Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

" alt="image">
[font=Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif]

[font=Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif]critique my physique brahs[/font]
your quotation marks look good, brah. might want to work on your greater than sign, though, not great enough.

EDIT-wait, so is that really you? kinda looks like Arron Carter?
Quick Question.

After I lift I do 30mins of cardio, then it's probably another 20mins till I'm home and drink my shake.
Should I bring my shake to the gym, and drink it right after I'm done lifting, before my cardio?
Originally Posted by rhester

Quick Question.

After I lift I do 30mins of cardio, then it's probably another 20mins till I'm home and drink my shake.
Should I bring my shake to the gym, and drink it right after I'm done lifting, before my cardio?
People think this majestic 'anabolic window' will transform them over night. They think if they dont get 50g protein immediately after a workout than it was a wasted effort
Sure, that 30 mins has higher advantages, but the idea is to meet your macro goals for the entire day, not hour.
What should I be doing to drop a bunch of weight plus gain running endurance?

I asked a while back but I can't find the pm's or pages.
I came in here to ask a question about pre-eating before a workout in the morning and I see there is already debate about it. I wanna do some cardio in the morning before i go off to school, do i eat or not? And if I do eat how long do I have to wait before I start running? Thanks for answering my question which has probably been asked already a million times
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

BTW, I've been using EC for cutting for slightly less than a week now and its amazing for pre-workout energy. On 3 occasions this week I've lifted for 2 hours doing heavy compounds and some kettlebell work. I've felt extremely focused and energetic while on EC and havent felt much fatigue during or after my workouts. The negatives I've experienced are a bit of excessive sweating (even when not working out), and the increased heart rate is a nuisance when working out because I need more time between sets to reduce my HR (even though I'm taking it 2 hours prior to hitting the gym). Overall its pretty good.
Carlos could you please explain to me what EC is?  Is it like a thermogenic??  When I was cutting this summer I would take Thermal D4 and a scoop of SuperPump 250 before the gym and would have by far THEEE best lifts and gains in physique of my life. 

And congrats Brett you're looking great... hope to have abs like that myself this summer. 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by rhester

Quick Question.

After I lift I do 30mins of cardio, then it's probably another 20mins till I'm home and drink my shake.
Should I bring my shake to the gym, and drink it right after I'm done lifting, before my cardio?
People think this majestic 'anabolic window' will transform them over night. They think if they dont get 50g protein immediately after a workout than it was a wasted effort
Sure, that 30 mins has higher advantages, but the idea is to meet your macro goals for the entire day, not hour.
*pimp clap* My man...

And about that working out in a "catabolic" state, nobody reaches a catabolic state in 1 mere sleep cycle. What IS true is that your body will tap more into your glycogen and fat stores as a result of having an empty stomach. The fact that you're not "building" muscle while your working out should act as a disclaimer that working out on an empty stomach is perfectly fine. Why do you need nutrients while working out unless you're doing so for the sake of a competition or something else that requires endurance? All you're doing is breaking down the muscle fibers here and then getting your nutrients and minerals later to help repair or "build" them.

Come on, over 500 pages later and we're still out here trying to dispel simple misconceptions?

I suggest people go out and read a little bit, or a lot and figure some of this stuff out yourself,'s your sign:
Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

BTW, I've been using EC for cutting for slightly less than a week now and its amazing for pre-workout energy. On 3 occasions this week I've lifted for 2 hours doing heavy compounds and some kettlebell work. I've felt extremely focused and energetic while on EC and havent felt much fatigue during or after my workouts. The negatives I've experienced are a bit of excessive sweating (even when not working out), and the increased heart rate is a nuisance when working out because I need more time between sets to reduce my HR (even though I'm taking it 2 hours prior to hitting the gym). Overall its pretty good.
Carlos could you please explain to me what EC is?  Is it like a thermogenic??  When I was cutting this summer I would take Thermal D4 and a scoop of SuperPump 250 before the gym and would have by far THEEE best lifts and gains in physique of my life. 

And congrats Brett you're looking great... hope to have abs like that myself this summer. 
The "E" is ephedrine and the "C" is caffeine. You can read more here:
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by Al Audi

really diggin how this dude thinks

I could never get down with the whole 'training in the morning on an empty stomache' deal.

