Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by kicksnmusic

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

For anyone who seeks some sort of motivation or self discipline, I read an interesting fact.

Since humans are a product of habit it simply takes FIVE to get things really going.

5 healthy meals, 5 workouts, 5 whatever you want to start doing.
interesting. i tried googling but couldn't find it. if i have proof of this then I'll psyche myself into believing it. even if it's placebo effect.
"It's critical that you measure something. But that begets the question: to replace self-discipline, how often do you need to record things? In the experience of the brilliant Nike+ team, and in the experience of their users, more than 1.2 million runners who have tracked more than 130 million miles, that magic number is five.

If someone uploads only a couple of runs to the site, they might just be trying it out. But once they hit fives runes, they're massively more likely to keep running and uploading data. At five runs, they've gotten hooked on what their data tells them about themselves."

From the 4 Hour Body.

Not saying everything in this book is going to be concrete... it's just a theory, but I've utilized it in various aspects of my lifestyle and reaped the benefits. 
I'm afraid of holding small children and animals, as I may accidentally crush them with my fingers.
New Dead Lift: 360lbs
I've reduced the number of gym days to two per week.

It's really difficult to break the habit of 5+ days a week....but this is optimal for recovery and growth.

To anyone trying to gain weight, remember, going to the gym is only to switch on the growth switch. the rest of the work is done in the kitchen and any additional gym input over your minimum effective dose is counter productive
DLed 315 x 4 for 2 sets today @ 166 pounds. Came very close to passing out on the 2nd set. I finished, felt fine, went to go and take the plates off and felt a "whooshing" sensation in my head...I stumbled towards the seated calf raise machine and took a 2 minute breather. Feltgoodman
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by Al Audi

cellucor products are dumb expensive, im gonna pass.

Yeah but isnt the c4 25 dollars? Same or less then other good preworkouts
yea they basically are tryna dethrone jack3d

still 17 days for that

cellucor n0 extreme doesnt have creatine....i didnt want creatine, so i think imma mess with white flood again.
Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

So one thing I notice when I start to work out is I get hungry like every 2hrs! It almost makes you wanna overeat! Is it due to metabolism being sped up and what's a good way to battle that?
Originally Posted by Al Audi

cellucor products are dumb expensive, im gonna pass.

Go to Gnc and talk em down in price, I basically got a good deal since Gnc fry's to push it hard.Hows white flood? His many scoops u recommend? Plan on taking it next month
I'm finna go no carb for 30 days and murder me some P90X. This should get me through till I can get some bills eliminated so I can afford to join a gym. I've been takin notes on the suppliments though. thanks to the NT fam!
Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

Originally Posted by Al Audi

cellucor products are dumb expensive, im gonna pass.

Go to Gnc and talk em down in price, I basically got a good deal since Gnc fry's to push it hard.Hows white flood? His many scoops u recommend? Plan on taking it next month
i loved white flood............nice clean energy an def threw up some weight in the gym. i hit a pr on incline bench on it last time i took it.

i didnt like jack3d at all, it just made me sweat. goes to show how ya just gotta see things for yourself
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

white flood powder has a loooot of caffeine if i recall correctly. like 150 mg a scoop?

i dont think so....

1MR on the other hand has 300mg in 1 scoop.
Originally Posted by EMkicks

Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

So one thing I notice when I start to work out is I get hungry like every 2hrs! It almost makes you wanna overeat! Is it due to metabolism being sped up and what's a good way to battle that?

Eat almonds, fruits, or vegetables and drink water. Or you can have several other healthy snacks.
yeah 1mr is like for people who are immune to their current preworkout

i honestly didnt like it, more caffeine than jack3d but less focus, it felt kind of like drinking a large coffee (same amount of caffeine) with some arginine. nothing special for me.

white flood is good but it made me nauseous when i had it last. then again i used to feel sick with a lot of preworkouts, im less sensitive to them these days.

whats the best flavor, raspberry?
EC stack is actually supposed to be a great preworkout, kind of sounds interesting, kind of sounds like a bad idea.
Originally Posted by swooshdude

I'm finna go no carb for 30 days and murder me some P90X. This should get me through till I can get some bills eliminated so I can afford to join a gym. I've been takin notes on the suppliments though. thanks to the NT fam!
No carbs for 30 days? You are gonna die.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by swooshdude

I'm finna go no carb for 30 days and murder me some P90X. This should get me through till I can get some bills eliminated so I can afford to join a gym. I've been takin notes on the suppliments though. thanks to the NT fam!
No carbs for 30 days? You are gonna die.
you gon pass out trying to get up out the bed in the morning let alone work out.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by swooshdude

I'm finna go no carb for 30 days and murder me some P90X. This should get me through till I can get some bills eliminated so I can afford to join a gym. I've been takin notes on the suppliments though. thanks to the NT fam!
No carbs for 30 days? You are gonna die.
you gon pass out trying to get up out the bed in the morning let alone work out.

Stack for next monthWhite flood
Whey ISO
Reg staple supps
Purple wrath w/ extra citrulline malate, beta alanine and aakg

after shock or universal torrent got postworkout?

April stack cut stack

Alpha t or wutever
and a natty test booster dunno yet maybe tcf1 and sustain alpha to keep strength
Purple wrath with extra citrulline malate aakg and beta alanine
Also reg supps

Wut u giys think?
year ago i woulda been right there with you but now i kind of lol @ huge stacks of supps

thats gonna make what a 1% change max in the end results of your workouts?

not hating or trying to be a downer but outside of the staples supps are giant wastes of money and although im still natural i am kicking myself for not having done roids years ago

only supps worth a damn, no real side effects if taken carefully, only stupid social stigmas holding people back from using them

sorry for the rant and i totally respect people staying natty
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

year ago i woulda been right there with you but now i kind of lol @ huge stacks of supps

thats gonna make what a 1% change max in the end results of your workouts?

not hating or trying to be a downer but outside of tuseehe staples supps are giant wastes of money and although im still natural i am kicking myself for not having done roids years ago

only supps worth a damn, no real side effects if taken carefully, only stupid social stigmas holding people back from using them

sorry for the rant and i totally respect people staying natty

I rarely use supps, and I have work out for long periods of time without even staple supps Just real food.I just wanna try supps cause I haven't use any supps in such a long time maybe 8 months.
ok well those seem fine.....zma is worthless as are most natty test boosters unless youre like 40+

most id do is protein (whey and casein is fine if you want to get a fast and slow), creatine, an intra-workout w/bcaa's or hydrolyzed protein or whatever, a preworkout, a multivitamin, fish oil

so yeah purple wraath white flood all those are fine just dont expect too much
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