Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Don't know how I feel about the movie with so many people putting Rogue One slightly above or below TFA. I thought TFA was horrible. Not horrible as in an awful movie but mainly because it was a straight rip of ANH.


Anyone going to spoiler tag or PM me about this bad assery scene(s) of Vader that I keep hearing about?
Vader comes on the rebel ship and starts slicing. It's dark and the red from his light saber is illuminating the scene. He's mowing down rebels and force pushing and force choking. The climax of the scene is him pinning a rebel on the ceiling with a force grab and then slicing him. But the scene is literally 14-15 seconds long.

I loved TFA for the fact that it rehashed the feeling of intrigue and exploration with these characters even though we know the story, even though we ultimately know the characters involved aren't completely knew and related to the past heroes of the same story. It was just drawn together beautifully. It was like a thank you letter to everyone who made Star Wars this phenomenon.
Vader comes on the rebel ship and starts slicing. It's dark and the red from his light saber is illuminating the scene. He's mowing down rebels and force pushing and force choking. The climax of the scene is him pinning a rebel on the ceiling with a force grab and then slicing him. But the scene is literally 14-15 seconds long.

I loved TFA for the fact that it rehashed the feeling of intrigue and exploration with these characters even though we know the story, even though we ultimately know the characters involved aren't completely knew and related to the past heroes of the same story. It was just drawn together beautifully. It was like a thank you letter to everyone who made Star Wars this phenomenon.

Please tell me it's better than the scene from episode 3 with Anakin mowing down the separatist
Please tell me it's better than the scene from episode 3 with Anakin mowing down the separatist

It's not, unless you give bonus points to Vader doing work in his armor. But ultimately no...which says a lot.

Click link at your own risk
The film was cool. A great nod to ANH and so many references but...

Grand Moff Tarkin looked weird, def the uncanny valley feel watching him

Movie dragged and rumor has it that the Vader scene at the end was part of the reshoots. The movie without that scene....isn't that great, let's be honest

A Star Wars film without a John Williams score? Where they do that at? Let's make a movie all about the empire and no Imperial March score :stoneface:

Vader's neck/part of his helmet bothered me. It looked so fat. Bacta tank swelling or nah? :lol:

But pretty good film. Like mentioned earlier, another story could've been told but I'm impressed that's Disney chose to tell a story so bitter sweet with the "sweet" being the knowledge of being the lead in to ANH. C CP1708 this is still your ship. I will take my L, season it and let it marinate overnight and then prepare it for consumption....but Rey is still Luke's daughter :tongue:

Coolest reference
Vader's crib on Mustafar

Yo his place there?! The sky and atmosphere was too clear for it to be so.
Way better.

IP man was awesome. Favorite character. I thought dude was about to bust out the light saber and handing out Ls at the end.
For sure getting the Hot Toys
Just got done telling my how much dope that space battle was.

When that Hammerhead rammed the Star Destroyer into the other one? :wow:

Or when the Rebels thought they were good andwere about to jump to lightspeed and Vader's Start Destroyer just popped up in front of them :x

One nitpick about a cameo was that

They should've had C-3P0 and R2 walk past the door Princess Leia was behind instead of still being on the Yavin Base. It'd make the beginning of Ep. IV really immediately after RO
Yo his place there?! The sky and atmosphere was too clear for it to be so.

Pablo Hidalgo confirmed it. When I saw it popped into my head like "why is this the only place they didn't label?" And then when it was confirmed I was like :wow:

Just got done telling my how much dope that space battle was.

