Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

#!!# single digit BF is hard to obtain.. but easier to maintain.

I think im around 14% atm.. but more mass. I doubt i'd ever get to 10% unless I diet and get my exercise on point. Its coming up to winter for now, but I feel like staying leanish all year round, so I don't think i'd make any adjustments.

Im waiting for that next bout of motivation where I can push myself to get to that 10%. I want to be around 150-155 @ 10%
Once u master ur diet its not that hard. I mean its like the missin key, I know dudes I see all the time like myself in the gym but they never change. I'm not even super strict just have a gist or clean carbs/protein in my head an I always try to get in veggies. Think I've said it before 10% is where you see abs an the lower the more defined. DJ great info, our kinetic chain is very important. I don't have pain but that book sounds like something I'd be interested in for sure an a lot of people would benefit period. Will look that up later.
i have no clue whats goin on with YUKU stuff is dissapearin??

also i do agree with Tim on those exercises but V shape isnt that simple, ive seen better pics an Tim is brolic up top like myself matter fact he posted back pics few pages back now, he has muscle thickness an dont sleep he puts up weight. An im sure (positive) he does deadlifts which i feel really help with a V shape (also abs!, keep that core tight) that many people do not do. Broad shoulders down to a lean waist. Like i said throw that genetics talk out if you train and eat right (yes itll never get old) here is just a quick article i googled before i head out. just sayin do some leg raises wont help you if you want that V shape look for real, but i do agree on that those advanced ab techniques.

A well developed back will enhance the appearance of your wholephysique, even from the front! The key to building an impressive backis to develop both muscle width and thickness, which will give yourwhole torso more of a '3D, V-shaped look'. Sports Nutrition expert, ZefEisenberg gives you the key to achieving the perfect back.

straight forward an im sure you can find even better ones.
Originally Posted by Matt53

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Matt53

Originally Posted by Durden7

Has anyone ever tried parachute training?

and let me tell you it is

I do it with my weighted vest and you get such a good burn going in your legs and lungs

ive been putting off a parachute and weighted vest for the longest, no joke.

yea i bet you feel it in your lungs and lungs serious.

what brands do you recc for both? i dont want you cheap quality ones an i know they can be a lil expensive..........hence me putting them off prolly.
sorry Al, i just realized that my response hadn't shown up stupid yuku.

But anyway, my 40 lb vest is Weider i think, got it from #$@*@ for about a $100 and the SPARQ chute was $70 if i remember correctly

I love it though, mixing up the cardio is key for me or else i get bored and stop
I've heard V-Max is another good brand for a vest. It is quite expensive, but you get what you pay for. Another thing noting with vests is the width. If you get narrow, you should be able to do overhead work more easily, like pull ups. Wide may interfere with the shoulder's range of motion.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

i have no clue whats goin on with YUKU stuff is dissapearin??

also i do agree with Tim on those exercises but V shape isnt that simple, ive seen better pics an Tim is brolic up top like myself matter fact he posted back pics few pages back now, he has muscle thickness an dont sleep he puts up weight. An im sure (positive) he does deadlifts which i feel really help with a V shape (also abs!, keep that core tight) that many people do not do. Broad shoulders down to a lean waist. Like i said throw that genetics talk out if you train and eat right (yes itll never get old) here is just a quick article i googled before i head out. just sayin do some leg raises wont help you if you want that V shape look for real, but i do agree on that those advanced ab techniques.

A well developed back will enhance the appearance of your wholephysique, even from the front! The key to building an impressive backis to develop both muscle width and thickness, which will give yourwhole torso more of a '3D, V-shaped look'. Sports Nutrition expert, ZefEisenberg gives you the key to achieving the perfect back.

straight forward an im sure you can find even better ones.

my son Gymmy spittin' knowledge.

for some reason, i woke up this morning wanting to try that C-Bol out...i havent touched creatine since HS tho...maybe im intrigued by the possible results
Wa and Carlos Tevez, thanks for your input and advice. It's actually helping me be at ease with taking the time off I need to. I'm sure I'll get that strength back and it's not the first time I've had to lay off of certain important exercises because of a strain or injury, I was just getting impatient with the recovery time.
Originally Posted by iBlink

I was thinking that. What specific exercises should I add into a particular circuit though?

