Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by bwood056

Huge waste to who, you maybe? I see you are more concerned abt your body fat % than anything. Which is total opposite of what iam trying to achieve, which is mass and strength. My protein intake needs to be high, I'm not stupid- obviously my body isn't breaking down 96 grams, prob more alone the lines of 70. I take protein,creatine,glutamine,multis. And so far I have great results. And considering professional bodybuilders, and lifters recommended the intake, I'd be hesitant to disagree with them
please show me this info

i know plenty of big guys, guys who have done contest prep, 96 in a sitting is ****** thats why we eat 6-8 times a day....

yes please show me this info. im very interested.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

People who make workout videos have the worst taste in music.
Not all. Also depends on what you consider bad music. Check out the youtube channel portaldo . Very diverse, taste in music that many may not like, but it's better than most videos.
i read that you can take in about 50-60, alan aragon posted the research.doc. on bb somewhere.

Anyways, anyone going to take off after the 20th and then come back the 1st-2nd? It's going to be so hard to diet with all the *%+* my fams and friends are going to do. Gym- i'll make the time 30-60mins, but dieting is going to be an issue.

And damn i %*@%%#% hate carb bloat, my face looks so puffy/fat after a carb-up. Anything i can do? Other then hit the treadmill hard? Or is this all in my head..
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by bwood056

Huge waste to who, you maybe? I see you are more concerned abt your body fat % than anything. Which is total opposite of what iam trying to achieve, which is mass and strength. My protein intake needs to be high, I'm not stupid- obviously my body isn't breaking down 96 grams, prob more alone the lines of 70. I take protein,creatine,glutamine,multis. And so far I have great results. And considering professional bodybuilders, and lifters recommended the intake, I'd be hesitant to disagree with them
please show me this info

i know plenty of big guys, guys who have done contest prep, 96 in a sitting is ****** thats why we eat 6-8 times a day....

yes please show me this info. im very interested.

I posted two web page links. I didn't say I'm taking in 96- more along 70.
We eat that many times to keep a constant rate of energy from food breakdown. Speeds our metabolism.
Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

I'm trying to go through all the pages, but it's just a lot of material.

Is there anyway anyone wants to help and consolidate a lot of this info either on the first page or post an update on this one?

Might as well make this the NT Fitness Bible or something.

I have been considering composing a lengthy how-to gain mass for beginners. Kinda debunking a few myths from the get go and point out what really needs to be focused on. After about 18 months of reading 1+hr a day on the subject (and asking stupid questions on here) I finally understand the basics.. not that I'm actually qualified to be giving advice.
That would happen over the xmas break if anything. 

You can start off by asking questions here... I'm usually bored and lurking 
Originally Posted by bwood056

We eat that many times to keep a constant rate of energy from food breakdown. Speeds our metabolism.
[h3]Eating More Frequently Will Speed Up Your Metabolism[/h3]Another common myth is that eating more frequent meals will boost your metabolism. If you’ve ever heard someone tell you that you should eat six times a day for a faster metabolism, you’re being given misinformation.

The point to remember here is that each time you eat a meal, your metabolism increases. This increase is impacted by how large the meals higher in carbohydrates and fats).

Assuming total macronutrient composition and calorie intake stays the same over two different diets, one consisting of three meals and one of six, both diets will experience the same metabolic increases. The only difference is the individual eating six meals a day will have smaller increases six times while the other individual will have larger increases three times a day.
Plz if iam wrong, and you know *$* u r doing, post a pic of yourself, or ateast your lifts. I'm so curious to laugh....

i remember watching a video a couple months ago of an all natural body builder doing his ab sets. From what I remember a couple of you said he is one of the more well known lifters. Can someone re-up that video please? I cant seem to find it and with 565 pages its like finding a needle in a haystack lol

Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by bwood056

I can post " myths " about everything in related weight lifting. There will always be some idiot like u that tries to rationalize why u r small or dnt know how to lift or train right to make u feel better. This is why I never posted here cause half of u all r idiots.

Contemplating if this deserves a response, or if I should spend the evening trying to figure out what you ever-so eloquently wrote.

However, in short, are you purposing that an individuals "numbers" are determinate upon his understanding of "how to lift or train right" ?

How about experience? Genetics? Level of commitment? Goals??

I've added 175 lbs to my deadlift in 12 months. That has little reflection on what I know or don't know about lifting weights.
Originally Posted by jordan23collecta


i remember watching a video a couple months ago of an all natural body builder doing his ab sets. From what I remember a couple of you said he is one of the more well known lifters. Can someone re-up that video please? I cant seem to find it and with 565 pages its like finding a needle in a haystack lol

If I remember correctly....
Ok well I'm getting back into working out after not doing anything serious for about 3 years. I used to play college ball I looked like this
now I look like this

so what's a best way to start to get  back in shape again? Vitamins, work outs help me out i'm tired of being huge
whats up with all the hostility? Not everyone has similar goals. Many people train for looks, others for strength, others for a combination, and others for sport.
Originally Posted by NjCollector

i read that you can take in about 50-60, alan aragon posted the research.doc. on bb somewhere.

Anyways, anyone going to take off after the 20th and then come back the 1st-2nd? It's going to be so hard to diet with all the *%+* my fams and friends are going to do. Gym- i'll make the time 30-60mins, but dieting is going to be an issue.

And damn i %*@%%#% hate carb bloat, my face looks so puffy/fat after a carb-up. Anything i can do? Other then hit the treadmill hard? Or is this all in my head..
Man, I hate this %!%# so much. It messes with your head and it makes you feel like crap. I could eat a slice of bread and gain 8 pounds of water weight the next day. What I've been doing recently is just restricting my carb intake to early on in the day so that I dont retain much water the following morning. On days I am really bloated I just up my caffeine consumption, drink lots of water, do cardio and restrict carb intake. What really sucks is that it only takes you 1 day to gain a ton of water weight but it takes 3+ days to get rid of it. The best thing you can do is not go crazy on your carb-up days and also limit dairy and water consumption on those days. You will feel extra thirsty but its better than drinking a ton of water that'll stick to you for a week and make you feel terrible. Another thing I like to do on high carb days or following high carb days is full body exercises with compounds and high reps (10+). I'll stay in the gym for 1.5 hours and kill every muscle group just so that my body absorbs those carbs better.
Lpheat22, start working the basics: push ups, pull ups, bodyweight squats. Keep consistent and do them regularly(every day or other day). That, combined with improved nutrition(less junk food, more vegetables, etc.) should yield noticeable body composition changes. After a while of getting used to it, decide your goals(bodybuilding, strength, sport, fitness, etc.)
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by moundraised23

Not sure if this has been asked.....
I never used 2 run much, outside of hoops. I've been hittin the treadmill a lot latel. A few times when running my shins begin 2 hurt.
Is it the shoes I'm wearing? I also noticed that when I run in j's as opposed 2 say am 95's, they don't hurt as much.

sounds like shin splints.  it can be the shoes...most times it happens because you're not stretching properly. i used to get them ALL the time before i learned how to stretch right.  look up some different calf stretehes...they usually happen because of tight calf muscles.

thanks 4 the info
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