Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I met my macro goals but am 1000 cals under my caloric intake goal.
Are the number of calories as important as macro goals?? For gaining muscle and keeping low body fat.
Brett, shut up and eat

You won't gain strength/muscle if you're undereating. Focus on one goal. If you start gaining too much fat, then cut back. You keep asking the same questions.

speaking of macros, what are your numbers? ive been on IF for maintenance bc i havent had time to work out like i did over the summer. ive only been tracking proteins and fiber (i know its suppose to be protein/carbs/fat). i made fiber a priority bc i was tired of passing bricks from protein OD
can anybody recommend me something that i can gain alot of weight off of? im 5'9 n i weigh 135
Grimm, get bck in the grind homie.
You're the one who got me into this stuff 

chickhien wrote:
nealraj006 wrote:
brettTHEjett wrote:
I met my macro goals but am 1000 cals under my caloric intake goal.
Are the number of calories as important as macro goals?? For gaining muscle and keeping low body fat.

Brett, shut up and eat 

You won't gain strength/muscle if you're undereating. Focus on one goal. If you start gaining too much fat, then cut back. You keep asking the same questions.

speaking of macros, what are your numbers? ive been on IF for maintenance bc i havent had time to work out like i did over the summer. ive only been tracking proteins and fiber (i know its suppose to be protein/carbs/fat). i made fiber a priority bc i was tired of passing bricks from protein OD
Curious, what's youre fiber intake?
My macros on training days: 400g carbs, 180g protein, 50g fat

My macros on resting days: 200g carbs, 180g protein, 100g fat

It's been working lately but it's so DAMN DIFFICULT to get enough food in by the end of the night (using IF).

I think I'm going to take a break from IF 

I've really enjoyed it's benefits and I've only recently adapted to it (no hunger bouts). ...but I'm literally dedicating my evening to cramming food in my body to the point where one more bite and I might vomit. 3800 cals is a lot of food in 8 hours eating clean
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

I'm hurt cuz my abs are slippin' (still cut, but not as sharp as i once was or would like em to be)...loosely based on the the lack of time due to school, which leads to me having to settle for crappy meals. When i go to the gym, I don't even have time to work them as long as I want to. Luckily it's getting cold out so i dont have to show em off anymore, but man i'm busting my %%% to get back to this:

Spoiler [+]

That dude Akiva inspired the hell out of me cuz he's like 24. I'm definitely bustin' my %%% this winter to get back in form. I definitely want to improve on my vascularity in the pic as well.
How do you improve vascularity?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by PhyzXs

can anybody recommend me something that i can gain alot of weight off of? im 5'9 n i weigh 135

drink a gallon of milk a day for two months and lift weights.
Mark Rippetoe recommends that, but only if you're working with heavy weights regularly. 'Starting Strength' is probably your best bet.

Brett, make smoothies or shakes. Coconut milk, greek yogurt, fruit, nuts, etc. IF isn't necessary, and it's definitely hard to cram those calories in if you're trying to gain weight. You can work up to it over time, but it's easier to just eat whatever, whenever. Just make sure you enjoy what you do.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

I'm hurt cuz my abs are slippin' (still cut, but not as sharp as i once was or would like em to be)...loosely based on the the lack of time due to school, which leads to me having to settle for crappy meals. When i go to the gym, I don't even have time to work them as long as I want to. Luckily it's getting cold out so i dont have to show em off anymore, but man i'm busting my %%% to get back to this:

Spoiler [+]

That dude Akiva inspired the hell out of me cuz he's like 24. I'm definitely bustin' my %%% this winter to get back in form. I definitely want to improve on my vascularity in the pic as well.
How do you improve vascularity?
Reduction in bodyfat and time. Your skin will get tighter. I think more explosive lifts also help. That's probably joescience though. I use to have that T-Mac vein on my shoulder 
I don't know if supps help but they advertise such benefits.
Are Romanian Dead-lifts a lower back exercise or more of a hamstring/glutes exercise?

Should I do them when I do legs or when I do back?
Originally Posted by drock2010

Are Romanian Dead-lifts a lower back exercise or more of a hamstring/glutes exercise?

Should I do them when I do legs or when I do back?
these along with some shoulder exercises are meant to be done with lighter weight
^Nah, supposed to go lighter on romanian because that particular exercise puts a lot of stress on the lower back, especially if your form isn't perfect.

