Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

What is a bird like chest?

think it refers to really skinny dudes whose chest is basically all bone
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

jack3d has been getting me the best workouts of my life
Same with me at the beginning, but unfortunately your body grows a tolerance to it and the crash is pretty bad.
I've been using this for my heavy bench days when I feel lethargic (1/2 a bottle):


Great stuff IMO.  Consistent increases on bench (280x2).

Im going to try for a mass gainer.. ya boy went on holiday for 2 weeks, ate ALL junk foods, no exercise... came back same weight fml..
As for the eggs.. it'll be interesting to see what Durden etc say.. I think anything in moderation is key. Maybe 2-3x a week have eggs with yolk or whatever.. its only going to be OD if you have like 3-4 eggs daily right??
Originally Posted by sladewilson

24 hour fitness today , need chest workout to get rid of bird like chest.

pushups (wide arm)

do some when u get out of the bed in the morning and before you get into bed.

when i go to the gym i use kettle bells as perfect pushup, u really feel em more (i wouldnt recommend this to somebody just starting to do pushups)

elevated pushups are cool  you can use just about anything to prop your feet up, while your doing them.

incline chest presses are cool with dumbbells too
My favorites


I stick to these things...i aint trying to take all those mad chemicals in muscle mixtures and supplaments. These 5 things are working fine for me.

I'm not looking like my boy Rick Rude


... the greatest body in my opinion but i'm doing ok
Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

jack3d has been getting me the best workouts of my life
Same with me at the beginning, but unfortunately your body grows a tolerance to it and the crash is pretty bad.
I've been using this for my heavy bench days when I feel lethargic (1/2 a bottle):


Great stuff IMO.  Consistent increases on bench (280x2).

i know i dont use it every day......i only use 1-1.5 scoops to keep tolerance low. i dont get a crash which is good.
i dont even take it for the energy so much as the focus it gives me. i never want to stop lifting.

as for shy away from it. im sure the new one is safe (probably) but the old formula got banned for being bad for the liver or something.......and its muscletech isnt it? dont support that company.
So, I've been downing a  meal replacement after every workout to get protein. Problem is I workout late @ night and I'm trying to lose weight and I've heard eating late isn't the best. Only 230 cals. but 40 gm. of "high quality" proteins, should I continue or is there something out there better? Btw, EC is absolutely
Originally Posted by I3

As for the eggs.. it'll be interesting to see what Durden etc say.. I think anything in moderation is key. Maybe 2-3x a week have eggs with yolk or whatever.. its only going to be OD if you have like 3-4 eggs daily right??

Ive eased up on my opinion of egg yolks.

Moderation is certainly key, but what determines "moderation"?  I personally eat 3 egg yolks every morning.  I don't think thats a lot.  Is 6 a lot?  8?  12?  I personally wouldnt go much higher than 3 or 4 a day.  Considering 1 eggyolk will put someone at the recommended level of cholesterol for the day, consuming 5 or 6 times the suggested amount can't be beneficial.  Will it be detrimental?  It all depends on the person.  If your endogenous level of cholesterol is high, then its more of a concern.

The cholesterol in eggs is something to be mindful of, but I dont think that anyone on who exercises regularly needs to be overly concerned with it.  For the general population, cholesterol is more of a concern and any excess dietary cholesterol should be minimized.  In people who exercise, it's not something to be worried about.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

SMH @ me... I was working out 4-5 times a week for like 6 months. Then the last month I haven't gone at all... and it's so hard to get back at it.

Start your workouts back up, just cut down to 3-4 workouts a week.  Especially if you are weight training real hard, you may need to cut down to 3 heavy/hard workouts a week. 
WAXIMAIZE any one have any good results using going to pick one up 2morrow..i heard its good for" keeping muscle while burning fat", any truth to that statement??
Okay... serious concern here.

I really want to get a good warm up before my heavy lift, especially since it's winter and I'm only working out a few days a week.

The easiest option for me is to hit the treadmill... I'd also like to slowly get into jogging before next summer.

after 6 mins of going from 4.0-6.5 every min (not HIIT, just interval) MY ANKLES AND FRONT SHINS ARE SO SORE. I'm not even tired.. barely elevated heart rate.. but I have to stop after 6 or 7 mins.

This happens every damn day. I try changing the tightness of my sneakers, the speed, the interval pace, everything. What am I doing wrong?
I'd like to do a 15+ min jog prior to lifting
all this weight/mass/muscle gain crap is just easy money for the companies.

why not just eat real food?

that's what i do, and it's worked well for me.

i remember this one kid i knew was taking like protein tablets and thought he was getting big.

you do have to actually work out, y'know.
this 2 weeks of finals is going to kill me, i barely have time with work and school let alone working out...any quick workout i should be working or looking for?
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

this 2 weeks of finals is going to kill me, i barely have time with work and school let alone working out...any quick workout i should be working or looking for?
Bench, squat, deadlift, rows 3x a week...30 minutes each workout. Even during exam time you should make some time to work out. I mean, you could be in the gym rather than wasting time on NT
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Okay... serious concern here.

