Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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But you bought all those Disney light and fluffy 40% crap hook line and sinker. :lol:

go read the article about the reshoots and all the parts that were left out

i imagine the first cut was even more darker. with so much missing i wouldnt doubt massive reshoots maybe not 40 percent

ks20 brought the bulk of the lol's
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Tony Gilroy got paid $5mill and ended up getting co-writer credit for the screenplay. His brother, John, got co-editor credit as well.

Who knows what was changed, but it was extensive work for sure. Pretty sure the entire ending got shifted around. Just compare the trailers with the actual movie.
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But you bought all those Disney light and fluffy 40% crap hook line and sinker. :lol:

go read the article about the reshoots and all the parts that were left out

i imagine the first cut was even more darker. with so much missing i wouldnt doubt massive reshoots maybe not 40 percent

ks20 brought the bulk of the lol's

It was all BS man. All media driven panic bull ****. I told you that day #1, stop listening to that garbage.

Callin it now, Episode 8 is going to have reshoots in a couple months, SCHEDULED reshoots, and the media will go all kinds of crazy with bogus "Disney is worried" nonsense. :lol:

You don't edit a few lines, and change a scene here or there and make it jump to how good Rogue One was as a film. Like if the Vader scene was the late add, the movie was still great even without that 20 seconds, but of course those 20 seconds were well worth seeing. It didn't suddenly change the other 2 hours and 15 minutes tho.

This movie was always going to be great, because Edwards wasn't going to miss, and the storyline was going to be extremely cool in the Star Wars lore. From jump, Saving Private Ryan in space. From the day that was approved, everyone knew it was going to be a gritty war film, not some family friendly yuk fest.
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This movie was TOO LIT! Prisoner of the moment opinion but it had me leaving saying BEST STAR WARS MOVIE PERIOD!


Okay, I'll just start off with things I didnt like or small character things that bothered me:

I get the whole thing with some saying the beginning jumped around a bit and was choppy so you couldn't connect with the characters and cuz of that by the end you weren't as emotionally invested. I think cuz of the ending and how it ended that's okay and still worked well. Like you can come back to the movie knowing what happens in the OG knowing these ppl's real value to the story. I took what happened in the beginning as info to keep in mind and explain character motivations. Mainly Jyn's.

Her mom's death didn't move me and Galen's send off could've been better but I guess the message about the DS was more impactful.

Cassian's ***** ***. I ain't like this dude. Didn't care for the character and didn't care for dude playing him much. He kinda made up for his lameness towards the end.

I didn't like Saw's death at all. So lame. That's a problem with that kind of death in anything. Character can escape or be saved but chooses to just die. He didn't sacrifice himself, he didn't by them time, nothing. It was like they just needed him to die so kill him here via death star. Jyn should've knocked him out and dragged him on the ship. I liked his character a lot for the short time he was there. This cagey super paranoid "terrorist". Should've went out better. Could've died on Eadu instead maybe. Would've been nice to see him bark on the rebel leaders during their "decision making" though.

The ***** *** ***** made rebel/alliance leaders. Maybe I need to re-watch something or read something I missed about SW but I don't recall them being such cowards. It put me off On me wanting to see them win. Lame scared pussycats. I couldn't believe they were ready to give up and even disband. Sheds a whole new light on that period. The ep IV crawl always had me thinking getting the DS plans was a legit mission, turns out rogue rebels had to take the initiative. It was on the nose, but saying there was no hope made me feel those leaders saying no weren't worth saving.

Only other thing, was yes, the score was weak but I see stuff like that only as something that can improve on and enhance a movie. It was decent enough and it didn't take away from the viewing.

On to what I loved: IP MAN! Donnie ******* Yen. :nthat: I thought I'd never see such beautiful fight choreography in a Star Wars movie. For the longest to me that was some of the weakest stuff in these movies, usually just a light show with blasters and weak fencing. This right here was great and had me engaged. Son was blind going in with a bo staff like a boss.

Even later on I got completely immersed and pulled in to the rebels fighting on Eadu and Scarif. Especially Scarif, that was some Dirty Dozen last stand ****. Then it became a full out war with tactics and **** just going down. To cap it all off with Vader :smokin

K2 :pimp: :smokin :lol: Movie needed more of him.

