Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

anyone ever have lower back pain or injury? i can bend over but it is a sharp pain.....................back injuries are nothing to F around with gonna take it easy this week but i might make an appointment for sports medicine doctor
Quick questions

Wanted to know if N.O. explode is really worth its 50$+++ value, and how it helps. (of course i go to the gym)

I wanted to get more explosive because i am playing basketball again, and need that quick do i work on this?

not a joke
Originally Posted by DEMIZE

Quick questions

Wanted to know if N.O. explode is really worth its 50$+++ value, and how it helps. (of course i go to the gym)

I wanted to get more explosive because i am playing basketball again, and need that quick do i work on this?
NO Xplode isnt worth $1.

It's all junk.
Question for you guys:

Are chicken legs a life-long affliction, or can they be worked on?

I'm 6'4" and have long, somewhat skinny legs, especially from the knees down. I've been squatting and deadlifting for a while now, and I've seen improvements in my thighs but not reall below the knee. Can I hope to have "thick" legs someday if I keep working, or is it one of those things that you have or don't have genetically?

For reference my squat max is currently 275 x 6 near-parallel and my deadlift workout has been 3 sets of 225x10 since I'm sort of new to it and want to make sure I get my form down before adding more weight. I also do leg press with 4 or 5 plates on each side and some calf-raises.

Should I be doing more calf raises and such? I've heard that you get the calf workout you need from squats and leg presses and such, but since I want my legs to look bigger should I add more calf work?
I'm trying to avoid being the guy with the built upper body and the skinny legs. 

Any advice is appreciated. 
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Should I be doing more calf raises and such? I've heard that you get the calf workout you need from squats and leg presses and such, but since I want my legs to look bigger should I add more calf work?

Yes. Stands to reason that if you want to improve the look of your legs below the knees, you have to isolate the calf muscle. Try standing and seated calf raises. Depending on what machines you have access to, you can do seated calf presses, and calf extensions. Try doing lunges with dumbbells as well.

Most of these workouts also exercise the Tibialis anterior (shin muscle). GL.
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by moundraised23

Not sure if this has been asked.....
I never used 2 run much, outside of hoops. I've been hittin the treadmill a lot latel. A few times when running my shins begin 2 hurt.
Is it the shoes I'm wearing? I also noticed that when I run in j's as opposed 2 say am 95's, they don't hurt as much.
sounds like shin splints.  it can be the shoes...most times it happens because you're not stretching properly. i used to get them ALL the time before i learned how to stretch right.  look up some different calf stretehes...they usually happen because of tight calf muscles.
thanks 4 the info
Dude you should never run in J's or AM95s. I've suffered from shin splints since I was 14... I'm 22 now. I just recently "cured" them by going to the foot doctor and getting arch inserts that help my flat feet.
Shin splits can be caused by

- improper running form/pronation

- too much weight bearing down on your arches (being too fat for your frame)

- flat feet

- wearing the wrong shoes

I suffered at one point or another from basically all of these... I think I have them all finally figured out. Talk to runners that have done college running or otherwise know what they're doing.

Shoe choice has a LOT to do with it. I used to run in Nikes (never again) and eventually switched to ASICS and now Brooks.
I need to get back in shape after a meniscus tear in my left knee 3 months ago playing bball. I'm starting to feel a little heavier after no exercise for this long.
ive been buying the post work out protein drink at my gym, but a guy saw me an told me to get the powdered mixes and make them in the car.

my question is what should i buy? i remember he said whey protein powder but he also mentions 3 other things.

im looking for something i can mix quick in the car so i dont want to add any fruit to it. any suggestions?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DEMIZE

Quick questions

Wanted to know if N.O. explode is really worth its 50$+++ value, and how it helps. (of course i go to the gym)

I wanted to get more explosive because i am playing basketball again, and need that quick do i work on this?
NO Xplode isnt worth $1.

It's all junk.
This man speaks the truth
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Question for you guys:

Are chicken legs a life-long affliction, or can they be worked on?

I'm 6'4" and have long, somewhat skinny legs, especially from the knees down. I've been squatting and deadlifting for a while now, and I've seen improvements in my thighs but not reall below the knee. Can I hope to have "thick" legs someday if I keep working, or is it one of those things that you have or don't have genetically?

For reference my squat max is currently 275 x 6 near-parallel and my deadlift workout has been 3 sets of 225x10 since I'm sort of new to it and want to make sure I get my form down before adding more weight. I also do leg press with 4 or 5 plates on each side and some calf-raises.

