Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Whats a good way to get that V shape look or make it more defined?

I actually use bullet proof for days I'm just really tired. So I don't follow the cycle but yes u should. I never pay retail for any supplements. Great deep sleep, also vivid dreams are common. Feel great next day. Solid product imo an I have used just ZMA in the past this stuff def puts me to sleep faster an also helps with recover on exhausted, go hard days...or sleep aid with added benefit to ur routine. Hell supplements are money WaWa has made it clear in past he wouldn't get such n such its just this or that. To beginner lifters focus ur money on food if budget is tight. True Story. I'm a dude who loves supplements an the ones I have chosen in this huge industry along with my food n diet I believe have given me an edge. You get what you pay for, I have a lot of companies n products I like an also keep in touch with Reps. I don't vouch for any single company just give my honest review.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Audi-you've mentioned bullet proof before...i'm really curious about how it's helped you. how long before you noticed any benefits? do you take it only on workout days (nights)? have you followed the advice to cycle it? do you get it from bb or from somewhere cheaper (it IS kinda pricey for only 22 servings..)?

new things i'm going to buy-
Presurge Unleashed
Flaxseed Oil Caps
Bullet Proof (pending audi's review)
Just took a look at it and I have no idea why anybody would pay so much (per serving) for what is essentially ZMA and Glutamine.
I supplmenent ZMA and Glutamine (glutamine is more for my stomach;  take about 15 grams a day) and buying them separately is a much better bargain. Imo, ZMA does work and I've been using it for about 4 years now. I'm not sure about glutamine for trainign purposes. I've had gastric problems and I know it's been proven to aid in this sphere (although in the IV  luquid form).

I just bought a 1000 grams of USP grade Glutamine (Jarrow Formula's) for $35 and a 60 day supply of ZMA runs about $20. For $55 you can get a 60 day supply of ZMA and glutamine.

The Bulletproof is about $45 for a 20 days supply. Btw, if you;'re taking any less than 10g a day of Glutamine then don't even bother.
For me, bullet proof would last about 7-8 weeks because i would only use it on training days, but still it IS expensive.
A few months back i looked into ZMA because bb was giving it away free (if i bought ON hydrowhey HAHAHAH no). i was intrigued by what it promises to do. glutamine i get from casein and whey. i don't need much more.

i didn't get that last statement though. do you mean that, if I am taking less than 10g of glutamine a day, then i don't need bullet proof? or are you saying that, if I am taking less than 10g of glutamine a day i wouldn't need bullet proof in the first place? i just kinda thought that was unclear.

audi-do you get it from bb? i would like to get it as cheap as possible lol yeah i added Seb from AEN on facebook. he always responds to my nagging about Unleashed's release date lol
single digit bodyfat. I will never in my life have a chance to look like that guy
I've used ZMA an I prefer bulletproof. I'm not into the homebrew formulas, its a lil more than that. You get what you pay for, for those on a budget focus ur money on food. I'm a dude who loves supplements but I never pay retail of course I just keep in touch with reps an other things. I also don't vouch for any single company but there are some GREAT products these days, an ill give my honest review on ones I feel made a difference. Bulletproof is def better than ZMA.
Yuku fail, smh. Sorry for 2 responses I'm on cell right now too. V shape is def associated with bf% and diet. I mean it takes time. Nice broad upper body and lean waist, I never thought back when I first started I'd be able to get that look but u r what u eat like they say. I mean so to answer the question diet and training, easier said than done I guess? Throw that "genetics" talk out before anyone mentions it.
^yeah yuku has been like this for a while. posts don't show up.

So where do you buy bullet proof other than bb for cheap? you say you know reps...can a homie get a little sum sum?
I've always wanted that V shape so I guess I will just stick to my diet and training. Are there any exercises that will help with the V?
Also WaWa bulletproof is not just zma and glutamine. To each their own but I don't feel the need to supplement glutamine by itself at all I'd supplement l-carnitine before glutamine any day of the week. Like I said that homebrew formula just isn't the same.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

I've always wanted that V shape so I guess I will just stick to my diet and training. Are there any exercises that will help with the V?

reverse crunches or captain chair leg raises
Started NO xplode today and BSN Syntha-6 protein. Both are great products. So far, after almost 2 months of lifting i've managed to bump my bench max, amongst others from 155 to 205. Feels good. Thanks for all the useful information in this thread.
Yea ill say one more thing you will hear different things from different people all the time, so Hyper you gotta do ur own research also, decide what you wanna put into ur body an also what works for u might not work for the next. I always do, like I just said wawa can do his 10g glutamine which imo I feel is not needed at all but people do it. 5g pre 5 g post no clue how he does it. Its just an amino acid. L carnitine is also, hell leucine too an I won't supplement that stand alone either. WaWa is the type who will look up C-bol (creatine I mentioned) an say why do that? I can get 1000grams mono for 15.99 or w/e get my drift? W/e idc........I follow supplement science an I also like new products. Alright I'm rambling, good nite. Point made I think.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Audi-you've mentioned bullet proof before...i'm really curious about how it's helped you. how long before you noticed any benefits? do you take it only on workout days (nights)? have you followed the advice to cycle it? do you get it from bb or from somewhere cheaper (it IS kinda pricey for only 22 servings..)?