Although I was disappointed Mads was not playing some bad *** good guy or bad guy he played a good father and character in this.

:rofl: @ Naz in this. Of course he finds himself a part of the imperial army and then switches sides. He manned up in the end though. Not much of a character arc but I what was being done there and enjoyed it.

Again, Iwe and Baze. "I am one with the force and the force is with me." :lol: :pimp:

That Leia cgi was legit. I'm forgetting what movie had used similar before and even then it looked obviously cgi (Westworld and one movie I'm forgetting) to me but here it was near flawless.

Gonna be watching this movie for sure a few more times.
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Any of you guys have the Rogue One visual guide? Is this character in there? He was in the trailer but didn't see him in the movie.

View media item 2270894

Pretty dope looking.

Wow, the dude who played this guy actually hit up my IG earlier today. Said he got camera time in Jedha. Gonna have to keep an eye out on the next watch.
This movie was TOO LIT! Prisoner of the moment opinion but it had me leaving saying BEST STAR WARS MOVIE PERIOD!


Okay, I'll just start off with things I didnt like or small character things that bothered me:

I get the whole thing with some saying the beginning jumped around a bit and was choppy so you couldn't connect with the characters and cuz of that by the end you weren't as emotionally invested. I think cuz of the ending and how it ended that's okay and still worked well. Like you can come back to the movie knowing what happens in the OG knowing these ppl's real value to the story. I took what happened in the beginning as info to keep in mind and explain character motivations. Mainly Jyn's.

Her mom's death didn't move me and Galen's send off could've been better but I guess the message about the DS was more impactful.

Cassian's ***** ***. I ain't like this dude. Didn't care for the character and didn't care for dude playing him much. He kinda made up for his lameness towards the end.

I didn't like Saw's death at all. So lame. That's a problem with that kind of death in anything. Character can escape or be saved but chooses to just die. He didn't sacrifice himself, he didn't by them time, nothing. It was like they just needed him to die so kill him here via death star. Jyn should've knocked him out and dragged him on the ship. I liked his character a lot for the short time he was there. This cagey super paranoid "terrorist". Should've went out better. Could've died on Eadu instead maybe. Would've been nice to see him bark on the rebel leaders during their "decision making" though.

The ***** *** ***** made rebel/alliance leaders. Maybe I need to re-watch something or read something I missed about SW but I don't recall them being such cowards. It put me off On me wanting to see them win. Lame scared pussycats. I couldn't believe they were ready to give up and even disband. Sheds a whole new light on that period. The ep IV crawl always had me thinking getting the DS plans was a legit mission, turns out rogue rebels had to take the initiative. It was on the nose, but saying there was no hope made me feel those leaders saying no weren't worth saving.

Only other thing, was yes, the score was weak but I see stuff like that only as something that can improve on and enhance a movie. It was decent enough and it didn't take away from the viewing.

On to what I loved: IP MAN! Donnie ******* Yen. :nthat:I thought I'd never see such beautiful fight choreography in a Star Wars movie. For the longest to me that was some of the weakest stuff in these movies, usually just a light show with blasters and weak fencing. This right here was great and had me engaged. Son was blind going in with a bo staff like a boss.

Even later on I got completely immersed and pulled in to the rebels fighting on Eadu and Scarif. Especially Scarif, that was some Dirty Dozen last stand ****. Then it became a full out war with tactics and **** just going down. To cap it all off with Vader :smokin

K2 :pimp: :smokin :lol: Movie needed more of him.

Although I was disappointed Mads was not playing some bad *** good guy or bad guy he played a good father and character in this.

:rofl: @ Naz in this. Of course he finds himself a part of the imperial army and then switches sides. He manned up in the end though. Not much of a character arc but I what was being done there and enjoyed it.

Again, Iwe and Baze. "I am one with the force and the force is with me." :lol: :pimp:

That Leia cgi was legit. I'm forgetting what movie had used similar before and even then it looked obviously cgi (Westworld and one movie I'm forgetting) to me but here it was near flawless.

