Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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movie was awesome
When I saw Grand Moff Tarkin with his back facing us I was thinking they were just gonna leave it like that. But then turned around and I had a feeling it would look really bad for a split second but turned out the CGI of him was really good. Same thing with Princess Leia.

I thought the exact opposite lol.
It kinda looked like ps4 graphics.

Tarkin was great anyway.
I am on an adrenaline high right now after just getting back so I decided to watch Episode IV right now. :pimp:

I finished Catalyst just before seeing the movie and I was invested in the Erso's so much.

Book Spoilers
Galen calling Jyn "Stardust" is straight from the book.

I was expecting Lyra to get killed very early on but man she is such a great character in the books.

Tarkin and Krennic have a serious rivalry in Catalyst and love that they showed some of that in the film.

Galen's halogram's message hit me hard after knowing all they went through as a family.

Now on to the movie

1st act was a bit shaky but once they get to Jedha to find Saw Gerrera the film just did not let up. The final act was flames.

I was worried Vader's only scene would be choking Krennic, but I am so glad he had his moment to shine at the end.

Galen, as we suspected, would be the one to plant the weakness in the Death Star

I enjoyed the entire cast, and actually thought CGI Tarkin and Leia worked.

The CGI Red Leader and Gold Leader were the ones that bothered me for some reason.

More to come later as I digest the film more.
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Man, seeing vader get busy at the end made it all worth it for me.. that shi** was amazing
I am on an adrenaline high right now after just getting back so I decided to watch Episode IV right now.

I finished Catalyst just before seeing the movie and I was invested in the Erso's so much.

Book Spoilers
Galen calling Jyn "Stardust" is straight from the book.

I was expecting Lyra to get killed very early on but man she is such a great character in the books.

Tarkin and Krennic have a serious rivalry in Catalyst and love that they showed some of that in the film.

Galen's halogram's message hit me hard after knowing all they went through as a family.
Now on to the movie
The CGI Red Leader and Gold Leader were the ones that bothered me for some reason.
Is Catalyst the book adaptation of the movie?  Or does it expand deeper into the characters?
I thought that was spliced footage from Episode IV?  That was my immediate reaction. 
-You forgot R2 and C3PO cameo
Ah, yes... the most obvious one! 
But I knew they were gonna be in it.  In fact, I expected them to have a bigger role!  RIP Kenny.
But anyway... Vader... how freaking insane was that last bit.  Incredible that we've had to wait THIS long to see him in his "prime"... and it's in a movie that's not even part of the main films!
Ok, we can start talking about it!
First off, I really enjoyed it, but I'll start with the stuff I didn't like...

- Yes, I agree that certain parts felt a bit dragged... especially the first 1/3rd of the film, with all the exposition and whatnot.  I understood that they needed to get all the background and introductions out of the way, but it felt drawn out.  Perhaps an opening crawl would have done the job, but I get why they wanted to make it different from the main story.  Certain parts also felt a bit choppy.

- How ugly was that title-screen after the cold opening?!  I didn't like it... looked cheap.

- The score... Star Wars music usually does it for me, but this didn't really work IMO.  Nothing memorable.  There were bits where it started to sound like something from SW, but panned out to a melody that I can't even remember.  Again, I get that they didn't want to make it too similar to the OT, but it didn't give me that emotional connection.

- Not something I didn't like, but I know there will be those who din't like it... the CGI characters.  Tarkin and Leia were needed to tell this story so I think it was necessary.  You can tell that there was something artificial about it, but all things considered, I thought it looked ok.  

- Not necessarily something I didn't like, but weird how so much from the trailers were cut from the final film. 

- Would have liked to have seen more of Two Tubes... seemed like an interesting character. 

Stuff I liked...

- That battle was amazing.  A war-film indeed.  

- Life under the Empire... the labor camps, the guards patrolling the various planets... that was cool to see.

- The last 5 minutes. 

The Easter Eggs. 
I probably missed a few, but off the top of my head...
- Blue milk
- The "I don't like you either, you just watch yourself" guys
- Red Leader, Gold Leader
- Organa mentioning a "Jedi friend", "Capt. Antillies" & him going to Alderaan.
- I have a bad feeling...
- The little Death Star plans graphic
- Ghost... saw it twice at least.
- I liked that they had a Red 5, who eventually died... 

What else?

-You forgot R2 and C3PO cameo

-As for the music I do agree with what you said. But for them not to utilize the Imperial March more during the height of the Empire is just crazy.

I agree with what you said about the score. It'd feel familiar but then switch up to something I wasn't familiar with. You NEEDED the Imperial March in there.

And you guys already know how I feel about X-Wings. Watching them in action was beautiful. LOVED the nod to Blue Squadron :nthat:

movie was awesome

When I saw Grand Moff Tarkin with his back facing us I was thinking they were just gonna leave it like that. But then turned around and I had a feeling it would look really bad for a split second but turned out the CGI of him was really good. Same thing with Princess Leia.