Pull up, push ups, and sit ups are essential, but what else? I'll be using my school's gym by the way.

What he said
So it's true that 90% of losing weight is your diet and the 10% is exercise?

You can be going to the gym 5 days a week but if your still eating carb heavy and semi fat heavy foods, it's all for naught
So it's true that 90% of losing weight is your diet and the 10% is exercise?

You can be going to the gym 5 days a week but if your still eating carb heavy and semi fat heavy foods, it's all for naught
what is that website for buying protein shakes where they give u a free shaker cup? i ordered from them before but i forgot :X
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

So it's true that 90% of losing weight is your diet and the 10% is exercise?

You can be going to the gym 5 days a week but if your still eating carb heavy and semi fat heavy foods, it's all for naught
It's all about calorie intake versus calorie burn. Diet is more important because most people typically have more control of their caloric intake with food eating cleanly, versus spending hours at the gym every day.
Originally Posted by I3

#!!# single digit BF is hard to obtain.. but easier to maintain.

I think im around 14% atm.. but more mass. I doubt i'd ever get to 10% unless I diet and get my exercise on point. Its coming up to winter for now, but I feel like staying leanish all year round, so I don't think i'd make any adjustments.

Im waiting for that next bout of motivation where I can push myself to get to that 10%. I want to be around 150-155 @ 10%
That's exactly what I thought when I was around 14%, that it was super hard to get below 10%.  But, you're right; once you're under 10%, it's pretty easy to maintain, at least for me.  I'm under 10% at 175lbs, and I keep that year round without much concentrated effort.  My diet is fairly lax, and I only do cardio around once per week. I put on a tiny bit in the winter, but everybody's body does that naturally.  Just get motivated and go really hard with HIIT for like a month, and you'll be able to strip some off for good, hopefully.  But the more muscle mass you have, the easier low BF% is to maintain. 
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

So it's true that 90% of losing weight is your diet and the 10% is exercise?

You can be going to the gym 5 days a week but if your still eating carb heavy and semi fat heavy foods, it's all for naught
Cutting fat is all about cutting calories because body fat is a form of stored energy. Cut down the fuel calories(fats and carbs) and you'll be able to lose fat more easily. Cutting down protein won't necessarily help unless you're getting too much to being with. 
Losing fat is all about diet/nutrition and gaining muscle is all about training.
Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

what is that website for buying protein shakes where they give u a free shaker cup? i ordered from them before but i forgot :X, I'm sure there are others but that's what I've used.
darn i cant find the protein shake i was using...can anyone recommend a good one in a fruit punch flavor that mixes with water? Im mad that i kept no receipt or cant remember the name of the big ole' jug i bought
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I am trying to get to 225 as an ultimate goal.
right now I'm benching:
warm up set - 15rep of 95
Set 1 - 12 rep of 115
Set 2 - 8 rep of 135
Set 3 - 12 rep of 115

I can do 185 for a set of 5 reps if I'm fresh.

Anything I should be changing to INCREASE my bench press? I would love to put two plates up six months from now.
If your goal is strength then you're going about it in the wrong way.

Keep to 4 sets of 6 or 5 sets of 5.
Keep warm up sets to 1 or 2 reps.

Keep your working sets in a tight grouping.
So you can 5 reps of 185. I'd say go for 4 X 6 (I prefer it over 5 X5 but you can do either). Your grouping should look like 160, 165, 170, 175 or 165, 165, 170, 175.
You should complete all reps on the first 3 sets and at least 5/6 or 4/5 on the last set.