new things i'm going to buy-
Presurge Unleashed
Flaxseed Oil Caps
Bullet Proof (pending audi's review)
Just took a look at it and I have no idea why anybody would pay so much (per serving) for what is essentially ZMA and Glutamine.
I supplmenent ZMA and Glutamine (glutamine is more for my stomach;  take about 15 grams a day) and buying them separately is a much better bargain. Imo, ZMA does work and I've been using it for about 4 years now. I'm not sure about glutamine for trainign purposes. I've had gastric problems and I know it's been proven to aid in this sphere (although in the IV  luquid form).

I just bought a 1000 grams of USP grade Glutamine (Jarrow Formula's) for $35 and a 60 day supply of ZMA runs about $20. For $55 you can get a 60 day supply of ZMA and glutamine.

The Bulletproof is about $45 for a 20 days supply. Btw, if you;'re taking any less than 10g a day of Glutamine then don't even bother.
can you recommend a zma product? (with a cheap price in mind)

so been lookin at this thread for some times, finally got off my %%@ and joined ballys, ima start tomm (wish me luck
) also any tips?
don't be worried of what people think of you when working out (if you know what you're doing) because most of the time their too busy with their workout or atleast they should be. I don't know what your goal is but I remember hearing people laugh when I first started going to the gym going hard on the elliptical and in my head I was like "+$+! em, I'll show you +#**@!*%%*#@$"
Originally Posted by air max 1

so been lookin at this thread for some times, finally got off my %%@ and joined ballys, ima start tomm (wish me luck
) also any tips?

Yeah 260 Pages worth. lol... 
Just keep going at it... results wont happen over night.
Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

jay cutler makes ronnie look like a school boy
that's coming from a person whose a fan of both, jay is young and still growing, ronnies at his max.
 I really hope you're joking. 
I start my weekly yoga tomorrow at 6..fuuuuh.

Should be interesting.

BTW i'm at 196 now. I stayed the same but doubled my bench, squat and deadlift since the 1st. I'm quite happy with my body right now. Now i'm just hoping for 210 by the end of the year. I'm taking it slow and doing it the right like it or not. (but at this point..i'm okay with it knowing what I know now)
Originally Posted by air max 1

so been lookin at this thread for some times, finally got off my %%@ and joined ballys, ima start tomm (wish me luck
) also any tips?
bout time 
take christian with u too
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Matt53

Originally Posted by Durden7

Has anyone ever tried parachute training?

and let me tell you it is

I do it with my weighted vest and you get such a good burn going in your legs and lungs

ive been putting off a parachute and weighted vest for the longest, no joke.

yea i bet you feel it in your lungs and lungs serious.

what brands do you recc for both? i dont want you cheap quality ones an i know they can be a lil expensive..........hence me putting them off prolly.
sorry Al, i just realized that my response hadn't shown up stupid yuku.

But anyway, my 40 lb vest is Weider i think, got it from #$@*@ for about a $100 and the SPARQ chute was $70 if i remember correctly

I love it though, mixing up the cardio is key for me or else i get bored and stop
If you don't have a back round on proper arthrokinematics of running or agility technique don't do weighted vest work. (Upper Extremity Dysfunctions, Lower Extremity Dysfunctions, Lumbo-Pevic Hip Dysfunctions, Altered Length-Tension relationships, Cumulative Injury Cycle.)

Imbalances will worsen and dynamic joint stability won't be able to keep up with muscular adaptions through the General Adaptation Syndrome (tendons and joints adapt slower than muscles because of their low glycogen threshold). Picture building an extravagant building on top of a bad foundation, the building will fall down eventually. In your case that means Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Medial Collateral Ligament injuries.

The weight vest does have its place in training and can be very beneficial but without proper dynamic joint stabilization through proper neuromuscular efficiency its just going to do more harm than good. It doesn't mean that since you deadlift, squat, and have a six pack that you have proper arthokinematics. It takes proper integrated stabilization training, myofasical release, and fixations of postural dysfunctions to achieve that.

I really don't expect anyone who actually does weighed vest training to listen to this because of that athelete mentality but if you are interested I'd atleast look up "Magnificent Mobility" by Eric Cressey and Mike Robertson (I'm sure you can find it on google). At best educate yourself on foam rolling. Specifically foam rolling the Peroneals, Soleus, Gastrocnemius, Rectus Femoris, Vastus Medialis, IT Band, Periformis, Psosas, Illopsosas, and Adductors. Not only will it fix up your postural equilibrium but it will get rid of the majority of knee, hip, and low back pain allowing for better performance in every spectrum of your training.
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