Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by JFDOOM

Originally Posted by JFDOOM

any truth to this?

You need to ask yourself what are YOU'RE goals?
Look good naked and eat garbage?

Or look good naked and have a healthy, long lasting body, that won't have chronic health problems down the line, etc, etc etc.

Don't be under the impression that you have to eat clean to be fit. Be under the impression that a healthy body is an attractive body.
Bought a bag of Mutant Mass last night, will be interesting to see if it can help me.

I'll prob have one serving a day and break that up to mid morning and postworkout. I am a hardgainer, tried eating heaps of food (mostly clean) - but just can't stomach it down. I spoke to the trainer at my gym and he recommended it. Hopefully this + my 2-2.5k diet should get me some leanish gains for the summer!

Day 1: 63kg.

Workout: StrongLifts 5x5 (Squats, Rows, Deadlift, Bench, Pull/Chin ups, Abs)
Cardio: Will try get HIIT sprints 1x a week whilst basketball season has finished.

Proteins: Red meats, Chicken Breast, Tuna Can, Fish Fillets
Carbs: Rice, Sweet Potatoe, Oatsss, frozen vegetables - corns, peas, carrots, etcc..
Fats: EVVO, Peanut butter, fish oil caps.

My goal is to get around 70kg @ around 10-11%.

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by xblaze23

any recommendations as to toning legs without increasing mass? my legs are too big


try lowering weight with a rep range from 12-16

BroScience:Where everybody is an expert.
Maximal output on lifts, beta alanine, and moderate consumption of calories
whats wrong with what he said? if he's not looking to get any bigger going lighter is the better option. it won't make you anymore cut but that was the best response for the question
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by xblaze23

any recommendations as to toning legs without increasing mass? my legs are too big


try lowering weight with a rep range from 12-16

BroScience:Where everybody is an expert.
Maximal output on lifts, beta alanine, and moderate consumption of calories


whats wrong with what he said? if he's not looking to get any biggergoing lighter is the better option. it won't make you anymore cut butthat was the best response for the question
But will going lighter give him what hes looking for?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by xblaze23

any recommendations as to toning legs without increasing mass? my legs are too big


try lowering weight with a rep range from 12-16

BroScience:Where everybody is an expert.
Maximal output on lifts, beta alanine, and moderate consumption of calories


whats wrong with what he said? if he's not looking to get any biggergoing lighter is the better option. it won't make you anymore cut butthat was the best response for the question
But will going lighter give him what hes looking for?

Durden: Brett was adding more broscience to the table
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by chezzer10

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by chezzer10

Ok without reading all 500+ pages here is my situation

I am at week 11 doing 5x5

So currently 195 squats
120 bench
and so on

now by week 12 I will be doing 220 in squats etc

I feel stronger but do not look it
My diet is crap I know I know

But if were to start out working out seriously Mon Wed Fri
how would i break it down?
chest, back, legs - Mon?
and how many reps etc

any help would be appreciated

also, dont take any creatine, supps, etc cause they dont do me at all
any recommendations?
Lifts seem low for being on 5x5 for roughly 3 months. It's a good routine, and I'd argue that it's better than hitting each body part once per week. Work on your diet. Eat to gain. Make sure you're adding weight to the bar every session, consistently. Can't tell you much else without more info.

Yeah it seems low but I started out at 45lbs because of my shoulder injury...btw protein drinks are they worth it?
Alright. Smart thing to do. Keep consistent and the increasing weights should help with your goals.
I don't like protein powders/drinks/etc. In my opinion, you're better of with whole foods instead. Alot of others in this thread like them.

Great advice thanks again. Btw - finally did 200lb squats, 120lb over head press, n 240lb deadlift all of them free weights
little by little gaining and little by little putting on more weight
real talk, i dont think i'll ever have visible abs 
. i feel like maybe i should eat less than i do now, even though i really dont eat too much to begin with and i do eat clean. I lift 4-5 days a week and i run for 10-15 min after I lift. I also have a separate day that i only do cardio. Any advice for me?
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

What's your BF? ^

Doesn't matter what you do if your BF is high your abs won't show.

