Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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My Review

I'm still really feelin it. :lol:

This film was everything the prequels were supposed to be. THIS is how you take a seemingly innocuous bit of dialogue in a film made in 1977 and make it come to life. Lucas tried to bring the Clone Wars to life and tell the story of Anakin Skywalker, and he failed miserably for two films before giving us a worthy conclusion in Revenge of the Sith.

Garreth Edwards just **** all over those prequels with yet another small bit of dialogue in 1977 and converted that into this epic tale. He went with honoring Lucas and thanking him for letting him play in his backyard and then also added his own touch and vision to the saga. Similar music, but a touch different, the no crawl, the small changes in ship styles while also having the iconic looks as well. All well done and a fitting tribute. He gave us MORE, things we've always wanted, new planets, characters, situations, and used bits and pieces of the OG story so to tie the strings together. Brilliant. And even more impressive, he did so without needless Jedi and barely 20 seconds of lightsabers. AMAZING achievement when you think about it.

I still need a few more viewings to truly grasp everything, but I LOVED what they put together. A fully fleshed out, well planned, well thought, very well acted story that weaves in and out of the 77 film and 2016 technology. A few of us have speculated in here that they could do the Michael Douglas Ant-Man thing with Leia and/or Tarkin given what we knew about the story, and they did exactly that. Clearly Tarkin was a bit of a stretch, because they risked doing extra scenes for him, whereas Leia had one tiny scene and one sentence of dialogue. She clearly looked better. The longer we got to stare at Tarkin, the more you could tell something was different. Still, it worked perfect. It was great to once again see Tarkin onscreen.

Jym, Cassian, K-2, Chirrut, Baze, Saw, Bodhi were all incredible. They gave you all the feels. The desperation, the hopelessness of dealing with the Empire, and yet, still fighting thru it, doing whatever they could. Finding a way. Exactly what the "pathetic band of rebels" should represent. They were awesome. Heroic, brave, sacrificing themselves for the greater good, defiant, even when the leaders did not want to attack and steal the plans, they go and do it anyways. Summed up perfectly by the smirk on Mon Mothma's face when she finds out they went and forced their hand to send the fleet.

The theme of "Hope" throughout the film, obviously leading to "A New Hope" The Force believers, when there are no more Jedi pushing the Force on them. The tyranny of the Empire at its peak. The way they tied in the flaw in the Death Star to Galen and his daughter. :pimp: So well done, the tone was perfect throughout, the dialogue was serious and not wasted unlike 88% of the prequel dialogue, these conversations had actual meaning in them. A desperate group trying to find a way to stop an impossible weapon/organization. The only real humor was from the droid and similar to how Lucas wanted Threepio to come across. K2 was outstanding.

Edwards absolutely nailed his Return of the Jedi nod to Lucas with the tri-fold battles taking place simultaneously. The beach battle is amazing, the space battle was well done and some of those camera angles and movements were just jaw dropping, and then of course Jyn going for the hard drive.

Liked Krennic more than I thought I would. I didn't expect to like his character much, I thought of him as a Tarkin knockoff, in fact, I kinda figured he would be the leader of the Empire after Palpatine and Vader, and get himself killed and Tarkin gets promoted, instead it was more of a competition between the two.

The Vader scene......I don't need to say anything there. That was pron. Hardcore, triple X type ****. Somebody please tell me there's a 2 hour film of that layin around somewhere in Disney's vault. Garreth, please? :nerd:

Those of you that back the prequels, at least we saw Vader kill some kids, right? Oh, no, we didn't even "see" that either, it was just alluded too. :stoneface:

The blue milk, the EU nod to the Hammerhead Corvette, Red/Gold Leaders, Ghost, loved the little Easter Eggs and how properly placed they were.

*minor "gripes"*

Vader's appearance. Did he have red lenses over his eyes? And that neck brace thing looked outta place.
The music was designed to be "different" but I understand wanting the REAL music for this one. Could you imagine this same film with the John L Williams touch? :smh:
The Tarkin shots maybe should have been a smidge shorter to protect from us noticing how outta place this is.

