Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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seen it again today, really loved the world they built in Jedha city and the trading outpost. hope we get to see that side of the galaxy in upcoming movies.

wish we could have got more of the partisans too, two tubes was dope as hell looking.
Oh if it was brought up before then yeah but it'd go differently

Where do I sign? :lol:

I wouldn't give two ***** about any of that bein re-done. I'd love to have Maul included, but if they say no, so be it. Start the whole damn thing over and try again.

I feel bad for the kids that grew up on those and think they are good, or better than the OG's. Those people are plain lost. |I
That's just how it is. They grew up with that version and like it. To them the OG is boring and dated looking.

I can't blame them.

As for redoing stuff, yeah if there wasn't something stopping them from doing remakes in the sale to Disney they'd have to start from scratch.

I don't see the problem though. Just move on from it :lol: Plenty other stuff in SW lore to make movies about.
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I don't know about boring and dated. The graphics and stuff are different, but you can tell a difference in like 2002 an now. I don't mind the 1-3. Not greats but it's whatever
I just finished ROTJ. I'm curious why Kylo Ren idolizes Vader of he pretty much turned on the dark side at the end. Shouldn't he be disgusted by Vader?
I just finished ROTJ. I'm curious why Kylo Ren idolizes Vader of he pretty much turned on the dark side at the end. Shouldn't he be disgusted by Vader?

I was under the impression that he doesn't know or doesn't believe Vader turned back to the light
just got done watching Rogue One.

they did a great job developing each character.

so many feels.

good movie.

cant wait for Ep VIII.
That's fair I guess. I was more surprised that they all died than felt some kind of way that they did. I had a meh reaction.
I thought they were fleshed out really well.

They were all told no attack would be planned, no attempt at the plans.

As a group, they decided on their own they would do it, knowing it was a suicide mission.

All for their own personal reasons, but also willing for the greater good.

We all knew the story, we all knew the plans would get stolen, get to Leia, Luke would blow the Death Star up soon, etc, but we never knew how it happened, how they got the plans, how the weakness was discovered.

We all hoped they would get out, survive, and just disappear (why they weren't in next film) but we also knew what was likely going to happen.

Then one by one, they go down. In a sense, saving the galaxy and billions would never even know their name or sacrafice.

That's more than "meh" to me. I thought it was fantastic and really well acted/portrayed on all their parts.
I knew they were all gonna die and still had some emotional pull :lol:

I think if they wanted more character development it would have needed to be like a 3 hour movie. On some Saving Private Ryan or Braveheart length to develop those legit tears. Two VHS tapes
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wait a minute. you guys saying they cant remake the prequels? but the original trilogy is fair game?

i find that hard to believe especially for how much disney forked over for the rights.
i find that hard to believe considering the industry is currently enamored with reboots and remakes...
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i find that hard to believe considering the industry is currently enamored with reboots and remakes...

Disney has already claimed the prequels as canon. They had their "chance" to let it go and be a legends storyline...too late now.
Rogue One was fantastic, In that last scene I'm sitting here in my head yelling at this dude to hand the disk through the door opening. "come on hand it off! Hand it off!" Freaking out that Vader is gonna reach him.

Then he hands it off and I'm sitting here like "obviously, vader didn't reach him because episode 4 happened"

to evoke that kind of suspense even when we all know the outcome, that is why we go to the movies. Loved it. Will watch again, and for that matter any other "Star Wars Stories"
THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FELT DURING THE SCENE, they did a fantasric job. wanna see it again but in imax not 3d. gotta do some searching
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