Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Come on
How are you even going to compare the two? Normandy actually happened, so why would he change it to something that wasn't based on the actual event.

The battle of Yavin never happened bro.....

if your going to say that then why even watch movies in the first place and call out bad scripts and what not?

come on now...

Complaining about female pilots in Rogue when because there weren't any in the OT, and then comparing it to a movie about actual historical events makes no sense.

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The reason we didn't see women or people of in the first Star Wars is Hollywood has this funny thing with being racist/ sexist in the 70s.

Are foreal asking why are there more women? It's progress my *****
It was a nice way to bridge the original SW fans with their kids and grandkids.

How many NTers went to see TFA with their children?

Really the only thing about TFA and ANH that are similar is the Death Star which really is just there for nostalgia.

People act like it's a complete remake.

Exactly my point. I was actually happy with the similarities because I felt the feeling that a person in 1977 felt after watching it. I immediately thought of the kids of today falling in love the way Kevin Smith and the kids of the 70s did with the franchise.
Guess some of us have different things on our mind during and after watching a movie.

I was not thinking about children viewers. That rarely enters my mind.

This idea that you have to copy in order to invoke this sense of awe is not good. At least not from a creative perspective.

i just doubt anyone working on this movie was expecting less than a mega hit.
Pretty much.

Star Wars has the branding like Marvel. SW in the title somewhere and it's doing bank. They have the longer film history which is why they got to that level so quickly.

c'mon man, suspension of disbelief is necessary. Today's world is more inclusive than that of the 1970's.

but rogue one is a time piece in the star wars universe.

if tom hanks made saving private ryan in 2015 i doubt he would place many female soldiers on the battlefield on normandy
This is a poor comparison.

The whole female pilots in one movie and not in another is a weird thing to be hung up on.

If you're gonna make a comparison to a historical war you should be wondering where are all the black and Asian soldiers are at. That would parallel the female pilots in the rebellion.
Rogue is at 340 mil domestic, and 615 WW in 12 days.

Huge numbers for an unknown spin-off that they weren't sure how it would be received.

I think it has a shot at ~475ish and maybe 1.5 overall. May come up short, but should approach those totals. Still staggering numbers.

EP 8 will likely slot in between TFA and RO. I don't think anything is catching TFA any time soon.

Where you think 9 will fall?

Depends on how 8 is received. If things jump in the storyline and leave off with a crazy expected showdown of sorts for 9, it could surpass 8, but I still don't think it will catch 7.

7 just flat out did stupid numbers. :lol:

At this point, I'm pretty much expecting 2 bil WW per flick. (minus the spin offs that I feel will stall between 1.5 and 2.

They ever put prime Vader and Fett onscreen together, literally murking Jedi on screen, 3 billion, minimum. And that's me lowballing them. :lol:
whats the movie timline looking like?

ep 8 ---> Han Solo ----> ep 9 ----> ???

Yes. 2020 is when we should start seeing "newer" stuff that has not yet been announced. Ton of speculation, but no official word from Disney as of yet. But we will have Star Wars the next 3 years guaranteed.

2017 Ep 8
2018 Han Solo spinoff
2019 Ep 9
whats the movie timline looking like?

ep 8 ---> Han Solo ----> ep 9 ----> ???

Yes. 2020 is when we should start seeing "newer" stuff that has not yet been announced. Ton of speculation, but no official word from Disney as of yet. But we will have Star Wars the next 3 years guaranteed.

2017 Ep 8
2018 Han Solo spinoff
2019 Ep 9

if theres no announcement for a movie after ep 9 before it releases, that could be the biggest grossing movie ever.
instead of young han movie would be cool to see a spinoff of when han left leia inbetween return of the jedi and force awakens. like him and chewie on some adventures featuring some old faces like lando, nien nunb, bosssk, etc.

ford probably wouldnt be interested but would be so cool to see what he was doing after kylo turned dark
:lol: Here we go.

Dunno if CP can keep it to some bullet points. He may have to go back and quote that big *** post from last year during the argument about the prequels with his approach to fix it or quote multiple posts back when it was announced George sold Lucasfilm and dudes were bashing the prequels :lol:

Would be cool to see some new recasting ideas with the idea in mind that it's a legit remake.
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Got a question for you...well more so "What would've been your plan for the prequels?" type of question. . . including recastings. . .

I'm not smart enough for recastings, because a lot of times you can find people you least expect that fit a role well. Adam Driver as Kylo? I'd never figure that out.

Idea wise, I'd shift out the Menace 8 year old stuff. Movie 1 should have 18-19 year old Anakin already powerful, training, ambitious training with Yoda and Obi-Wan as described in the OG.
None of the can't date or be with women stuff, no need for secrecy or hiding. Good bye midi chlorian-no father BS. Normal, powerful strong in the Force Jedi.
Get rid of all the baby kid humor, make the droids more serious of a threat, not Roger Roger idiots. No Jar Jar crap.
I'd be fine with Palpatine pulling strings, Padme-Anakin meeting and developing relationship. Maul getting more time on screen. (and surviving into the next movie. End the film on the brink of war.