Should I be doing more calf raises and such? I've heard that you get the calf workout you need from squats and leg presses and such, but since I want my legs to look bigger should I add more calf work?
Make sure you're squatting to atleast parallel. Add in sprints. They're a great way to work the whole lower body in power development. Remember, strength development is not just how much you can squat, but how you can transfer it to other movements as well.
Wise move on being cautious with the weight increases when you're doubtful on form. Something that many disregard and get injured over.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

anyone ever have lower back pain or injury? i can bend over but it is a sharp pain.....................back injuries are nothing to F around with gonna take it easy this week but i might make an appointment for sports medicine doctor
I've never experienced it myself, but my father specializes in pain as a pain management doctor.
You probably should get checked out as soon as you can because injuries are easiest to treat right after they occur. I learned this tidbit from a chiropractor friend of my father. I don't know whether a sports medicine doctor would be of any help. Chiropractor or pain management is your best bet I would imagine.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Al Audi

anyone ever have lower back pain or injury? i can bend over but it is a sharp pain.....................back injuries are nothing to F around with gonna take it easy this week but i might make an appointment for sports medicine doctor
I've never experienced it myself, but my father specializes in pain as a pain management doctor.
You probably should get checked out as soon as you can because injuries are easiest to treat right after they occur. I learned this tidbit from a chiropractor friend of my father. I don't know whether a sports medicine doctor would be of any help. Chiropractor or pain management is your best bet I would imagine.

each day it feels better.......its my fault though. i know i pinched a nerve. even this mornin i just bent over and it feel not as bad as before.

i dont wanna make myself paranoid. but im gonna see how this week least mid way through the week.

obviously not gonna squat or deadlift this week, i also need to do some type a stretching in the mornin when i wake up from now on.......yall laugh but id give yoga a try.
Ok without reading all 500+ pages here is my situation

I am at week 11 doing 5x5

So currently 195 squats
120 bench
and so on

now by week 12 I will be doing 220 in squats etc

I feel stronger but do not look it
My diet is crap I know I know

But if were to start out working out seriously Mon Wed Fri
how would i break it down?
chest, back, legs - Mon?
and how many reps etc

any help would be appreciated

also, dont take any creatine, supps, etc cause they dont do me at all
any recommendations?
Originally Posted by xblaze23

any recommendations as to toning legs without increasing mass? my legs are too big


I have the same issue, my legs a pretty big and pretty strong... I'm trying to get them a little smaller but I don't want to sacrifice that much strentgh but a little won't hurt since i'm at 505
Originally Posted by chezzer10

Ok without reading all 500+ pages here is my situation

I am at week 11 doing 5x5

So currently 195 squats
120 bench
and so on

now by week 12 I will be doing 220 in squats etc

I feel stronger but do not look it
My diet is crap I know I know

But if were to start out working out seriously Mon Wed Fri
how would i break it down?
chest, back, legs - Mon?
and how many reps etc

any help would be appreciated

also, dont take any creatine, supps, etc cause they dont do me at all
any recommendations?
Lifts seem low for being on 5x5 for roughly 3 months. It's a good routine, and I'd argue that it's better than hitting each body part once per week. Work on your diet. Eat to gain. Make sure you're adding weight to the bar every session, consistently. Can't tell you much else without more info.
Yeah, Audi stretching helps a ton. I mean, I would assume you stretch somewhat during your workouts? I know I do, and I'm pretty sure that's why I've been injury free. Even when I do tweak my back a little (like the other day when I tried front squats for the first time and used too much weight), it lasts only through the day.

Also, I would do yoga, I really want to do yoga, but I have no time for yoga. Yoga what i mean?
I place stretching up there with washing my teeth in terms of routine. I'm curious about Yoga but I would require a female to put me on lol.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by chezzer10

Ok without reading all 500+ pages here is my situation

I am at week 11 doing 5x5

So currently 195 squats
120 bench
and so on

now by week 12 I will be doing 220 in squats etc

I feel stronger but do not look it
My diet is crap I know I know

But if were to start out working out seriously Mon Wed Fri
how would i break it down?
chest, back, legs - Mon?
and how many reps etc

any help would be appreciated

also, dont take any creatine, supps, etc cause they dont do me at all
any recommendations?
Lifts seem low for being on 5x5 for roughly 3 months. It's a good routine, and I'd argue that it's better than hitting each body part once per week. Work on your diet. Eat to gain. Make sure you're adding weight to the bar every session, consistently. Can't tell you much else without more info.

Yeah it seems low but I started out at 45lbs because of my shoulder injury...btw protein drinks are they worth it?
Originally Posted by chezzer10

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by chezzer10

Ok without reading all 500+ pages here is my situation

I am at week 11 doing 5x5

So currently 195 squats
120 bench
and so on

now by week 12 I will be doing 220 in squats etc

I feel stronger but do not look it
My diet is crap I know I know

But if were to start out working out seriously Mon Wed Fri
how would i break it down?
chest, back, legs - Mon?
and how many reps etc

any help would be appreciated

also, dont take any creatine, supps, etc cause they dont do me at all
any recommendations?
Lifts seem low for being on 5x5 for roughly 3 months. It's a good routine, and I'd argue that it's better than hitting each body part once per week. Work on your diet. Eat to gain. Make sure you're adding weight to the bar every session, consistently. Can't tell you much else without more info.

Yeah it seems low but I started out at 45lbs because of my shoulder injury...btw protein drinks are they worth it?
Alright. Smart thing to do. Keep consistent and the increasing weights should help with your goals.
I don't like protein powders/drinks/etc. In my opinion, you're better of with whole foods instead. Alot of others in this thread like them.
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