Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

You know what's more difficult than reaching goals?
Deciding what goals to set

One day I really crave higher strength, the next day I really crave fat loss... hard to stick to any one program.
Originally Posted by danextjordan23

Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

Alright fitness experts!
Barbell barbell bench vs dumb bell press? Which is better?

I'm able to put up 80 - 90 dumbbells like water, but I can't barbell for NOTHING!! LOL

I can barely do 185 on the barbell wussup with that? Lol

Not to mention I have a shoulder injury I think bad joints, anyways before my injury I was able to put up 245 on the barbell, but 65 dumbbells was pretty hard! Lol wut gives?

I'm 135 lbs if that matters

you should compete.

Mental warfare going on? That doesn't seem right from my perspective.
mental warfare? i duno maybe. it doesnt make sense to me either.

 its been a year since my shoulder injury, i havent got it checked out, but man the side of my  shoulder injury ( which is the right) also made my biceps, traps, and lats weak! im right handed and now my left is stronger lol, my strength is catching on tho.
i know that the tendons and joints in my right shoulder is still fragile.
i might have torn a bicep tendon but my bicep never hurts or give me pain, it just became a lil weaker, and looks more smaller lol

compete in what?
im very cut and vascular with just a lil stomcah fat ( 2 - 3 lbs?) i cant get rid of, lol , i train different routines all the time, from light to heavy, any work out routines u guys can prefer?
im probaly around 8 to 10%  bodyfat
Originally Posted by proto onslaught

any one ever tried Shred Matrix by Muscle Pharm? what are you thoughts on it?

thinking about picking it up

never used shred matrix myself but have used MP products, legit company imo and good folks over there. the people i know who have used it like it.

im just wishy/washy with that category........example........ive had OxyElite Pro from Usp another popular fat burner ppl swear by...........i kinda took it a few days an gave up, i just thinkwhen i focus in on my diet im fine. But fat burners can help. Id try Shred Matrix or OxyElite from this catergory. i think I actually popped it a few times on random days for energy.....

if i wanted to a try a product in that catergory i go with either those 2

sleep has been *(^#$# like past 2 weeks+ so picked this up at v shoppe slept great last night.
Serious beginner looking to change eating habits and has no idea where to start.

*@*# do I count calories on a home made meal?
How do I calculate my body fat without measuring tape?
I know rice is bad but what are things I can replace it with?

I try to look up info, but most places I go to assume you have some basic knowledge in this area but I have no clue what the difference is between starch, carbs, good fat and bad fat.

I feel like I need a fitness for dummies or something to start me from the very basic info otherwise its really hard to get motivated to do anything.
Originally Posted by Diego

Serious beginner looking to change eating habits and has no idea where to start.

*@*# do I count calories on a home made meal?
How do I calculate my body fat without measuring tape?
I know rice is bad but what are things I can replace it with?

I try to look up info, but most places I go to assume you have some basic knowledge in this area but I have no clue what the difference is between starch, carbs, good fat and bad fat.

I feel like I need a fitness for dummies or something to start me from the very basic info otherwise its really hard to get motivated to do anything.
1. Online there's plenty of databases with info on raw and cooked foods from supermarkets, you can just add them up and try and get an estimate of your meal's caloric value
2. Calipers are the most precise, I don't know any other way other than to guess
3. Rice isn't bad, it's a great source of energy. If you don't like it, try salads and pasta or whole grains
Originally Posted by Diego

Serious beginner looking to change eating habits and has no idea where to start.

*@*# do I count calories on a home made meal?
How do I calculate my body fat without measuring tape?
I know rice is bad but what are things I can replace it with?

I try to look up info, but most places I go to assume you have some basic knowledge in this area but I have no clue what the difference is between starch, carbs, good fat and bad fat.

I feel like I need a fitness for dummies or something to start me from the very basic info otherwise its really hard to get motivated to do anything.
Dont worry about counting calories. Just go by until your satisfied but not until you are full or until your stomach is bulging. Use common as much natural food as possible.

