Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

^For the most part, I go to the gym straight from my house, unless I plan to go right after a class. You'll rarely catch me in the locker unless I'm trying to take a piss. I'm glad, doesn't seem like I'm missing out on much in there.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

it shouldn't be a problem to be naked in a locker room, we're all men

but the old dudes who wander around for 20 min without clothes? yeah, that's not cool.

Pretty much, just don't be the guy brushing his teeth and shaving butt naked in front of the sink.

We have plenty of those guys at my gym.  I don't really care if you have to shave real quick, but some guys (and women too, from the locker room stories I hear) act like the gym is their own damn house and they can walk around and do whatever they want.  Some people are just way too comfortable with shared space. 

Anyway, you think that's bad, the other day I was in the office talking to a couple of the managers and a member walks in barefoot (couldn't finished getting dressed) and ran out to say "I think there's a couple of guys having sex in one of the showers" as if we'd be able to run in and stop it.  Both managers looked at eachother like "I don't want to go in there..."

We've had guys hooking up in the steam room and sauna, some guys even put up ads on craigslist like "if you're looking for a good time, I'll be at _______gym tomorrow at 8am in the steam room." and they just go in and camp out waiting for a volunteer. 

Naked.... let's see, some guys use the gym hair-dryer to blow-dry their balls.  I've never felt a need to apply hot air to my balls to do something that a towel is perfectly capable of, but whatever.  We've also had guys shave their body hair, etc... and leave it on the counter and bathroom floor.  One guy was chilling with his leg up on the counter one time and shaving his *** hair and ball hair with an electric shaver in the middle of the locker room.  My eyes have suffered....
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

it shouldn't be a problem to be naked in a locker room, we're all men

but the old dudes who wander around for 20 min without clothes? yeah, that's not cool.

Pretty much, just don't be the guy brushing his teeth and shaving butt naked in front of the sink.

We have plenty of those guys at my gym.  I don't really care if you have to shave real quick, but some guys (and women too, from the locker room stories I hear) act like the gym is their own damn house and they can walk around and do whatever they want.  Some people are just way too comfortable with shared space. 

Anyway, you think that's bad, the other day I was in the office talking to a couple of the managers and a member walks in barefoot (couldn't finished getting dressed) and ran out to say "I think there's a couple of guys having sex in one of the showers" as if we'd be able to run in and stop it.  Both managers looked at eachother like "I don't want to go in there..."

We've had guys hooking up in the steam room and sauna, some guys even put up ads on craigslist like "if you're looking for a good time, I'll be at _______gym tomorrow at 8am in the steam room." and they just go in and camp out waiting for a volunteer. 

Naked.... let's see, some guys use the gym hair-dryer to blow-dry their balls.  I've never felt a need to apply hot air to my balls to do something that a towel is perfectly capable of, but whatever.  We've also had guys shave their body hair, etc... and leave it on the counter and bathroom floor.  One guy was chilling with his leg up on the counter one time and shaving his *** hair and ball hair with an electric shaver in the middle of the locker room.  My eyes have suffered....
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

it shouldn't be a problem to be naked in a locker room, we're all men

but the old dudes who wander around for 20 min without clothes? yeah, that's not cool.

Pretty much, just don't be the guy brushing his teeth and shaving butt naked in front of the sink.

We have plenty of those guys at my gym.  I don't really care if you have to shave real quick, but some guys (and women too, from the locker room stories I hear) act like the gym is their own damn house and they can walk around and do whatever they want.  Some people are just way too comfortable with shared space. 

Anyway, you think that's bad, the other day I was in the office talking to a couple of the managers and a member walks in barefoot (couldn't finished getting dressed) and ran out to say "I think there's a couple of guys having sex in one of the showers" as if we'd be able to run in and stop it.  Both managers looked at eachother like "I don't want to go in there..."

We've had guys hooking up in the steam room and sauna, some guys even put up ads on craigslist like "if you're looking for a good time, I'll be at _______gym tomorrow at 8am in the steam room." and they just go in and camp out waiting for a volunteer. 