I mean your body needs something to break that fast from when you were asleep.

i feel that making your body burn calories while in a catabolic state seems counter-productive
The 'catabolic' state is highly exaggerated for fasted workouts. About half my workouts are fasted (in the evening, even).
You're body is burning fat, not muscle, for the most part

   Unless one is taking in some form of casein protein before bed, his body will go into a catabolic state during those hours he's sleeping.

I think muscle deterioration is something we would all strive to avoid
Just curious...has anybody heard of this "recipe"

One of my buddies who I train with has a recipe that consists of 1 cup Black Coffee, 2 scoops of Whey (Forget which brand he uses, I'm a fan of ON myself), 3-4 Ice Cubes, and 1 cup of the blender, and there you go...

I actually tried it yest and it's really good...but, does this "ruin" the effects of Whey?
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by Al Audi

really diggin how this dude thinks

I could never get down with the whole 'training in the morning on an empty stomache' deal.

I mean your body needs something to break that fast from when you were asleep.

i feel that making your body burn calories while in a catabolic state seems counter-productive
The 'catabolic' state is highly exaggerated for fasted workouts. About half my workouts are fasted (in the evening, even).
You're body is burning fat, not muscle, for the most part

   Unless one is taking in some form of casein protein before bed, his body will go into a catabolic state during those hours he's sleeping.

I think muscle deterioration is something we would all strive to avoid

Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

BTW, I've been using EC for cutting for slightly less than a week now and its amazing for pre-workout energy. On 3 occasions this week I've lifted for 2 hours doing heavy compounds and some kettlebell work. I've felt extremely focused and energetic while on EC and havent felt much fatigue during or after my workouts. The negatives I've experienced are a bit of excessive sweating (even when not working out), and the increased heart rate is a nuisance when working out because I need more time between sets to reduce my HR (even though I'm taking it 2 hours prior to hitting the gym). Overall its pretty good.
Carlos could you please explain to me what EC is?  Is it like a thermogenic??  When I was cutting this summer I would take Thermal D4 and a scoop of SuperPump 250 before the gym and would have by far THEEE best lifts and gains in physique of my life. 

And congrats Brett you're looking great... hope to have abs like that myself this summer. 
Ephedrine + Caffeine.

 Sorry dude,t hat pic was a joke.

That's Aaron Carter embarking on his natural bodybuilding career since all the teens are listening to JB and not him 
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Just curious...has anybody heard of this "recipe"

One of my buddies who I train with has a recipe that consists of 1 cup Black Coffee, 2 scoops of Whey (Forget which brand he uses, I'm a fan of ON myself), 3-4 Ice Cubes, and 1 cup of the blender, and there you go...

I actually tried it yest and it's really good...but, does this "ruin" the effects of Whey?

Does he use this for some sort of pre-workout concept?
The effects of whey is...? 

Would drinking a coffee with a can of tuna ruin the effect of tuna? 
That guy doesn't eat much real food at all. Its helping his physical body, but he is killing his insides.

BTw, if u work out on a empty stomach, be very careful to not over do it as you can easily pass out
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by Al Audi

really diggin how this dude thinks

I could never get down with the whole 'training in the morning on an empty stomache' deal.

I mean your body needs something to break that fast from when you were asleep.

i feel that making your body burn calories while in a catabolic state seems counter-productive
The 'catabolic' state is highly exaggerated for fasted workouts. About half my workouts are fasted (in the evening, even).
You're body is burning fat, not muscle, for the most part

   Unless one is taking in some form of casein protein before bed, his body will go into a catabolic state during those hours he's sleeping.

I think muscle deterioration is something we would all strive to avoid

I dont even know what the hell this means.

And dont talk down to me like im beneath you or something.

Take that nonsense to that other site.
The whole industry of "lifting weights" has created marketing myths to give people the idea that if they have some minute error in their diet, they won't gain a pound of muscle over a year period.

Let me ask you this.
What is the difference between ..protein, and casin protein that a body needs CASIN before bed?
The ability to digest slower... but HOW MUCH slower. Looking at the numbers, is there really a difference?