Gonna be watching this movie for sure a few more times.


CGI came from Ant-Man, and Civil War, and Westworld.

Wasn't just Leia, you noticed Tarkin too, right? :nerd:
I just don't feel it with this film. Don't get me wrong, visually it's stunning but I really could've gone without this knowing who the rebels were that secured the Death Star plans.

I watched the People v. George Lucas and realized that the best days of Star Wars the 80's. Everything else is just a play on nostalgia.

CGI came from Ant-Man, and Civil War, and Westworld.

Wasn't just Leia, you noticed Tarkin too, right? :nerd:
Yes it was the Michael Douglass and Robert Downey Jr. stuff you could still tell was cgi.

And oh yeah, I definitely noticed Tarkin and it was very good but he was mostly in dark settings. Inside a Star destroyer where all the walls are black. If anything he may have been a bit stiff but that's just his character.

When Krennic barks on Tarkin cuz he's taking over the DS :rofl:

Leia in the all white in the bright room and nothing looked off.
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I just don't feel it with this film. Don't get me wrong, visually it's stunning but I really could've gone without this knowing who the rebels were that secured the Death Star plans.

I watched the People v. George Lucas and realized that the best days of Star Wars the 80's. Everything else is just a play on nostalgia.
Gotta disagree here.

I can totally see why George likes Rogue One. This added something to Star Wars. Sure they all died in the end but a story about family, about humanity, and morality was told here. Plus the soldier/war vibe was just too on point.

You know even though it didn't 100% line up with what George established in the OGl, he was really trying to depict a war going on with Attack of the Clones. He just bogged himself down with buercratic Senate hearings for the set up for that and while trying to make Palpatine this genius master planner it came off more like 40s and 50s so so war/superhero comics.
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It's creative man. Dude had an idea, a story he mapped in his head just from watching A New Hope and they gave it a chance to be made and it was done well. I don't see how someone like lamekilla can't appreciate that with his "a better story could be told" ***. Dudes constantly wishing the **** in their head gets made but can't appreciate another.
random and non RO related. do you guys recommend watching the Clone Wars animated series? just came across it on Netflix. or is it geared for little kids?
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clone wars still the best star wars cartoon to me. palps washing maul and savage was greatness. palpatine was a beast. makes you wonder how he lost to mace
random and non RO related. do you guys recommend watching the Clone Wars animated series? just came across it on Netflix. or is it geared for little kids?

Someone just asked this yesterday so I'll just paste my reply.

So, I saw The Clone Wars is on Netflix. Is this worth a watch? I'm not a hardcore fan, but I enjoy watching the movies. Review? Advice?

This below has the best arcs and a brief synopsis for you to read to see if you'll like it. They'll even tell you the order t o watch them in since they do tend to jump around in the timeline. And best of all, it'll help you skip past all the one off/political/filler episodes some of the seasons are filled with.

My three personal favorite arcs are the Darth Maul Returns (#2) , Darkness on Umbara (#1), and Domino Squad (#13). I highly recommend those.
Solid movie. I loved how they portrayed the rebels.

There some cringe worthy scenes, especially The two major death scenes (Ip man and the girls death). They were so cheesy of overdone.

The next 5 minutes after Saw's death when they were travelling back was also overdone and not original.

Other than that, movie was great.
random and non RO related. do you guys recommend watching the Clone Wars animated series? just came across it on Netflix. or is it geared for little kids?

Someone just asked this yesterday so I'll just paste my reply.

So, I saw The Clone Wars is on Netflix. Is this worth a watch? I'm not a hardcore fan, but I enjoy watching the movies. Review? Advice?

This below has the best arcs and a brief synopsis for you to read to see if you'll like it. They'll even tell you the order t o watch them in since they do tend to jump around in the timeline. And best of all, it'll help you skip past all the one off/political/filler episodes some of the seasons are filled with.

My three personal favorite arcs are the Darth Maul Returns (#2) , Darkness on Umbara (#1), and Domino Squad (#13). I highly recommend those.

this is interesting as hell. had no idea is was structured this way. thanks for the info :pimp:
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