Naked.... let's see, some guys use the gym hair-dryer to blow-dry their balls.  I've never felt a need to apply hot air to my balls to do something that a towel is perfectly capable of, but whatever.  We've also had guys shave their body hair, etc... and leave it on the counter and bathroom floor.  One guy was chilling with his leg up on the counter one time and shaving his *** hair and ball hair with an electric shaver in the middle of the locker room.  My eyes have suffered....

Ive seen everything you just mentioned as well.

The story of the semen on a paper towel in the steam room is the worst thing ive heard though.
I started working out again recently trying to get lean/trim for the summer (particularly trying to lose fat off my stomach and thighs).
Im tired of eating cereal for breakfast and am thinking about switching to having a smoothie/shake in the morning.
Is whey protein the best way to go if Im trying to shed fat or is there a better alternative that will give me energy
and fill me up for breakfast?
Weighed myself for the first time in awhile today...came in at 200 Ibs exactly. Not really sure if I should be upset since I didn't weigh myself when I first began hitting the gym...

My goal is to lose weight (Tryin' to get down to at least 180) but gain muscle.

A couple of questions for you guys...

1. When you started working out, how did you know what was the right weight for you? And how long did it take to begin moving up? Right now, honestly i'm only able to lift 25 Ibs each, and even find myself struggling with that. I'm now trying to incorporate 30's into my routine.

2. I've lowered my cardio from everyday to 2 times a week (I tend to hit the gym AT LEAST 3 days a week) Do you guys find it easier to do cardio before or after you lift? Previously, I would do it before I begin working with free weights but I found myself gassing out by the time I got to them, so lately I do it after lifting and before I leave the gym.

One little side question...i've been working out since mid-Nov, just recently on a consistent the hell do you get over the soreness? 
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Weighed myself for the first time in awhile today...came in at 200 Ibs exactly. Not really sure if I should be upset since I didn't weigh myself when I first began hitting the gym...

My goal is to lose weight (Tryin' to get down to at least 180) but gain muscle.

A couple of questions for you guys...

1. When you started working out, how did you know what was the right weight for you? And how long did it take to begin moving up? Right now, honestly i'm only able to lift 25 Ibs each, and even find myself struggling with that. I'm now trying to incorporate 30's into my routine.

2. I've lowered my cardio from everyday to 2 times a week (I tend to hit the gym AT LEAST 3 days a week) Do you guys find it easier to do cardio before or after you lift? Previously, I would do it before I begin working with free weights but I found myself gassing out by the time I got to them, so lately I do it after lifting and before I leave the gym.

One little side question...i've been working out since mid-Nov, just recently on a consistent the hell do you get over the soreness? 
1. Good form is essential to any progress so before you concern yourself with heavier weights, focus on execution. Educate yourself on how many reps and sets you should be doing to meet your goals as well.
I started out with 25lbs in November.. I am able to do 3 sets of 5 reps of 60lb dumbbell press now. My shoulder press... not so much. I probably started with 15lb DB and am now at 40lb

2. There has been alot of discussion over the past 50 pages in this thread about when to do cardio.... I think what it comes down to is what you are most comfortable with. If you find you can lift at full execution AFTER cardio, go for it. Besides.. to quote a guy who gave me workout advice:

"hen you go to the gym and your tired 1/2 way through your workout tellyourself you're a pusssy and $%@$*** dont like pusssies and then get ur#$! back in gear !@!%#@"

Makes sense I suppose

3. Soreness may be due to over training or not stretching. For some reason I also have it in my head that soreness means your muscles need to recover nutrition+protein wise. Not sure on the validity of that.. must have read it a while ago.
^ I initially wanted to lose weight also...

I actually ended up gaining 10-15 pounds. I say don't pay attention to the numbers, but how you look as you progress. You can weigh yourself every now though. As for as moving up goes... Just follow a routine, get rest, eat well, and the numbers will gradually go up. Push yourself though. No pain no gain, and if needed get a spotter.

I did cardio after my workouts. But now I do it on separate days in the morning.

