Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Twig1026

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

What's a good drink for post workouts at GNC? Might as well put my membership to use.
Trying to cut fat, add muscle and definition.
Figured i'll ask here than get jipped by someone working there.
Everyone I know keeps saying nitro-tech protein mix or whey...can't go against their word being that they're showing results

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Front squats today. I like how they target my quads alone better than just squats, but it's frustrating, because I feel like what holds me back on them is just holding that bar up on my shoulders. I feel like I can definitely handle heavier weight with my legs, but my upper body is just fighting that bar the whole way when I start getting into heavier sets.

On a side note, I think the homeless guy that goes to my gym is getting his membership revoked today. I feel bad for the guy. He's a Vietnam Vet with PTSD, and he sleeps in a shelter at night, but has nowhere to go during the day, so he spends alot of time just hanging around in the gym. He doesn't work out much, but he doesn't bother anybody. Anyway, he was taking up some equipment today and some guy got upset, confronted him and then filed a complaint with management. This kind of stuff is normal in my gym though, it's in a kind of wacky place.

With the front squats it's most likely weakness in you core (obliques, abs, erector spinae). Just keep at it and your core should get stronger. Incorporate some heavy side bends and seated/standing good mornings to further strengthen the core. The thing with front squats is that even 5 or 10 kilos can feel like 20+ kilos. Mostly because it exposes weakness in the core a lot more than back squats.

Anyway, someone should say something to that dude who complained about the homeless vet. Was it a young guy or an older guy?

damn I think Imma start incorporating front squats in my workouts... I'm feelin how you said that it works the core more than back squats. This wednesday will be tryin this.
Front squats are too hard for me....

But anyway, can I please get someone's input.

I'm hoping to drastically increase my bench within the next few months and have been doing 5x5, with dumbells.

Is this fine or should I do the barbell?

Thanks in advance.

I was in the zone today when Mr. Brightside came blastin in my headphones.

Ran too the bench. pumped out 8 angry reps of 235 that was already setup at the station ( lazy people
) but I was like

For the past 2 weeks I could only do 7 reps of 225.

Hype music FTW.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Front squats today. I like how they target my quads alone better than just squats, but it's frustrating, because I feel like what holds me back on them is just holding that bar up on my shoulders. I feel like I can definitely handle heavier weight with my legs, but my upper body is just fighting that bar the whole way when I start getting into heavier sets.

On a side note, I think the homeless guy that goes to my gym is getting his membership revoked today. I feel bad for the guy. He's a Vietnam Vet with PTSD, and he sleeps in a shelter at night, but has nowhere to go during the day, so he spends alot of time just hanging around in the gym. He doesn't work out much, but he doesn't bother anybody. Anyway, he was taking up some equipment today and some guy got upset, confronted him and then filed a complaint with management. This kind of stuff is normal in my gym though, it's in a kind of wacky place.

With the front squats it's most likely weakness in you core (obliques, abs, erector spinae). Just keep at it and your core should get stronger. Incorporate some heavy side bends and seated/standing good mornings to further strengthen the core. The thing with front squats is that even 5 or 10 kilos can feel like 20+ kilos. Mostly because it exposes weakness in the core a lot more than back squats.

Anyway, someone should say something to that dude who complained about the homeless vet. Was it a young guy or an older guy?

damn I think Imma start incorporating front squats in my workouts... I'm feelin how you said that it works the core more than back squats. This wednesday will be tryin this.

Im def going to give front squats ago, i love exposing my weaknesses, and this could be my weakness in terms of my core.

Another question, in terms of a performance(athletic) standpoint, not bodybuilding, whats a good rep set and weight?  I.E the big four lifts, would a 5x5 or 4x8 or 3x10 with moderate weight suffice for in-season training 2-3x a week?
Mr Brightside is your hype music?

Try Down From the Sky, or soemthing and you'll be benching 400 if thats the case hah
Man I wish my arms were flexible enough to do front squats...I honestly can't fathom how people can bend their arms back that far. That's how bad my flexibility is.
Anyone know the exact recipe for a Strawberry Supreme protein smoothie from Amazon Cafe???

I always get these shakes at my LA Fitness and I think it is to the point I start making them myself. I know they include apple juice, bananas, strawberrys, yogurt, ice, and protein. I tried Google but I couldn't find any exact measurements.

Can anyone help me????
I dont know if this question was answer but what's the best way to increase my bench press? I'm at 155-160lbs right now
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I crushed my previous personal best in barbell squats today. I was surprised at how easy it was for me to lift weights that I couldn't even do properly just 2-weeks ago.

Now if only I could bust out of my bench press plateau. I've been stuck on the same weight for 3 months now

It's the best feeling in world. Last week I broke from struggling with 135 x 6, to 165 x 6 and I felt like I could easily have hit 175-185. Can't wait for leg day this week!

