Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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While Disney has to be pleased with the way its $4 billion acquisition of Lucasfilm is turning out, thanks to the galactic success of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” the man who created the “Star Wars” universe doesn’t feel the same way.

In an interview with Charlie Rose, George Lucas spoke about everything from his and Disney’s branching vision to the deal itself. Lucas, who has always been protective of his series and even refers to them as his “kids,” hasn’t been looking back well on the deal with Disney (via Collider).

“I sold them to the white slavers that takes these things, and…,” Lucas said before laughing and deciding it better not to finish. (See the interview below. Lucas mentions the “white slavers” around the 50-minute mark)

The father of “Star Wars” also opened up about why he and Disney were split on their decisions for the franchise’s future.

“They looked at the stories, and they said, ‘We want to make something for the fans,’” Lucas said. “They decided they didn’t want to use those stories, they decided they were going to do their own thing. … They weren’t that keen to have me involved anyway — but if I get in there, I’m just going to cause trouble, because they’re not going to do what I want them to do. And I don’t have the control to do that anymore, and all I would do is muck everything up,” he said. “And so I said, ‘OK, I will go my way, and I’ll let them go their way.’”

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” has been a massive success in the two weeks it has been out, becoming the ninth-highest box office performer ever with $1.23 billion in global box office receipts.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Also the lightsaber battle between Anakin and Obi >>>>>>>>> Rey vs Kylo

Obviously lol. Watching two experienced fighters >>>>> watching two inexperienced fighters.

I think the concern is with over saturation of Star Wars. Unfortunately, I think that's the route Disney will take after they see how much $ can be made.

i think 1 movie a year is just right. Especially when the anthology movies are every other year. And then you got Rebels showing throughout the year.

iirc there was some talk of a star wars Netflix show focusing on the seedy underworld of the universe. i wouldn't mind that if it was like a 10-12 episode Jessica Jones/character study type show. Keep the jedi/lightsabers for the theaters.

on a side note, I wish all Star Wars movies came out in December. Kinda bummed Ep.VIII comes out in the summer. This years holiday season felt different with all the SW stuff going on.
Lucas is salllllllty. :lol:

He got got in that deal. :lol: :smh:

I'm sure this movie will make well over $4 billion when you include merchandise, blu ray and digital sales.
Leonardo DiCaprio Passed Up Anakin Skywalker Role in ‘Star Wars’ Prequels

Five-time Academy Award nominee Leonardo DiCaprio could finally win that elusive Oscar for his performance in the revenge Western “The Revenant.” However, the actor reveals his career could’ve taken a different path — the path to the Dark Side.

Talking with ShortList about some of the roles he’s turned down — that of Robin in “Batman Forever,” among them, of course — DiCaprio confirms he met with George Lucas about playing Anakin Skywalker in the “Star Wars” prequels.

However, as was the case with “Batman Forever,” DiCaprio explains he “just didn’t feel ready to take that dive. At that point.”

Considering his turn as Anakin led Hayden Christensen to retreat from Hollywood, DiCaprio probably made the right decision. (“I guess I felt like I had this great thing in ‘Star War’s that provided all these opportunities and gave me a career, but it all kind of felt a little too handed to me,” Christensen recently told the Los Angeles Times. “I didn’t want to go through life feeling like I was just riding a wave.”)

Of course, it also means DiCaprio missed out on such epic dialogue as, “I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.”

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing that it didn't happen. On one hand, Leo would've undoubtedly did a better job portraying the role but on the other hand as mentioned in this piece the dialogue in ep II & III are really really bad.

I feel like with how these movies turned out it may have been a blow to Leo's career where he'd never even have a chance at a Oscar nom again :lol: but who knows he could've been the best thing about a crappy movie and it wouldn't have phased him much.

Interesting that it would've been a Leo/Anakin in his late 20s instead of the teenager/early 20s actor we got.

disney better not run the franchise into the ground. they better slow their role. people will grow tired of it fast

they need to treat the franchise with prestige and not like marvel
:lol: You talking like don't know Disney plans on releasing a SW movie EVERY YEAR.

Talking like this been done in 2012. Aint like yall got a say in it.
Eh, he kinda did in the historical sense and even a metaphorical sense.
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After seeing ep. VII i'm style so hype i'm about to marathon all the movies...yes all of them.

Also has anyone here watched the Phantom Edit? I've heard about it but haven't considered watching it.
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Lucas gonna regret setting Star Wars so cheap foreve man. Disney made off like a bandit
Not sure if they'll know my name in the cantina though. I wanna go where everybody knows my name....
Lucas gonna regret setting Star Wars so cheap foreve man. Disney made off like a bandit

He made 4 billion on top of whatever he was already worth, + had Disney stock options.

