Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

...dude u stackin like needs to make sure your food intake is on were ur supplements are just that...supplementing...

...if your takin a nat. test booster...u really won't need pre/post boosts ...all of that is a lot of hype...look for foods that will give you the best results along with pre/post protein/carbs drinks...

...cause it's really about ur ur money cause healthy foods cost a grip...
Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

Thanks for zma. Input
Its my first time using those supps, got any recommendation?
whey protein- any 100% isolate is good
casein- any 100% micellar casein is good

creatine- any micronized creatine monohydrate is good

preworkout- jack3d is my fav and ive tried em all

intraworkout- intrabolic is still king as far as i know

happy to help bro.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

DLed 315 x 4 for 2 sets today @ 166 pounds. Came very close to passing out on the 2nd set. I finished, felt fine, went to go and take the plates off and felt a "whooshing" sensation in my head...I stumbled towards the seated calf raise machine and took a 2 minute breather. Feltgoodman
I guess it's good that you're going that hard but is that really good look to be passed out in the middle of a gym? 
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

DLed 315 x 4 for 2 sets today @ 166 pounds. Came very close to passing out on the 2nd set. I finished, felt fine, went to go and take the plates off and felt a "whooshing" sensation in my head...I stumbled towards the seated calf raise machine and took a 2 minute breather. Feltgoodman
I guess it's good that you're going that hard but is that really good look to be passed out in the middle of a gym? 
If you aren't vomiting and/or passing out on the regular you aren't going hard enough
Sometimes after squats I have to sit near the rack motionless for 5-10 mins... if i try walking to the change room i will surely fall
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

DLed 315 x 4 for 2 sets today @ 166 pounds. Came very close to passing out on the 2nd set. I finished, felt fine, went to go and take the plates off and felt a "whooshing" sensation in my head...I stumbled towards the seated calf raise machine and took a 2 minute breather. Feltgoodman
I guess it's good that you're going that hard but is that really good look to be passed out in the middle of a gym? 
If you aren't vomiting and/or passing out on the regular you aren't going hard enough
Sometimes after squats I have to sit near the rack motionless for 5-10 mins... if i try walking to the change room i will surely fall
Strong broscience right here...
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

DLed 315 x 4 for 2 sets today @ 166 pounds. Came very close to passing out on the 2nd set. I finished, felt fine, went to go and take the plates off and felt a "whooshing" sensation in my head...I stumbled towards the seated calf raise machine and took a 2 minute breather. Feltgoodman
I guess it's good that you're going that hard but is that really good look to be passed out in the middle of a gym? 
If you aren't vomiting and/or passing out on the regular you aren't going hard enough
I guess I'm not about that life. 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

DLed 315 x 4 for 2 sets today @ 166 pounds. Came very close to passing out on the 2nd set. I finished, felt fine, went to go and take the plates off and felt a "whooshing" sensation in my head...I stumbled towards the seated calf raise machine and took a 2 minute breather. Feltgoodman
I guess it's good that you're going that hard but is that really good look to be passed out in the middle of a gym? 
If you aren't vomiting and/or passing out on the regular you aren't going hard enough
Sometimes after squats I have to sit near the rack motionless for 5-10 mins... if i try walking to the change room i will surely fall
Feeling lightheaded happens, but don't make it a goal/habit
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

DLed 315 x 4 for 2 sets today @ 166 pounds. Came very close to passing out on the 2nd set. I finished, felt fine, went to go and take the plates off and felt a "whooshing" sensation in my head...I stumbled towards the seated calf raise machine and took a 2 minute breather. Feltgoodman
I guess it's good that you're going that hard but is that really good look to be passed out in the middle of a gym? 
If you aren't vomiting and/or passing out on the regular you aren't going hard enough
Sometimes after squats I have to sit near the rack motionless for 5-10 mins... if i try walking to the change room i will surely fall

Come on know better than that.
pretty impressive planche, that's a lot of strain/wear on your shoulder joints though, so unless you're a gymnast there's no real practical application as far as general fitness, and in regards to all the supplement talk, anyone interested in taking multiple synthetic additives should consider that their body does in fact still have to process/filter/excrete them, so on a serious note do some research as to how many mg/g/kg of whatever you're stacking that you actually need and can be processed by your body in one sitting, you cant just eat 150g of protein and expect your body to utilize it efficiently.
Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

someone embed for me plz.

that you??

doing handstand pushups against a wall is hard enough so that *$@! must be in another realm.

i don't think i could ever do that with my frame.... if thats you xm whats your height/weight??
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Sarcasm is the least recognized in this thread

You werent being sarcastic.

You're just changing your tone now that everyone is against what you said.
I only get the "light headed" feeling when I'm squatting, DLing or power cleaning heavy. I'll feel fine while doing the lifts but then occasionally I'll get light headed and feel the need to sit down a few seconds after completing it. I think its a normal feeling and I'm glad to say I've yet to pass out at the gym

I mean, if you are lifting a weight that is relatively easy for you then it probably wont tax your body too much. However if you are attempting a very tough weight for you then obviously its gonna result in some serious fatigue to the mind and body.
No way in hell thats me bro lol. im going to start practicing handstand pushups next time i hit the gym but i doubt i would ever get to that level. that guy is clearly a gymnist with lots of experience.
another video of the same guy.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Sarcasm is the least recognized in this thread

You werent being sarcastic.

You're just changing your tone now that everyone is against what you said.
Come at me bro.
The first line was BLATANT sarcasm. Some times I do require a rest prior to walking away or I'll walk funny.

I've never even come close to passing out or vomiting.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Sarcasm is the least recognized in this thread

You werent being sarcastic.

You're just changing your tone now that everyone is against what you said.
Come at me bro.
The first line was BLATANT sarcasm. Some times I do require a rest prior to walking away or I'll walk funny.

I've never even come close to passing out or vomiting.

ive vomited a few times before

not as glamorous as some make it out to be.
I didn't catch it at first but I think he was being sarcastic, just based on how outlandish the statement was.

But I've definitely felt lightheaded after squats and deadlifts in the past. In fact it occurs pretty regularly, but it's just never been anywhere close to fainting.
joe i dont even take a multi V anymore or whey protein

bcaas, fish oil, vitargo are my staples.

natty test boosters are all garbage i agree.....ive wasted money on bio forge etc
zma is a waste

i picked up gaspari plasmajet ill start that on monday.
Is taking BCAA regularly something that I would NOTICE taking effect?
I was doing the scivation bcaa for a while... not sure what it was doing.
Originally Posted by ScottyHoward42

pretty impressive planche, that's a lot of strain/wear on your shoulder joints though, so unless you're a gymnast there's no real practical application as far as general fitness
eh, same can be said for many exercises. Planche strengthens much more than a bench press does and develops more overall fitness(strength, balance, etc.) Plus it's fun to some people.
Oh, and in the video, those were 90 degree push ups. They're significantly easier than planche push ups, or so I've heard.
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