Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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He better wash dry and fold that broad up this time.

Thats the only thing that I hate about TFA.

How did he lose to her?
He better wash dry and fold that broad up this time.

Thats the only thing that I hate about TFA.

How did he lose to her?
If I remember right, he beats her but Luke saves her just in time (and Kylo runs off to avoid facing Luke). Again, that is an OLD rumor- I have kept myself out of episode 8 spoilers, for the most part. The plot has probably completely changed by now, lol
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It's not really a bridge tho.

3 to 4 gap is 18ish years.
Rogue takes place quite literally the days before 4. So it's not really filling anything in for 17-18 years, other than them showing Galen getting taken away from his family.

This is where the Vader movie(s?) lol should fill in.

He better wash dry and fold that broad up this time.

Thats the only thing that I hate about TFA.

How did he lose to her?

My question too. I get they were trying to make it exciting and stuff, but it's like "This dude who is supposed to be a dark side BA just got punked by her"?
Knights of Ren...I really hope they do something in the next film. I really thought they were going to have a significant role in TFA.
Stumbled on this kinda funny article.

What the Hell Is Darth Vader's Job? Is he a military general? A middle manager? A brand ambassador for the Empire?

Part of the rabid excitement for Rogue One is connected to seeing Darth Vader again. This is the first time the Dark Lord has appeared in a Star Wars movie in more than a decade, and, unlike his halting Frankenstein’s monster appearance in Revenge of the Sith, in Rogue One Vader will be doing what he does best: acting like a boss. In the classic Star Wars trilogy we saw Darth Vader force his will upon military officers, seemingly outside of any discernible chain of command. But is Vader’s job description even remotely connected to a real military job?

“Vader has no correlation to the U.S. military,” author Myke Cole told Inverse. Cole should know: His U.S. military service includes three tours of duty in Iraq, and he’s also the author of the Shadow Ops military fantasy novels. As Cole explains: “[Darth Vader] more closely resembles the role of a medieval noble serving in a military force. The closest modern corollary might be Prince Harry serving in the British RAF.”

Still, we know Prince Harry is not the person telling the British military what to do with a secret nuclear submarine, nor would he be the solider sent to track down the blueprints for a tactical weapon at the Queen of England’s command. So, if there’s no real-world equivalent, how is Vader’s job rendered according to Star Wars itself? The original script describes Vader’s first appearance like this: “The awesome seven-foot tall Dark Lord of the Sith makes his way into the blinding light of the main passageway. This is Darth Vader, right hand of the Emperor.”

This is cool, of course, but “right hand of the Emperor” doesn’t describe Vader’s day-to-day responsibilities. Considering there’s not a clear military correlation, here are few possible job titles to describe what Darth Vader actually does for the Empire.

Senior Project Manager in Charge of Evil Superweapons

In A New Hope Vader is definitely commanding the operation to retrieve the stolen Death Star plans, seemingly as a last resort. It’s as though all other channels have failed, and now the project manager (who oversees other project managers) has been brought in fix everything. In all of Star Wars, we always get the impression Vader is there to bust some heads when people are falling behind. In Return of the Jedi Darth Vader shows up on the second Death Star and says to the people in charge: “I’m here to put you back on schedule.”

Supreme Baddass in Charge of Finding the Rebel Base

Literally everything Darth Vader is doing at the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back would check with this title and the obvious job responsibilities that would go with it. But how does this job interact with the chain of command in the Empire? And, was this a job Vader created for himself during A New Hope?

In Alan Dean Foster’s ghostwritten 1976 original novelization of Star Wars, it’s mentioned during a conference that Grand Moff Tarkin has the ability to “shake off” Vader which is something “no one else at the table would have dared to do.” This is the book version of a famous scene in which everyone talks about the Death Star. And, it seems to indicate that at least some of the Imperial officials think Vader is doing a good job, and that his job is probably just to find and destroy the Rebels. In the book General Tagge says this: “I happen to think Lord Vader knows what he’s doing. The rebellion will only continue only as long as those cowards have a sanctuary, a place where their pilots can relax and their machines can be repaired.”

