Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by drock2010

Do you guys know any sites with good workout plans? thanks in advance
I'll be back in this thread sometime this weekend with a workout I am going to (attempt to) make for myself, seeing as lately I have been just going with whatever, but I like having a set workout when I walk into the gym. I feel like I am going too quickly since I stopped following a set workout.

I wouldn't mind looking at some times though, to either use or get ideas from.
I'm more of a lurker than an actual poster, but I'm definitely a part of team fitness....
...anyway, I entered into my first ever weightlifting competition a week or so ago and got second place for my weight class (175-180)...I'm 5'11'' - 176.

It was a benchpress contest, 3 different attempts at 1 first lift was 200, followed by 225, followed by 260. Did all three with ease...first place did 295, I should've shot for 275.
^I don't have the vids, a few of my friends do though.

I have pics though, I'd have to go through resizing them and everything though, and I'm hella lazy. Lol.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Modified 300 workout today...

25 pullups
50 deadlifts (135lbs)
50 pushups
50 box jumps (30")
50 rollouts
50 S.A clean & press (35lbs)
25 pullups

Did it in a hair under 25 minutes.

This is my new goal in life

EDIT: did you use barbell for the rollout and what is a S.A clean+press?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by I3

heavy doubles/ triples for 5-6 sets and speed work

Could you clarify what doubles/triples are and speed work?

Doubles = 2 reps
Triples= 3 reps

Heavy doubles/triples are usually done for a high number of sets  with 3-5 minutes rest in between.

Speed work usually means 50%-75% 1Rm (1 rep max) and are also done for low reps (2-3)/ high sets (6-8 ) but with short rest in between ( 1-2 minutes). On every rep you're exerting the most energy that you can (power, speed). 

Force = mass x acceleration. You can either increase strength (force) by increasing the mass variable or the acceleration variable. For many people, there is only so much mass that they can put on (especially those not using anabolic steroids). However, most humans are very , very far away from using all of their "acceleration" potential. Most humans only utilize 20-30% of their fast twitch muscle fibers.

Got cha.

So basically pick a weight thats comfortable to exert the most force where an exercise can be done in an explosive manner? 

I.E: i did deadlifts with speed and force on Thurs, wasn't in the mood for lifting heavy, so I picked a light weight and really emphasised the 'explosivity' aspect of lifting.
Trying to get back in shape, but I'm not sure if I should try out the p90x or just renew my membership to 24-hour fitness.

I use to do the ab ripper x part for a while when my brother left the dvd's, but he started back on it so he took the bands and pull up bar.  right now my main focus is gaining weight and working on my upper body.  I know a lot of people that end up giving up on the p90x because of how difficult it is, and I'd probably be more inclined to workout at 24-hour since some of my friends have memberships too, but I can't go everyday with due to my classes. and if I get accepted into USF then I'll only keep my membership until the end of summer.

So, the reason I'd get the p90x is because you can do a total body workout focused on building muscle or whatever, and it's more organized than just going to the gym.  The reason I'd renew my membership is because I feel like after a few weeks I might start slacking on the p90x whereas with the gym I could go with friends so I'd probably stay with that longer, theoretically speaking cuz I'm sure my friends will decide not go sometimes.

any help please?
Used the Smith Machine to do some of those proper barbell rows last night, definitely felt the difference during & after my workout.  


L2L, what's that prodcut you posted?

got 2 bottles of this to run for 6 weeks

joe howd you like it? i think you got some waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. at 200 lbs club im runnin 2/2 or 2/1/1 (4 caps day)

btw Controlled Labs Orange OxiMega Kit looks interesting.
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Trying to get back in shape, but I'm not sure if I should try out the p90x or just renew my membership to 24-hour fitness.

I use to do the ab ripper x part for a while when my brother left the dvd's, but he started back on it so he took the bands and pull up bar.  right now my main focus is gaining weight and working on my upper body.  I know a lot of people that end up giving up on the p90x because of how difficult it is, and I'd probably be more inclined to workout at 24-hour since some of my friends have memberships too, but I can't go everyday with due to my classes. and if I get accepted into USF then I'll only keep my membership until the end of summer.

So, the reason I'd get the p90x is because you can do a total body workout focused on building muscle or whatever, and it's more organized than just going to the gym.  The reason I'd renew my membership is because I feel like after a few weeks I might start slacking on the p90x whereas with the gym I could go with friends so I'd probably stay with that longer, theoretically speaking cuz I'm sure my friends will decide not go sometimes.

any help please?
It's really up to you. Are you the type of person that wants to look good or do you want strength over size? With p90x, you'll definitely look better at the end, but you'll be doing a lot of isolation work which is great for hypertrophy, but not necessarily best for strength. If you join a gym, you have the option to train for strength with barbells and heavy dumbbells. I tried out p90x for about 2 weeks but couldn't deal with working out in front of the tv. Plus it started to feel repetitive watching Tony Horton so many days in a row.
Also, training with friends isn't necessarily the best way to train for everyone. I know that I personally can't train my hardest with somebody with me. Joining a gym and going whenever you feel like it is a great way to keep focus and really push yourself.  Don't worry about going by yourself to the gym because after you get there and see everyone working hard, you'll probably get motivated to work hard too.

For your situation, I'd probably try and either do p90x until you go to college or get a barbell for yourself to workout at home. You could do deadlifts, hack squats, power cleans, military press, etc. with the barbell and use calisthenics for the rest. Handstands, pull ups, planches, front lever, pistol squats, etc. for strength through calisthenics.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Vancity74

Modified 300 workout today...

