Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Al Audi

im doing the big beyond belief program right now, some swear by it and some just hate it.

I googled this, but all I get is a link to a book (which I have 0 intentions of reading). What are the fundamentals of the program?

Today's WOD...

5 rounds for time:
30 wall-balls (20kg)
30 box jumps (30 inches I think)
400 meter run

Days like today make me want to quit CrossFit and start weightlifting again. Nothing enjoyable about today's WOD and I felt like this was one of those mentally demanding WOD's rather than physically demanding.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Currently going through my certification process to become a professional trainer. I'm sure I'll be changing the way I workout after I come out of this; I've already learned some little tips for workouts that I'm itching to try after I finish my current program.
Where are you getting your cert from

Yeah im curious too
BCRPA.  I heard it has the highest standard in Canada, and is higher than a lot of certification bodies in the US, too.

Where in Canada are you? Does the program require extensive math+sciences?
Originally Posted by nealraj006

has anybody done or heard about insanity by shaun t? It sounds interesting to me and I struggle to keep the motivation high during cardio. I'm considering doing it

This chick in my class is doing this program.
Can someone make me a shopping list for a college student, like with fruit, snacks, etc so that I can eat healthy.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Currently going through my certification process to become a professional trainer. I'm sure I'll be changing the way I workout after I come out of this; I've already learned some little tips for workouts that I'm itching to try after I finish my current program.
Where are you getting your cert from

Yeah im curious too
BCRPA.  I heard it has the highest standard in Canada, and is higher than a lot of certification bodies in the US, too.

Where in Canada are you? Does the program require extensive math+sciences?
Science is mandatory for any moderately knowledgeable trainer.  The tests aren't very scientific, but it certainly helps.  If youre bad at science, you might struggle.  If youre decent at it, you would be fine.
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Can someone make me a shopping list for a college student, like with fruit, snacks, etc so that I can eat healthy.
I can voice $0.02
My weekly (every sunday) list includes:
(shouldn't cost more than $50/wk)
-500g turkey
-pack of cheese buns or whole wheat buns
-frozen wild berries (for supplement shakes)
-orange juice
-protein bars (Think Protein or something)
-baby carrots
-"actimel" probiotic shots

and every week or so I will cook enough pasta for 4 servings (freze the remaining):
-whole wheat ritoni
-whip creme
-pasta sauce
-chicken breast

That's essentially what I eat. Plus a 12" subway every day.
I crushed my previous personal best in barbell squats today. I was surprised at how easy it was for me to lift weights that I couldn't even do properly just 2-weeks ago.

Now if only I could bust out of my bench press plateau. I've been stuck on the same weight for 3 months now
Stay away from the protein bars. They are nothing but candy bars for the most part. We want to minimize our sugar intake. Sugar FROM fruit is cool, not the artificial stuff.
NT help me gain weight. *critique*

Workout plan: (rep/set)

Monday: OFF

-Tuesday: Chest
Bench Press (5x3)
Bench Press Wide Grip (8x2)
Dumbbell Press (10x3)
Dumbbell Fly (10x3)
Weighted Dips (5x3)

-Wednesday: Shoulders
Hang Clean+Press (8x3)
Military Barbell Press (8x3)
Upright Row (8x3)
Standing Flys (8x3)
"Arnold" Dumbbell Press (8x1)
1 Arm Alternating Press (8x1)
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press (8x1)

Thursday: OFF

Friday: Arms
Weighted Dips (5x3)
Skull Crushers (10x3)
Pulldown (10x3)
Overhead Extensions (8x3)
Barbell Curl (21x3) 7-7-7
Hammer Curl (10x2)
(Slightly) Bent Over Row (10x1)

Saturday: Back
Barbell Bentover Row (8x3)
Pullup (10x3)
Deadlift (8x3)
Barbell shrugs (10x4)
One Arm Dumbbell Row (10x3)
Dumbell Reverse Fly (10x3)

Sunday: HIIT

NO Shotgun (pre)
Optimum Nutrition Whey (1 in the morning, 1 after workout)
GNC multivitamin 'performance' package
~1500-1800 calories in regular diet. White meats, whole wheats, veggies, etc

I feel like I'm doing it wrong, or otherwise not as effective as could be. If you see anything that could use work please let me know. I'm just a normal scrawn who did some reading, not sure that it was legitimate sources or not.
felt good to finally break a long plateau ive been dealing with on the bench

225 x 10 reps, which is supposed to equate to a 1 rep max of 300lbs

ive done 285 1 time 2 months ago so i feel the conversion in this case is pretty accurate

took so long to get there so @#@% feels
Had a hard time in the gym today, starting to feel sick

deadlifted 415 5 times though
most i've ever repped.

