Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

at what my post caused in here. First off thanks for all the advice, I love this place. I have no preexisting condition, I've been working out for years now but I usually just did isolation exercises and not alot of compounds so I'm changing it up to mostly compound to increase my strength and put on some mass. I've done these workouts before but kinda sporadically and never heavy because I didn't see the benefit (yeah I know, stupid). I did all these in one day, which is what I want to do (uness you guys suggest I don't). I'm pretty sure it's the breathing because when it first happened (after my third set of squats) I was so lightheaded that I sat down and it seemed to get worse. I got up and took big breaths and it sorta went away but when I did deadlifts it came right back. Cleans didn't give me much of a problem. After the workout I sat down on the bench in the locker room and I was literally sick to my stomach, hence the needing to yak. I'm gonna keep the same routine but work on proper breathing during the exercise and see where that goes
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

From what I understand,
All of the sugar (or the sugar in excess) is burned off during your lifing exercises. Therefore, doing cardio POST lifting will direct fat content to be burned (as opposed to sugar).
It's obviously alot more scientific than that.. but that's the idea. Post lifting cardio burns fat.
The source of fuel isn't important, it's the total calorie burn.  If his goal is to lose weight rather than build muscle, cardio should be before.  When you're sitting on the couch, 70% of the energy you burn comes from fat (as opposed to 50% or less when exercising), but that doesn't mean sitting on the couch is the best way to lose fat.

Why would you recommend doing aerobic exercises before weight training if his goal is to lose weight?

Aerobics might be better before weight training because when he first starts working out, he'll have more energy and that energy will be devoted to aerobics, so he'll push himself harder in aerobics.  Then when he does weight training, he can still work out, but he'll probably do lower weight because he spent alot of energy on aerobics. 

Just my thinking, I've tried both out before. 
But with the way the body produces/uses energy, its most efficient to do strength training first followed by aerobics.

Most efficient in what way? Can you elaborate? 

Here's how I see it. To get technical, I wouldn't have them do aerobic training at all;  I'd have them do anaerobic cardio before weightlifting.  In any case, my reasoning was what cguy was saying.  If one's primary goal is weightloss and building strength is secondary, then I would suggest he/she expend more energy working specifically towards his/her ultimate goal.  I think we can agree that if I do one form of exercise first, I'm not going to be able to work as hard on the second portion due to fatigue induced by the first session.  So, if someone's goal is weight loss and they do cardio second, they're not able to work as hard during their cardio portion. In this way, they're not working "efficiently" towards their personal goal. 
Ill come back in a bit and edit this when I have time.  Ill explain how its more efficient to do resistance training first then aerobics second.

What do you mean by anaerobic cardio?

Cool, looking forward to your response to see if it makes sense with what I'm learning in my PT courses.

By anaerobic cardio, I meant HIIT and the like.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

. I did all these in one day, which is what I want to do (uness you guys suggest I don't).

You are doing 3 major compound lifts in one day. That is going to be extremely taxing on the CNS and PNS. You really should be doing one compound lift (3-5 reps considering the program you are on now) with 3-4 accessory lifts per day following your program. As for cleans or any oly lift never go over 6 reps and you will be fine.

Peep this, or the book Maximum Strength by Eric Cressey. Both are simple programs to follow and will give good results.
Workout of the day (in order)
1000m row (sprint)

3 sets of:
--15 hanging leg raises
--10 woodchoppers (per side)
--15 pushups

3x cable row
1:00 side plank (each)
2:00 reg. plank
25 crunchie frogs

3x 10dips

20:00 running broken down:
-3:00 warmup
-10:00 (1 min jog/1min sprint)
-2:00 cool down

...rather haphazard. I wasn't planning on working out but got bored
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Question for the gurus. Lately I've started going heavy on my compounds (deadlifts, squats, powercleans) as they were never a crucial part of my workout until now. But today I started to get really lightheaded and after my workout I was literally on the verge of throwing up...stood over the toilet and everything but would not allow myself to yak in the locker room. Question is what causes this and is there anything I can do to prevent it from happening? I don't wanna go lighter on the workouts bc I see the progress already and I'd like to keep them as a staple.
It's about oxygen.

Are you breathing properly?
I think its this and not cooling cant be lifting and than go sitting down cos you tired gotta stay up and breathe and let your heart rate go back to normal

Derek from Kennedy? Lee or Fong?

You lost some weight, nice job.

Wait.  DaBuddhaWitJays, you from the 916?  Small ++%%%$! world
I know what the Big 3 are, I just didnt know if you wanted the weightfor them.  For 4 reps im around 95 DB Bench, 315 for Squat and tomorrowill be doing deadlift so I dont know that number yet.
How much do you weigh?