So I've been lifting seriously for about a year now but I have a huge question:

I've always worked out Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday but I did every body part every single day. I would do 1-2 exercises for chest, back, bi's, tri's, shoulders, etc. I see results but I'm wondering if I should switch to a routine that includes only 2 body parts each day. Would I be better off doing this or should I stick to what I have been doing?
Originally Posted by emulov

Originally Posted by drock2010

Are Romanian Dead-lifts a lower back exercise or more of a hamstring/glutes exercise?

Should I do them when I do legs or when I do back?
these along with some shoulder exercises are meant to be done with lighter weight
Yeah last week was the first time doing RDLs I start with only 140 for 4 sets of 10 reps

but I'm doing back today I dont know if I should do it today or when I do legs
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Grimm, get bck in the grind homie.
You're the one who got me into this stuff 

chickhien wrote:
nealraj006 wrote:
brettTHEjett wrote:
I met my macro goals but am 1000 cals under my caloric intake goal.
Are the number of calories as important as macro goals?? For gaining muscle and keeping low body fat.

speaking of macros, what are your numbers? ive been on IF for maintenance bc i havent had time to work out like i did over the summer. ive only been tracking proteins and fiber (i know its suppose to be protein/carbs/fat). i made fiber a priority bc i was tired of passing bricks from protein OD
Curious, what's youre fiber intake?
My macros on training days: 400g carbs, 180g protein, 50g fat

My macros on resting days: 200g carbs, 180g protein, 100g fat

It's been working lately but it's so DAMN DIFFICULT to get enough food in by the end of the night (using IF).

I think I'm going to take a break from IF 

I've really enjoyed it's benefits and I've only recently adapted to it (no hunger bouts). ...but I'm literally dedicating my evening to cramming food in my body to the point where one more bite and I might vomit. 3800 cals is a lot of food in 8 hours eating clean

i try to get 20g of fiber a day. i read somewhere that 25g is ideal, but like you, im just too full to eat. i did try to break from IF one weekend by eating breakfast lunch and dinner at the "usual" times. i swear, after breakfast i was STARVING for lunch and the same happened before dinner time. on IF my hunger is no where at the level of a breakfast, lunch, dinner (which caused me to overeat)

i'm currently 5'9" and 153 lbs. i'm in the gym 3 to 4x a week and i want to get to 160-165. what's the best way for me to do this? in reference to diet..
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Grimm, get bck in the grind homie.
You're the one who got me into this stuff 
I'm still grinding, my dude. Just need to get back the intensity I was at earlier, tis all. You'll see the progress by Christmas. I'll post them.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by PhyzXs

can anybody recommend me something that i can gain alot of weight off of? im 5'9 n i weigh 135

drink a gallon of milk a day for two months and lift weights.
Mark Rippetoe recommends that, but only if you're working with heavy weights regularly. 'Starting Strength' is probably your best bet.

Brett, make smoothies or shakes. Coconut milk, greek yogurt, fruit, nuts, etc. IF isn't necessary, and it's definitely hard to cram those calories in if you're trying to gain weight. You can work up to it over time, but it's easier to just eat whatever, whenever. Just make sure you enjoy what you do.

I'm lactose intolerant
. Any other things anyone would suggest besides milk?
Originally Posted by NEX87

What do you guys think is better doing cardio b4 you lift or vice-versa..

i like doing cardio for like 10-15 minutes to get loose and ready for lifting
what uuuup brahs, long time no talk!

Well, i've been using intrabolic and it has a funky sensation while in your mouth, noromo, Normal? Or do i have some bootleg version. Kind of like cotton candy, and the powder is weird, tastes good though.

Deadlift at 245 1MR, bulks paying off, but damn i got a frog belly, i'm guessing it's the carbs(bloatage?).

Been off jack3d for a week and a 1/2, and my forearm's size went down like heeeell(maybe it's just me). I'm now convinced jacked has to be laced with cocaine or something, the focus i had from that was amazing; unlike now, i am just waiting to finish that last set.

Oh and...Damn grimm, im 'mirin brah gjdm.
ran for an hour and 10 mins

at first i went back to my car, but decided to hit up another trail to relieve the stress and clear my mind...feels good
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Been off jack3d for a week and a 1/2, and my forearm's size went down like heeeell(maybe it's just me). I'm now convinced jacked has to be laced with cocaine or something, the focus i had from that was amazing; unlike now, i am just waiting to finish that last set.

  Yeah, I think its just you.


I just looked at the label on jacked. Its creatine, beta alanine, arginine and caffeine?

Well no wonder people think its amazing. 
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