Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Catabolism is grossly exaggerated. If you workout on an empty stomach you will break down muscle. If you workout for a second more than 45 minutes you will break down muscle. If you dont eat immediately after working out you will break down muscle. If you go longer than 8 hours between dinner and breakfast then you will break down muscle. Too many myths being perpetuated out there. I remember a few years ago reading threads on where dudes wrote about waking themselves up a few times a night to eat meals to avoid catabolism
. I'm sure there are people who still do this. As we've discussed here before, it's just a numbers gain. You eat enough food (regardless of meal frequency) and you will maintain/gain weight. You do not eat enough food and you will lose weight. It's very simple.
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Worded that differently, wasn't what I meant...ease up on the sarcasm, dude.

Didn't intend that to be sarcastic. The thing is, unlike some things, protein will be protein.

Carlos Tevez wrote:
I remember a few years ago reading threads on where dudes wrote about waking themselves up a few times a night to eat meals to avoid catabolism

Before I ever lifted a single dumbbell I read an article in Men's Health about an editor who went from skinny to heavy-weight....
He emphasized the hell out of that.. I thought I was so dedicated waking up at 3am to pound a shake. 

Reading is important... now I get undivided sleeps! 
Originally Posted by djkaos23

Friday - Arms

* EZ-bar Triceps lying extension 3 x 8-10
* Dips 2 x 6-10
* One Arm Triceps Overhead Extension 3 x 12-15
* Triceps Pressdown 2 x 8-12
* Standing Curl 3 x 8-10
* Concentration Curls 3 x 12-15
* Hammer Curl 2 x 8-12

*Deadlifts 3 x 8-12

Why are you doing deadlifts on your 'arm' day? Doesn't make any sense...
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by djkaos23

Friday - Arms

* EZ-bar Triceps lying extension 3 x 8-10
* Dips 2 x 6-10
* One Arm Triceps Overhead Extension 3 x 12-15
* Triceps Pressdown 2 x 8-12
* Standing Curl 3 x 8-10
* Concentration Curls 3 x 12-15
* Hammer Curl 2 x 8-12

*Deadlifts 3 x 8-12

Why are you doing deadlifts on your 'arm' day? Doesn't make any sense...
This...why not add in to your back day? And the reps are too high. Do 3 X 5. Heavy but manageable weight too.
Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by djkaos23

Friday - Arms

* EZ-bar Triceps lying extension 3 x 8-10
* Dips 2 x 6-10
* One Arm Triceps Overhead Extension 3 x 12-15
* Triceps Pressdown 2 x 8-12
* Standing Curl 3 x 8-10
* Concentration Curls 3 x 12-15
* Hammer Curl 2 x 8-12

*Deadlifts 3 x 8-12

Why are you doing deadlifts on your 'arm' day? Doesn't make any sense...
This...why not add in to your back day? And the reps are too high. Do 3 X 5. Heavy but manageable weight too.
Or do it on a day that doesnt require a lot of other intense exercises.... i.e  an "arm" day.
can anyone help me out? my main concern is causing hypertrophy. it seems like ive been doing too many reps for deadlifts and im assuming squats too. these pass few weeks ive been starting out with 5x5,4x8,4x12 in that order. then id start over with a higher weight. i need to be steered in the right direction.
Hey guys, Im on fat loss mission as well. I wanted to know is it good to have skim milk, a scoop of whey and oatmeal every morning on training and non training days? I throw some raisins in there as well
I met my macro goals but am 1000 cals under my caloric intake goal.
Are the number of calories as important as macro goals?? For gaining muscle and keeping low body fat.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by djkaos23

Friday - Arms

* EZ-bar Triceps lying extension 3 x 8-10
* Dips 2 x 6-10
* One Arm Triceps Overhead Extension 3 x 12-15
* Triceps Pressdown 2 x 8-12
* Standing Curl 3 x 8-10
* Concentration Curls 3 x 12-15
* Hammer Curl 2 x 8-12

*Deadlifts 3 x 8-12

Why are you doing deadlifts on your 'arm' day? Doesn't make any sense...
This...why not add in to your back day? And the reps are too high. Do 3 X 5. Heavy but manageable weight too.
Or do it on a day that doesnt require a lot of other intense exercises.... i.e  an "arm" day.
yeah i noticed that and never did them on this day lol. I just copied and pasted a workout that i had typed up. Thanks on the advice on keeping the weight high (manageable) with low reps.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I met my macro goals but am 1000 cals under my caloric intake goal.
Are the number of calories as important as macro goals?? For gaining muscle and keeping low body fat.
Yeah they are.
crash diet coming... got a bet with 2 other dudes... eggs, tuna, some almonds, and water... some superfood here and there some pickles here and there..
6 a.m. workouts FTW.