I really want to get a good warm up before my heavy lift, especially since it's winter and I'm only working out a few days a week.

The easiest option for me is to hit the treadmill... I'd also like to slowly get into jogging before next summer.

after 6 mins of going from 4.0-6.5 every min (not HIIT, just interval) MY ANKLES AND FRONT SHINS ARE SO SORE. I'm not even tired.. barely elevated heart rate.. but I have to stop after 6 or 7 mins.

This happens every damn day. I try changing the tightness of my sneakers, the speed, the interval pace, everything. What am I doing wrong?
I'd like to do a 15+ min jog prior to lifting
The best way IMO to warm up is by doing similar movements to the exercise you're gonna do. For example, warm up with the bar and light weights if you're going to bench press heavy. Squat with bodyweight, the bar and light weights prior to squatting heavy, etc. If you want to warm up you could also do some dynamic stretching. Jogging prior to lifting wont really help your lifts and one can argue that jogging as a warm up prior to heavy lifting is counter-productive.
Starting German volume training next week. Time to shock up my muscles. Hopefully be able to get past my 450lb plateau on bench. I expect great results. Going to run it for 6 weeks. Then deload. And Max again. I NEEED 500 badly on bench so I can transition into a cutting phase. I have never gone 5 days or less in the gym per week for the past 2 yrs(over training to say the least) so this 3 day a week routine will be hard for me. But I hear great things. Hoping my numbers increase 20 lbs on each lift (450 bench, 575 deadlift, 455 squat, 275 seated millitary)= current numbers
Not sure if this has been asked.....
I never used 2 run much, outside of hoops. I've been hittin the treadmill a lot latel. A few times when running my shins begin 2 hurt.
Is it the shoes I'm wearing? I also noticed that when I run in j's as opposed 2 say am 95's, they don't hurt as much.
Originally Posted by bwood056

Starting German volume training next week. Time to shock up my muscles. Hopefully be able to get past my 450lb plateau on bench. I expect great results. Going to run it for 6 weeks. Then deload. And Max again. I NEEED 500 badly on bench so I can transition into a cutting phase. I have never gone 5 days or less in the gym per week for the past 2 yrs(over training to say the least) so this 3 day a week routine will be hard for me. But I hear great things. Hoping my numbers increase 20 lbs on each lift (450 bench, 575 deadlift, 455 squat, 275 seated millitary)= current numbers
Check out some of Pavel Tsatsouline's stuff. He has a routine called the Russian Bear routine that's similar for mass gains, but it uses heavier weights. He's got a load of info for getting past plateaus that may be more useful than GVT as well, not to take anything away from Charles Poliquin.
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Not sure if this has been asked.....
I never used 2 run much, outside of hoops. I've been hittin the treadmill a lot latel. A few times when running my shins begin 2 hurt.
Is it the shoes I'm wearing? I also noticed that when I run in j's as opposed 2 say am 95's, they don't hurt as much.

sounds like shin splints.  it can be the shoes...most times it happens because you're not stretching properly. i used to get them ALL the time before i learned how to stretch right.  look up some different calf stretehes...they usually happen because of tight calf muscles.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by bwood056

Starting German volume training next week. Time to shock up my muscles. Hopefully be able to get past my 450lb plateau on bench. I expect great results. Going to run it for 6 weeks. Then deload. And Max again. I NEEED 500 badly on bench so I can transition into a cutting phase. I have never gone 5 days or less in the gym per week for the past 2 yrs(over training to say the least) so this 3 day a week routine will be hard for me. But I hear great things. Hoping my numbers increase 20 lbs on each lift (450 bench, 575 deadlift, 455 squat, 275 seated millitary)= current numbers
Check out some of Pavel Tsatsouline's stuff. He has a routine called the Russian Bear routine that's similar for mass gains, but it uses heavier weights. He's got a load of info for getting past plateaus that may be more useful than GVT as well, not to take anything away from Charles Poliquin.

Looked it up. Has mixed reviews, as well as not much "mass" gains. I honestly might use it round April. To shock again. I have been one to like negatives, and 5 sets of 3 . So this is similar to how I gained strength recently. I have been doing more stamina training now. 3 sets of 225- 25 times. And past week a more simplified routine to jump into the gvt. I will do a close detailed diary of my lifts , to see my gains closely
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