I'm guessing your barbell bench is around 210 for 4 reps.
nah for real if youre doing em all in one day thats whats doing it keith

i have been doing some intense full body lifts with almost all compound lifts and i feel like !!!@, on the verge of puking , etc.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Question for the gurus. Lately I've started going heavy on my compounds (deadlifts, squats, powercleans) as they were never a crucial part of my workout until now. But today I started to get really lightheaded and after my workout I was literally on the verge of throwing up...stood over the toilet and everything but would not allow myself to yak in the locker room. Question is what causes this and is there anything I can do to prevent it from happening? I don't wanna go lighter on the workouts bc I see the progress already and I'd like to keep them as a staple.
It's about oxygen.

Are you breathing properly?
I think its this and not cooling cant be lifting and than go sitting down cos you tired gotta stay up and breathe and let your heart rate go back to normal

Derek from Kennedy? Lee or Fong?

You lost some weight, nice job.

Wait.  DaBuddhaWitJays, you from the 916?  Small ++%%%$! world

Yeah. Which gym do you go to the most?

Lol a lot of people from Sacramento in here, nice.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Wait.  DaBuddhaWitJays, you from the 916?  Small ++%%%$! world

Yeah. Which gym do you go to the most?

Lol a lot of people from Sacramento in here, nice.

Gold's Gym on laguna.  I have two "famous" people that go to my gym, Darrell Taylor personal trainer (from mtv ruins) and Kris Dim (pro Cambodian bodybuilder, dude is YOLKED).

Which gym do you go to?
big is out lean is in

seriously though im tired of not being able to buy clothes that i want.

no joke

imma be lookin like ryan reynolds/jason stratham

not that small but point is yea imma get lean for real.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

^^what do you even look like? PAUSE
i dunno why dudes feel the need to say pause when it comes to discussion on physiques when its fitness related


im goin for the underwear model look now though

F it.

you can say pause to that pic though
matter fact i just found a great gallery of the type of look im talking about, some photography dudes site

hell im gonna try it out. i dont even know how to go about this. and all the dudes can have the best denim do they even do legs at all?

those dudes are bigger than most models tho i think

dudes like this are more typical



the ones you posted are better, dude above is too skinny i wouldnt want to look like that
yea thats def too skinny

like literally a lot of these models have no definition, i guess youre right though i have noticed that also. even in that gallery some look like crap to me that dude i posted i can get down with that look.

btw..............seriously how do some of these people become models, know the right people? wth do they look for?

that CK model sucks

these days are gone?

they want males to look anorexic now.
yeah as long as they have a sort of six pack i guess girls think they look "ripped"

and fashion-wise skinny is always in for men and women i guess

but in real life no dude wants a girl who looks like a twig and vice versa
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

good forearm exercises?
this is late but dont bother working on your forearms individually. if you are doing hard full-body workouts, they will get worked out in other ways. my bicep workouts in particular blow up my forearms.. 21s especially. i started doing those like 2 months ago and now my forearms have mad veins and muscles popping out

deadlifts with no gloves are great too.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

yea thats def too skinny

like literally a lot of these models have no definition, i guess youre right though i have noticed that also. even in that gallery some look like crap to me that dude i posted i can get down with that look.

btw..............seriously how do some of these people become models, know the right people? wth do they look for?

that CK model sucks

these days are gone?

they want males to look anorexic now.

The look is more like this

I'm actually trying to go for the Beckham/CK model look. Asians weren't meant to be extras on 300, unless if you count the Samoans

I think most companies prefer leaner cats over muscular cats. I saw a TV show where a dude got shut down on a modeling gig because they wanted a skinnier person.
Originally Posted by wj4

I'm actually trying to go for the Beckham/CK model look. Asians weren't meant to be extras on 300, unless if you count the Samoans

I think most companies prefer leaner cats over muscular cats. I saw a TV show where a dude got shut down on a modeling gig because they wanted a skinnier person.

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by wj4

I'm actually trying to go for the Beckham/CK model look. Asians weren't meant to be extras on 300, unless if you count the Samoans

I think most companies prefer leaner cats over muscular cats. I saw a TV show where a dude got shut down on a modeling gig because they wanted a skinnier person.

It's true, man.  At around 150 lbs at 5'10''...I'm easily one of the smallest cats in the gym.  But when I went back home last summer...cats at the gym were asking me how I got my arms swoll like that.  I bought some t shirts back there and had to get size XL, which fits like a U.S. small. 
  I remember talking to other cats at the gym around my height and they were around 120-130 lbs. 
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Gold's Gym on laguna.  I have two "famous" people that go to my gym, Darrell Taylor personal trainer (from mtv ruins) and Kris Dim (pro Cambodian bodybuilder, dude is YOLKED).

Which gym do you go to?

Apparently that guy (Kris Dim) owned a bunch of Max Muscle stores. Yeah he's pretty big (nh), short though.

I go to 24 hr. No celebs there. Usually Laguna or the one in downtown. I was close to joining that Gold's Gym though because I remember driving past it so many times before and thinking about getting a trial. Looks nice.

Al Audi, that pic you posted awhile back, made your body look real lean. You mean you want to get smaller?

Lol, that's ideal for me.
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