I could get some cuts in there, especially if I could lose some fat in my stomach area.

Im aware of the whole burning more cals than I take in method, but how do I go about knowing how much is coming in? I guess it might be a stupid question to some of you who have been doing this for a while, but for someone trying to get started its a big first step to overcome.

I run for about 10 minutes everyday before lifting and stuff just to get the blood flowing, recently got a jump rope and started hitting that as another form of cardio.
Any of you see something Im obviously doing wrong? Should I just give it time?

Sorry for the long read bros.

I suggest you bulk up first then cut the fat. Anyways, when counting calories I use the livestrong calorie tracker on my iphone. is also an option if you dont have a smartphone. if i had that plate in front of me id input each dish and the portion size for each. itll give you a rough estimate of how many calories are in it.
Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I tested my max bench a few days ago...went up by 5 pounds despite losing 1 pound and not really focusing on strength training. My main strength goal for 2011 is to be able to rep 2-plates as many times as possible.

I started doing HIIT on the treadmill last week for the first time in about 5 years and it reminded me why I stopped doing it. After the HIIT portion of the session I stop the treadmill and crawl up into a ball into a corner and weep quietly to myself for about 10 minutes. I then go and finish off the session with some low intensity cardio and experience a mixture of heat flashes and cold sweats combined with burning and aching muscles and an uncontrollable heart rate. Makes me question the cardio routine that I had been following the past year or so (usually low intensity cardio while watching TV...aka "fat burning" mode). I'll see what kind of results I get from HIIT in a couple of weeks.
I highly recommend giving the "Critical Bench" program a try.  I've been on a variation of it for about 2 months now and I went from 260x2 on November 8th to 290x2 on December 20th.  I'm hoping to hit 325x1 by the end of January.
The trick is reverse pyramiding. I see a lot of people come in to the gym, warm-up with 135 and go straight to try and rep 225.  This works if you're in the 400 rep range because its light weight, but for someone with a lower bench, bad idea.

My warm-up usually looks like this:




These warm-up sets are just to prepare my body for the heavier weight.  They are not intended to be my actual sets.

From there I wait 7-8 minutes and go for my heavy set (295x2 for next week).  Two minutes after this set, I drop it back down about 25-35 pounds and burn out 6-8 reps.

I would highly recommend using this formula as it's worked very well for myself and some of my friends.  I should have a video up in the next couple weeks of me hitting 315 at a body weight of 175-180lbs.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll definitely take them into account when I start going for strength gains next month.

I rarely try maxing out (I've only done so about 4-5 times all year) but I usually warm up with just the bar and then gradually progress with 1 rep sets with about 2-3 minutes of rest in between. Here's what I did a few days ago when I tested my max...
-Bar x10 x2 sets
-155 x1
-185 x1
-205 x1
-225 x1
-235 x1
-Failed at 240

I did 225 x3 last month so I'm aiming to rep it easily sometime in the New Year. I dont care much about having beastly bench statistics but repping 2-plates at my size would be pretty awesome
Originally Posted by iLLest


On the real son, I haven't frequented this thread so I'm not caught up on what you did but I'm like how you were in that before pic and I need to know your program foreal!! Definitely joining the gym on Mon after New Years. Get at me..
Wow, I haven't been here in a loooong time.

Just wanted to know if the holidays has ruined anyone else's BF% like it has for me...?

It's okay though, put on some headphones with "Kush" on blast and I'm all ready to hit the iron hard.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

It's okay though, put on some headphones with "Kush" on blast and I'm all ready to hit the iron hard.
 thats the spirit
music pumps me up like no other, more than any preworkout.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Wow, I haven't been here in a loooong time.

Just wanted to know if the holidays has ruined anyone else's BF% like it has for me...?

It's okay though, put on some headphones with "Kush" on blast and I'm all ready to hit the iron hard.

It's just water weight bro 

After seven days of gym+alcohol binge+food binge+weed+pizza etc, felt real lethargic, unmotivated, fat, and flabby... fasted for 16 hours and ate a reduced amount of calories (really high protein, relative fat, lots of water) for ONE DAY... woke up the next day looking and feeling REALLY LEAN.

Audi, you really on this guy hey? 
 not everyone lookin like will smith 

markanthony, try drinking coffee, and do it earlier like an hour before your workout. or do coke.

I worked out with a gym partner, begrudgingly, for the first time in two years last night. Just happened to run into a friend at the and he INSISTED we worked out together... observations: working out without music brings the focus more. this may have been temporary, but it was almost like without the subconscious distraction of the music I could actually focus on the weights... and secondly, as I hit my eighth rep on my fourth set (DB incline press) he told me to do another, and gave me a 5% boost by pressing my elbows. did it again for the tenth rep. never pushed myself like that before because I was worried I'd fail and have a dumbbell in the face

anyways, get ready for the new year resolution gym cloggers these next couple of weeks 
Originally Posted by Sexy Beast from the East

Originally Posted by Zyzz

i need to get my diet straight, i think im just gonna drink water, eat some chicken, and eat some oats and honey bars

im sure ill lose weight

That aint gonna get you at "ZYZZ" status tho, son
not lookin for that right now brah, lookin to trim the fat on my stomach and start over
I been tryin to look through this thread to find the Washignton Huskies foot team meal and workout plan If anyone know wut page it is can u link me to it thx.
Originally Posted by Al Audi


those pics sputnik posted youre 17 in the first set of pics?


late bloomer...........

wait, in your now pics gotdamn least you goin hard in the gym your face looks YOUNG as hell though. wow............

edit: lol man i cant stop lookin at those pics no @!%!

the before pics youre 17? dude that looks like a grade school kid wow your face is a baby even at 19, your gonna get carded crazy when you turn 21

i assume youre in college geez, how is that goin for you?

edit: kinda question is that? kid has a gt-r

wait i missed your reponse before, geezus 16 in those pics thats insane. 16 and some change and now 19 lol wow....
lol ya im a sophomore in college. i know i look young as hell, i cant believe i pass for 21 with my friends id sometimes

btw im definately 6 feet tall lol iono why it doesnt look like i a

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