I'm also curious what's the best method to build strength + mass. Is it 5x5? I've gotten my deadlift and squat alot through pyramids doing 10, 8, 6 and 6 reps. Haven't had the same results with my bench though.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Front squats are too hard for me....

But anyway, can I please get someone's input.

I'm hoping to drastically increase my bench within the next few months and have been doing 5x5, with dumbells.

Is this fine or should I do the barbell?

Thanks in advance.

Barebell my man, dumbbells just don't have the same effect. The Bench Press is gonna build your strength  more than dumbbells can.
Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Front squats are too hard for me....

But anyway, can I please get someone's input.

I'm hoping to drastically increase my bench within the next few months and have been doing 5x5, with dumbells.

Is this fine or should I do the barbell?

Thanks in advance.

Barebell my man, dumbbells just don't have the same effect. The Bench Press is gonna build your strength  more than dumbbells can.

Actually, it is really good to rotate/switch every few weeks.  Your muscles have memory, so changing things around every so often has great effects.  Try dumbells for a couple of weeks, and then switch to barbell.  Or, do barbell bench press, then do your incline presses with dumbells - then back to barbell for the decline press.  You end up working some muscles more than others depending on which you use.

AND - if you want to increase your weight, start warming up!  The more you warm up (without making yourself tired) before your heavy set, the more you will be able to lift!

I am no nutrutionist or personal trainer, but I am getting all this info from AST Sports Science's MAX OT.  Learn about it here.  You can sign up for free:
andycrazn wrote:
i gained alot of lower belly fat and i want to get rid of it. its like the hardest place to get to. what kind of workouts should i do?

Resistance training and proper nutrition.

wheybolic extreme 60 - best nutrient content BY FAR,.  i usually also throw in a tablespoon of glutamine as well for even better recovery.  i would suggest buying it off eBay fora a significant price cut.

i usually take down about 180-220grams of protein a day (10-11scoops) solely from the wheybolic mix, really helps put on a ton of lean muscle and zero fat.  high-protein low-fat = results
How much do you weigh?

have any of yall taken fat burners? ive been working out and dieting, but just want faster results.
Fat burners dont work.

Man I wish my arms were flexible enough to do front squats...I honestly can't fathom how people can bend their arms back that far. That's how bad my flexibility is.
Most people cant do that form so they cross their arms in front of their body and hold the bar up that way.
i broke my collarbone playing football a few years ago, and its hard for me to a lot of lifting exercises and excessive push ups anyone have any suggestions on workouts i can benefit from?
Originally Posted by Grimey

i broke my collarbone playing football a few years ago, and its hard for me to a lot of lifting exercises and excessive push ups anyone have any suggestions on workouts i can benefit from?
I have a question, I somewhat asked it earlier but I only got a response from JoeCamels and he seemed to get offended by it. (Sorry if I offended you)

I am not asking this to offend anyone, I just want a serious answer.

I understand the logic behind supplements, but do any of you stop to think about the long term effects of some of the products that you consume on a day to day basis (supplements wise). Since we are the first REAL generation that is heavily reliant on supplements, I don't think many studies are out there when it comes to the long term effects. I just think many are playing Russian Roulette because we have no idea how these products are really affecting our bodies.

I think we are too enamored with "results" and the majority of those are external results. Yes many want to get stronger, but the majority only care about how it looks (their body). I am just saying, folks be safe. Don't rely so much on these items without proper research. Don't just take products because you heard they "work."

Again, I am not trying to offend anyone. Just want thoughts/opinions.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I have a question, I somewhat asked it earlier but I only got a response from JoeCamels and he seemed to get offended by it. (Sorry if I offended you)

I am not asking this to offend anyone, I just want a serious answer.

I understand the logic behind supplements, but do any of you stop to think about the long term effects of some of the products that you consume on a day to day basis (supplements wise). Since we are the first REAL generation that is heavily reliant on supplements, I don't think many studies are out there when it comes to the long term effects. I just think many are playing Russian Roulette because we have no idea how these products are really affecting our bodies.

I think we are too enamored with "results" and the majority of those are external results. Yes many want to get stronger, but the majority only care about how it looks (their body). I am just saying, folks be safe. Don't rely so much on these items without proper research. Don't just take products because you heard they "work."

Again, I am not trying to offend anyone. Just want thoughts/opinions.
I agree with this...

I been trying to get down with the hollistic way of living so supps in general is a no go for me, with the exception of maybe a few organic protein supps that are on the market... But luckily for me, i dont really have a desire to be 'big' so to speak. I'm tall and lean by my design and im happy with that, so i dont really feel pressured to use supps as i think some people do. I know people that use them and they have had great results, but i personally try and keep the amount of synthetic substances in my body to a bare minimum.
Yea I didn't want anyone to think I was knocking their approach, I just want folks to be healthier all around. KNow what you are taking, know what it does, and you also have to know what the side effects are. EVERY foreign object you put into your body has a potential risk factor. Short term and long term. Just be aware that many products don't have any long term studies so I just think that is too risky.

