Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Some of the best por BB'ers train using a core powerlift routine. Johnnie Jackson  and Ronnie Coleman come to mind.
I may be wrong but I tell beginners to always start with a powerlifitng/strentgh training routine because it's just plain better than straight BB'ing. If they ever want to transition ot solely BB'ing then they can. However, if they start of just BB';ing and then wish to transition to power/strentgh training it'd be extremely difficult at first.

btw, I've alweays been a fan of Johnnie Jackson's physique. His physizue is aesthetically pleasing and not grotesque like most BB'ers who juice.
Some of the best por BB'ers train using a core powerlift routine.
you mean squats, deads, bench etc....??? of coarse they do ALONG with their isolation exercises. Which bobybuilder does not apply compound exercises to their routine.

Not only that. I also mean that part of their routine is a strict powerlifting routine (low rep, heavy weight). In fact, I think both Jackson and Coleman were power lifters before they got into pro BB'ing (I know Coleman was in his days a cop but I'm not too sure about Jackson) .

Yea JOJs first calling was power lifting. I dont know much about much about JOJs training but I do know he does not train the same when hes doing a powerlifting comp and BBing comp. As for Colemans training, low rep, heavy weight...That only applies to his last 1-2 sets of deads and squats(not sure about bench). Ronnie DOES NOT train with a power lifter routine. Just because he trains heavy doesnt mean its a power lifter routine

I'll try to dig up the interviews where I read this but I can remember 2 separate interviews where Coleman says that if he didn't incorporate a powerlifting/strentgh training routine then he wouldn't be as big as he is. I only said that part of his routine is based on a powerlifting regimen. Much in the same way that any power lifter/ strentgh athlete incorporate BB'ing (hypertrophy) exercises into their routines.  Whether that is a tenth of his routine or two-fifths I wouldn't know.

Either way I believe that beginners should lean more toward a strentgh training routine with BB exercises built into it. There are plenty of power lifters/ strentgh athletes who attain the look of BB'ers.

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

 Youever try deadlifts from a platform? I usually throw them in once every5-6 deadlift sessions. I use one of these and the exact same height.


Prob 3.5" to 4" in? idk

Physically not too bad but it kills your CNS for a few days.
I'vedone em standing on 45lb plates but that doesn't provide the heightthat platform does. I'll try that out. I have hamstring flexibilityissues sometimes though so i'll have to really stretch for a few daysbefore

I have horrible flexibility too.

It's prob your hips, not your hams.
Got a few questions for you guys....

So I been goin' to the gym on and off for bout 2 months now, I try to go at least 2-3 times a week, but there are times when I go a week or so w/o goin' cause of work. I am actually really motivated to go, though.

Is there any kind of way to up my tolerance level, not sure if I worded that right Basically, I figure if I go lower with the weights, I can get the form correct, right? But I keep strugglin' for example. Tried to do bicep curls using 25's and during the 2nd set, I couldn't get past 5...I got mad gassed. What should I do?

Also...when you guys were starting out, did you feel a little intimidated? Can't help but feel this way at times, especially when i'm workin' with free weights.
Yea if you cant complete 10 reps of curls..just go down to 22.5 no big deal do that for 3 or 4 weeks then up your weights..i try to up my weights the 1st of every month depending on the workout
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

try curling with the 15's. you just started working out

yeah, use lower weight amounts and work on your form. you'll build strength more efficiently. then move up weight levels.
$$#% need to get my %!%@ sorted and get a new routine.

Doing the 3 day split though, legs/shoulders, backs/bis, chest/tris..
Originally Posted by Vietishi

If I wanted to slim down around 10-15lbs whats the best way to do it? Cardio + Eating right? Currently I'm 5"8 168lbs and I wanna get around the 150 range, I also lift a decent amount.

20 min of cardio with High Intensity Intervals + 40 min of weight lifting. Weight lifting burns fat too because muscle requires calories to build and maintain itself.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yo anyone who needs motivation

watch an episode of spartucus on starz

show is kinda wack but they are !%!++** shredded on there
sounds familiar what is it about?

o yea i dunno does anyone else always change moods on how they wanna look?

i use to wanna be big but yea i def wanna be shredded/medium sized maybe at an even 200lbs for my height

ive been talkin to a lot of chicks lately on what they prefer btw, i do it for myself but it kinda helps me focus on a goal because im so wishy washy
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Some advice I always give to less experienced lifters is not to have a day solely dedicated to arms. It is a waste of time and could be used for better purposes (speed day/recovery day). The biceps and triceps aren't big muscle groupings and don't require their own day.

I think I mentioned it in the first thread but have you ever seen a lifter with a strong back and biceps? Or a strong presser with small triceps? However, you always see it the other way around and most of the time it looks funny.

Can anyone recommend a better workout plan I'm always open to suggestions
My email is [email protected] if you want to email directly.

Thanks for the responses to my first question ya'll. I understand lower weights = better form, but will I still get a full workout?