2nd film, no Dooku stuff, advance a couple years, Anakin is even stronger, and play up him wanting "more power" both as a Jedi, and also as a Master. Show Obi-Wan trying to train him more and excluding Yoda's guidance. (Like OG explained) Play up that lust and hunger for more power in Anakin, he's supposed to be seduced by the Dark Side, so Palpatine would have been having those convo's much sooner and playing up Anakin's interest in those teachings.
By mid-film, the Clones Wars have begun, Obi-Wan and Anakin are in action and chasing Maul (who will have killed a couple Jedi)
Show true distance between what Anakin believes vs the Jedi Order. Have him disagreeing with a lot of their motivations, teachings, etc. Not just a flip of the switch that took place in Sith. Show him getting angrier and angrier with the council. Show him teetering on Sith principles, hell, even some dialogue from Maul that peaks his interest in Dark Side dealings.
Padme can become pregnant before the close of the film and you see Anakin truly swaying, maybe you close the film with Anakin killing Maul, but to do so, he has to turn to the Dark Side to do it. (Which is what Palpatine wants) The true accession to a new apprentice. Obi-Wan trying to train him, alone, and losing control as Anakin's lust for power and interest in further teachings has pulled him toward the darkness.

Then 3, he fully has gone dark early in the film and on an early mission, turns on 2-3 Jedi and kills them. Palpatine reveals his true identity and they go on a spree. The Jedi council clearly are not ready for this and go after him but now he's far too powerful and even more deadly using his darker powers. He kills multiple Jedi (Sidious as well) and by mid movie he fights Obi-Wan and is beaten. Sidious fights Obi-Wan off (instead of Obi-Wan just walking away) and Anakin is placed in Vader's armor.
Now Vader begins his war path cutting down Jedi.
Padme has the twins and does not die. She believes Vader has killed Anakin Skywalker. She believes Luke will be strong in the Force and allows Obi-Wan to take him to Tatoonie. She and Leia move on, but she will die when Leia is very young (hence Leia remembering her when she was very young)
Vader ends the Jedi order, but can't find Yoda or Obi-Wan but kills so many you grasp that he is unconcerned of any remaining Jedi, he's powerful enough to destroy them anyway, but he will search them out in his own time, almost like a game to him.
The key would be focusing on more Jedi characters to have a bigger role/meaning. The prequels really only give you Yoda/Obi-Wan, and second tier of Mace and Qwi-Gon. It would be better to add maybe 6-7 important Jedi to focus on rather than Viceroys, or podraces, etc. That way Anakin/Vader killing them + 10-15 faceless Jedi has more weight. (Not to mention Maul getting 3-4 of his own, maybe Sidious killing a few, etc.

It should be Sith killing the Jedi, not Clones.

You can still close with the Empire taking control, the Jedi defeated, in hiding, etc, Vader mentioning that he will find the remains Jedi, etc.

Overall, you'd get more of the version Obi-Wan first told. And a full film of Anakin/Vader murking Jedi. Not turning in the final half hour and then getting his *** kicked. Not to mention never being seduced by the Dark Side.

Have a real writer polish all that up and cast it, woulda been truer to the OG story than what we got.
:lol: Here we go.

Dunno if CP can keep it to some bullet points. He may have to go back and quote that big *** post from last year during the argument about the prequels with his approach to fix it or quote multiple posts back when it was announced George sold Lucasfilm and dudes were bashing the prequels :lol:

Would be cool to see some new recasting ideas with the idea in mind that it's a legit remake.


Im on my phone so cant really find it. I think it's on page one somewhere in the OP.

And I didn't really do this as a reboot, moreso how I would have approached from jump, while still keeping what George's initial idea was.

Keep Maul, or don't, that's whatever, but clearly there would be the key players + new characters, so I'd be fine with Maul, Qwi-Gon, Padme etc. Just do their arcs better, basically.

Stick to the story told to us by Ben in IV. That's been my stance from day 1.

No need for Anakin to build Threepio (??????) No need for Artoo, no need for Obi-Wan to spend 15+ years around those droids then not remember them on Tatoonie. :lol:

You can add Fett to the prequels as well, and not as an 8 year old, and not having his father be the face of the Clones. I'd even use him as a pawn of Vader's, show they had a relationship prior to Empire......WITH disentegration rays..... :D
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Question: Did joining the darkside make anakin stronger than when he was a jedi? I would've liked to have seen a rematch of Obi Wan and vader when he first started wearing his suit.

In reviews I keep hearing people say they got to see vader in his prime in Rogue One. It had me wondering if they differentiate when he was anakin and didn't have most of his limbs cut off or he was in his prime because he embraced the dark side and his use of the force was even more developed.
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I'd say he may have been Stronger in the force( by using his emotions more) but onc he became Vader his physical abilities would've been severely diminished. I can't see Vader doing 15 foot somersaults
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Question: Did joining the darkside make anakin stronger than when he was a jedi? I would've liked to have seen a rematch of Obi Wan and vader when he first started wearing his suit.

In reviews I keep hearing people say they got to see vader in his prime in Rogue One. It had me wondering if they differentiate when he was anakin and didn't have most of his limbs cut off or he was in his prime because he embraced the dark side and his use of the force was even more developed.

No, because the Dark Side doesn't make a Jedi/Sith more powerful. It just gives them a different type of way to use their Force Powers/Abilities. In terms of wearing the suit, he was actually weaker in The Force than he'd ever been previously and would never regain his full potential with it. However, because Vader by the time of Rogue One has around 20 years more experience than Anakin Skywalker did in ROTS, he's generally assumed to be more skilled with The Force, due to all the extra training and experience he had access to. So, technically, you could say that Vader was at his peak by the time of Rogue One, in terms of experience and skill, even though the limit to his abilities was actually lower than what it was at the time of ROTS. This is because Anakin Skywalker on Mustafar, while being both very strong in The Force and very skilled with the Lightsaber, had not yet fully developed his potential.
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