Cleans and bench sucked though, had hard time even getting through 3rd set, 4th was a disgrace

Oh well, just gotta get well again.
What's a good drink for post workouts at GNC? Might as well put my membership to use.
Trying to cut fat, add muscle and definition.
Figured i'll ask here than get jipped by someone working there.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

What's a good drink for post workouts at GNC? Might as well put my membership to use.
Trying to cut fat, add muscle and definition.
Figured i'll ask here than get jipped by someone working there.
Everyone I know keeps saying nitro-tech protein mix or whey...can't go against their word being that they're showing results
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Front squats today. I like how they target my quads alone better than just squats, but it's frustrating, because I feel like what holds me back on them is just holding that bar up on my shoulders. I feel like I can definitely handle heavier weight with my legs, but my upper body is just fighting that bar the whole way when I start getting into heavier sets.

On a side note, I think the homeless guy that goes to my gym is getting his membership revoked today. I feel bad for the guy. He's a Vietnam Vet with PTSD, and he sleeps in a shelter at night, but has nowhere to go during the day, so he spends alot of time just hanging around in the gym. He doesn't work out much, but he doesn't bother anybody. Anyway, he was taking up some equipment today and some guy got upset, confronted him and then filed a complaint with management. This kind of stuff is normal in my gym though, it's in a kind of wacky place.

With the front squats it's most likely weakness in you core (obliques, abs, erector spinae). Just keep at it and your core should get stronger. Incorporate some heavy side bends and seated/standing good mornings to further strengthen the core. The thing with front squats is that even 5 or 10 kilos can feel like 20+ kilos. Mostly because it exposes weakness in the core a lot more than back squats.

Anyway, someone should say something to that dude who complained about the homeless vet. Was it a young guy or an older guy?
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by nealraj006

has anybody done or heard about insanity by shaun t? It sounds interesting to me and I struggle to keep the motivation high during cardio. I'm considering doing it

This chick in my class is doing this program.
Can someone make me a shopping list for a college student, like with fruit, snacks, etc so that I can eat healthy.
Beans, nuts (not peanuts), whole wheat pasta, eggs, avocados, yams, cottage cheese. Load up and eat.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yo anyone who needs motivation

watch an episode of spartucus on starz

show is kinda wack but they are !%!++** shredded on there
sounds familiar what is it about?

o yea i dunno does anyone else always change moods on how they wanna look?

i use to wanna be big but yea i def wanna be shredded/medium sized maybe at an even 200lbs for my height

ive been talkin to a lot of chicks lately on what they prefer btw, i do it for myself but it kinda helps me focus on a goal because im so wishy waashy
out here in Cali, a majority of the chicks much prefer someone who is cut and just fit looking opposed to someone who looks effin' jacked. I'm not 100%, but just off of watching Jersey Shore, them Jersey chicks like dudes who look like "Gorillas" as Jwoww would say.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

What's a good drink for post workouts at GNC? Might as well put my membership to use.
Trying to cut fat, add muscle and definition.
Figured i'll ask here than get jipped by someone working there.
wheybolic extreme 60 - best nutrient content BY FAR,.  i usually also throw in a tablespoon of glutamine as well for even better recovery.  i would suggest buying it off eBay fora a significant price cut.

i usually take down about 180-220grams of protein a day (10-11scoops) solely from the wheybolic mix, really helps put on a ton of lean muscle and zero fat.  high-protein low-fat = results
Originally Posted by andycrazn

i gained alot of lower belly fat and i want to get rid of it. its like the hardest place to get to. what kind of workouts should i do?

have any of yall taken fat burners? ive been working out and dieting, but just want faster results.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Front squats today. I like how they target my quads alone better than just squats, but it's frustrating, because I feel like what holds me back on them is just holding that bar up on my shoulders. I feel like I can definitely handle heavier weight with my legs, but my upper body is just fighting that bar the whole way when I start getting into heavier sets.