25 pullups

50 deadlifts (135lbs)

50 pushups

50 box jumps (30")

50 rollouts

50 S.A clean & press (35lbs)

25 pullups

Did it in a hair under 25 minutes.

This is my new goal in life

EDIT: did you use barbell for the rollout and what is a S.A clean+press?

I used a barbell for the rollout, but I had the coach switch up the 45lb plates from the deadlifts to 25lb plates. Regardless, the rollouts were the hardest part hands down.

S.A clean & press = single arm clean and press. 25 each hand...
Just wanted to come in here and let you all know that insanity and p90x work great for me. I'm too busy to go to the gym so I work out in my house. I cut out all junk food and only eat it on a random cheat day.
Do any of you do any unorthodox shoulder workouts? I do all of the basics trying to incorperate some new stuff.
Those grapefruits looks like vaginas lol. Reminds me i gotta stock up on grapfruit juice.....

AI- stop wasting your time and money on those supps. Just get some juice bro lol. One cycle and youll get to your life goal and ull never have to juice again lol
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I've never done barbell rollouts before. Is this proper form??

You want to sort of a do a crunch when the barbell is closest to you if I'm correct.
What ab exercises do you guys recommend?

Right now I am doing:
1. Ab Crunch Machine
2. Traditional Crunch
3. Planks
4. Dumbbell/Side bend
5. Decline Bench Leg Raise
6. Knee/Hip Raise On Parallel Bars

Which are the most effective?
so like....

i can't get 100 lb dumbells up by myself... i need a spotter (db press)

the most i can do by myself and get up alone is 90

is that because i have weak shoulders?
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

What ab exercises do you guys recommend?

Right now I am doing:
1. Ab Crunch Machine
2. Traditional Crunch
3. Planks
4. Dumbbell/Side bend
5. Decline Bench Leg Raise
6. Knee/Hip Raise On Parallel Bars

Which are the most effective?

I'd definitely recommend the Front and Back Levers as well as their progressions. They require ridiculous amounts of strength and balance to perform. There are progressions to it, so working up to it isn't shooting in the dark.  Check out the link at the bottom of my post for a great article including the progressions for it.

Another exercise is the L-sit or the V-sit. They are tough as well, but no where near as hard to perform as the levers are. Start out doing them with legs bent, then start extending one leg, and over time, work your way up to having both legs fully extended.

Olympic lifts work the core pretty hard as well. Front squats, power cleans, snatches, deadlifts, etc. are great for strength in the core.

Here's a great article by Coach Sommer on why many athletes should incorporate gymnastics training into their routines. He also includes examples on progressions into the more difficult moves like the front lever and planche.
I'm really disappointed with my weak shoulders and little progress.

Shoulder/trap workout is every friday.

-3 of 6 over head BB press standing (100lbs)
-3 of 6 DB shoulder press sitting (45 lbs)
-2 of 6 Arnold DB press sitting (35lbs)
-2 of 12 lateral raises AND 12 front raises (20lbs)
-3 of 12 reverse flys (machine:115lbs)
-2 of 12 BB shrug (135lbs)
-2 of 6 BB shrug (225lbs)

I know hypertrophy comes with 12+ reps but I'm also told that the more fatigue you come to the more muscles grow, which is why my sets are lower reps and higher weights at the beginning.
I left the gym pissed off because those weights are the highest I can get and my shoulders don't feel the pump. My diet+supplements are on point too.

Is this workout effective, and should I be doing it once a week or more?
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by I3

heavy doubles/ triples for 5-6 sets and speed work

Could you clarify what doubles/triples are and speed work?

Doubles = 2 reps
Triples= 3 reps

Heavy doubles/triples are usually done for a high number of sets  with 3-5 minutes rest in between.

Speed work usually means 50%-75% 1Rm (1 rep max) and are also done for low reps (2-3)/ high sets (6-8 ) but with short rest in between ( 1-2 minutes). On every rep you're exerting the most energy that you can (power, speed). 

Force = mass x acceleration. You can either increase strength (force) by increasing the mass variable or the acceleration variable. For many people, there is only so much mass that they can put on (especially those not using anabolic steroids). However, most humans are very , very far away from using all of their "acceleration" potential. Most humans only utilize 20-30% of their fast twitch muscle fibers.

Got cha.

So basically pick a weight thats comfortable to exert the most force where an exercise can be done in an explosive manner? 

I.E: i did deadlifts with speed and force on Thurs, wasn't in the mood for lifting heavy, so I picked a light weight and really emphasised the 'explosivity' aspect of lifting.

Exactly that but don't just pick any weight.
You have to know ( at least) your approx 1rm on any given exercise that you wish to do speed work on. Personally, I like to stay more toward the 65-75% range.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I'm really disappointed with my weak shoulders and little progress.

Shoulder/trap workout is every friday.

-3 of 6 over head BB press standing (100lbs)
-3 of 6 DB shoulder press sitting (45 lbs)
-2 of 6 Arnold DB press sitting (35lbs)
-2 of 12 lateral raises AND 12 front raises (20lbs)
-3 of 12 reverse flys (machine:115lbs)
-2 of 12 BB shrug (135lbs)
-2 of 6 BB shrug (225lbs)

I know hypertrophy comes with 12+ reps but I'm also told that the more fatigue you come to the more muscles grow, which is why my sets are lower reps and higher weights at the beginning.
I left the gym pissed off because those weights are the highest I can get and my shoulders don't feel the pump. My diet+supplements are on point too.

Is this workout effective, and should I be doing it once a week or more?
12+ is muscular endurance.  8-10 is a better hypertrophy range.

Also, just because you dont feel a pump doesnt mean it was a bad workout. 
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