Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Disney has already claimed the prequels as canon. They had their "chance" to let it go and be a legends storyline...too late now.

Don't care how hated the prequels are, can you imagine how big the ****storm would be if they decanonized George's stories and made their own canon? There would be riots just out of principle.
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Prequels was already referenced with dude who took leia
Who? Bail Organa?

He was mentioned in ANH first.

Yup him.. just means could see them using other characters while just avoiding the icebergs that were the prequels

Acknowledge they exist.. but they are buried wayyyyyyyyyyy way way deep in the back of the closet
Bail Organa was mentioned in the OG trilogy so they can mention and use him for future movies.

I'm talking about characters and concepts that originated in the prequels. FOX still owns the rights to that.

Yeah he showed up in the prequels played by Smits but he was already name dropped before.

So unless Jar Jar gets name dropped I think that's the case.
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i find that hard to believe considering the industry is currently enamored with reboots and remakes...
Well somebody said George made sure it was a part of the deal/contract in selling the rights to Disney.

If that's true, it doesn't matter that Hollywood likes to do reboots and remakes.

There's a similar situation with the creator and owner to Back to the Future. He straight up said it will never be remade.

Only way it happens now is if 100 years from now laws change and the property ends up in public domain like Dracula and Frankenstein's monster.
Oh if it was brought up before then yeah but it'd go differently. No Dooku? Or Grievous? Padme (at least the name :lol: )? Qui-Gin :frown:

Keep in mind some trash is no limits as well like the prophecy, force child, midichlorians, Jar Jar, etc.
Who? Bail Organa?

He was mentioned in ANH first.

Bail Organa was mentioned in ANH?
I'm cool with them not redoing 1-6, I want them to expand with new movies.

Im sayin.

Theres are other stories to tell, why you guys like watching the same ones over and over is beyond me.

Agreed, **** is silly for a universe as big as Star Wars is :rolleyes

Oh if it was brought up before then yeah but it'd go differently. No Dooku? Or Grievous? Padme (at least the name :lol: )? Qui-Gin :frown:

Keep in mind some trash is no limits as well like the prophecy, force child, midichlorians, Jar Jar, etc.
Who? Bail Organa?

He was mentioned in ANH first.

Bail Organa was mentioned in ANH?

Yes, Leia mentions him right at the start before her planet is ever destroyed.
Loved it.

The first act dragged a bit, but once it settles in the movie really shines. I think they did a fine job getting us to care about these characters for the most part. But it seems like they could have dug another level deeper in the character development for most. Those are nitpicks there but one stage from greatness in that department.

The action? The best we've ever seen for Star Wars. Outstanding direction for the battle sequences, both in the air and on the ground and the final act blew my mind.

The final Vader scene was just awesome. Many of us wanted an entire movie of that in the prequels, so seeing that now was great fan service.

Felicity Jones did a fine job. I'd put Daisy Ridley's performance over hers, but I was pleased to see her get a big stage. The rest of the cast was excellent in what they were given, but maybe one more level and layer makes their characters shine even more. I wasn't moved that strongly by Whitaker dying, for example, so maybe a little more development makes those characters more rounded.

I loved Base and Chirrut and K2 was hilarious.

A little too much Tarkin, definitely started to notice and feel his CGI but it was still cool to see. And the final cameo was awesome.

All in all, I loved it and I can't wait to watch it again.
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Agreed, **** is silly for a universe as big as Star Wars is :rolleyes
Yes, Leia mentions him right at the start before her planet is ever destroyed.

this is mind blowing. I've seen that movie 100 times and I don't think I ever noticed the name being said. I'm gonna go watch again tonight, is it when she is on the death star in the room with vader and tarkin about to see her planet destroyed?
I finally got a chance to check out a Rogue One Hot Toys display at a mall here.  

Wanted to share a few pics with you guys...




And because we are NT, here are Donnie's Lunars!












The details on the Porcelain-Trooper were amazing.







The opening of Episode 3 with the battle over coruscant is one of the greatest moments in the whole franchise. The movie literally after the opening crawl puts you in the middle of a war amongst the stars.

Prequel hate is understandable yet unwarranted for the most part.

Rogue Ones battle topped it
The opening of Episode 3 with the battle over coruscant is one of the greatest moments in the whole franchise. The movie literally after the opening crawl puts you in the middle of a war amongst the stars.

Prequel hate is understandable yet unwarranted for the most part.

Yeah, no.

You grew up with the prequels, so apparently that waters down your understanding of good films. Not your fault.

The opening battle in 3 is indeed good. One of the best in the franchise? Not even top 10. Maybe top 20.

Read thru some of the dialogue in that film again. Really, read thru it....Not unwarranted at all. Should be even more hate about it honestly.

*Note, the Sith Novel is actually quite a bit better. More in depth dialogue between Anakin/Palpatine. I enjoyed the film compared to I-II, but the book was better overall.
I agree the space battle in rots is baller AF and it's definitely my favorite prequel , I'm still partial to the rotj space battle myself the interior of the death star ,executor crashing into it and Lando getting out right before the explosion were dope
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I agree the space battle in rots is baller AF and it's definitely my favorite prequel , I'm still partial to the rotj space battle myself the interior of the death star ,executor crashing into it and Lando getting out right before the explosion were dope

Word. My top three space battles so far are;

3) Rogue One

I really do like the two X-Wing scenes in TFA as well, but they really need to do a big space battle in the Episode VIII. Trying to see them T-85's in action too. Hopefully, since those will be the latest model of the X-Wing, they can do more tricks than all these previous ones :nerd:
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I hate this whole you grew up with the prequels bull. I grew up with the original trilogy and guess what I still have revenge of the sith as the 2nd best out of all them. You hate the prequels great but not everyone has to have your opinion

I enjoyed Sith too, have said so several times. Doesn't make it "good".
Better than I-II by far, absolutely agree. It gets lumped in with the others unfairly simply by definition of being a prequel. I wish it could be classified as an OG to wash the prequel label.

But in terms of overall, OG's, TFA, and R1 are all better overall films. Sith had a strong emotional payoff that helps it but still a ton of garbage within it. Padme dying over sadness, dialogue, Anakin turning inside of five minutes, not killing a single Jedi, etc. Like I said, the emotional payoff covers a lot of those warts.

And I actually thought Hayden did pretty good in Sith, all things considered.
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Oh if it was brought up before then yeah but it'd go differently. No Dooku? Or Grievous? Padme (at least the name :lol: )? Qui-Gin :frown:

Keep in mind some trash is no limits as well like the prophecy, force child, midichlorians, Jar Jar, etc.
Who? Bail Organa?

He was mentioned in ANH first.

Bail Organa was mentioned in ANH?
Leia's father/adopted father. Unless I just got the worst memory, his name/he was mentioned/referred to in passing?
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The opening of Episode 3 with the battle over coruscant is one of the greatest moments in the whole franchise. The movie literally after the opening crawl puts you in the middle of a war amongst the stars.

Prequel hate is understandable yet unwarranted for the most part.

Yeah, no.

You grew up with the prequels, so apparently that waters down your understanding of good films. Not your fault.

The opening battle in 3 is indeed good. One of the best in the franchise? Not even top 10. Maybe top 20.

Read thru some of the dialogue in that film again. Really, read thru it....Not unwarranted at all. Should be even more hate about it honestly.

*Note, the Sith Novel is actually quite a bit better. More in depth dialogue between Anakin/Palpatine. I enjoyed the film compared to I-II, but the book was better overall.

This type of patronizing statement is completely unnecessary.
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