Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

and on that note - anyone got a good music mix? ive swapped mine out so many times its starting to get boring....looking for an Mp3 torrent name or zipfile.
Originally Posted by ToroTrigger

i was at 235 (im 5'11) and dropped 65ish lbs of fat over the last 4 months.  got down from 31% fat content to 12% the other day; looking at getting under 10 by june.

once i got down to 170ish i have put on 15lbs of muscle in the last 1.5 months
Not to call you a liar, but those numbers sound a little off.

You averaged a loss of 4.06lbs a week?
Averaged a gain of 2.5lbs of lean muscle a week?

Like I said...
. If this is true..sorry for doubting you.

For those of you that do squats, do you just deal with the red marks on your shoulders from the bar?

I go to a new gym and there aren't any pads there for the squat bar.
15lbs of muscle in 6 weeks... wooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd?????? NBA dudes cant even pack it on that quick
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I have a question, I somewhat asked it earlier but I only got a response from JoeCamels and he seemed to get offended by it. (Sorry if I offended you)

I am not asking this to offend anyone, I just want a serious answer.

I understand the logic behind supplements, but do any of you stop to think about the long term effects of some of the products that you consume on a day to day basis (supplements wise). Since we are the first REAL generation that is heavily reliant on supplements, I don't think many studies are out there when it comes to the long term effects. I just think many are playing Russian Roulette because we have no idea how these products are really affecting our bodies.

I think we are too enamored with "results" and the majority of those are external results. Yes many want to get stronger, but the majority only care about how it looks (their body). I am just saying, folks be safe. Don't rely so much on these items without proper research. Don't just take products because you heard they "work."

Again, I am not trying to offend anyone. Just want thoughts/opinions.
Well, like Joe Camel told you earlier, Whey and Creatine are HEAVILY researched in pretty much every which way imaginable.

I don't even take Creatine yet but I wouldn't think twice.

Which supplements are you talking about specifically, because out of all the people i've met in the gym, nobody really takes anything else.  I think I know a dude that takes nitrous, and i'm not even sure what that does.
cguy610 bring a towel with you to use when doing squats.

Also, need an effective 6 day split.  Any feedback would be appreciated.  I know its kind of a broad question but some guidance would be extremely helpful. 
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

cguy610 bring a towel with you to use when doing squats.

Also, need an effective 6 day split.  Any feedback would be appreciated.  I know its kind of a broad question but some guidance would be extremely helpful. 
Good idea, thanks. 
Originally Posted by ToroTrigger

i was at 235 (im 5'11) and dropped 65ish lbs of fat over the last 4 months.  got down from 31% fat content to 12% the other day; looking at getting under 10t by june.

once i got down to 170ish i have put on 15lbs of muscle in the last 1.5 months. 

sooooo, i weigh  180-185 depending on water weight and the day....and on that note im headin to go do my lunch at the gym....

Im not going to say that I dont believe you because ive seen similar results firsthand, but I will say that to claim that X amount of weight is fat or muscle is most likely incorrect.

With the loss of weight and addition of weight, it was a combination of muscle, fat, and water.  Theres nothing wrong with it, but I just wouldnt go around telling people that you gained 15 lbs of muscle in 6 weeks when most struggle to add 10 lbs of muscle in a year.  Thats all.

Congratulations on losing that weight though.

Good lookin out, Durden. Haha, don't know why I never thought of that.
Yeah, do you know what im talking about even though I gave a horrible description?
Well, like Joe Camel told you earlier, Whey and Creatine are HEAVILY researched in pretty much every which way imaginable.

I don't even take Creatine yet but I wouldn't think twice.

Whichsupplements are you talking about specifically, because out of all thepeople i've met in the gym, nobody really takes anything else.  I thinkI know a dude that takes nitrous, and i'm not even sure what that does
Preworkout supplements are popular.

I dont believe he was referring to creatine and whey.  Yes, they are heavily researched and studied but thats only if the user takes it correctly.  Most people either dont take it correctly or dont need to take it.

I think the supplements that are being questioned are the ones that arent made in the body.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

did you really weigh 319?

