Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by thejrob

Advice needed:

I started lifting about 2 months ago and I'm a pretty small dude that has never consistently lifted before. Things are going pretty well, but going into the whole process the right side of my body was always stronger (especially arms/ shoulders) just from me naturally favoring it my whole life in sports I guess. Either way since I started lifting, it seems more apparent to me that my right shoulder is broader which always makes my arms feel uneven and a lil uncomfortable when I do different exercises. Maybe its my form or something, but even when I do pushups it feels weird because it feels like my right arm should be spread out further. Anyone know of anything like this?
Yeah, it's the muscle imbalances caused by you using your right arm/hand (I'm guessing you're right handed) for your daily activities for many years. The best way to balance this is to use dumbbells instead of the barbells, which forces you to isolate your arms.
Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

dunno how to add pics but i just added one as my avatar, everyone taking front shots but never back anymore



Pics are a year+ old. I need to update them cuz i know i've definitely sculpted our more definition since then.
Originally Posted by Durden7

The fact that a nutrition professor had a bodyfat % in the 30s is the biggest joke of that entire scenario.

That equals 0 credibility to me.

i dont necessarily agree that he has no credibility but i do laugh whenever i see fat personal trainers at the gym
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Durden7

The fact that a nutrition professor had a bodyfat % in the 30s is the biggest joke of that entire scenario.

That equals 0 credibility to me.

i dont necessarily agree that he has no credibility but i do laugh whenever i see fat personal trainers at the gym
To me it shows no credibility.

Its similar to a pulmonary specialist who smokes.

30% bodyfat is obese.  I can understand if a nutrition teacher isn't the leanest person in the world, but to have those numbers is an absolute joke.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Durden7

The fact that a nutrition professor had a bodyfat % in the 30s is the biggest joke of that entire scenario.

That equals 0 credibility to me.

i dont necessarily agree that he has no credibility but i do laugh whenever i see fat personal trainers at the gym
To me it shows no credibility.

Its similar to a pulmonary specialist who smokes.

30% bodyfat is obese.  I can understand if a nutrition teacher isn't the leanest person in the world, but to have those numbers is an absolute joke.
i def agree

an on that note

i cant take sloppy personal trainers serious either.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Durden7

The fact that a nutrition professor had a bodyfat % in the 30s is the biggest joke of that entire scenario.

That equals 0 credibility to me.

i dont necessarily agree that he has no credibility but i do laugh whenever i see fat personal trainers at the gym
To me it shows no credibility.

Its similar to a pulmonary specialist who smokes.

30% bodyfat is obese.  I can understand if a nutrition teacher isn't the leanest person in the world, but to have those numbers is an absolute joke.
ive seen a clips of NBA players training and a cat barking orders never does any type workout.

i mean the advise may be valid and solid scientifically  but sometimes its the messenger not just the message
Im a little more understanding of a personal trainer who is slightly overweight than the obese nutrition teacher.

Theres a LOT of factors that go into how a trainer looks.  Theres fewer in regards to the teacher.
I just can't relate a man's personal decisions with his career objectives. Who am I to judge?

It's like not listening to music with Beats because a dude is unable to release new music.
oh wait...
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I just can't relate a man's personal decisions with his career objectives. Who am I to judge?

It's like not listening to music with Beats because a dude is unable to release new music.
oh wait...

But when your personal decisions directly contradict your profession, its difficult to be taken seriously.

Even if he did add body fat before the experiment, that makes his experiment even more of a joke.  Its mainly the media that is twisting his experiment, but its not like there werent flaws in his methods.

So y'all cant take fat doctors seriously either? How about doctors that smoke?
1.  Thats a totally different situation
2.  Hypocritical.  Can't take them seriously.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

Sorry to bombard this thread, but why haven't I seen anything on Waxy Maize. This stuff is 

I mix a scoop in my post-workout shake and it's awesome. It's hard for me to get a good solid carb source in after I lift and this is really solid
Is it natural? Also, after workout is it better to have a carb like oats or something fast acting like a fruit? Im on a cut so Im only taking whey post right now
Items containing sugar such as fruit and fruit juices have been said to be good post workout to increase insulin production and absorb post workout nutrients. It also helps deplete lost glycogen stores from your workout. I usually have a banana or 3/4-1 cup of pomegranate or cranberry juice in addition to my whey shake.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

So y'all cant take fat doctors seriously either? How about doctors that smoke?
Being fat(obese) shows me that you don't care for your overall health enough to make lifestyle related changes(assuming you're not a part of the tiny percentage of people with a genetic disorder). Doctors are supposed to be about overall health, not just take this pill and you'll feel better. That's the way that medicine is heading in the USA, sadly. Same for doctors that smoke.
So i have been neglecting my legs for a long time and now im starting to work them out but every time i do deadlifts i get dizzy a little. I dont even do alot of weight all i did was 185lb today.

I only risked doing 1 set because i didnt know what would have happened if i continued. Can somebody tell me whats up? am i just not meant to deadlift and should stick to squats because i had no problem doing those.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

So i have been neglecting my legs for a long time and now im starting to work them out but every time i do deadlifts i get dizzy a little. I dont even do alot of weight all i did was 185lb today.

I only risked doing 1 set because i didnt know what would have happened if i continued. Can somebody tell me whats up? am i just not meant to deadlift and should stick to squats because i had no problem doing those.
you not about that life.....

Nah, i get this too. Just make sure you're breathing is right and when you put the bar down on the last rep just squat down and take some air in if you feeling shakey.
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