Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Al Audi

 he brings up BPSE (body split epidemic) basically originated from bodybuilders/steroid users that many guys follow today
Old time bodybuilders didn't rely on body part splits. They focused on the big lifts. I'm talking about before bodybuilding's golden age(the 60's/70's)
Too much kipping in the video above. Weighted pull ups should be for strength. Kipping it doesn't help
Need help:
I am around 130 lbs and about 5 foot 6 inches. I wanna get bigger in the next couple months mainly just iwth biceps, triceps, shoulders, and chest. i workout around 3-4 times a week and bench around 135 lbs. I do a lot of shoulder curls, bicep curls, tricep extensions, pec workouts, and more.

What should I eat and I also have been doing the perfect pushup. Does that work? I do about 4 sets of that almost every other day if I dont workout.

Any tips?
need to take some pics soon L2L I wanna see your update as well... full horseshoe showing...veins runnin thru bi's and tri's,striated shoulders,veins in pelvis... feelsgoodman.
Originally Posted by Bballkingsrule

Need help:
I am around 130 lbs and about 5 foot 6 inches. I wanna get bigger in the next couple months mainly just iwth biceps, triceps, shoulders, and chest. i workout around 3-4 times a week and bench around 135 lbs. I do a lot of shoulder curls, bicep curls, tricep extensions, pec workouts, and more.

What should I eat and I also have been doing the perfect pushup. Does that work? I do about 4 sets of that almost every other day if I dont workout.

Any tips?
eat! i say this to so many ppl!!! u guys need to eat more if your workouts are intense!. eating is the beast way to build muscle and get stronger!

im telling u guys just eat!!!!!!!!

ppl just dont know that a good diet goes a long way, i promise +edit+
I even went to the gym on Christmas Eve. I know i cant be the only one in here
what would be some good foods that will easily help pack in Calories, thats the only thing thats preventing me from Putting on Weight that I im trying to get.
Basically, what are some good Calorie Dense foods?
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Al Audi

 he brings up BPSE (body split epidemic) basically originated from bodybuilders/steroid users that many guys follow today
Old time bodybuilders didn't rely on body part splits. They focused on the big lifts. I'm talking about before bodybuilding's golden age(the 60's/70's)
yes its true.
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

what would be some good foods that will easily help pack in Calories, thats the only thing thats preventing me from Putting on Weight that I im trying to get.
Basically, what are some good Calorie Dense foods?

Peanut Butter
Nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews, etc. *unsalted)

If you're feeling daring, eat burritos. I'm a picky eater so I just get carne asada/chicken, rice, and cheese.
Originally Posted by 23legacy45

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

what would be some good foods that will easily help pack in Calories, thats the only thing thats preventing me from Putting on Weight that I im trying to get.
Basically, what are some good Calorie Dense foods?

Peanut Butter
Nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews, etc. *unsalted)

If you're feeling daring, eat burritos. I'm a picky eater so I just get carne asada/chicken, rice, and cheese.

good looks, never been much of a Seafood guy, aside from Scallops. 
i get most of these already, excluding Peanut Butter. 

might just be a matter of not eating enough of those foods. 
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by 23legacy45

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

what would be some good foods that will easily help pack in Calories, thats the only thing thats preventing me from Putting on Weight that I im trying to get.
Basically, what are some good Calorie Dense foods?

Peanut Butter
Nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews, etc. *unsalted)

If you're feeling daring, eat burritos. I'm a picky eater so I just get carne asada/chicken, rice, and cheese.

good looks, never been much of a Seafood guy, aside from Scallops. 
i get most of these already, excluding Peanut Butter. 

might just be a matter of not eating enough of those foods. 
No problem. Forgot to mention cottage cheese. I tried eating it a year ago but it's too gross for me
Raisins, almonds, 12 grain bread,
fried chicken, bacon, sausage,

I want to be able to do more pullups and heavier pullups.. might have to have a specific day for pullups because they kill me. My sets x reps look like this
1st - 5 pullups with 35lbs
2nd -10 pullups
3rd - 7 pullups
4th - 5 pullups if I'm really pushing
then it's all assisted. SMH FEELSBADMAN
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Al Audi

 he brings up BPSE (body split epidemic) basically originated from bodybuilders/steroid users that many guys follow today
Old time bodybuilders didn't rely on body part splits. They focused on the big lifts. I'm talking about before bodybuilding's golden age(the 60's/70's)
Too much kipping in the video above. Weighted pull ups should be for strength. Kipping it doesn't help

body split epidemic is what?  and what is kipping if you dont mind me asking..?

