Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by I3

#!!# single digit BF is hard to obtain.. but easier to maintain.

I think im around 14% atm.. but more mass. I doubt i'd ever get to 10% unless I diet and get my exercise on point. Its coming up to winter for now, but I feel like staying leanish all year round, so I don't think i'd make any adjustments.

Im waiting for that next bout of motivation where I can push myself to get to that 10%. I want to be around 150-155 @ 10%
That's exactly what I thought when I was around 14%, that it was super hard to get below 10%.  But, you're right; once you're under 10%, it's pretty easy to maintain, at least for me.  I'm under 10% at 175lbs, and I keep that year round without much concentrated effort.  My diet is fairly lax, and I only do cardio around once per week. I put on a tiny bit in the winter, but everybody's body does that naturally.  Just get motivated and go really hard with HIIT for like a month, and you'll be able to strip some off for good, hopefully.  But the more muscle mass you have, the easier low BF% is to maintain. 

Sounds good. I don't pay too much attention to my diet as much anymore, I just try and get clean carbs/proteins/fats whenever I can. Obviously I try and limit carbs to maybe 2-3x day.  But I dont crunch numbers or have a specific intake number etc..

HIIT is great, I feel lean the next few days after, its just it taxes on my legs and such that for me to preform it properly, I can only do it 2x max (on top of regular basketball training/games).
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Audi-you've mentioned bullet proof before...i'm really curious about how it's helped you. how long before you noticed any benefits? do you take it only on workout days (nights)? have you followed the advice to cycle it? do you get it from bb or from somewhere cheaper (it IS kinda pricey for only 22 servings..)?

new things i'm going to buy-
Presurge Unleashed
Flaxseed Oil Caps
Bullet Proof (pending audi's review)
Just took a look at it and I have no idea why anybody would pay so much (per serving) for what is essentially ZMA and Glutamine.
I supplmenent ZMA and Glutamine (glutamine is more for my stomach;  take about 15 grams a day) and buying them separately is a much better bargain. Imo, ZMA does work and I've been using it for about 4 years now. I'm not sure about glutamine for trainign purposes. I've had gastric problems and I know it's been proven to aid in this sphere (although in the IV  luquid form).

I just bought a 1000 grams of USP grade Glutamine (Jarrow Formula's) for $35 and a 60 day supply of ZMA runs about $20. For $55 you can get a 60 day supply of ZMA and glutamine.

The Bulletproof is about $45 for a 20 days supply. Btw, if you;'re taking any less than 10g a day of Glutamine then don't even bother.
can you recommend a zma product? (with a cheap price in mind)

I tried looking for ZMA manufactured in Germany or Japan but couldn't. So suffice to say, virtually all of it is made in China by a few manufacturers and distributed by different sales corps.
I usually buy NSI ZMA (Vitacost in house brand) from Vitacost. Usually runs $19 for 180 capsules.
Yea ill say one more thing you will hear different things fromdifferent people all the time, so Hyper you gotta do ur own researchalso, decide what you wanna put into ur body an also what works for umight not work for the next. I always do, like I just said wawa can dohis 10g glutamine which imo I feel is not needed at all but people doit. 5g pre 5 g post no clue how he does it. Its just an amino acid. Lcarnitine is also, hell leucine too an I won't supplement that standalone either. WaWa is the type who will look up C-bol (creatine Imentioned) an say why do that? I can get 1000grams mono for 15.99 orw/e get my drift? W/e idc........I follow supplement science an I alsolike new products. Alright I'm rambling, good nite. Point made I think.
You are right. At the end of the day, "to each their own".

There are expensive hyped up supps that work/worked. However, virtually all of those contained steroid precursors. Of course, if a supp contains steroid precusors then they'll be superior to supps that do not contain those ingredients.
Originally Posted by I3

heavy doubles/ triples for 5-6 sets and speed work

Could you clarify what doubles/triples are and speed work?

Doubles = 2 reps
Triples= 3 reps

Heavy doubles/triples are usually done for a high number of sets  with 3-5 minutes rest in between.

Speed work usually means 50%-75% 1Rm (1 rep max) and are also done for low reps (2-3)/ high sets (6-8 ) but with short rest in between ( 1-2 minutes). On every rep you're exerting the most energy that you can (power, speed). 