You really can't speed up the recovery process. Just make sure you get enough rest. It's annoying but... Makes you feel stronger doesn't it? 
anyone ever have bad days at the gym?

usually i have no problem knocking out wide grip pull-ups...but today i was really struggling...what could be causing this? not enough rest? food? fatigue?
I hate doing bench nowdays. I haven't seen any results in a while and occasionally it hurts my rotator cuff. Still I feel like I shouldn't stop doing it

It's frustrating when I can do 3x6 reps with ease but when I add 2,5kg I can't even do 1x6.

All tips/ideas to improve my results are appreciated.
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Weighed myself for the first time in awhile today...came in at 200 Ibs exactly. Not really sure if I should be upset since I didn't weigh myself when I first began hitting the gym...

My goal is to lose weight (Tryin' to get down to at least 180) but gain muscle.

A couple of questions for you guys...

1. When you started working out, how did you know what was the right weight for you? And how long did it take to begin moving up? Right now, honestly i'm only able to lift 25 Ibs each, and even find myself struggling with that. I'm now trying to incorporate 30's into my routine.

2. I've lowered my cardio from everyday to 2 times a week (I tend to hit the gym AT LEAST 3 days a week) Do you guys find it easier to do cardio before or after you lift? Previously, I would do it before I begin working with free weights but I found myself gassing out by the time I got to them, so lately I do it after lifting and before I leave the gym.

One little side question...i've been working out since mid-Nov, just recently on a consistent the hell do you get over the soreness? 
i've been told that you would know if a weight is good for you if you're struggling to finish up the last 3-reps...(if you're doing 8-10 reps).
been slacking lately at the gym, i felt like im just there to be there so i can tell myself i went to the gym today...havent done any type of cardio the past 2 weeks because of the weather, and a pull lower back muscle from running too much. im going to try to do back today and abs hopefully i can do atleast half the weights i usually do. to those that takes vitamins, whats good one to get?
Seems like everyone in here is doing p90x... are yall doing it the legit way? or watching videos off of youtube?
Originally Posted by JPioneer

I hate doing bench nowdays. I haven't seen any results in a while and occasionally it hurts my rotator cuff. Still I feel like I shouldn't stop doing it

It's frustrating when I can do 3x6 reps with ease but when I add 2,5kg I can't even do 1x6.

All tips/ideas to improve my results are appreciated.
Do you work your core? Cause doing that helped me a lot.
about to post my 2 month progress of 4 day workouts including core work, and barely any cardio except for minimal hoops
@ the locker room stories.

I dont care if dudes are naked but some of these guys have no shame at all. How are you going to put your shirt on, comb your hair, put your socks on, organize your gym bag, start a conversation AND THEN decide to put your underwear on? How are you gonna shave and brush your teeth naked?

I remember a few years ago me and my boy had a guess pass at a gym so we decided to check out the steam room afterwards wearing our gym shorts. Some naked old man walks in and says "I guess you didnt read the sign". After 5 mins we go outside and it says on the wall "No clothing allowed on in the steam room"

Anyways, I think its time to switch up my routine. I think I'm going to do a 4-day split...2 days upper, 2 days lower. The last 2 months or so I've been lifting heavy 3 times a week doing total body workouts. It's time to decrease the weight and increase body responds better to it (aesthetically speaking) but I hate it when my strength decreases. I worked so hard to get to 225-pound bench press but I know I'm going to lose it with my new routine
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Going to to a push/pull split next week w/legs having their own day. Any recommendations?
Why not have legs split up too? Deadlifts with pull and squats/lunges with push. Just a thought
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Going to to a push/pull split next week w/legs having their own day. Any recommendations?
Why not have legs split up too? Deadlifts with pull and squats/lunges with push. Just a thought
...but deadlifts are a quad exercise as well.

I dont know of a good way to make a program with legs on both a push day and a pull day.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Originally Posted by JPioneer

I hate doing bench nowdays. I haven't seen any results in a while and occasionally it hurts my rotator cuff. Still I feel like I shouldn't stop doing it

It's frustrating when I can do 3x6 reps with ease but when I add 2,5kg I can't even do 1x6.

All tips/ideas to improve my results are appreciated.
Do you work your core? Cause doing that helped me a lot.

Yeah I do.

Chest workout is like the only thing that hasn't been showing any improvement lately.
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