To this day I still dont understand why 90% of people at the gym do body part splits. Unless you are an advanced lifter then body part splits likely isnt the best way of achieving your goals. If you want to gain weight, loss weight, improve health or improve athletic performance then isolating 1 muscle per day is not an efficient way of getting the job done.

I always see dudes at the gym that are rail thin that split up almost every muscle over the course of the you gonna be 130 pounds and having a day just for biceps + forearms and then focusing on just triceps and abs the next day?

Anyways, I dont really care but I feel a lot of people are misinformed about effective workout programs.
anyone hear about the 'spinach bodybuilding' ?
Spoiler [+]
At a time when professional athletes are getting booed for steroid use, spinach is in the news for its steroid-like ability to bulk up muscles. Lab tissue culture and animal studies showed that a plant steroid extracted from spinach increased muscle growth by 20%, and also enhanced rats' front limb strength by 10%. "Some may scoff at the notion that spinach, despite containing nutrients, builds muscles, but Popeye may have been on to something," says one of the study authors, Professor Mary Ann Lila, who holds the David H. Murdock Chair for Nutrition at North Carolina State University.

A caveat is that in order to replicate the effect in the study, you'd have to eat about 2.2 pounds (1kg) of spinach a day. We juiced that amount here at the Dole Nutrition Institute, and it yielded about 13 oz. (1 and 1/4 cups) of spinach juice; manageable, but still quite a mouthful. On the other hand, spinach is packed with so many other powerful nutrients and antioxidants -- not just the "phytosteroids" -- that even a few servings a week will offer a variety of health benefits. For example, research suggests spinach may help protect against cancers of the liver, lungs, ovaries, colon and prostate.

Another study suggested that this Superfood for Your Brain could help delay the onset of dementia later in life. Spinach is also a Superfood for Your Eyes, and could play a role in preventing age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in people over 60. Our own lab tests comparing spinach to wheatgrass juice, found that spinach juice has twice the chlorophyl, eight times the calcium, six times the magnesium, 10 times the potassium, 15 times the vitamin C and 43 times the vitamin A!

Durden, im still reading this book called "built for show" by nate green, i almost feel like its you talking.

things in here about training resemble things youve said

he brings up BPSE (body split epidemic) basically originated from bodybuilders/steroid users that many guys follow today
I guess ive got to check that out now.

A lot of the current workout techniques/habits/ways/etc. have formed from bodybuilding roots.  As ive said before, bodybuilding and science dont necessarily agree.  Bodybuilders are set in their ways and will believe things even if theres proof that they might not be right.  Now not all of them are like this, but as a whole its like this.

Old time bodybuilders didn't rely on body part splits. They focused onthe big lifts. I'm talking about before bodybuilding's golden age(the60's/70's)
You can tell based  upon their physiques too.

I even went to the gym on Christmas Eve. I know i cant be the only one in here

+1.  I actually think its one of the busiest days of the year there.

Anyways, I dont really care but I feel a lot of people are misinformed about effective workout programs.
Oh yeah.

I cant think of another profession/hobby/activity/group/etc. in which the participants are so ignorant about the subject matter.  Its crazy.
Wait, what's wrong with doing body slips?

I'm still a beginner (3 months in), but i've been doing body splits and i've gained 5 pounds so far. I dont follow any programs so to say, although i do have my own schedule.

I'm just looking to get stronger; I dont take any supplements/protein shakes, and yes, i understand that it'd take a lot longer for me to see results.

Can anyone drop some more info?
Originally Posted by BangDak

Wait, what's wrong with doing body slips?

I'm still a beginner (3 months in), but i've been doing body splits and i've gained 5 pounds so far. I dont follow any programs so to say, although i do have my own schedule.