Me?  Nahhh, thats from Heavyweights.  Ive never been overwight a day in my life.  I was always wicked skinny.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

NT help me gain weight. *critique*

Workout plan: (rep/set)

Monday: OFF

-Tuesday: Chest
Bench Press (5x3)
Bench Press Wide Grip (8x2)
Dumbbell Press (10x3)
Dumbbell Fly (10x3)
Weighted Dips (5x3)

-Wednesday: Shoulders
Hang Clean+Press (8x3)
Military Barbell Press (8x3)
Upright Row (8x3)
Standing Flys (8x3)
"Arnold" Dumbbell Press (8x1)
1 Arm Alternating Press (8x1)
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press (8x1)

Thursday: OFF

Friday: Arms
Weighted Dips (5x3)
Skull Crushers (10x3)
Pulldown (10x3)
Overhead Extensions (8x3)
Barbell Curl (21x3) 7-7-7
Hammer Curl (10x2)
(Slightly) Bent Over Row (10x1)

Saturday: Back
Barbell Bentover Row (8x3)
Pullup (10x3)
Deadlift (8x3)
Barbell shrugs (10x4)
One Arm Dumbbell Row (10x3)
Dumbell Reverse Fly (10x3)

Sunday: HIIT

NO Shotgun (pre)
Optimum Nutrition Whey (1 in the morning, 1 after workout)
GNC multivitamin 'performance' package
~1500-1800 calories in regular diet. White meats, whole wheats, veggies, etc

I feel like I'm doing it wrong, or otherwise not as effective as could be. If you see anything that could use work please let me know. I'm just a normal scrawn who did some reading, not sure that it was legitimate sources or not.

How tall are you and how much do you weight

From just looking at this post. In order to gain more weight, you need to eat alot more food.
supplements are bad...i think you are refering to the more anabolic supplements that people put in their bodies.

I take creatine and drink whey with a load of vitamins and whey protein is given to babies to help their bodies grow and the only thing that taking creatine does for you is supplement what your body already does. you body naturally produces creatine so by adding it pre or post work out you just add to that amount of creatine you are already making and decreasing your muscle repair time.

there are some supplements that are hard or can be hard on your liver etc... but those are few and far between.

If you want to go natural more power to you but i dont think it would be a far statment to say all supplements may have negative long term effects
Originally Posted by YurCoffinOrMine

If you want to go natural more power to you but i dont think it would be a far statment to say all supplements may have negative long term effects

Why is it not a fair statement?

I think "all supplements may have a negative long term effect" is very fair.  No one is claiming definites, but theres always a risk.
Started working out a year and a half ago. My only reason for working out is I saw somebody repping 225 in the gym one day and thought it was cool, so I wanted to be able to do it
. Best decision I ever made. Great outlet to all the pressures of life. I gained muscle ridiculously fast. Everybody's body is different, so what works for others may not work for you. It also didn't hurt that a couple of my friends were trainers for Gold's. Friends thought I was on Trend for a minute. Only took Muscle Milk and dedicated myself. Only thing I need to do is dedicate myself to workout legs and eat healthier.  I weigh ~174, 8% body fat according to the BodPod
. I'd like to get to 185 but it's been a lot harder to get in the gym with school and all. The hardest part of starting out is actually getting the courage to get in the gym. Everybody has to start somewhere though. Good luck to all.
Originally Posted by Durden7

andycrazn wrote:
i gained alot of lower belly fat and i want to get rid of it. its like the hardest place to get to. what kind of workouts should i do?


Resistance training and proper nutrition.

wheybolic extreme 60 - best nutrient content BY FAR,.  i usually also throw in a tablespoon of glutamine as well for even better recovery.  i would suggest buying it off eBay fora a significant price cut.

i usually take down about 180-220grams of protein a day (10-11scoops) solely from the wheybolic mix, really helps put on a ton of lean muscle and zero fat.  high-protein low-fat = results
How much do you weigh?

have any of yall taken fat burners? ive been working out and dieting, but just want faster results.
Fat burners dont work.

Man I wish my arms were flexible enough to do front squats...I honestly can't fathom how people can bend their arms back that far. That's how bad my flexibility is.
Most people cant do that form so they cross their arms in front of their body and hold the bar up that way.

fat burners do work but they dont "burn fat"
ephedra does work, and most fat burners are just metabolic motivaters, which most diets consist of(multiple meals spread out through the day) so some do work some do not.

of course they are not suggested, its not healthy.
Just got back, about to eat pretty soon.

A modified 300 workout. I throw in different things when I get bored. I try to do the 300 every MONDAY. Lately I have been doing it every TUESDAY

25 pullups (narrow)
50 pushups
50 tricep dips
25 squats
25 shoulder side arm raises (resistance band)
25 (each arm) shoulder front arm raises (resistance band)
25 leg presses
75 calf raises
50 elevated situps
50 elevated toe touches (with medicine ball)
25 pullups

425; didn't realize I did so much. I will keep it at a minimum of 400 for now on.

I feel good
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Yea I didn't want anyone to think I was knocking their approach, I just want folks to be healthier all around. KNow what you are taking, know what it does, and you also have to know what the side effects are. EVERY foreign object you put into your body has a potential risk factor. Short term and long term. Just be aware that many products don't have any long term studies so I just think that is too risky.

