Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Hitman Holla

went from being able to only bench like 70lbs to 170 in 2 months
damn shame 2 im 5'9 180lbs
same weights for me.. but 6 months

6'0 165 lbs
Can someone explain that severe calroic deficit?

Dude gained a lot of mass and muscle, but on a very restricted intake. Id die.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Yo has anybody tried any MusclePharm products?


Bullet Proof before bed is a great product, they have a solid line.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

good looks iice

ive never watched it before, its the whole rip.
This is what really opened my eyes to BBing. Id watch this before hittin the gym...
from 2001 btw
Originally Posted by I3

Can someone explain that severe calroic deficit?

Dude gained a lot of mass and muscle, but on a very restricted intake. Id die.
It helps show how little a role nutrition plays in muscle building. Obviously it plays a role, but it is definitely not as important as training is when trying to build muscle. If you get 1g of protein/lb of lean mass vs 0.7g/lb, the body isn't necessarily going to build less muscle. There is a theory called 'protein deprivation' where the body will produce more Growth Hormone and Testosterone to compensate for the lack of protein. The body definitely is a very complex machine that can't be fully understood.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Hitman Holla

went from being able to only bench like 70lbs to 170 in 2 months
damn shame 2 im 5'9 180lbs
same weights for me.. but 6 months

6'0 165 lbs
5'6 140lbs...185
lol by the end of the month i should be hitting about 185 we shall see,i work out 5 days out the week for about a hour or so, how long would it take for me to see a physical difference i mean i feel stronger but still look the same lol

Originally Posted by Durden7

Has anyone ever tried parachute training?

and let me tell you it is

I do it with my weighted vest and you get such a good burn going in your legs and lungs
Originally Posted by Matt53

Originally Posted by Durden7

Has anyone ever tried parachute training?

and let me tell you it is

I do it with my weighted vest and you get such a good burn going in your legs and lungs

ive been putting off a parachute and weighted vest for the longest, no joke.

yea i bet you feel it in your lungs and lungs serious.

what brands do you recc for both? i dont want you cheap quality ones an i know they can be a lil expensive..........hence me putting them off prolly.
Originally Posted by Hitman Holla

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Hitman Holla

went from being able to only bench like 70lbs to 170 in 2 months
damn shame 2 im 5'9 180lbs
same weights for me.. but 6 months

6'0 165 lbs
5'6 140lbs...185
lol by the end of the month i should be hitting about 185 we shall see,i work out 5 days out the week for about a hour or so, how long would it take for me to see a physical difference i mean i feel stronger but still look the same lol

Keep going guys. I was benching 185 pounds not too long ago but my bench jumped into the 200s not too long after. Be warned though...your gains start to slow down once you get into the 200s

Went out for another 30 minute jog today and I felt much better. A few more sessions and I shouldn't feel sore/tired the next day.
For those that need some designer creatine , the old sizeon is on right now. A steal at $25.
I like mine so far but going back to GreenMag once this tub is done.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Can single digit bf be attained from just a strict diet and no cardio?

I have no idea what my bf is now, but I highly doubt it's in the single digits and I want to know if I'd still be able to get there...
Based on your past avy's I thought you were pretty lean. Like 8% or so. Maybe it was the flexing though? There's a guide somewhere online. Look at that and it might help you better judge your goal.
and to answer your question, yeah, it's definitely possible, it just requires discipline. To get really lean, you need to just cut calories. To get it is easier than maintaining it though. I've heard from some people that hover around 12-15% that when they were in single digit zone, they didn't really feel too good. Of course it's completely subjective, but some people say that they're always cold or hungry when they get really low (5-7%).

I do want to get there too though. I just need to stop slacking
Maybe I am/was actually in the single digits...who knows.

But like you said, I know at my leanest, I really didn't feel good at all. Always starving and felt skinny and weak as hell.

But I decided not to completely dead cardio anymore. I'm just done with HIIT (probably my main reason for hating cardio). I'm gonna start ballin' again and try to find something to do outside, since it's warming up now. It can only better my progress.

Hopefully, I'll get some good results...
Soooo frustrated. Ever since I started bodybuilding my legs have really been a weak point. I think at one point my quads were like 17 inches on a good day, if that even. My calves were just sticks, the whole nine. My upper body responded really well to anything I did, but since I already started with small legs, and then I didn't know what the hell i was doing the first few years, I was training legs all wrong and just stressing and straining my knees. I had enough strength to do a heavy leg press and a somewhat decent smith machine squat, but I was way too tight to barbell squat the right way, I had no discipline to do lunges, and calves just seemed pointless because they never grew.

