Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Ohhhh, the male ego.  
Is working out twice a week sufficient assuming I do basketball workouts and run games every other day?

I go heavy on wednesday and saturdays and the other days I train. I'm aiming for size though and if I can get bigger with more workouts I'll do it.
Has anyone tried test boosters, and if so what were (if any) the results?

I didn't realize it but when I was at my heaviest (250lbs 5'11) after my knee injury, I was irritable, had no sex drive (even though my girlfriend is sexy as +%%# and I lived with pics lol) and had no energy.

Fast forward to now, I'm 206 with significantly less bf and I feel like a whole new person. I got some T-Bomb to see if I could benefit a little bit from it so I'd like to hear other peoples results
Forget flavors just eat it!

Not having a spotter and going to a gym full of %+++!!+$ is my excuse for having a poor bench press
<avy check

nh, just really proud of myself in the progress ive made, esp chest growth

new bench pr at the end of my workout today


but felt some discomfort in my shoulder after... so i skipped everything else and did a stupid amount of stretches and rotator cuff exercises.... lol
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

is dextrose good to get to throw in a shake post workout?

I  tried a small tub out (bout a month worth) last month. i'd mix 60g dextrose and 40g protein plus creatine and L-glutamine
Do not know if this is 100% related, but I've never seen such an increase of body fat. Probably the highest fat I've ever had.

I like the scivation eating plan. The "diet solution" as they call it?

40g protein, 20g fats, 5 times a day and a source of carbs in the morning of rest days or PWO on workout days.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

is dextrose good to get to throw in a shake post workout?

I  tried a small tub out (bout a month worth) last month. i'd mix 60g dextrose and 40g protein plus creatine and L-glutamine
Do not know if this is 100% related, but I've never seen such an increase of body fat. Probably the highest fat I've ever had.

I like the scivation eating plan. The "diet solution" as they call it?

40g protein, 20g fats, 5 times a day and a source of carbs in the morning of rest days or PWO on workout days.
Maybe 60g was too much for you. Ive heard good things about it. How complex carbs post workout probably isnt the best type of carb post.
Originally Posted by scshift

Is working out twice a week sufficient assuming I do basketball workouts and run games every other day?

I go heavy on wednesday and saturdays and the other days I train. I'm aiming for size though and if I can get bigger with more workouts I'll do it.

You're going to burn a lot, so you'd need to eat a fair bit to put on size

my view is: *##@ simple carbs like dextrose/maltodextrin/etc after a workout

i see some shredded dudes do this but you dont deplete your glycogen stores after just a weight session so the whole premise behind it is worthless

a little wont hurt but 40g is not gonna do anything but build you experienced

get some complex carbs before and after your workout . much better plus it wont dull your body's insulin response like simple carbs will
p.s. as for the coke comment nah im done with that for the time being, rolled for the first time a couple weekends ago other than that i just smoke weed, drink rarely (like twice a month), i am getting too serious about the gym right now for that bs
Originally Posted by NjCollector

 For squats i want a big more mass on my thighs, nomo, would i train hypertrophy? or lift heavy small amounts?

I'm currently doing heavy front squats 3x4, light backsquats 3x10 and then just the machine isolation workouts(one legged press, or that other thigh workout-rightangle to straight line) on the thighs to failure(2x whatever it takes). My legs are really lagging, i'm on a caloric surplus, so i work them 2 days a week- Monday/Thursday(or friday), i'm seeing gains but i just want to know what i can add, or improve in.
I'm also sprinting for 6-9 minutes after every workout 5/7 a week, (don't want to have unaesthetic gains) should i remove these when i have my leg days?
If you haven't maxed out on linear progression, I really recommend giving Starting Strength a go. Heavy back squats 3 times a week will make your thighs grow like weeds. Don't do sprints in the same session as heavy leg work.
Brett, seriously, get in the game. You change routines/diet like a girl changes outfits. You clearly want to get stronger and bigger. A routine like Starting Strength or 5x5 will get you there if you put in the hard work and eat a lot. It's not as complicated as you're making it. Don't worry about dextrose, etc. Just focus on eating enough to recover from workouts and gain mass.
Been hitting the gym pretty consistent for close to two months now... my development is like this -- I'm getting stronger but not much bigger. Bench/squat : 185 dumbell curl/shoulder press: 40 military: 135 all without much effort. I see a lot of yoke dudes doing close to the same lbs that I do. Going to add weight next month...anyone else been in my situation? I think I need to eat more but it seems like I had more gains when I was less dedicated 
Originally Posted by man listen

Been hitting the gym pretty consistent for close to two months now... my development is like this -- I'm getting stronger but not much bigger. Bench/squat : 185 dumbell curl/shoulder press: 40 military: 135 all without much effort. I see a lot of yoke dudes doing close to the same lbs that I do. Going to add weight next month...anyone else been in my situation? I think I need to eat more but it seems like I had more gains when I was less dedicated 
What's your program looking like? Might need to eat more as well.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Brett, seriously, get in the game. You change routines/diet like a girl changes outfits. You clearly want to get stronger and bigger. A routine like Starting Strength or 5x5 will get you there if you put in the hard work and eat a lot. It's not as complicated as you're making it. Don't worry about dextrose, etc. Just focus on eating enough to recover from workouts and gain mass.

Yo, it is what it is. I need to keep things interesting or I get bored and lose motivation.
I like trying things out that people [on the other board] PREECH about, just to see how effective it is. i.e. dextrose, IF, supplements, blah blah

Every day is a learning experience.. and I'm cool with that. I've seen really good progress doing certain things and not so much from others. The point is the effort put forth is enough to continue the snowball of progress. 

I mean, when you did strength training was there never a point where you felt being ripped was just as important? 

but nahh I understand you need to stick to a certain regime. I actually started a strength training program last week and I'm going to do six 4 week cycles. THEN I'll allow myself to worry about vanity 
This Monday it wassquat1x5 @ 135 (warmup)4x10 @ 185leg press calf raise (I do explosive movements with these)1x50 @ 2901x40 @ 3101x30 @ 310bench1x5 @ 1354x5 @ 185curls5x5 @ 40shoulder press5x5 @ 40then curls again folllowed by shoulders againtoday it was the same upper body (no lower body) but light weights- bench @ 135 (slow reps) and curls/shoulders @ 30. Going for two a days starting today and put more attention to my diet. Also gonna add pushups, ab work and more stretching
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by scshift

Is working out twice a week sufficient assuming I do basketball workouts and run games every other day?

I go heavy on wednesday and saturdays and the other days I train. I'm aiming for size though and if I can get bigger with more workouts I'll do it.

You're going to burn a lot, so you'd need to eat a fair bit to put on size
Since my two days are full body, I'm thinking having an additional day on monday for just bench and rows... maybe. Would that be beneficial? My bench is lacking
Since the holiday season is upon us, we have lots and lots of FOOD...not to mention upcoming Christmas parties at work, schools, and even friends.....are you guys going to use this to begin your bulking phase for the winter???

Im just going to continue to eat in moderation, and up my cardio, not really feeling like bulking this winter. 
im doing low carb recomp/cut

have some self control
im kiddin tho, yeah winter is a perfect time for a bulk for this and many other reasons. just eat relatively clean

i actually am recomping/cutting but most people dont do that now 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i almost puked in my car on the way back from the gym

i love/hate leg day

It's so awkward after my last exercise (calf raises)... when I have the HARDEST time walking back to the change room... takes me 10x longer 

This was recently discussed...

My big lift on "leg day" is obviously squats. What two other exercises can I do as assistance to my squat?
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