Got all day to do WHATEVER I WANT !!

not really.. got class and work.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I met my macro goals but am 1000 cals under my caloric intake goal.
Are the number of calories as important as macro goals?? For gaining muscle and keeping low body fat.
Brett, shut up and eat

You won't gain strength/muscle if you're undereating. Focus on one goal. If you start gaining too much fat, then cut back. You keep asking the same questions.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I met my macro goals but am 1000 cals under my caloric intake goal.
Are the number of calories as important as macro goals?? For gaining muscle and keeping low body fat.
Brett, shut up and eat

You won't gain strength/muscle if you're undereating. Focus on one goal. If you start gaining too much fat, then cut back. You keep asking the same questions.
I hate eating 

I could shred so easily because I feel find off a couple thou cals... be lookin like arron carter in a week 

back to the kitchen
^I think the # of calories would be more important I.E. the guy who ate mcdonalds and still lost weight, Downsize Me? I think it was...)
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^I think the # of calories would be more important I.E. the guy who ate mcdonalds and still lost weight, Downsize Me? I think it was...)
Close, Supersize Me.

Morgan Spurlock
Club29 wrote:

I dont even know what the hell this means.

And dont talk down to me like im beneath you or something.

Take that nonsense to that other site.
My aim was not to act condescending upon you and your comments, I was just trying to bring to light the fact that you cannot be taking everything you encounter about science at face value. Especially considering the fact that the supplement industry has started booming with all these so called "scientific" findings that would undoubtedly aid in flourishing their company. But to be more specific, muscle deterioration IS something we all want to avoid, but I don't think it would apply to the time-frame that you were referring to, which was over the course of 1 sleep cycle. You were right about the catabolism part, but the deterioration part is....I think questionable. If anything, rest is important because it allows your body to recuperate and build your muscles.
Nah, Durden. That was the guy who ate to show the detrimental affects of mcdonalds. Somebody brought up another dude (after supersize me) who was trying to point out the significance of calorific deficits, which is why he ate mcdonalds and still managed to lose weight.

Edit: I got it, the guy's name is Chazz Weaver
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Nah, Durden. That was the guy who ate to show the detrimental affects of mcdonalds. Somebody brought up another dude (after supersize me) who was trying to point out the significance of calorific deficits, which is why he ate mcdonalds and still managed to lose weight.

Edit: I got it, the guy's name is Chazz Weaver

Ohhh ok, I never heard of the follow up. 
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Club29 wrote:

I dont even know what the hell this means.

And dont talk down to me like im beneath you or something.

Take that nonsense to that other site.
My aim was not to act condescending upon you and your comments, I was just trying to bring to light the fact that you cannot be taking everything you encounter about science at face value. Especially considering the fact that the supplement industry has started booming with all these so called "scientific" findings that would undoubtedly aid in flourishing their company. But to be more specific, muscle deterioration IS something we all want to avoid, but I don't think it would apply to the time-frame that you were referring to, which was over the course of 1 sleep cycle. You were right about the catabolism part, but the deterioration part is....I think questionable. If anything, rest is important because it allows your body to recuperate and build your muscles.

Fair enough.

Well said.  
I'm hurt cuz my abs are slippin' (still cut, but not as sharp as i once was or would like em to be)...loosely based on the the lack of time due to school, which leads to me having to settle for crappy meals. When i go to the gym, I don't even have time to work them as long as I want to. Luckily it's getting cold out so i dont have to show em off anymore, but man i'm busting my %%% to get back to this:

Spoiler [+]

That dude Akiva inspired the hell out of me cuz he's like 24. I'm definitely bustin' my %%% this winter to get back in form. I definitely want to improve on my vascularity in the pic as well.
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