Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by NavyBoy24

^ I am well aware of that
, but also i kind of agree being the reason that i wouldnt always want to hit the gym each day for a specific body part. I would much rather have a full body workout that requires me to head to the gym 3-4 times a week..

Does anyone have or know websites that has it?

haha yeah, sorry for the overreaction, just trying to get my point across, that you can get same/or better results, with taking 3-4 lifting days a week, and resting and eating well on off days. 
Yea, guess i will go back to the full body workout phase.

speaking of posture anyone know any good stretches or exercises to correct posture? i know stretching hip flexors helps remedy the exaggerated lumbar curve many people get from spending too many hours sitting down. what about for other parts of the back/neck?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

speaking of posture anyone know any good stretches or exercises to correct posture? i know stretching hip flexors helps remedy the exaggerated lumbar curve many people get from spending too many hours sitting down. what about for other parts of the back/neck?
Check this out:
It was started by one of the CrossFit founders. There's loads of information on the site.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


except for the 4-pack.........perfection

ehh in terms of Olympia.. Delts too small ..quad sweep matter fact overall quad size, horrible back That chest still is the bizness tho I'd only put Ronnie Coleman and Johnny Jacksons chest above it.
 you mean in terms of 2010 olympia with 2010 drug regimines with truckloads of hgh, igf-1, igf-2, insulin, etc. which they didnt use back then..........and i agree i guess but apples to oranges you know? 
plus those builds look terrible imo. arnold's , to me, is actually something that would look good off the stage, although he's really at the upper limits of size  
no need to snap.. but from that era i really like Franco...alot of things were better then and in the 90's like posing etc...i agree with u tho no GH Gut...most BB's know sacrifice aesthetics to play the mass game. Who's your favorite right now? I really like Phil Heath and Roelly Winklaar
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I fell off badly this semester..

Started school at ~154lbs, just weighed myself on monday and I am at 175lbs.. Truly embarrassed, all that hard work for no reason.. smh

But, I started hitting the gym hard since monday.. doing 30mins of cardio a day and weights.

Right now, I am using ON Whey and Jack3d..

Questions about Jack3d:

1. How exactly does it work? I honestly don't really feel a boost?

2. I start my workouts with a 30min cardio session, but on Jack3d it says not to do any activity until 30-40mins after you take your first dosage... am I wasting my Jack3d dosage on my cardio, or shall I do cardio then take Jack3d, then hit the weights?
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


except for the 4-pack.........perfection

ehh in terms of Olympia.. Delts too small ..quad sweep matter fact overall quad size, horrible back That chest still is the bizness tho I'd only put Ronnie Coleman and Johnny Jacksons chest above it.
 you mean in terms of 2010 olympia with 2010 drug regimines with truckloads of hgh, igf-1, igf-2, insulin, etc. which they didnt use back then..........and i agree i guess but apples to oranges you know? 
plus those builds look terrible imo. arnold's , to me, is actually something that would look good off the stage, although he's really at the upper limits of size  
no need to snap.. but from that era i really like Franco...alot of things were better then and in the 90's like posing etc...i agree with u tho no GH Gut...most BB's know sacrifice aesthetics to play the mass game. Who's your favorite right now? I really like Phil Heath and Roelly Winklaar
what no i didnt mean to sound defensive, my bad. 

i think the current crop of bb'ers look like mutants 
 kai greene etc. like are you serious 
 i mean w/e it's just so far beyond what i think makes sense for a human to look like i dunno. i liked ronnie though, he somehow made it look good. out of all the current guys i like phil heath and dexter jackson. 

def more into the fitness model look though. lean and shredded > mass  

im trying to eventually end up at like 205 at 6' maybe 6-8% bf when its all said and done (next few yrs
illest, what was your exercise regimen and diet like?

You might want to look into doing empty stomach cardio to get rid of the love handles. Overall your progress is amazing though.
Seriously, what are some good ab and oblique exercises? i feel like that area is the only place I truly lack.

I'm about to go into carb cycling next week too.
Originally Posted by iLLest

My right side is VERY un proportional. (sp?) SMH.

My man, I'm mirin'.

I got two questions for you man. What did you do, and how did you do it..?
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I fell off badly this semester..

Started school at ~154lbs, just weighed myself on monday and I am at 175lbs.. Truly embarrassed, all that hard work for no reason.. smh

But, I started hitting the gym hard since monday.. doing 30mins of cardio a day and weights.

Right now, I am using ON Whey and Jack3d..

Questions about Jack3d:

1. How exactly does it work? I honestly don't really feel a boost?

2. I start my workouts with a 30min cardio session, but on Jack3d it says not to do any activity until 30-40mins after you take your first dosage... am I wasting my Jack3d dosage on my cardio, or shall I do cardio then take Jack3d, then hit the weights?
Forget the "feeling".. it's primarily psychological.
The point of it is the chemical mixture. Read the "blend" of ingredients. You've heard of these things.... caffeine, creatine, beta alanine, L-arganine, L-Glutamine.

Don't know exactly what chemicals are in it, but you get the idea. It helps you wake up and maximize performance for a short period of time. supposedly.