Fast-forward to about four years ago when I just took more time to learn. I never knew how tight my calves or hamstrings were and how much I was depriving myself gains by not squatting and deadlifting from the very beginning.

Fast-forward again and I've spent the last... 2.5 to 3 years just really prioritizing my legs. Always training them early in the week, always making it my most intense workout, always pushing as hard as I could. I've experimented with different splits, training times, exercises, but the foundation of each workout was always the barbell squat. I went from barely handling 225 with decent form to 6 solid reps of 405 now when I decide to go that heavy. On a regular training day I'll finish around 365-375 ATG squats for a good 8-10. Leg press is up to well over a G and my quads, glutes, and hams have all grown, and even my calves to some extent, although they'll never be as big as I want. My quads now measure 24 inches around and I think they'll definitely continue to grow.

SO 3 weeks ago after training about 7 clients in a row and then doing a pretty intense leg workout, I go outside to walk home and it had been snowing for a while, so enough snow and slush had piled up to make my walk home as slippery as possible. I don't know how many times I almost ate it and slipped but I'd always catch myself, but I definitely strained a ligament or something in my left knee and it's STILL giving me trouble. I can't even THINK about trying to squat anything heavier than 225 on a good day and that's questionable. The weight still feels light, but halfway into the set the pain is just too much, so I have to stop and just do single leg squats and step-ups on the good leg. I can still do hamstring stuff, Romanian Deadlifts, etc... and I was able to leg press today but I had to slowly work my way up to 4 plates a side and just go high rep, and I think that eventually did me in.

Sorry, this is kind of a pointless vent, and there's no cliffs notes version, I just know there's probably a few people who've been frustrated trying to work around an injury or something. If it was an upper-body injury I wouldn't really care, but I worked so hard on my legs, it sucks not being able to train them the way I want to.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Soooo frustrated. Ever since I started bodybuilding my legs have really been a weak point. I think at one point my quads were like 17 inches on a good day, if that even. My calves were just sticks, the whole nine. My upper body responded really well to anything I did, but since I already started with small legs, and then I didn't know what the hell i was doing the first few years, I was training legs all wrong and just stressing and straining my knees. I had enough strength to do a heavy leg press and a somewhat decent smith machine squat, but I was way too tight to barbell squat the right way, I had no discipline to do lunges, and calves just seemed pointless because they never grew.

Fast-forward to about four years ago when I just took more time to learn. I never knew how tight my calves or hamstrings were and how much I was depriving myself gains by not squatting and deadlifting from the very beginning.

Fast-forward again and I've spent the last... 2.5 to 3 years just really prioritizing my legs. Always training them early in the week, always making it my most intense workout, always pushing as hard as I could. I've experimented with different splits, training times, exercises, but the foundation of each workout was always the barbell squat. I went from barely handling 225 with decent form to 6 solid reps of 405 now when I decide to go that heavy. On a regular training day I'll finish around 365-375 ATG squats for a good 8-10. Leg press is up to well over a G and my quads, glutes, and hams have all grown, and even my calves to some extent, although they'll never be as big as I want. My quads now measure 24 inches around and I think they'll definitely continue to grow.

SO 3 weeks ago after training about 7 clients in a row and then doing a pretty intense leg workout, I go outside to walk home and it had been snowing for a while, so enough snow and slush had piled up to make my walk home as slippery as possible. I don't know how many times I almost ate it and slipped but I'd always catch myself, but I definitely strained a ligament or something in my left knee and it's STILL giving me trouble. I can't even THINK about trying to squat anything heavier than 225 on a good day and that's questionable. The weight still feels light, but halfway into the set the pain is just too much, so I have to stop and just do single leg squats and step-ups on the good leg. I can still do hamstring stuff, Romanian Deadlifts, etc... and I was able to leg press today but I had to slowly work my way up to 4 plates a side and just go high rep, and I think that eventually did me in.

Sorry, this is kind of a pointless vent, and there's no cliffs notes version, I just know there's probably a few people who've been frustrated trying to work around an injury or something. If it was an upper-body injury I wouldn't really care, but I worked so hard on my legs, it sucks not being able to train them the way I want to.
I know how you feel but speaking from experience I wouldn't sweat it much. My junior year of school some idiot jumped into me  while I was shooting and a result I sprained my lateral collateral ligament. It was a *#!!@ , took about 3 months to heal, and I had to miss 2 comps. I'm positive that the outcome wasn't worse as a result of my lifting and my ligaments strengthening over that time.
Sure I lost some strentgh in my legs but it wasn't to the degree that I initially thought I would. Furthermore, it only took about 8 weeks to get back to my previous form.