Dont worry about calculating bodyfat. If you want to track your progress just take pictures of yourself on a monthly basis.

Rice is not bad. A few studies have concluded that there is little nutritional difference between white rice and brown. "Good" carbs are complex and take your body longer to digest. The longer it takes to digest the more energy it gives you. Bad carbs are simple meaning that your body digests them very quickly - they provide temporary energy for a short period of time before your body requires more energy soon after. Simple carbs come from sugar, desserts, manufactured foods, etc. Most fruits are easily digested by the body but they have high nutritional value and they are filling. Most fruits are good for you but do some research as to which ones are the best (bananas, berries, apples, etc etc). Complex carb sources like oatmeal, pasta, rice, yams, potatos, whole grain bread, are good for you. Green vegetables are excellent because of their nutritional value and they also keep you full.

Good fats can be found in fish, extra virgin olive oil, flax seeds (put them in your oatmeal or cereal), nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts, etc etc). Bad fats are found in fried food, meats, manufactured food (chips, cookies, desserts, etc etc). Fats are very good for your body and you should eat them every single day in moderation. Be careful though because they are very high in calories so you want to eat enough but not too much.

Dont worry too much about "eating healthy" but about eating what you like in moderation. People think that eating healthy is all about restricting yourself and eating the same boring food every day but it is impossible to stick to such diets for extended periods of time. You can even eat junk food a few times a week but keep it moderate and make sure that you burn it off through exercise.

As for exercise, do what you like. It's the same as food...if you hate it then you're not going to do it for more than a short period of time. If you like lifting, then lift. If you like running, then run. If you prefer playing sports then do that. Ofcourse its best to combine lifting with cardio/sports but its up to you in the end.
^What carlos said. You gotta ease yourself into this. Chances are if you started counting calories and then getting all psycho on all the little details, the harder it becomes to maintain the lifestyle. That's how it's like for most people at least, because it IS a lifestyle change. Like a recovering addict or something, sometimes you can't go cold turkey because the consequences could be much more drastic. Just cut out all the really bad stuff like snacking on chips/super processed/artificial foods and soda. Begin by working out on a basic strength routine and then come back when you need that extra edge to keep from plateauing.
Ok so I'm about to finish my tub of ON Hydro Whey and I want to try something else. Results were pretty good. I go to the gym usually 4-6 times a week for around 45mins to 1hr and a half.
I'm also trying to gain some weight, right now I'm 6'4 205 but want to get to around 215-220 by jan-feb. Any recommendations?
best way to gain abs? I hardly have body fat and would just like to know a easy reliable way to gain constant abs
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Rice is not bad. A few studies have concluded that there is little nutritional difference between white rice and brown. "Good" carbs are complex and take your body longer to digest. The longer it takes to digest the more energy it gives you. Bad carbs are simple meaning that your body digests them very quickly - they provide temporary energy for a short period of time before your body requires more energy soon after. Simple carbs come from sugar, desserts, manufactured foods, etc.

Link to any articles that say there's little nutritional difference between brown and white rice?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Rice is not bad. A few studies have concluded that there is little nutritional difference between white rice and brown. "Good" carbs are complex and take your body longer to digest. The longer it takes to digest the more energy it gives you. Bad carbs are simple meaning that your body digests them very quickly - they provide temporary energy for a short period of time before your body requires more energy soon after. Simple carbs come from sugar, desserts, manufactured foods, etc.

Link to any articles that say there's little nutritional difference between brown and white rice?
I'm not sure if you have access to online academic journals but here are two studies that discuss possible negatives of brown rice consumption...

Basically the argument is that although brown rice contains more nutrients, the difference between consuming it as an alternative to white rice is negligible and it has no significant advantage over white rice.

As for the GI factor, white rice is higher on the GI but its often eaten in combination with other foods (i.e. chicken, meat) which lowers the GI value of white rice.
Ayo, Carlos appreciate the info bro.
Im not fat by any stretch of the imagination, I just would like to tone up a little so I agree with you that I dont need to get all psycho with a strict diet.