Force = mass x acceleration. You can either increase strength (force) by increasing the mass variable or the acceleration variable. For many people, there is only so much mass that they can put on (especially those not using anabolic steroids). However, most humans are very , very far away from using all of their "acceleration" potential. Most humans only utilize 20-30% of their fast twitch muscle fibers.
i found a few ZMA's that i'm really interested in
Higher Power ZMA-16 bucks for 180 caps

Prima Force ZMA 18 bucks for 180 caps

I don't know man, Bullet Proof is TEMPTING me...but it's SOOOOO expensive. i'm already committed to buying a few other things with this order (full AEN stack, AOR, Flax).
I'm reading review after review and I cannot come to a fair conclusion. Caps are much cheaper, but BP makes interesting promises...I will decide by Sunday.
Whats the effect of someone tryin to gain eating
fried foods? I dont eat a lot, but I do eat fried at times.

When I eat eggs, I eat them hard boiled, is this better or still bad?
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

i found a few ZMA's that i'm really interested in
Higher Power ZMA-16 bucks for 180 caps

Prima Force ZMA 18 bucks for 180 caps

I don't know man, Bullet Proof is TEMPTING me...but it's SOOOOO expensive. i'm already committed to buying a few other things with this order (full AEN stack, AOR, Flax).
I'm reading review after review and I cannot come to a fair conclusion. Caps are much cheaper, but BP makes interesting promises...I will decide by Sunday.
ZMA is ZMA. Just regular old zinc and magnesium with some vitamin b6 thrown in. 
The key ingredient is really magnesium because a few academic studies have shown that the majority of the US popualtion is deficient in magnesium. Zinc (is believed) to aid in muscular recovery.

ZMA is a recovery supp.
^ yeah that's why i'm going with the cheaper ones. i'm familiar with one company, but the other one is cheaper...that's why it's sticky.
I've read it may even be better to buy each component separately, but I think I'll play it safe with caps lol
Anyone want to lend me some money? That way I can buy every supp I need? Thanks in advance.
So I just had the most grueling workout of my life yesterday.

DL - 245lbs
Clean - 125lbs
Front Squat - 155lbs

Sets of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.

Took about 50 minutes to finish. Woke up this morning and could barely move. Moved 28,875lbs total.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

^ yeah that's why i'm going with the cheaper ones. i'm familiar with one company, but the other one is cheaper...that's why it's sticky.
I've read it may even be better to buy each component separately, but I think I'll play it safe with caps lol
Anyone want to lend me some money? That way I can buy every supp I need? Thanks in advance.
You don't need that many supps. Supps are there just to aid in whatever you're doing.

In the 6 months that I've been back training I haven't had a single protein shake. Before I used to supplement with whey but these 6 months I just haven't got around to buying the stuff. I wouldn't say it has hindered me at all. Although, a lot of what I hear in the gym is, "dude, how many times you drink protein?" or " if you want to put on muscle, you have to supplement with whey/casein/etc."

Supps won't make or break you. They get you to some places a little quicker. They help you train a bit longer or with more effort. At the end of the day though, they constitute a small percentage of your progress.
Yesterday intense leg workout
Today afternoon 3 mile run
Today evening 1.5 hours of straight basketball

wow my legs are dead I feel like I over worked them. my question, should I leave cardio off the next day after legs??
This debate comes up all the time in this thread and it's generally been resolved with the good old "what works for some might not work for others" and its many variations. no need to go through it again lol
I can say personally, my fist year in the gym i took no supps and made good gains. my second year i made better gains with supps. this being my third year i've gotten even better results with certain supps. i only take whey protein 3 times a week, which happen to be my training days (half a scoop of casein every night though). at this point, i've tinkered around with enough variations of amounts and tweaked my diet sufficiently well to know i have a harmony going on right now. it's become obvious that my progress IS dependent on a particular set of supps and that my particular diet has helped maintain it. besides, i was being mildly facetious in the first place lol who wouldn't want all the money they need to experiment with the stuff?
5'8 @150-160
, how do i gain weight? I dont want to be another skinny dude flexin on facebook....
BTW i dont know anything about working out
Originally Posted by malcmoney

5'8 @150-160
, how do i gain weight? I dont want to be another skinny dude flexin on facebook....
BTW i dont know anything about working out
Lucky guy!
You've got 265 pages of knowledge to read up on and once you speak the language, about ten members who would be glad to clarify any topics.

