Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Well that's not nice
Originally Posted by Jonathanchingy

What about legs?
Getting a higher vertical jump?
Do the machines at the gym, lunges with a midicine ball, jump rope and cardio all helps.
I'm 5'9 and used to not be able to dunk but once i started working out my legs it really helped.
Lunges are probably one of the bet things you can do with a medicine ball or carry the weight in your hands.

I hate pull-ups. They make me feel weak. I'm deadlifting 255 off the ground for reps, yet I can't pull my own body weight up three times with good form. What can I do, besides just continuing to do pull-ups every time I hit the gym?
Honestly, I just started doing them almost everyday too.

Trying to reach 30.

My brother who does them a lot more reached 25 no problem.
I used to do Lat pulldowns religiously. They used to be my favorite exercise, actually, until I did a lot of reading and the general consensus was that the best way to improve pullups was to...well, do pullups. What I've done the last two sessions is do as many free-form pullups as I can (which doesn't take long), and then move to the assisted pull-up/dip machine and use the counterweight to complete sets of 10. We'll see how well this works out, I guess.

Also, I just clicked on the twenty pull-ups link. Why is the first thing I see is a guy doing chins? o_O
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by JPioneer

I shower at home.
The folks I see workout at 2 PM, so they have to be at work for at least 2 more hours. If you work out away from your job or right before you go home, I understand. But mid-day workout dudes have no excuse.
Damn right I don't shower after my workout. I produce a great sweat and then it's straight to class because I got that...
[Soulja boy] pretty boy swagggg, pretty boy swagggg... [/Soulja boy]
Yeah. The best way to get pull ups is to do pull ups. Do multiple sets throughout the day. When you wake up, after breakfast, mid-morning, lunchtime, etc. You shouldn't use them in your workout then, but it's an easy way to build up endurance with them.
Of all the methods that I tried to get my pulls better, this was the easiest/most effective way.
So I'm in the gym yesterday and I see these two blonde chicks who always stare at me. Typical sorority chicks. 

Anyways I'm doing abs and I'm lifting up my shirt to show off a little.

Then I decide to get some laps in and as I'm running they come up to me and ask me can they touch them. 

 all at the same time. 

It was just so random and unexpected. 

Needless to say, got their numbers and partied with them last night. 

Keep up the hard work fellas.

Oh, and I love doing pull ups. Try to get around 60-80 in daily, wide and close grip.

3/4 x 10 with 8 second intervals of hanging. Only problem is that these freaking calluses (sp) hurt so bad. 

EDIT- 3000th post. 
StaXX wrote:
So I'm in the gym yesterday and I see these two blonde chicks who always stare at me. Typical sorority chicks. 

Anyways I'm doing abs and I'm lifting up my shirt to show off a little.

Then I decide to get some laps in and as I'm running they come up to me and ask me can they touch them. 

 all at the same time. 

It was just so random and unexpected. 

Needless to say, got their numbers and partied with them last night. 

Keep up the hard work fellas.

You have a situation
StaXX wrote:
So I'm in the gym yesterday and I see these two blonde chicks who always stare at me. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Typical sorority chicks.[/color] 

Anyways I'm doing abs and I'm lifting up my shirt to show off a little.

Then I decide to get some laps in and as I'm running they come up to me and ask me can they touch them. 

 all at the same time. 

It was just so random and unexpected. 

Needless to say, got their numbers and partied with them last night. 

Keep up the hard work fellas.

Oh, and I love doing pull ups. Try to get around 60-80 in daily, wide and close grip.

3/4 x 10 with 8 second intervals of hanging. Only problem is that these freaking calluses (sp) hurt so bad. 

EDIT- 3000th post. 

Welcome to my life...

I bet you was like....
Went to the bar, and some house party with them.
It was cool. One of them has a boyfriend already. 

Going to try to get something going with the other one tonight. 

Probably going to skip workout today too. 

Went to sleep at 5 last night and got up a 9 for class. 
Nah don't skip man. You have all weekend to sleep. When you rest, others are getting better. KObe isn't resting. Brock Lesner isn't resting. Usain Bolt isn't resting. Go hit the gym man.
Originally Posted by Jonathanchingy

What about legs?
Getting a higher vertical jump?
I can attest to squats, deadlifts and a strong core to be the ultimate in gaining vertical leap.

Those are the core foundations, once you have them you can hit Plyos and really get explosive.  In High School.. never lifted ever, I was around 5'6 grabbing the rim but never dunking.  After 2 years of solid squating 44lbs (bar only) to around 220-225lbs I can get up much quicker and higher (lol).  I also grew a bit too and have biggish hands.

But in saying that, for those looking for a higher vert, definitely do some sort of muscle building exercises first rather than AA3 or something.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Nah don't skip man. You have all weekend to sleep. When you rest, others are getting better. KObe isn't resting. Brock Lesner isn't resting. Usain Bolt isn't resting. Go hit the gym man.

But yea anybody using any ON supplements notice their getting "cheap" with their products.  About 2 months ago I ordered a 5 lb bucket of their natural whey and I just reordered a 5 lb bucket and noticed they cut the total serving size from 72 to 71, they don't put in potassium anymore.  I think they'll reduce it down to 65-70 servings by the summer.  I still get it for a good price but I hope they don't go to a point where I have to look elsewhere.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Nah don't skip man. You have all weekend to sleep. When you rest, others are getting better. KObe isn't resting. Brock Lesner isn't resting. Usain Bolt isn't resting. Go hit the gym man.

But yea anybody using any ON supplements notice their getting "cheap" with their products.  About 2 months ago I ordered a 5 lb bucket of their natural whey and I just reordered a 5 lb bucket and noticed they cut the total serving size from 72 to 71, they don't put in potassium anymore.  I think they'll reduce it down to 65-70 servings by the summer.  I still get it for a good price but I hope they don't go to a point where I have to look elsewhere.
I can't rock with ON, their protein is super bland with water.

i wish my gym had would be the ultimate hiit

its finally time to start counting calories....
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