Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

man I remember when I was a regular poster in this thread but i've taken off from working out since sept. been doing a little here and there though but I plan on restarting rippetoes program in February. See you guys then.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Lpheat22, start working the basics: push ups, pull ups, bodyweight squats. Keep consistent and do them regularly(every day or other day). That, combined with improved nutrition(less junk food, more vegetables, etc.) should yield noticeable body composition changes. After a while of getting used to it, decide your goals(bodybuilding, strength, sport, fitness, etc.)
Sounds good thanks
Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Originally Posted by blacktopking319

ive lost 25 pounds in a month and a half now and i think i hit a do i break it ?

How you do that?

Straight up cardio almost everyday with a portioned high protein diet....also protein shakes after every workoutI increase the miles I run after every week also and then mix it up with bball but honestly reducing your calorie intake is the most important thing
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Originally Posted by blacktopking319

ive lost 25 pounds in a month and a half now and i think i hit a do i break it ?

How you do that?

Straight up cardio almost everyday with a portioned high protein diet....also protein shakes after every workoutI increase the miles I run after every week also and then mix it up with bball but honestly reducing your calorie intake is the most important thing

Good stuff. Congrats on the weight loss. I am just getting into a consistent plan. The cardio and diet will be helpful.
Originally Posted by bwood056

Plz if iam wrong, and you know *$* u r doing, post a pic of yourself, or ateast your lifts. I'm so curious to laugh....

This is why you shouldnt drink and post.  Its dangerous. 
Wasn't drinking. But to say 6-8 meals throughout the day by speeding metabolism is a myth. Is false. Its a scientific fact. And anyone can add that much weight on deadlift by learning how to actually have good technique. There's hostility because posting false info is misleading to beginners that are trying to figure out how to properly train.
Originally Posted by bwood056

Wasn't drinking. But to say 6-8 meals throughout the day by speeding metabolism is a myth. Is false. Its a scientific fact. And anyone can add that much weight on deadlift by learning how to actually have good technique. There's hostility because posting false info is misleading to beginners that are trying to figure out how to properly train.
It's been scientifically proven that meal frequency does not affect metabolic rate. Satiation is actually better achieved through decreased meal frequency:
There is no difference in fat burned through low or high meal frequency:

To say that you can't put up big numbers while not eating 6-8 meals per day is untrue as well. Martin Berkhan is an example of this:

The best way for beginners to figure out how to properly train is the way that is most sustainable for their lifestyle. For some, low frequency is all that is possible. For beginners, less is more. A structured routine such as Rippeotoe's "Starting Strength" is a great routine that takes, at most, 4 hours per week. It's simple and it works. That's what most people are looking for. 

You're training for strength, like a powerlifter does. Many in here are just trying to lose body fat and fill out a shirt. Different goals, nothing wrong with that. But telling them that they have to eat 6-8 meals per day or they'll see mediocre results is not accurate.
Originally Posted by bwood056

Wasn't drinking. But to say 6-8 meals throughout the day by speeding metabolism is a myth. Is false. Its a scientific fact. And anyone can add that much weight on deadlift by learning how to actually have good technique. There's hostility because posting false info is misleading to beginners that are trying to figure out how to properly train.

So why are you posting?
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

ive lost 25 pounds in a month and a half now and i think i hit a do i break it ?

what did you start at? what have you been doing?
brettTHEjett wrote:
Originally Posted by jordan23collecta


i remember watching a video a couple months ago of an all natural body builder doing his ab sets. From what I remember a couple of you said he is one of the more well known lifters. Can someone re-up that video please? I cant seem to find it and with 565 pages its like finding a needle in a haystack lol

If I remember correctly....

close...but im thinking of a different one.  The guy starts out the video outside and is wearing a grey sweatshirt and beanie etc, doesnt look that big under the sweatshirt but then he gets into his workout. he focused on 'closing the gap' between your hips and upper body. Im trying to show this to a friend that doesnt believe me about doing that. any other help is appreciated!

Your body is science. When you're hungry, your body is telling you that you need food. Sounds obvious, but it's really that simple.

However, when you're hungry, you must be sure not to gorge on food, but instead eat smaller portions. And those smaller portions must consist of healthy foods. I don't need to go in depth with that, but you'll find eating healthy a very sufficient weight loss (fat loss) regimen on top of your workouts.