I just ordered C-bol. Excited to give that a try.
Also purchased NO xplode ( sale), switching up from NOshotgun. I've also heard alot of good things.
Pending on how I like c-bol, I may test out a round of e-bol ($50). Anyone try e-bol or even in conjunction with c-bol?

Thanks again for the bench info wawa. I think I'm going to focus on 'strength'(low rep) for a month so I can focus on 'size'(high rep) next month. I figure I can gain more size by inducing hypertrophy(12rep) @ 200lbs bench as opposed to 145lbs.
IS that correct theory?
Originally Posted by malcmoney

5'8 @150-160
, how do i gain weight? I dont want to be another skinny dude flexin on facebook....
BTW i dont know anything about working out
Bro eat more and lift

Its really that simple though
Would anyone be interested in trying a ten in one multivtamin?
• Multi-Vitamin and Mineral!
• Cardiovascular Formula!*
• Stress Formula!*
• Super-Antioxidant!*
• Immune Enhancer!*
• Energizer!*
• Memory and Mood Enhancer!*
• Digestion Aid!*
• Vision Support Formula!*
• Bone and Joint!*

It is by GBG, it's network marketing. It is 40 dollars for the bottle and after you get two people to buy it your cost is covered and you start making a profit. I figured most of us take a multi vitamin on here so if we all did this we would get health benefits and make some cash. It is no scam my friend does it and makes a couple of hundred a month. I'm thinking about signing up but I need some people to go in with me. You make money on the people you get to buy it and the people that they get to buy it.

You literally make 20 bucks per product you sell, not customer. So if you get someone who buys 3 products that's 60 bucks. If you have a good network, a few people who would be interested in starting a program, you could make some big bank. I'm just trying to see if I could have a decent network before I join. I need to hit up some fitness forums and the gyms because my friends are not healthy lol.
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

Originally Posted by malcmoney

5'8 @150-160
, how do i gain weight? I dont want to be another skinny dude flexin on facebook....
BTW i dont know anything about working out
Bro eat more and lift

Its really that simple though
it really is that simple,

do what i did, focus on gaining fat and muscle first then work your way back to getting a lean cut after youve moved up into your desired weight range

I know dudes are looking at that statement like im stupid but im not. I was mad skinny (6'2" 150) i gained like 15 pounds of fat/muscle and i was happy with the weight i gained. Any weight gain to a skinny person is a good weight gain imo. Now im 175 but ive recently cut most of my fat and have a lean build, i even have abs now.
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

You literally make 20 bucks per product you sell, not customer. So if you get someone who buys 3 products that's 60 bucks. If you have a good network, a few people who would be interested in starting a program, you could make some big bank. I'm just trying to see if I could have a decent network before I join. I need to hit up some fitness forums and the gyms because my friends are not healthy lol.
I hope you lose all your money over this. F outta here sir.
my workout for today

10 minute bike ride for warmup

deadlift: 135, 165, 195, 205, 215 x5; 235 225x3
bent over rows: 75 lbs. 3x15
standing shoulder press: 90 2x8

15 minute bike ride...low intensity

kinda went OD with the deadlifts. i didnt realize i did so many sets till i wrote it out now. next time prolly gonna get rid of the warmup 135 and start at 165 for warmup.
my energy was zapped after i did 235x3 (PR!).
A guy who liked Alice in Wonderland.

Yesterday intense leg workout
Today afternoon 3 mile run
Today evening 1.5 hours of straight basketball

wow my legs are dead I feel like I over worked them. my question, should I leave cardio off the next day after legs??
  You could do a light warm up but yeah your muscles will need some repairing time.
Modified 300 workout today...

25 pullups
50 deadlifts (135lbs)
50 pushups
50 box jumps (30")
50 rollouts
50 S.A clean & press (35lbs)
25 pullups

Did it in a hair under 25 minutes.
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