Also...i've been trying to read this thread from the beginning (So many pages) i'm seeing mixed results. But for the most part some of ya'll work on one area each day (Mon - Legs, Tue - Shoulders, etc) so you really go a week w/o working out that particular area again? I've been trying to do 2 areas a day, plus a few minutes of cardio I packing too much into one day? Today for example...I was planning on doing Shoulders and Triceps.
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Thanks for the responses to my first question ya'll. I understand lower weights = better form, but will I still get a full workout?

Also...i've been trying to read this thread from the beginning (So many pages) i'm seeing mixed results. But for the most part some of ya'll work on one area each day (Mon - Legs, Tue - Shoulders, etc) so you really go a week w/o working out that particular area again? I've been trying to do 2 areas a day, plus a few minutes of cardio I packing too much into one day? Today for example...I was planning on doing Shoulders and Triceps.

right now thats not what im doing at all an im seein great results

yo there is so much infomation out there thats the thing i love most about working out

also what works for me might not work for you.

im doing the big beyond belief program right now, some swear by it and some just hate it.
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Thanks for the responses to my first question ya'll. I understand lower weights = better form, but will I still get a full workout?

Also...i've been trying to read this thread from the beginning (So many pages) i'm seeing mixed results. But for the most part some of ya'll work on one area each day (Mon - Legs, Tue - Shoulders, etc) so you really go a week w/o working out that particular area again? I've been trying to do 2 areas a day, plus a few minutes of cardio I packing too much into one day? Today for example...I was planning on doing Shoulders and Triceps.

you will get a full workout with lower weights if you do the correct number of reps + sets. you should aim for 3 to 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps. also if your reps start to fail on your last sets don't worry because that is what you should be aiming for. at least that is what I am for when I do my sets.

as for working on a specific area it is probably best but don't confuse area with specific body part. for example shoulders isn't an area it is part of your arms so you could work it out when you do other arm workouts such as biceps and triceps. another specific area would be your back or your chest. and if you do the correct number of reps + sets than yea you wont need to work out again for  6 days because you will need that time to rest. 

I did chest which included the bench, incline, decline, and flys on wednesday of last week. my arms and chest just stopped hurting today.

I'm taking the Life Force multi.

And experienced super yellow urine...

"Bright yellow color in your urine, This is due to an abundance of B vitamins. In a healthy state the body will spill out these extra water soluble vitamins into the urine. That can happen from taking supplements or eating certain foods that are rich in B vitamins."

Lol, anyone get this from other multis? Or experience this too?
i gained alot of lower belly fat and i want to get rid of it. its like the hardest place to get to. what kind of workouts should i do?
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays


I'm taking the Life Force multi.

And experienced super yellow urine...

"Bright yellow color in your urine, This is due to an abundance of B vitamins. In a healthy state the body will spill out these extra water soluble vitamins into the urine. That can happen from taking supplements or eating certain foods that are rich in B vitamins."

Lol, anyone get this from other multis? Or experience this too?

for some reason ortho-core doesnt do this to me yet it has higher levels of b vitamins than any multi i know of

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yo anyone who needs motivation

watch an episode of spartucus on starz

show is kinda wack but they are !%!++** shredded on there
sounds familiar what is it about?

o yea i dunno does anyone else always change moods on how they wanna look?

i use to wanna be big but yea i def wanna be shredded/medium sized maybe at an even 200lbs for my height

ivebeen talkin to a lot of chicks lately on what they prefer btw, i do itfor myself but it kinda helps me focus on a goal because im so wishywashy

some show about a dude who is a gladiator in ancient rome i think, focuses on the gladiators mostly and they on the show they are almost all easily sub 10%BF  and look great nh

dont know if its a good show or not but i flipped by it and watche for a few min and i had this sudden urge to bench press

definitely makes me want to get as lean as possible

as for girls man i guess they all got different tastes and a lot of em dont even know what they want but they all like definition, big or small you  gotta be cut
I'm about to get back in this game.. my stomach is all fat, my arms are pretty skinny, but I feel potential on my body so lets get it!!
Front squats today. I like how they target my quads alone better than just squats, but it's frustrating, because I feel like what holds me back on them is just holding that bar up on my shoulders. I feel like I can definitely handle heavier weight with my legs, but my upper body is just fighting that bar the whole way when I start getting into heavier sets.

On a side note, I think the homeless guy that goes to my gym is getting his membership revoked today. I feel bad for the guy. He's a Vietnam Vet with PTSD, and he sleeps in a shelter at night, but has nowhere to go during the day, so he spends alot of time just hanging around in the gym. He doesn't work out much, but he doesn't bother anybody. Anyway, he was taking up some equipment today and some guy got upset, confronted him and then filed a complaint with management. This kind of stuff is normal in my gym though, it's in a kind of wacky place.
has anybody done or heard about insanity by shaun t? It sounds interesting to me and I struggle to keep the motivation high during cardio. I'm considering doing it
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