Yea I also believe in the holistic approach as well. I try not to take any medicine, I always look for a natural alternative because that is what the cavemen did LOL.

Again, I didn't mean to offend anyone. Don't shoot me.
them boys aint live too long though so im not totally adverse to modern medicinal practices
......nah saying that i do try and avoid it the best i can.
word. But they were more likely to get eaten than anything else. I too avoid medicine when possible.
I totally agree with what DC is saying. Many people stop eating processed foods in hope of getting back in shape and buy more processed food to make up for it. Doesn't make sense IMO. Breads, supps, readymade meals, etc. all can have undesirable ingredients like HFCS, artificial flavoring, etc. The only real way to eat clean is to grow your own food and cook it too. Since that's not possible today, just try and cook all/most of your food.

Sure, whey is researched, but many many protein supplements are not very good quality. They come from sick cows in factory farms and it has very little in terms of nutrition. Sure, it has protein, but there isn't any proof that whey- or any protein supplement for that matter- actually helps muscle growth more than whole foods.
Bench Press
135 x 10
155 x 10
165 x 6
175 x 6
185 x 4

I am weighing in at about 170lbs, and stand at about 6 feet, but got some monkey arms. Is there a way to get my bench press up? Trying to do 2 plates, but never got over 200.
Originally Posted by Smedroc

15lbs of muscle in 6 weeks... wooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd?????? NBA dudes cant even pack it on that quick
The first few pounds of lean body mass will always come easiest(assuming they were his first few pounds of muscle)
All of the weight isn't necessarily muscle either. One pound of muscle is made up of a lot of water. His bones could have gotten denser as well. Just because someone gains 'X' pounds, doesn't mean that the person only gained muscle. One has to account for the muscle, water, fuel, bone, etc.
LOL @ The numerous Stacker 2 commercials that used to come on during WWF/WWE telecasts. Goodness Mr. McMahon

Yea one dude I went to school with was using the fat burners HEAVY. Was popping blood at one point. Not saying it is from that but it wasn't happening before. Just sayin.........
Originally Posted by Durden7

Im not going to say that I dont believe you because ive seen similar results firsthand, but I will say that to claim that X amount of weight is fat or muscle is most likely incorrect.

With the loss of weight and addition of weight, it was a combination of muscle, fat, and water.  Theres nothing wrong with it, but I just wouldnt go around telling people that you gained 15 lbs of muscle in 6 weeks when most struggle to add 10 lbs of muscle in a year.  Thats all.

Congratulations on losing that weight though.
thanks bro, and you are probably right in that its a little different than im thinking as its just an estimate of what is what....but a diet that really only takes in twice to three times my daily fat/sat-fat alloment over the course of a week is rarely going to add fat....
Originally Posted by Baybully650

Originally Posted by ToroTrigger

i was at 235 (im 5'11) and dropped 65ish lbs of fat over the last 4 months.  got down from 31% fat content to 12% the other day; looking at getting under 10 by june.

once i got down to 170ish i have put on 15lbs of muscle in the last 1.5 months
Not to call you a liar, but those numbers sound a little off.

You averaged a loss of 4.06lbs a week?
Averaged a gain of 2.5lbs of lean muscle a week?

Like I said...
. If this is true..sorry for doubting you.

its all good baby - i wouldnt believe it if i wasnt doing it myself, and i am off by a little less than 3 weeks if that helps - i forgot we are at the 26th of Jan already....time flying in 2010!

yes, i did lose 60-65 lbs in ~5months, dropped my caloric intake down to 900-1200 cals a day from 3-4000 for the first 3 months (i was dizzy a lot in the evening before dinner, so i would not recommend unless you really wanna grinding).

then i bumped my calories up to 2500 of basically non-fat, wheat pasta a little sauce and a lot of cereal.  am now steady working-out 6days a week 1hr minimum, mainly heavy lifting with a little cardio.  when it was nice out i was running 3-4miles for lunch and then doing 1hr of lifting. 

as far as the muscle gains?  you have to also include quads and back into that and they add weight like a mofo
I think I'll set some new goals..

I'm down 35-40lbs since last July when the first Fitness thread started.. (with a WHOLE bunch of slacking in between) I should be at 180 right now.

right now sitting at 197-201lbs and around 19-20% bf

I want to be at 170-180lbs, 12-15% bf, and able to do 100 pushups non stop (at 51 right now).. On top of all this i want to run a half marathon before 2011. I can do 5 miles right now.

I know I can do it.. I just gotta workout 6 times a week. I lost a little weight and been slacking like crazy.
thats awesome man. if i were you i would change up your diet plan and workout plan. try not to hit that plateau, cause it get annoying and you need alot of self motivation
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