Yea I also believe in the holistic approach as well. I try not to take any medicine, I always look for a natural alternative because that is what the cavemen did LOL.

Again, I didn't mean to offend anyone. Don't shoot me.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I have a question, I somewhat asked it earlier but I only got a response from JoeCamels and he seemed to get offended by it. (Sorry if I offended you)

I am not asking this to offend anyone, I just want a serious answer.

I understand the logic behind supplements, but do any of you stop to think about the long term effects of some of the products that you consume on a day to day basis (supplements wise). Since we are the first REAL generation that is heavily reliant on supplements, I don't think many studies are out there when it comes to the long term effects. I just think many are playing Russian Roulette because we have no idea how these products are really affecting our bodies.

I think we are too enamored with "results" and the majority of those are external results. Yes many want to get stronger, but the majority only care about how it looks (their body). I am just saying, folks be safe. Don't rely so much on these items without proper research. Don't just take products because you heard they "work."

Again, I am not trying to offend anyone. Just want thoughts/opinions.
We already heard your opinion initially, why repeat it?  What kind of answers do you want?

This subject can go hand in hand with eating, are you eating right?  Do you consume processed food daily?  Or do you eat nothing but whole foods and shop at Trader Joe's only?
I want more opinions on the subject. I want more awareness on the issue. That is why I am repeating it. As I said before, Joe was the only voice that replied before.

Yes I am eating right. I am ware that this go hand-in-hand with supplemental usage. Processed food is damn near out of my eating habits. I am moving closer to having the majority of my food consumption of the whole food variety. I am working towards that.

There is no need to sound bitter or upset about it. I am just trying to help folks out. I apologize if I came across a certain way that provoked you to respond so harshly. God Bless.
Well, i been working out for 2months 5/7 a week and i lost 19lbs probably more but gained some muscle lb, but i want to just get toned now(abs,chest). I think the thing that is holding me back is my food in-take.
I do 45minutes of cardio, 25x4pushups(after 25 i stop until it burns) 30x5 situps(stop until it burns) all in a rapid pace(i was told too much off time between sets is bad) It's been working for the most part.

Here is the problem: i don't really watch my diet, i don't want to make it hard on my pops(he cooks for us/me) so i am asking are they any pre-made food that i can buy, or bars that has been working for any of yall? I'm not really into shakes, either, so don't recommend any unless they taste really good(Yea, picky, lol)

Solution: Recommend me a diet, but please i don't want to be energy starved(feeling tired).No sea-food.
Recommend me a good workout focusing only on abs and chest.

What i eat: My diet consists mainly of rice,beans,bread and chicken/meat(probably 2 or 3 of each on my plate); i eat any fruit on the table/frig. ; drinks- i only drink orange juice and water(i don't like soda) ; and i don't eat fish.

My height is 5'8-9 i was 165and now i'm 146. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
i used to be a pretty frail dude. started getting real into working out in August. i was weighing 145 at that time.

weighed myself the other day at the gym and i'm weighing 156
. i haven't gained any fat, all muscle baby. 11 lbs of it
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Yea I didn't want anyone to think I was knocking their approach, I just want folks to be healthier all around. KNow what you are taking, know what it does, and you also have to know what the side effects are. EVERY foreign object you put into your body has a potential risk factor. Short term and long term. Just be aware that many products don't have any long term studies so I just think that is too risky.

Yea I also believe in the holistic approach as well. I try not to take any medicine, I always look for a natural alternative because that is what the cavemen did LOL.

Again, I didn't mean to offend anyone. Don't shoot me.
them boys aint live too long though so im not totally adverse to modern medicinal practices
......nah saying that i do try and avoid it the best i can.

however to avoid all harmful substances is basically impossible in modern society. It's like when people joke 'everthing gives you cancer these days' It wouldn't suprise me if that +%!% was true!
In reality the best you can do is to minimise the load your body has to deal with.
Originally Posted by Durden7

wheybolic extreme 60 - best nutrient content BY FAR,.  i usually also throw in a tablespoon of glutamine as well for even better recovery.  i would suggest buying it off eBay fora a significant price cut.
i usually take down about 180-220grams of protein a day (10-11scoops) solely from the wheybolic mix, really helps put on a ton of lean muscle and zero fat.  high-protein low-fat = results
How much do you weigh?

have any of yall taken fat burners? ive been working out and dieting, but just want faster results.
Fat burners dont work. *fixed*

stick to coffee and water all day...

i was at 235 (im 5'11) and dropped 65ish lbs of fat over the last 4 months.  got down from 31% fat content to 12% the other day; looking at getting under 10 by june.

once i got down to 170ish i have put on 15lbs of muscle in the last 1.5 months. 

sooooo, i weigh  180-185 depending on water weight and the day....and on that note im headin to go do my lunch at the gym....
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