Six meals a day....Sure. I don't live by that per se. I'm more of an eat every 2-3 hours or so guy. That typically falls into the time ranges of when I'm hungry, which ultimately leads into about 6 times a day.
What's up fellow NTer's im trying to slim down as I used to play basketball two years back but have gotten out of shape, last time I went for a check-up I was 15 pounds overweight, anybody here can hook me up with a workout plan? Any advice is appreciated
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by NjCollector

And damn i %*@%%#% hate carb bloat, my face looks so puffy/fat after a carb-up. Anything i can do? Other then hit the treadmill hard? Or is this all in my head..
Man, I hate this %!%# so much. It messes with your head and it makes you feel like crap. I could eat a slice of bread and gain 8 pounds of water weight the next day. What I've been doing recently is just restricting my carb intake to early on in the day so that I dont retain much water the following morning. On days I am really bloated I just up my caffeine consumption, drink lots of water, do cardio and restrict carb intake. What really sucks is that it only takes you 1 day to gain a ton of water weight but it takes 3+ days to get rid of it.
I feel you guys on this! man especially that "1 day to gain a ton of water weight but takes 3 days to get rid of it". Its such a demotivating mind +%+%  especially when you're cutting lol
I already know what the day after Christmas is gonna be like...

Post 1000 baby!!
just curious, how many people that love cardio also do yoga?

I used to do some of my best running when i was doing yoga 3x a week. About to start back up with some yoga pre-workout.
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

just curious, how many people that love cardio also do yoga?

I used to do some of my best running when i was doing yoga 3x a week. About to start back up with some yoga pre-workout.
I hate cardio. I do "cardio" sessions with sprints.
But I'm getting interested in yoga, not the watered down yoga they teach at commercial gyms. It helps with a lot of the neglected aspects of fitness(balance, flexibility, etc.) and I have a feeling it would help me with getting a few gymnastic moves nailed. 
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

just curious, how many people that love cardio also do yoga?

I used to do some of my best running when i was doing yoga 3x a week. About to start back up with some yoga pre-workout.

The only reason I will ever find the need to do yoga is for:

And although I'm sure there are numerous lifestyle benefits and stuff to gain from doing yoga... I just can't over look this 
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by blacktopking319

ive lost 25 pounds in a month and a half now and i think i hit a do i break it ?

what did you start at? what have you been doing?
i started at 5'9 195 im down to 170
all ive been doing is cardio (mostly running and basketball) +high protein diet (reduced my calorie intake also) PW protein shakes

my ultimate goal is to keep doing cardio until i hit 160 then strength train back to 170
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by blacktopking319

ive lost 25 pounds in a month and a half now and i think i hit a do i break it ?

what did you start at? what have you been doing?
i started at 5'9 195 im down to 170
all ive been doing is cardio (mostly running and basketball) +high protein diet (reduced my calorie intake also) PW protein shakes

my ultimate goal is to keep doing cardio until i hit 160 then strength train back to 170
Just go ahead and start the strength training, then cut again after that.  Stop focusing on weight.  Do it properly and you won't regret it, spending all that time looking in the mirror.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by NjCollector

And damn i %*@%%#% hate carb bloat, my face looks so puffy/fat after a carb-up. Anything i can do? Other then hit the treadmill hard? Or is this all in my head..
Man, I hate this %!%# so much. It messes with your head and it makes you feel like crap. I could eat a slice of bread and gain 8 pounds of water weight the next day. What I've been doing recently is just restricting my carb intake to early on in the day so that I dont retain much water the following morning. On days I am really bloated I just up my caffeine consumption, drink lots of water, do cardio and restrict carb intake. What really sucks is that it only takes you 1 day to gain a ton of water weight but it takes 3+ days to get rid of it.
I feel you guys on this! man especially that "1 day to gain a ton of water weight but takes 3 days to get rid of it". Its such a demotivating mind +%+%  especially when you're cutting lol
I already know what the day after Christmas is gonna be like...

Post 1000 baby!!
Yeah, I get bloated a lot when I eat too many carbs. However, I've started to spread my carb intake out more and have experienced less bloating.
Originally Posted by krazyg

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by NjCollector

And damn i %*@%%#% hate carb bloat, my face looks so puffy/fat after a carb-up. Anything i can do? Other then hit the treadmill hard? Or is this all in my head..
Man, I hate this %!%# so much. It messes with your head and it makes you feel like crap. I could eat a slice of bread and gain 8 pounds of water weight the next day. What I've been doing recently is just restricting my carb intake to early on in the day so that I dont retain much water the following morning. On days I am really bloated I just up my caffeine consumption, drink lots of water, do cardio and restrict carb intake. What really sucks is that it only takes you 1 day to gain a ton of water weight but it takes 3+ days to get rid of it.
I feel you guys on this! man especially that "1 day to gain a ton of water weight but takes 3 days to get rid of it". Its such a demotivating mind +%+%  especially when you're cutting lol
I already know what the day after Christmas is gonna be like...

Post 1000 baby!!
Yeah, I get bloated a lot when I eat too many carbs. However, I've started to spread my carb intake out more and have experienced less bloating.
wouldnt hitting the sauna for like 10 minutes solve this problem?

Me currently. I've been back in the gym consistently for about 2 weeks now.  I've had a few injuries (wrist surgeries) and back pains, but it's better now. In a few months ima be jacked.
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