Personal Assistant/Assassin to Emperor Palpatine

So, who does Darth Vader report to other than the Emperor? Probably no one, but it’s still possible that someone else gives Vader his end-of-the-year reviews, and that someone is Tarkin. Princess Leia throws some shade on Vader in A New Hope, saying Tarkin is “holding Vader’s leash.” This likens Darth Vader to an attack dog, and further suggests Darth Vader has free reign to do whatever he wants outside of any regular military command structure. But, there’s a degree of oversight in someone like Tarkin. The Grand Moff is a more legitimate administrator in this particular situation, than Vader, and so, Tarkin becomes the de facto manager of Darth Vader. In The Force Awakens, we see something similar with Kylo Ren and General Hux: They both report to Supreme Leader Snoke, but Hux is in charge of logistic operations of the First Order, while Kylo Ren is apparently just running around causing tantrums.

But Kylo Ren’s existence seems fairly well known in The Force Awakens, whereas Vader’s existence might not have been generally known prior to A New Hope. The continuity of Rebels would seem to confirm the idea that Vader is kind of a secret, insofar as his name isn’t widely known to the crew of the Ghost at first. And, even by the end of the second season, Ahsoka Tano can hardly believe that Vader was once her best friend and teacher, Anakin Skywalker. So, prior to A New Hope — which is around the time or Rogue One — Vader’s job is simply this: secret assassin in charge of killing people who cause problems for the Emperor. In this way, Darth Vader is the true replacement for Darth Maul; someone who does dirty work, often in secret.

Brand Ambassador for the Empire

What if Vader is just a figurehead? What if his “job” is just to be Darth Vader? If that’s true, Vader’s job gets even weirder, because inside the command structure of the Empire, he very openly wields the magical abilities of the Force. And that’s something his boss — Emperor Palpatine — seldom does in front of other underlings. “Vader is also a religious/cult figure, and in this reflects the role of military monks like the Japanese Sohei or the Knights Templar,” Myke Cole told Inverse.

The Timothy Zahn Star Wars novels corroborate this comparison too, since Heir to the Empire suggest that the simple presence of “dark Jedi” helped the Empire win certain battles through inspiration from the Dark Side alone. From a tactical standpoint, Darth Vader becomes like a fake symbolic doomsday weapon: someone who freaks out the opposing army through a demonstration or suggestion of power, rather than actually having to wield all that power personally.

Thinking about that, Darth Vader is only a professional symbol of the Empire, a representation of their brand. He’s someone whose actual job is more connected to what he represents rather than what he actually does. Which is probably exactly how we think of him in the real world, too.

Always kind of wondered this. Specially in ANH when Tarkin seemingly punks him by telling him "that's enough" while he's choking that one guy. Personally i think he's like the Emperor's Chief of Staff lol. For my House of Cards fans, he's the Stamper that does what needs to be done. It kind of fits too because a Chief of Staff is the President's closest adviser but he doesn't exactly have military standing.

What do you guys think?
Per the EU, Darth Vader was the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet (Not exaggerating, that's what the official title was). This gave him control over all of the Empire's forces for all intents and purposes, making him the second most powerful man in the galaxy. In terms of the Death Star however, Tarkin was given complete authority over the project, with Vader mostly being there to watch over things. I actually think Rogue One does a good job of showing this. Throughout the film, Vader is nowhere to be seen on the Death Star. He only gets involved because of the security breach, after which he eventually arrives on the station itself in A New Hope. However, Tarkin is there from the start.
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How do ya'll want an intro to a world where the world was introduced to this world without an intro? things like rogue one, rebels, clone wars, prequels etc are a luxury.

Finally got to see it and it was dope. Not getting the character building complaints when we knew exactly what this was going to be and where it ends up. Dope *** battle towards the end though, good movie overall. Showed you it was a true War in the Stars.

Vader slicing up dudes was nice too, I want more with somewhat more of a threat than senate guards or whatever.
Vader is basically the muscle for the Empire when **** gets real. 
i slid up in my chair when vader was about to make his first appearance.

i got so hype.

the ending just made everything that much better.
Vader legit operates like bloodthirsty royalty. Only answers to Sidious.

I feel like there's room for an episode 0 so to say. I felt so out of the loop getting into these movies

Please elaborate. Not sure how you can get more "Episode 0" than Rogue One :lol:

Like you wanna see Luke graduate Tattooine High School and work on Uncle Owen's farm?

Episode 0 would be before episode 1 not 4 :lol:....
So a bunch of stuff with a young Obi-Wan? Maybe try to fit in Plagueis? Or just new characters and Yoda?
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