When that Hammerhead rammed the Star Destroyer into the other one? :wow:

Or when the Rebels thought they were good andwere about to jump to lightspeed and Vader's Start Destroyer just popped up in front of them :x

One nitpick about a cameo was that

They should've had C-3P0 and R2 walk past the door Princess Leia was behind instead of still being on the Yavin Base. It'd make the beginning of Ep. IV really immediately after RO

Agreed with the nitpick. The fact that intertwined felt forced instead of naturally flowing but to essentially tell a backstory to a 40 year old film, I was mildly impressed.
The CGI Red Leader and Gold Leader were the ones that bothered me for some reason.
I thought that was spliced footage from Episode IV?  That was my immediate reaction. 
Yeah, I thought the Rebel pilots from ANH were mostly spliced. I think that was a really nice touch, seeing those guys in the Battle of Scarif right before the one we see in ANH. And even the CGI faces were better than I expected. I was surprised at the screentime Tarkin's face got- I expected we might just see the back of his head. There were a couple of shots that weren't *quite* right, but other shots he looked great- almost the real thing. Leia was a bit worse, but she was also only on screen for a few sec. Overall, an excellent job by the visual/editing crew.
Just got done telling my how much dope that space battle was.
Or when the Rebels thought they were good and were about to jump to lightspeed and Vader's Star Destroyer just popped up in front of them 
One nitpick about a cameo was that
They should've had C-3P0 and R2 walk past the door Princess Leia was behind instead of still being on the Yavin Base. It'd make the beginning of Ep. IV really immediately after RO
I loved that moment when Vader's destroyer appeared out of nowhere! And at least one Rebel ship trying to escape ran into it/bounced off/was destroyed. Good stuff. I still wonder why the Rebels bother with capital ships at all, since it seems like they always accomplish the mission with fighters and their capital ships just serve as target practice for the Empire...
Was the shot of the droids in the hangar on Yavin IV when Rogue 1 was leaving, or when the rest of the rebel ships are leaving to support Rogue 1? If it was the latter, that was definitely a mistake... smh
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I personally really enjoyed it, more than TFA. I rarely would go to see a movie in theaters again but I want to for Rogue One.
C CP1708 nobody has answered this so I edited it so you can chime in.

Was that Imperial Dignitary Janus Greejatus who summoned Vader?
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Dopest film ive seen in a while I was a little too young to experience the 80s films but these new joints TFA was not bad but Rogue One was amazing probably watch it again with the click...
Vader's neck/part of his helmet bothered me. It looked so fat. Bacta tank swelling or nah?
Vader's crib on Mustafar
Yes, the neck thing looked weird... but they had to keep it!
And yes, Mustafar!  I remember thinking... "he's still there?!" 
Just got done telling my how much dope that space battle was.
When that Hammerhead rammed the Star Destroyer into the other one?

Or when the Rebels thought they were good andwere about to jump to lightspeed and Vader's Start Destroyer just popped up in front of them
One nitpick about a cameo was that
They should've had C-3P0 and R2 walk past the door Princess Leia was behind instead of still being on the Yavin Base. It'd make the beginning of Ep. IV really immediately after RO
Yeah, admittedly, I didn't spot Vader Star Destroyer taking out Rebel ships during my first viewing.  Spotted it during my 2nd viewing and was like 

That Hammerhead move was brilliant! 

Saving Private Ryan, in space. :smokin

This film just changed Star Wars. This was EVERYTHING I have said George ****** up in the prequels. Garreth did an AMAZING job. EXACTLY what George should have done.

He tied to the OG's while still enhancing and bringing something new to the table. He connected the tissue and nerve endings of the OG for that "feel" but opened so many other doors, so many other layers to the universe.

Vader. THAT is the prequel Vader we deserved. **** you Lucas.

Incredible, incredible film. I'm high on life right now, I will get deeper in AM.

I was dead on, this film changes everything. This franchise just went next level, and it was already the GOAT. Bravo Edwards.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:lol: :lol: Lucas must of did something to you personally for this hate :lol:
watching rebels and then the freemakers so many jedi and sith around. kind of takes away from the og trilogy.

it was much more meaningful when luke was the last hope you know the last jedi
I'm excited for tomorrow AM. 

K, I'm leaving. I don't want to spoil anything lol
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