I have been going to the gym and noticed I been getting slightly bigger (arms and such) I just would like to tone up, perhaps get some abs and such. Getting big is not in my plans at all.

Thanks for your help though.
Will continue this for a few months and then determine where I want to go.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Rice is not bad. A few studies have concluded that there is little nutritional difference between white rice and brown. "Good" carbs are complex and take your body longer to digest. The longer it takes to digest the more energy it gives you. Bad carbs are simple meaning that your body digests them very quickly - they provide temporary energy for a short period of time before your body requires more energy soon after. Simple carbs come from sugar, desserts, manufactured foods, etc.

Link to any articles that say there's little nutritional difference between brown and white rice?
I'm not sure if you have access to online academic journals but here are two studies that discuss possible negatives of brown rice consumption...

Basically the argument is that although brown rice contains more nutrients, the difference between consuming it as an alternative to white rice is negligible and it has no significant advantage over white rice.

As for the GI factor, white rice is higher on the GI but its often eaten in combination with other foods (i.e. chicken, meat) which lowers the GI value of white rice.
Interesting articles.

I definitely disagree with them though.  I don't see how something can have more nutrients and have no advantage over its counterpart.  The associations between brown rice and lowered risk of type 2 diabetes are undeniable.  Also, I didn't understand why the one sample was given a 14 day diet and the other was given an 8 day diet. (2nd article)  The .5 g/kg of protein they used is a really low number, so obviously the nitrogen balance was going to be negative in both samples.  I think the reason the brown rice was more negative is because of the GI.  The little amount of protein that was eaten was absorbed more because of the insulin response to white rice.

I completely agree with the GI statement too.  GI is basically useless.  GL is better, but still has flaws. 

Its an interesting topic, but I don't know if it has a practical application.  White rice has its roles, but as an overall health suggestion brown rice is healthier.
Originally Posted by Superpusha

best way to gain abs? I hardly have body fat and would just like to know a easy reliable way to gain constant abs

gain abs you say? you dont really "gain" them, you already have them, you just need to lose more body fat
Anyone here do negative lifts/workouts? Thinking of doing 1 negative + 1 normal workout a week
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

I see you staxx. You got girls in your pics? I got a dude in mine, see him? I just came at you sideways, bro.

Haven't snapped pics in months. Tried not to peacock too much in the locker room to take this quickie (I don't frequent this gym often).
Is that BB misc talk? I'm so confused 
but looking good.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

really diggin how this dude thinks

This guy talks about treating his body like a well maintained luxury car but his diet consists of 4 scoops of whey protein and canned fish?
How do you even stay full on such a diet?

Anyways, I think its a great to work out on an empty stomach if you are able to do so. I never tried doing so because I had to a few months ago out of necessity and I ended up doing it for 2 months without much issue. Occasionally you feel your blood pressure drop but I adjusted by eating more at night which allowed me to workout fasted in the morning at a relatively intense level.

BTW, I've been using EC for cutting for slightly less than a week now and its amazing for pre-workout energy. On 3 occasions this week I've lifted for 2 hours doing heavy compounds and some kettlebell work. I've felt extremely focused and energetic while on EC and havent felt much fatigue during or after my workouts. The negatives I've experienced are a bit of excessive sweating (even when not working out), and the increased heart rate is a nuisance when working out because I need more time between sets to reduce my HR (even though I'm taking it 2 hours prior to hitting the gym). Overall its pretty good.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by Al Audi

really diggin how this dude thinks

I could never get down with the whole 'training in the morning on an empty stomache' deal.

I mean your body needs something to break that fast from when you were asleep.

i feel that making your body burn calories while in a catabolic state seems counter-productive
The 'catabolic' state is highly exaggerated for fasted workouts. About half my workouts are fasted (in the evening, even).
You're body is burning fat, not muscle, for the most part
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