Usually abs are visible under 15% depending on genetics

no idea what my bf% is, but it cant be too high, im able to grab some fat over my abs, but just barely

Edit: alright so lemme rephrase this
  they're somewhat visable but im lookin to get a 6 pack
sigh, so i got an ac sprain. i get wayy too many injuries.

it's always when i push it the last rep/reps too

sucks too because i was so close my bench goal.

ill just use this time to work harder on rows and squats.

cant do pull ups either smh
with reading the past couple pages,

why is NO-xplode not worth the money?

is there something 'better' out there that works 'better'? i currently use no-xplode every now and then...

So I tried Jack3d. DID NOT LIKE IT AT ALL. Felt really anxious and jittery when I took it and had a horrible workout with a bad crash afterwards.

I am back on NO-XPLODE. It just seems to give me better results and tons of energy
Only thing I don't like about Jack3d is the tingly/itchy feeling I get in my face...
It goes away after awhile, I jus use it as a sign it's kicking in...
Originally Posted by I3

Bought a bag of Mutant Mass last night, will be interesting to see if it can help me.

I'll prob have one serving a day and break that up to mid morning and postworkout. I am a hardgainer, tried eating heaps of food (mostly clean) - but just can't stomach it down. I spoke to the trainer at my gym and he recommended it. Hopefully this + my 2-2.5k diet should get me some leanish gains for the summer!

Day 1: 63kg.

Workout: StrongLifts 5x5 (Squats, Rows, Deadlift, Bench, Pull/Chin ups, Abs)
Cardio: Will try get HIIT sprints 1x a week whilst basketball season has finished.

Proteins: Red meats, Chicken Breast, Tuna Can, Fish Fillets
Carbs: Rice, Sweet Potatoe, Oatsss, frozen vegetables - corns, peas, carrots, etcc..
Fats: EVVO, Peanut butter, fish oil caps.

My goal is to get around 70kg @ around 10-11%.


So I had my first serving of Mutant Mass.. they said four scoops a day.. I could only do one, which is like 250ish calories.  I need to aim to at leas 2-3 scoops on top of food.  I have a good feeling about this, as I am a hard gainer.

Dont fret, I still eat my food and love it.  I just think this might be a good way for me to get that additional 1000ish calories in.. should be good guys.  Will keep you updated!
took 4 scoops jack3d today for the hell of it
was nice i love stimulants, coming up it felt like a mild mdma comeup, was very nice. music blaring in my headphones + that + a huge pump i feel like im in heaven
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

took 4 scoops jack3d today for the hell of it
was nice i love stimulants, coming up it felt like a mild mdma comeup, was very nice. music blaring in my headphones + that + a huge pump i feel like im in heaven

Haha. Sounds like Jack3d brought your roll back. I know what you mean. I get that tingly feeling on my way to the gym after taking it and I suddenly feel the urge to blast the music and can't wait to get to the gym. Love it. 4 scoops sounds intense though. I usually do 2-3. It's going to suck when I have to cycle off of it when my current tub is done. How do you like rolling by the way? You just started right?
Man NT, I've gotten my bodyfat % to probably the lowest all year and now its getting impossible to get rid of the stubborn fat. I think I'm at like 11% now and this @!$+ is stuck to my body like crazy glue. I think I'm gonna have to start doing HIIT 3x a week and hope for the best. I've lost the stubborn lower ab fat but my obliques and quads are still hurting
. On the bright side my abs are visible even late at night after eating all my meals + tons of water. 
Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

with reading the past couple pages,

why is NO-xplode not worth the money?

is there something 'better' out there that works 'better'? i currently use no-xplode every now and then...

NO Xplode has a lot of chemicals in it that have the potential to be pretty dangerous for you.

There really isnt anything that works "better" on the market.  The pre-workout supplements all basically do the same thing depending on the contents of the product.  The main idea is that they'll dilate the blood vessels.  I personally dont see a point to them though.  They have no physiological benefit, and dont provide energy.  They increase blood flow throughout the body, but exercise in general does that.

If a pre-workout helps someone "focus" while theyre in the gym then thats fine, but it doesnt have a physiological benefit. 
for the hard gainers out there that hate over eating... here is some bad advice: smoke weed. I eat 5000cals a day. I feel like a beast.

drugs aside, how long should I wait after eating for a strength training workout??? I eat at about 330 and like to workout at 5. Is that OK/productive?
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