Also, progression from week to week is very important. Never do less total weight one week then another. You can do equivalent weight but never go below.
If one week you did 165, 165, 170, 175. Then the next week attempt either 165, 170, 170, 175 or 165, 170, 175, 175.
You get the drift.

If you want to I'd also throw in a couple of weeks (maybe every 5th week) heavy doubles/ triples for 5-6 sets and speed work.
perfect, thanks man
My foam roller and stretching straps just came in the mail.  Hopefully theyll help me loosin up my calfs and quads/hams.
Yea. a few days ago one of u guys recommended vpx meltdown for when I start my cut. I started my cut and using the vpx meltdown on Monday and just want to tell you how its been for me.

On Monday I took my first pill about 30 minutes before my workout (weights).
They say its suppose be like a stimulus or whatever and give u more energy for ur workout. Maybe that's for people that rarely go to the gym because I felt the same as I always do. I did have a decent workout.
About an hour after my workout as I was on my way to school I had this high feeling for probably 2 hours. It was like I felt so carefree and everything seemed good. Not only was I on some "glass is half full" type of mood, but I felt like i had free refills for that glass.

I took the pills again at night about 30 minutes before dinner. Didn't have that high feeling this time but I felt my body temperature getting a little warmer so had a feeling the pills were working.

On day 2 I felt thinner already but thought it was just all psychological. I took the pills in the morning and did some weights (OK workout), then in the afternoon I took them again and did cardio about an hour later. Yo the was the same intensity as usual but my body felt as if I did 3x the work. I especially felt it in my midsection. And also the vpx has been making me sweat more during my workouts.
When it was time for bed I realized I was getting some water retention. I've been drinking a gallon of water a day for the past 3 years so I guess since my body was use to that and not these pills I need to start drinking more than a gallon to avoid water retention. It was also very hard for me to sleep last night. I finally passed out around 4am and kept up waking up on and off till about 9 where I just stayed up.

When I got out of bed today (the third day) I felt slimmer and my thighs and legs seemed to already be getting leaner. My jeans already seemed looser on me. I was surprised about this because my thighs and legs are the the hardest for me to cut off fat.
I did my most dreaded workout this morning (weights: lowerbody) and I thought I was gonna die from the workout. Was also sweating more than usually. I just finished my cardio about an hour ago (same feeling as yesterday but not as drastic). After I took a shower I saw that my body and muscles were looking tighter already, DEFINITELY noticed my legs getting leaner, and even the back of my neck by my head seemed slimmer (I know it sound weird but I'm sure u know what I'm talking about).

So overall Im liking the results so far. When I weighed my lself this morning I dropped 5 pounds since Saturday but I'm sure some of it was water weight. But I can't give all the credit to vpx meltdown because I've been working out very hard and my diet is VERY clean. But it hasn't given me energy boosts as it claims.
If anyone is interested I can post updates every few days.
So what are your guys' thoughts on GNC Mega Men Extreme Athlete vitamin packs? I've never used supplements in my life, but the guy at GNC recommended it. I'm weary on using the creatine though
Originally Posted by Noskey

So what are your guys' thoughts on GNC Mega Men Extreme Athlete vitamin packs? I've never used supplements in my life, but the guy at GNC recommended it. I'm weary on using the creatine though

Nothing against you, but thats your first problem. Those guys are salesman, not fitness experts so definitely take what they say as nothing more than a sales pitch (they get bigger commissions from selling GNC products).

Buts as to the actual product, i'm not familiar with it
^ Yeah I figured. Dude was real eager to walk me to the GNC stuff
But hey, I'm just beginning supplements so I figured whatever, I'll give it a shot.
Originally Posted by Noskey

So what are your guys' thoughts on GNC Mega Men Extreme Athlete vitamin packs? I've never used supplements in my life, but the guy at GNC recommended it. I'm weary on using the creatine though

I use the performance pack. It had multivit, fishoils, and a bunch of things that promote healthy heart prostate sex etc.
Could be a load of BS but I feel justified.
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