Prioritize your need for cardio/strength training first. Decide what you will need the most focus/energy on. Hint, it's weight lifting. For anyone, I'd say take your jack3d on your way to the gym. It needs "30 mins" to get into your bloodstream or whatever. once you start working out im sure it will kick in if you are only at 20 mins. not a serious issue. warm up, do weights, then do cardio. if you haven't killed yourself with the weights, you may have some energy for a cooldown run or something. Lifting weights is better than cardio anyways. Just take shorter breaks (or no breaks) between sets to keep that intensity up. 
that's pretty impressive! props my man.

i'm a lil down on myself. i haven't really been working out for aesthetic purposes anymore since i'm playing soccer in a league. i just been working on my cardio and workouts that'll help me me on the pitch...and man...i've really lost a lot of mass. I recentlly moved out too on my own too so i dont have momma dukes cooking for me anymore and i dont eat as well as i used to, so that may be playing a factor as well.

for instance...right now im wearing a polo where the sleeves were tight on me 4-5 months ago. now...not so much

joe i agree 100% with those opinions. That's even what I want in the end for my height 205-210 6-8%.
that really is the best build imo.....perfection in terms of looks and enough so that in clothes you still look big and youre as strong as youll ever need to be

illest nice progress that is what a cut should look like! only criticism would be your back. add some thickness to it and some mass on your lats . also legs maybe?
This is my first time posting here.

I am in my 6th week of the Insanity program and I've gotten amazing results.
I have a little over two weeks left on the program and have gone from 195 to 189.
Once this is over, I'm looking to add more mass with minimal weight gain.

Any suggestions on the most effective way to do this.
I was thinking of starting P90X immediately afterward. 
How would one go about losing fat in the stomach/love handle area?
Im a failry thin dude but this part is hard as hell.

I drink a lot less than I used to. Cut down on my meal portions.
Any help for a noob?

Baiscally just want to get cut up a lil.
Diego - Depends on what your overall goals are.

But for general weight/fat loss:

1) Cut calories
2) Cardio

Again, those 2 bullet points come with so much more. You can look into macro intake (Protein/Carbs/Fat Ratios), go low carbs, do a 500 cal deficit...and much more.
You can try HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training: Basically anything that involves high amounts of work, followed by a rest period)
You can also try Steady State Cardio, long distance running, biking, etc.

My advice to you is to try out all methods, and see which of the methods your body reacts to the best.

Best of luck!
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Diego - Depends on what your overall goals are.

But for general weight/fat loss:

1) Cut calories
2) Cardio

Again, those 2 bullet points come with so much more. You can look into macro intake (Protein/Carbs/Fat Ratios), go low carbs, do a 500 cal deficit...and much more.
You can try HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training: Basically anything that involves high amounts of work, followed by a rest period)
You can also try Steady State Cardio, long distance running, biking, etc.

My advice to you is to try out all methods, and see which of the methods your body reacts to the best.

Best of luck!

Appreciate the response bro.

Heres the thing, I get home from work and either my moms or wifey got a nice plate of food served for me when I get home. How would I go about counting carbs/calories in this type of meal? Ive done a lot of reading but this just seems so confusing from the start that I never really get into it.

Like I said before, Im a fairly thin dude about 5'10 maybe 165 lbs.
Ive been going to the gym on and off for some time now and I noticed that I have gotten a little bigger like but Id appreciate if I could get some cuts in there, especially if I could lose some fat in my stomach area.

Im aware of the whole burning more cals than I take in method, but how do I go about knowing how much is coming in? I guess it might be a stupid question to some of you who have been doing this for a while, but for someone trying to get started its a big first step to overcome.

I run for about 10 minutes everyday before lifting and stuff just to get the blood flowing, recently got a jump rope and started hitting that as another form of cardio.
Any of you see something Im obviously doing wrong? Should I just give it time?

Sorry for the long read bros.

With meals being prepared that way it is hard to know but you can use any calories counter like and for reference. The only place you might run into issue is did they add sugar, cook it in oil, add butter, how many servings did they use, and things like that. If you know it came out of a can or bag, the nutritional info is going to be on there, then it's just a matter of how much and multiply.

Best way to negate this is to obviously cook yourself or more whole foods, like just a plain baked potato you would readily know how many calories that is, and preportioned meat.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Diego - Depends on what your overall goals are.

But for general weight/fat loss:

1) Cut calories
2) Cardio

Again, those 2 bullet points come with so much more. You can look into macro intake (Protein/Carbs/Fat Ratios), go low carbs, do a 500 cal deficit...and much more.
You can try HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training: Basically anything that involves high amounts of work, followed by a rest period)
You can also try Steady State Cardio, long distance running, biking, etc.

My advice to you is to try out all methods, and see which of the methods your body reacts to the best.

Best of luck!

Appreciate the response bro.

Heres the thing, I get home from work and either my moms or wifey got a nice plate of food served for me when I get home. How would I go about counting carbs/calories in this type of meal? Ive done a lot of reading but this just seems so confusing from the start that I never really get into it.

Like I said before, Im a fairly thin dude about 5'10 maybe 165 lbs.
Ive been going to the gym on and off for some time now and I noticed that I have gotten a little bigger like but Id appreciate if I could get some cuts in there, especially if I could lose some fat in my stomach area.

Im aware of the whole burning more cals than I take in method, but how do I go about knowing how much is coming in? I guess it might be a stupid question to some of you who have been doing this for a while, but for someone trying to get started its a big first step to overcome.

I run for about 10 minutes everyday before lifting and stuff just to get the blood flowing, recently got a jump rope and started hitting that as another form of cardio.
Any of you see something Im obviously doing wrong? Should I just give it time?

Sorry for the long read bros.

In that case, you could portion that plate.

Say, eat only half of eat in that one sitting.  Not as precise as counting calories, but sure as hell works.  Somethin' that could work for you is to just eat less of what you were eating before.

ive been working out for about 2 years now. I havent taken protein but ive been on jacked for the last month. I really like it but the only bad side effects are that you sort of become dependent on it and i get mad and argue more often 

heres summer two years ago

oh i was an nt'er back then too, the yellow wristband was actually for a shoe release



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