Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by bigjohn46581

focus on your breathing. inhale going up. exhale at the peak

Do not inhale going up.  Exhale all the way up. 

Inhaling up will only make things worse.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by cguy610

I've never lifted before and I'm trying to look like Dr. Dre in 6 months, where should I start?


8 months is more realistic
  That thread was tooooo much comedy. 
inhale before starting the lift? i've been breathing wrong the whole time. its kinda weird exhaling all the way up. i just tried simulating the motion. ill try it next time i deadlift.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Drop sets: first set, last set, or every set, and why?
I'd go with last set. It'd be like a burnout.

inhale before starting the lift? i've been breathing wrong the whole time. its kinda weird exhaling all the way up. i just tried simulating the motion. ill try it next time i deadlift.
Inhale while you're lowering the weight and getting back in to starting position. Always exhale while you're muscles are doing the work.
im about to start a my own program, and its focusing on gaining strength for two months, focused on getting my squat to 2XBW and bench to 170 (BW)
im eating 2500 calories a day, pretty clean diet, can i still gain strength on a caloric deficit? id say 200-300 a day, getting 220g of protein a day.
Originally Posted by hotshots24

im about to start a my own program, and its focusing on gaining strength for two months, focused on getting my squat to 2XBW and bench to 170 (BW)
im eating 2500 calories a day, pretty clean diet, can i still gain strength on a caloric deficit? id say 200-300 a day, getting 220g of protein a day.

No. Believe me I've struggled with this concept for a year now.
Just eat HARD for the two months you are strength training and then worry about the abs
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by hotshots24

im about to start a my own program, and its focusing on gaining strength for two months, focused on getting my squat to 2XBW and bench to 170 (BW)
im eating 2500 calories a day, pretty clean diet, can i still gain strength on a caloric deficit? id say 200-300 a day, getting 220g of protein a day.

No. Believe me I've struggled with this concept for a year now.
Just eat HARD for the two months you are strength training and then worry about the abs
Well,im just really focused on my vertical leap right now, i guess ill up it to at least maintenance calories and take the slow but sure approach. btw im 5'10 170 10%, hoping to just be strong enough in a few months to have enough base strength to get up there, then ill be doing plyometrics to increase whatever i gained in the few months. So youre rright, ill just cut during the plyo phase
Originally Posted by Dakingii

So i have been neglecting my legs for a long time and now im starting to work them out but every time i do deadlifts i get dizzy a little. I dont even do alot of weight all i did was 185lb today.

I only risked doing 1 set because i didnt know what would have happened if i continued. Can somebody tell me whats up? am i just not meant to deadlift and should stick to squats because i had no problem doing those.
i would rather hit the leg press if i were you.. though the deadlift is really a superb exercise
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by bigjohn46581

focus on your breathing. inhale going up. exhale at the peak

Do not inhale going up.  Exhale all the way up. 

Inhaling up will only make things worse.
Durden, what's your opinion on the valsalva maneuver?
Just started P90X today. A question for those that completed it or are currently doing it. What was your diet like the first few weeks? Right now I'm just going for a lot of protein. I'll be eating fruits, vegatables, crackers, protein bars, Nutrition Whey, and grilled chicken for the first few weeks. Is there anything wrong that I'm eating?? Or anything I should start eating??
Originally Posted by CanIFly34

Just started P90X today. A question for those that completed it or are currently doing it. What was your diet like the first few weeks? Right now I'm just going for a lot of protein. I'll be eating fruits, vegatables, crackers, protein bars, Nutrition Whey, and grilled chicken for the first few weeks. Is there anything wrong that I'm eating?? Or anything I should start eating??

just follow their diet plan
when you guys are sore from working out the other day, what do you do? you rest until it's completely gone? like chest one day, get all sore, then when do you do chest again? 2 days, 3 days, or till there is no more soreness?
^ Waiting 'til the soreness is completely gone is unnecessary. You just gotta suck it up. Nothing wrong with working out with a little soreness.

You should be able to judge whether or not that muscle is ready to be worked again. Just listen to your body.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by bigjohn46581

focus on your breathing. inhale going up. exhale at the peak

Do not inhale going up.  Exhale all the way up. 

Inhaling up will only make things worse.
Durden, what's your opinion on the valsalva maneuver?
What about it?
@ fatal, allow 3 days rest,

@Brett, for a month I did drop sets thruout my whole workout, it made my chest bigger andcstronger, however it made my shoulders look smaller, I recommend chest and arms only for drop sets, that's just me,
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Durden, what's your opinion on the valsalva maneuver?
What about it?
And using it while lifting vs. not using it while lifting(inhale and exhale during the lift). Quite a few reputable coaches teach lifting with the valsalva maneuver.

Well if its done under the supervision of a trainer, then that's there choice.

I personally would never tell someone to do things that way, and I certainly wouldn't recommend it on here.

It's pretty dangerous.
So I just broke 200lbs for the first time in my life I'm 6'3 or 4 and 202lbs, it's all fat too.
It's not really noticeable but I can tell and my blood pressure is a little high. I need to get back into shape. My problem is with weight training I never really complete it, I had P90X and quit, I was working out in a gym with a friend but stopped that too. So this time I'm going to just try playing basketball consistently at least 3 times a week when this school semester is over. At least that's something I actually enjoy doing. Since it's pretty much all cardio, hopefully that will get me back into better shape and I need to start watching what I eat too.

I applaud all of you guys who actually stick with your workout programs and diets, it's a lot of hard work.
Originally Posted by Fatal Lightning

when you guys are sore from working out the other day, what do you do? you rest until it's completely gone? like chest one day, get all sore, then when do you do chest again? 2 days, 3 days, or till there is no more soreness?
Ill usually wait 48 hours until i workout the same muscle again. its totally fine to work it out if its still sore by that time.
Originally Posted by Fatal Lightning

when you guys are sore from working out the other day, what do you do? you rest until it's completely gone? like chest one day, get all sore, then when do you do chest again? 2 days, 3 days, or till there is no more soreness?

For big muscle groups like legs & back I normally have a good 5-6 days inbetween anyway, so doms is gone by then anyway.

But for smaller muscles such as chest, bis & tris I actually like to have a very slight feeling left in there for when I next train them (normally around 3-4 days apart) -& for me personally it helps focus on the pump a little more. like the others have said it's not gonna kill you & as long as you're experienced enough to know the difference between muscle soreness & injury soreness you'll be fine.

As always, listen to your body & give it an extended rest period from time to time -around every 6-8 weeks for me.
What's good with yoga classes? My gym offers them, may go tonight to try it out. 
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