Originally Posted by PersiaFly
Question for you guys:
Are chicken legs a life-long affliction, or can they be worked on?
I'm 6'4" and have long, somewhat skinny legs, especially from the knees down. I've been squatting and deadlifting for a while now, and I've seen improvements in my thighs but not reall below the knee. Can I hope to have "thick" legs someday if I keep working, or is it one of those things that you have or don't have genetically?
For reference my squat max is currently 275 x 6 near-parallel and my deadlift workout has been 3 sets of 225x10 since I'm sort of new to it and want to make sure I get my form down before adding more weight. I also do leg press with 4 or 5 plates on each side and some calf-raises.
Should I be doing more calf raises and such? I've heard that you get the calf workout you need from squats and leg presses and such, but since I want my legs to look bigger should I add more calf work?