On a side note, I think the homeless guy that goes to my gym is getting his membership revoked today. I feel bad for the guy. He's a Vietnam Vet with PTSD, and he sleeps in a shelter at night, but has nowhere to go during the day, so he spends alot of time just hanging around in the gym. He doesn't work out much, but he doesn't bother anybody. Anyway, he was taking up some equipment today and some guy got upset, confronted him and then filed a complaint with management. This kind of stuff is normal in my gym though, it's in a kind of wacky place.

With the front squats it's most likely weakness in you core (obliques, abs, erector spinae). Just keep at it and your core should get stronger. Incorporate some heavy side bends and seated/standing good mornings to further strengthen the core. The thing with front squats is that even 5 or 10 kilos can feel like 20+ kilos. Mostly because it exposes weakness in the core a lot more than back squats.

Anyway, someone should say something to that dude who complained about the homeless vet. Was it a young guy or an older guy?

Yeah, that's one area in the gym where i get lazy.  Well, not so much lazy as I can push myself to stay in the gym through my workout, but to do core work, or anything ancillary to my bodybuilding goals, it's tough mentally cause I want to get out of that gym so bad before I have to go back in that evening. (I'm a trainer there, and most days I go to and from work twice a day.)  But I'll def. take your suggestion.  I'm up to 275 on front squats and my legs feel like they could take 315 or more, but just holding that bar up is killing me.  Back squats I'm up to 405 on a good day, but I have a feeling the core training would shoot that up as well.

The homeless dude is older.  Like 60.  The dude who complained looks to be like 40, but he's kind of a !@#$.  I can't stand that guy.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Front squats today. I like how they target my quads alone better than just squats, but it's frustrating, because I feel like what holds me back on them is just holding that bar up on my shoulders. I feel like I can definitely handle heavier weight with my legs, but my upper body is just fighting that bar the whole way when I start getting into heavier sets.

On a side note, I think the homeless guy that goes to my gym is getting his membership revoked today. I feel bad for the guy. He's a Vietnam Vet with PTSD, and he sleeps in a shelter at night, but has nowhere to go during the day, so he spends alot of time just hanging around in the gym. He doesn't work out much, but he doesn't bother anybody. Anyway, he was taking up some equipment today and some guy got upset, confronted him and then filed a complaint with management. This kind of stuff is normal in my gym though, it's in a kind of wacky place.

With the front squats it's most likely weakness in you core (obliques, abs, erector spinae). Just keep at it and your core should get stronger. Incorporate some heavy side bends and seated/standing good mornings to further strengthen the core. The thing with front squats is that even 5 or 10 kilos can feel like 20+ kilos. Mostly because it exposes weakness in the core a lot more than back squats.

Anyway, someone should say something to that dude who complained about the homeless vet. Was it a young guy or an older guy?

Yeah, that's one area in the gym where i get lazy.  Well, not so much lazy as I can push myself to stay in the gym through my workout, but to do core work, or anything ancillary to my bodybuilding goals, it's tough mentally cause I want to get out of that gym so bad before I have to go back in that evening. (I'm a trainer there, and most days I go to and from work twice a day.)  But I'll def. take your suggestion.  I'm up to 275 on front squats and my legs feel like they could take 315 or more, but just holding that bar up is killing me.  Back squats I'm up to 405 on a good day, but I have a feeling the core training would shoot that up as well.

The homeless dude is older.  Like 60.  The dude who complained looks to be like 40, but he's kind of a !@#$.  I can't stand that guy.

I was actually picturing it was some middle aged jerk off who complained.

At the very least he should understand that the old vet should be given some leeway. If he doesn't understand then tell him to pipe down. These types of folks usually crawl back into their hole.
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

felt good to finally break a long plateau ive been dealing with on the bench

225 x 10 reps, which is supposed to equate to a 1 rep max of 300lbs

ive done 285 1 time 2 months ago so i feel the conversion in this case is pretty accurate

took so long to get there so @#@% feels
good job on the 225 x 10! keep it up
just dont get to caught up in your "MAX BENCH" it dont really mean poop

proper form = positive results

keep it up
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