That's broscience.
Concepts (and therefore supplements/products) that are based on very slight evidence. i.e. that unless you eat every three hours your body isnt in an anabolic state, and that you are not maximizing gains


If you are under pressure to eat on that frequency, you'll end up eating garbage just to say you ate. Anabolic? turns into ...Fatabolic

Anyways, he wasn't talking down to you. The point is a lot of myths exist purely in order to sell you something. In this case it's casin..... please tell me you dont own a tub of casin....
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by Al Audi

really diggin how this dude thinks

I could never get down with the whole 'training in the morning on an empty stomache' deal.

I mean your body needs something to break that fast from when you were asleep.

i feel that making your body burn calories while in a catabolic state seems counter-productive
The 'catabolic' state is highly exaggerated for fasted workouts. About half my workouts are fasted (in the evening, even).
You're body is burning fat, not muscle, for the most part

   Unless one is taking in some form of casein protein before bed, his body will go into a catabolic state during those hours he's sleeping.

I think muscle deterioration is something we would all strive to avoid

I dont even know what the hell this means.

And dont talk down to me like im beneath you or something.

Take that nonsense to that other site.
Does he use this for some sort of pre-workout concept?

The effects of whey is...? 
Would drinking a coffee with a can of tuna ruin the effect of tuna?
Usually drinks it in the morning before his workouts.

Worded that differently, wasn't what I meant...ease up on the sarcasm, dude.
People think this majestic 'anabolic window' will transform them overnight. They think if they dont get 50g protein immediately after aworkout than it was a wasted effortSure, that 30 mins has higher advantages, but the idea is to meet your macro goals for the entire day, not hour.
Are you suggesting there there isnt a difference between eating something shortly after a workout and a couple of hours after a workout?

Unless one is taking in some form of casein protein before bed, his body will go into a catabolic state during those hours he's sleeping.

I think muscle deterioration is something we would all strive to avoid
It is true that the body is in a catabolic state during rest, but it isnt detrimental catabolism.  The amount of muscle proteins broken down during a night of sleep is quite minimal.

Catabolism is a very broad term that covers a lot of factors.
Originally Posted by Durden7

People think this majestic 'anabolic window' will transform them overnight. They think if they dont get 50g protein immediately after aworkout than it was a wasted effortSure, that 30 mins has higher advantages, but the idea is to meet your macro goals for the entire day, not hour.
Are you suggesting there there isnt a difference between eating something shortly after a workout and a couple of hours after a workout?

Unless one is taking in some form of casein protein before bed, his body will go into a catabolic state during those hours he's sleeping.

I think muscle deterioration is something we would all strive to avoid
It is true that the body is in a catabolic state during rest, but it isnt detrimental catabolism.  The amount of muscle proteins broken down during a night of sleep is quite minimal.

Catabolism is a very broad term that covers a lot of factors.

I'm pretty sure he understands that the activity of protein synthesis is higher when closer to the workout. But in the grand scheme of things, it won't matter much to an average joe. If you're a pro, take it seriously. If not, don't sweat every living second.
Catabolism happens very commonly in the body. You wouldn't want to have only an anabolic body. Catabolism is good for the body and you can still maintain a very good physique while fasting regularly.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

I'm pretty sure he understands that the activity of protein synthesis is higher when closer to the workout. But in the grand scheme of things, it won't matter much to an average joe. If you're a pro, take it seriously. If not, don't sweat every living second.
Yeah, I wanted to make sure that people know that the difference between consumption immediately after and 30-45 min after is minimal, but the difference between that time frame and hours later is significant.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by nealraj006

I'm pretty sure he understands that the activity of protein synthesis is higher when closer to the workout. But in the grand scheme of things, it won't matter much to an average joe. If you're a pro, take it seriously. If not, don't sweat every living second.
Yeah, I wanted to make sure that people know that the difference between consumption immediately after and 30-45 min after is minimal, but the difference between that time frame and hours later is significant.

Ok, thanks for clarifying. I wasn't totally sure... but gone are the days where I blow through red lights in order to get home before that 30 min window closes 
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