I'm just looking to get stronger; I dont take any supplements/protein shakes, and yes, i understand that it'd take a lot longer for me to see results.

Can anyone drop some more info?
Well it appears that you want to gain muscle and get stronger as well. By focusing on compound lifts such as bench, squat, DL, military press, pull-ups, dips, rows, etc you will target the largest muscles in your body and work out multiple muscles at the same time. For instance, people think of military press as just a shoulder exercise but if you do it standing you're not only utilizing your shoulders but also your upper back, as well as your abs, lower back and legs to balance yourself. By doing compound lifts you recruit more muscles to complete the movements which is not only more efficient than body-split exercises, but recruiting more muscles allow you to push more weight...the more weight you push, the stronger you get. Since you are challenging your biggest muscles on a frequent basis, you will gain muscle as long as you eat enough and as you gain muscle you'll likely be able to push more weight. Compare this to isolation lifts or body split workouts where you are targeting just 1 muscle and not engaging other muscles which means you cant push more weight and strength gains will be slower.

Body split workouts are cool if you are advanced and have size on you and if you are more into bodybuilding. However, my problem with them is that most guys in the gym can be categorized as to either wanting to gain more muscle, wanting to lose fat, wanting to remain healthy or wanting to be better athletes. Focusing on multiple muscles each workout will help you achieve any of these 4 goals more effectively.

BTW, not taking supplements or protein shakes does not mean it'll take you longer to see results. As long as you eat relatively well and eat a balanced diet then your gains will be just as good (if not better) than dudes who take supplements. Supplements help but they are useless if your overall diet is imbalanced.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by BangDak

Wait, what's wrong with doing body slips?

I'm still a beginner (3 months in), but i've been doing body splits and i've gained 5 pounds so far. I dont follow any programs so to say, although i do have my own schedule.

I'm just looking to get stronger; I dont take any supplements/protein shakes, and yes, i understand that it'd take a lot longer for me to see results.

Can anyone drop some more info?
Well it appears that you want to gain muscle and get stronger as well. By focusing on compound lifts such as bench, squat, DL, military press, pull-ups, dips, rows, etc you will target the largest muscles in your body and work out multiple muscles at the same time. For instance, people think of military press as just a shoulder exercise but if you do it standing you're not only utilizing your shoulders but also your upper back, as well as your abs, lower back and legs to balance yourself. By doing compound lifts you recruit more muscles to complete the movements which is not only more efficient than body-split exercises, but recruiting more muscles allow you to push more weight...the more weight you push, the stronger you get. Since you are challenging your biggest muscles on a frequent basis, you will gain muscle as long as you eat enough and as you gain muscle you'll likely be able to push more weight. Compare this to isolation lifts or body split workouts where you are targeting just 1 muscle and not engaging other muscles which means you cant push more weight and strength gains will be slower.

Body split workouts are cool if you are advanced and have size on you and if you are more into bodybuilding. However, my problem with them is that most guys in the gym can be categorized as to either wanting to gain more muscle, wanting to lose fat, wanting to remain healthy or wanting to be better athletes. Focusing on multiple muscles each workout will help you achieve any of these 4 goals more effectively.

BTW, not taking supplements or protein shakes does not mean it'll take you longer to see results. As long as you eat relatively well and eat a balanced diet then your gains will be just as good (if not better) than dudes who take supplements. Supplements help but they are useless if your overall diet is imbalanced.


Pretty good summary there fellas..

Christmas and New Years = eat what, when and how i want
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

i wanna go to the gym but not in this weather

i cruised to the gym and back going like 50 in my range while everyone else was pussying out goin like 30
absolutely blasted my chest, felt like it was gonna explode, feels good. working out has never been as enjoyable as it has been for the last month. it's unreal, it's better than sex for me these days. every workout is 1.5 hrs of nonstop intensity. 
Originally Posted by 23legacy45

Originally Posted by BangDak

I even went to the gym on Christmas Eve. I know i cant be the only one in here
I did too. Would have gone today too if they weren't closed.
Same, played basketball and lifted. It was surprising rather full of people, I thought most would've been chilling but I guess they want to burn off some last calories before the meals.
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