Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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The way they did backstory on poes family with luke giving them a force tree you would think....

seriously there has to be more to this damn force tree...

and i also agree with your point that they wont make Kylo turn to the lightside because he offed a beloved franchise character. I'll never forgive him. Only way i see that working is if Kylo has a sudden change of heart, sacrifices himself to off Snoke and dies in the process.
I thought for sure Rey was Luke's daughter. but after thinking about it some more, I realized that it was way too obvious to be true. I feel like they purposely wanted us to believe that Luke's her dad just to fake us out and reveal that he really isn't in Episode VIII. I think Rey was just one of Luke's students. Which would explain her sudden strength. She's had to have some type of training in the past for her to have so much power out of nowhere and defeat Kylo Ren.
But it showed her as a kid on Jakku and her famfam leaving her... they did this on purpose because they knew everyone would be throwing whack theories out there and one of them was bound to catch on.


Homegirl probably just some nobody that just happened to fall into this. Balancin the force type chosen one. Random nobody. Makes you wonder if there is others out there (spinoffs)
I'm sure there are lot of force potential kids out there. Just someone has to take the time to find and train them. Sith have it easy, just find one and train him/her til either you or the student dies.
kylo is not gonna turn to the light.

wouldnt be so sure, vader ultimately did in the end and brought balance to the force as prophesied

That's the whole point. The dude is fighting to not be like Vader, he's doing everything to not let the light in like he did. Vader was a guy who was redeemed at the end, I think it'll be more interesting, story-wise, if he dies a fully evil bastard. It's too late for him.
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even if she was just a random nobody who happens to have the force in her, wouldn't she need some type of training to spank someone like Kylo the way she did? c'mon now. Not mention her all of a sudden being able to use Jedi mind tricks on that stormtrooper. no way that girl wasn't trained at some point in her life
Yeah, I don't see them doing that either but it'd be a better story

freakin Lucas
What if Luke hooked up with Felicity Jones' character sometime after the battle of Endor? (thats assuming she survives the events of Rogue One)

He's a dope pilot, she's a dope pilot. She births a kid that's a dope pilot and is strong with the force. :nerd:
It's too late for Kylo to turn back and be one of the main heroes. Audiences won't really be down with that. But he can always turn back at the very end (if they wanna be unoriginal...)
Would be dope as hell to see some form of the Nightsister's either working with or against the Knights Of Ren
There's literally no redeeming quality about Kylo Ren. He's whiny, temperamental, petulant, but cold blooded and ruthless. His portrayal in TFA doesn't scream "redemption" to me. We know he's fighting the temptation of the light side because of his dialogue, but his actions don't seem like he wants to be redeemed. I mean he did kill one of the franchise's most beloved characters, who is also his dad.
I honestly wouldn't call him Cold blooded.. i mean Vader probably kills FN-2187 when he senses uncertainty in him on Jakku and definitely doesn't tolerate Poe wise cracking with him. The whole point is that he's not there yet

And in the film there's a moment where he looks legit sorry for what he did to Han right before Chewie shoots him.

They wouldn't be working from an impossible position if the planned arc is to redeem him
His struggle with the light is supposed to build up to that last scene with Han and the decision he has to make. Now that the decisions been made, that arc is pretty much over.
depends on how you read the scene. There is in canon information that explicitly states that act actually made him weaker in the 'Dark'

it's going to be an ongoing internal struggle throughout this series imo. You throw away his depth if he's just purely evil now
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