The most important thing is letting it heal. Always have it wrapped when you're expecting to walk for (relatively) long periods of time. Wrapping (keeping movement to a minimum) aids in recovery a lot more than you'd realize.
Do not squat with any weight at all. All you are doing is hindering recovery.  When you do feel like you're around 80%, start doing low weight, very high rep (15-20) sets until you're fully recovered.

Your goal should be recovery. Not maintaining strength. Strength is relatively easy to acquire.
I had a string of injuries that stated  about 14 months ago (severely strained low back, partially torn rotator, and then complications from a  bleeding ulcer), where I literally took 9 months off from the gym and gained 20 lbs ( some as a result of meds and some just because I kept my big appetite
). About 5 months back I came back to training and I could barely deadlift 225 ,squat 185, or db press 70's for reps. Almost 6 months later and I'm double/ very near double on all those exercises.  I'm still 15 lbs heavier and 3-4% bf greater than before ( I usually walked in the low 180's at 7-8% bf) so I'm weaker in real terms but I never thought I would recover this quickly. I don't think I'm an exception either.

As long as you're healthy you can always get that strentgh back.
I am trying to get to 225 as an ultimate goal.
right now I'm benching:
warm up set - 15rep of 95
Set 1 - 12 rep of 115
Set 2 - 8 rep of 135
Set 3 - 12 rep of 115

I can do 185 for a set of 5 reps if I'm fresh.

Anything I should be changing to INCREASE my bench press? I would love to put two plates up six months from now.
^^^ Go to a physio therapist 2-3x a week and have them fix you up. It's better to take a month off then to have the same problem months down the line. You'll get all your strength back and more about a month after squatting again.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I am trying to get to 225 as an ultimate goal.
right now I'm benching:
warm up set - 15rep of 95
Set 1 - 12 rep of 115
Set 2 - 8 rep of 135
Set 3 - 12 rep of 115

I can do 185 for a set of 5 reps if I'm fresh.

Anything I should be changing to INCREASE my bench press? I would love to put two plates up six months from now.
If your goal is strength then you're going about it in the wrong way.

Keep to 4 sets of 6 or 5 sets of 5.
Keep warm up sets to 1 or 2 reps.

Keep your working sets in a tight grouping.
So you can 5 reps of 185. I'd say go for 4 X 6 (I prefer it over 5 X5 but you can do either). Your grouping should look like 160, 165, 170, 175 or 165, 165, 170, 175.
You should complete all reps on the first 3 sets and at least 5/6 or 4/5 on the last set.

Also, progression from week to week is very important. Never do less total weight one week then another. You can do equivalent weight but never go below.
If one week you did 165, 165, 170, 175. Then the next week attempt either 165, 170, 170, 175 or 165, 170, 175, 175.
You get the drift.

If you want to I'd also throw in a couple of weeks (maybe every 5th week) heavy doubles/ triples for 5-6 sets and speed work.
Audi-you've mentioned bullet proof before...i'm really curious about how it's helped you. how long before you noticed any benefits? do you take it only on workout days (nights)? have you followed the advice to cycle it? do you get it from bb or from somewhere cheaper (it IS kinda pricey for only 22 servings..)?

new things i'm going to buy-
Presurge Unleashed
Flaxseed Oil Caps
Bullet Proof (pending audi's review)
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Audi-you've mentioned bullet proof before...i'm really curious about how it's helped you. how long before you noticed any benefits? do you take it only on workout days (nights)? have you followed the advice to cycle it? do you get it from bb or from somewhere cheaper (it IS kinda pricey for only 22 servings..)?

new things i'm going to buy-
Presurge Unleashed
Flaxseed Oil Caps
Bullet Proof (pending audi's review)
Just took a look at it and I have no idea why anybody would pay so much (per serving) for what is essentially ZMA and Glutamine.
I supplmenent ZMA and Glutamine (glutamine is more for my stomach;  take about 15 grams a day) and buying them separately is a much better bargain. Imo, ZMA does work and I've been using it for about 4 years now. I'm not sure about glutamine for trainign purposes. I've had gastric problems and I know it's been proven to aid in this sphere (although in the IV  luquid form).

I just bought a 1000 grams of USP grade Glutamine (Jarrow Formula's) for $35 and a 60 day supply of ZMA runs about $20. For $55 you can get a 60 day supply of ZMA and glutamine.

The Bulletproof is about $45 for a 20 days supply. Btw, if you;'re taking any less than 10g a day of Glutamine then don't even bother.
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