I need to watch again and again, as of right now, I fully believe this is somewhere between Empire and A New Hope. It was that good. And I am THRILLED that this will open all the doors. I have been on record this was going to change everything, and I think it will. In January, everything is going to be green lit. Disney is going to see the love for this film, and start approving even more spin offs. This movie proved, without a doubt, we don't need Skywalkers. Hell, we don't even need Jedi and Sith. (tho we still want them Disney, please give me a Jedi-Sith war film, please? :frown: )

Old Republic
Boba Fett
Jedi v Sith War

Spin me off Disney. Spin me.
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Saving Private Ryan, in space. :smokin

This film just changed Star Wars. This was EVERYTHING I have said George ****** up in the prequels. Garreth did an AMAZING job. EXACTLY what George should have done.

He tied to the OG's while still enhancing and bringing something new to the table. He connected the tissue and nerve endings of the OG for that "feel" but opened so many other doors, so many other layers to the universe.

Vader. THAT is the prequel Vader we deserved. **** you Lucas.

Incredible, incredible film. I'm high on life right now, I will get deeper in AM.

I was dead on, this film changes everything. This franchise just went next level, and it was already the GOAT. Bravo Edwards.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:lol: :lol: Lucas must of did something to you personally for this hate :lol:

He did. He ruined the Prequels.
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Lame, be patient bro.

I'm not ENTIRELY sure, you can't bring some of these characters back. Jyn, Saw, etc were just covered in dust. They could come up with a miracle way of them surviving, see Maul and Boba for that.

You have hope still. :nerd:

*Not saying they will bring them back, saying it COULD be explained away still, if they wanted too.
Forgot that the Hammerhead Corvette was in Rebels!  
And forgot to comment on it, but... surprised that Disney let one of their films go that route... so much killing and violence.  Hell, when we met Cassian, he straight up murders a guy! 
Forgot that the Hammerhead Corvette was in Rebels!  
And forgot to comment on it, but... surprised that Disney let one of their films go that route... so much killing and violence.  Hell, when we met Cassian, he straight up murders a guy! 

Marvel Does it all the time... I mean, the plot of Civil War was a bunch of people died...
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Marvel Does it all the time... I mean, the plot if Civil War was a bunch of people died...
Yeah, true.  I guess I was just surprised cuz it was "Star Wars".  I mean, we see Rebels and Imperial troops die in all the other movies, but not quite like this.   
After the second viewing, I'm in love. I took my mom to see it. She hated the prequels and liked episode 7. I could tell she still clings on to the OGs especially episode 4. Initially, when Rogue One first trailer was released she wasn't excited; was most likely not going to see the movie.

After telling her where the movie starts from and how it's woven into episode 4 she was convinced to see it. Almost three hours later she says "that was effing incredible" lol.
Not one major character of subastance has died in Marvel Movies. Rogue killed every single actor :lol:

Yeah bro I was prepared for them to die but I didn't honestly think that they would all die I figured they'd have at least jynn escape and go on her own way or something, the one that got me in the feels the most was the one that wasn't alive in the first place :lol: k2s0 was a straight G that droid is instantly one of my all time favs
Just got back.

Action scenes were the best out of series.

The ending felt hella rushed.


RO fighting scenes >>>>>> SW universe

The way eveyone got killed of one after one took away the shock value IMO.

Also noticed they took out the tie fighter staring down Jen scene that wasvin the trailer.

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I was bored during the first half of the movie, but the second half was :pimp: Forest Whitaker's character was extremely annoying to me as well. Vader was finally portrayed properly :pimp:
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The one piece of reaching I do agree with lame on is this....

The big surprise of Rogue One won't be Vader but a CG enhanced young Carie Fisher

I've said for a while now, the end of Rogue One should be them getting the plans to Leia, and R2. It could be something like just her hair from behind, or even her voice down the hall, but with the tech they have to make characters look 40 years younger now, I could certainly see a brief 90 second cameo from young Leia, Tantive IV, etc.

From back in October. Quite literally the final scene. :lol: :pimp:
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For my Star Wars Rebels fans...

did anyone else catch when they were calling for General Syndulla?! :wow:

I didn't catch any other references to the show. I completely forgot about the Ghost showing up and forgot to look for it. Was too much in awe of everything :lol:

Catching my second showing of the day tonight
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For my Star Wars Rebels fans...
did anyone else catch when they were calling for General Syndulla?!

I didn't catch any other references to the show. I completely forgot about the Ghost showing up and forgot to look for it. Was too much in awe of everything
Catching my second showing of the day tonight
yea heard that and was like hmmmm...
How much, if any, does Rogue One reference ANH?

Do I have to rewatch ep IV to brush up? :lol:
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