I thought the exact opposite lol.
It kinda looked like ps4 graphics.
Tarkin was great anyway.

yeah, something about that floating CGI face thing that doesn't convince me. They sounded great though.

I wonder how much easier Red and Gold Leader's were though. I mean, it those two look like they were lifted right out of 1977. Porkin's may have been too expensive :lol:
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This film just changed Star Wars. This was EVERYTHING I have said George ****** up in the prequels. Garreth did an AMAZING job. EXACTLY what George should have done.

Vader. THAT is the prequel Vader we deserved. **** you Lucas.

Incredible, incredible film. I'm high on life right now, I will get deeper in AM.

This is EXACTLY what I said after watching last night. Ep3 should've been mostly Vader doing that to Jedi. But George lost his balls, and had a bunch of yes men around him instead of people like Harrison Ford and Kirshner who would call him on his BS.

Oh well. IMAX tonight, and I feel like I'll enjoy the second viewing even more.

"Are you kidding me? I'm blind" 
@JayPesoz  Saw this badboy today.


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"Are you kidding me? I'm blind" :lol:

 Saw this badboy today.


Yeah, man. That thing is a beast. This is where I am right now, Issue # 8 out of 100 :lol:

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That DeLorean looks dope too but I already have the Hot Toys 1/6 version so I'm skipping on that build. Looks fun though, maybe I'll build it and sell it to someone. I know there's people who get paid to build this stuff for people, I wish someone would need my help like that :lol: They really need to make a "Build a Slave 1" though. That's my dream studio scale model.
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I'm back! Watched Rogue One last night. I enjoyed it... probably slightly better than TFA for me, which puts it in 4th place.
I wonder if the DeAgostini version will look better than the Hot Toys... 

Issue #100 just came out a couple weeks ago and I've seen people finish theirs already and I think while ok, it does need someone who's nice with airbrushing to take it to that next level.

Here's a comparison shot I took for an artist I was talking to about eventually weathering mine when I'm done. I plan on turning the DeAgo MF into a Force Awakens version since it's dumb to have two. But as you can see, the DeAgo turret section(left) could definitely use some extra weathering like the Master Replicas (right) one.

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You'll have to send me shots of the Hot Toys one whenever they display it out there again.
Is Catalyst the book adaptation of the movie?  Or does it expand deeper into the characters?

I thought that was spliced footage from Episode IV?  That was my immediate reaction. 

Sinner Sinner Catalyst takes place right after Episode II and ends right before Rogue One. Explores the backstory of Galen, Lyra, and Krennic.
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I dug the movie I'd put it above all of the prequels but not on the same level as the other four, ending felt a little sloppy and I think they should've made krennic darker but overall I'm satisfied

what was up with how the death troopers talked? :lol: I was expecting them to be alot more menacing they turned out to be not so fierce just another storm trooper really, loved seeing Tarkin and all the pilots that was dope af , and finally vader is a savage I only wish he would've had a little more screen time [/spoilers]
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Overall I enjoyed the movie very much. I agree that the theatrical score was a bit lacking, but it did its job. The action sequences were phenomenal and the sense and scale of war was done well. I enjoyed the characters and most of their arcs, but do agree that some of them could have been more developed. All in all, the story that was told was one that I was interested in and enjoyed how it ties in to the existing lore and universe.

I would like to get a second viewing in though.

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The film was cool. A great nod to ANH and so many references but...

Grand Moff Tarkin looked weird, def the uncanny valley feel watching him

Movie dragged and rumor has it that the Vader scene at the end was part of the reshoots. The movie without that scene....isn't that great, let's be honest

A Star Wars film without a John Williams score? Where they do that at? Let's make a movie all about the empire and no Imperial March score :stoneface:

Vader's neck/part of his helmet bothered me. It looked so fat. Bacta tank swelling or nah? :lol:

But pretty good film. Like mentioned earlier, another story could've been told but I'm impressed that's Disney chose to tell a story so bitter sweet with the "sweet" being the knowledge of being the lead in to ANH. C CP1708 this is still your ship. I will take my L, season it and let it marinate overnight and then prepare it for consumption....but Rey is still Luke's daughter :tongue:

Coolest reference
Vader's crib on Mustafar
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Far better than TFA. The first SW movie that actually felt like a "war" film. The retroactive storytelling was very cleverly done. Can't wait to see it again.
I dug the movie I'd put it above all of the prequels but not on the same level as the other four, ending felt a little sloppy and I think they should've made krennic darker

I dunno - I thought the conflict in him was interesting - although not fully developed. He wasn't just a monster he was a bureaucrat who seemed a bit naive to how truly evil the empire was.
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