He's currently at 5.1 Billion dollars, and is in his 70's. I doubt he goes broke the rest of his lifetime, so he'll be fine.
Maybe he did, but he's still worth 5.1 as of right now. How much he actually has in cash, I don't know that.
Lucas gonna regret setting Star Wars so cheap foreve man. Disney made off like a bandit

He made 4 billion on top of whatever he was already worth, + had Disney stock options.

He's currently at 5.1 Billion dollars, and is in his 70's. I doubt he goes broke the rest of his lifetime, so he'll be fine.

I understand he's already beyond filthy rich but still :lol:
Star Wars: The Force Awakens has passed the $600 million mark at the domestic box office in record time. But that’s frankly underselling it. The Walt Disney blockbuster became the fifth film to cross the once-fabled milestone, not adjusting for inflation/3D/IMAX/etc., doing so in just twelve days. For the record, the other five such films were Titanic (252 days), Avatar (47 days), The Avengers (54 days), and Jurassic World (36 days). So yeah, the new land speed record holder just broke the mark three times faster than any prior movie.

Got damn they printin money. :lol:
Its the helmet, guys.

That badass helmet

You already know :nthat:

Does your daughter get scared when you put the costume/helmet on? Or does she know it's you? :lol:

She's pretty uninterested for now, but at least she's not scared. She's probably used to it though since the mannequin's in our living room and her rocker is directly opposite of it.

Gonna go for a photoshoot within the next month though and already have her Princess Leia outfit/hair buns ready :lol:

Awesome dude. Looking forward to seeing that on your IG. Just added you with my new IG account. I'll let you figure out who I am lol.

Henry L.M.? :nerd:
disney better not run the franchise into the ground. they better slow their role. people will grow tired of it fast

they need to treat the franchise with prestige and not like marvel

Marvel is thriving and doing good.

Unlike Star Wars, Marvel isn't just one movie. Its a whole damn company and universe of Star Wars'. :lol:

Marvel is pushing out individual films for individual characters. People will get tired of Star Wars because Star Wars is just one story. People don't look at Marvel itself as a story, because its not. Its a brand.

Only way Marvel can shoot itself in the foot is if they beat on the Avengers horse to long.. And they're only on their third movie. This is Star Wars 7 fam :lol:

Once people get tired of the Avengers, Marvel will introduce another film. Disney's got the cash to buy XMen or Spiderman if they really wanted to, or had to. They ain't worried about that train slowing down no time soon.

While Disney has to be pleased with the way its $4 billion acquisition of Lucasfilm is turning out, thanks to the galactic success of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” the man who created the “Star Wars” universe doesn’t feel the same way.

In an interview with Charlie Rose, George Lucas spoke about everything from his and Disney’s branching vision to the deal itself. Lucas, who has always been protective of his series and even refers to them as his “kids,” hasn’t been looking back well on the deal with Disney (via Collider).

“I sold them to the white slavers that takes these things, and…,” Lucas said before laughing and deciding it better not to finish. (See the interview below. Lucas mentions the “white slavers” around the 50-minute mark)

The father of “Star Wars” also opened up about why he and Disney were split on their decisions for the franchise’s future.

“They looked at the stories, and they said, ‘We want to make something for the fans,’” Lucas said. “They decided they didn’t want to use those stories, they decided they were going to do their own thing. … They weren’t that keen to have me involved anyway — but if I get in there, I’m just going to cause trouble, because they’re not going to do what I want them to do. And I don’t have the control to do that anymore, and all I would do is muck everything up,” he said. “And so I said, ‘OK, I will go my way, and I’ll let them go their way.’”

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” has been a massive success in the two weeks it has been out, becoming the ninth-highest box office performer ever with $1.23 billion in global box office receipts.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't goof and then cry wolf mane. Lucas knew what he was doing when he sold HIS company. He knew who Disney was and what they were about.

Don't point the "white slavers" finger now when **** ain't going the way you thought. You should have kept your **** :lol:

If they were your "kids" you wouldn't have sold them.

One minute Lucas is complaining about the responsibility of Star Wars, the next he's crying cause Tyrone is smashing his ***** and he can't do nothing about it.

Move on breh, its over
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Lucas sounds regretful and slightly bitter. I think he was low key wanting Episode VII to least not be this popular. He seems so hard headed about his ideas, all his tweeking the originals and the prequels were never questioned inside Lucasfilm. He lived in a bubble, and all the critics were just ungrateful fans. After he lost control of the franchise he was hit with the cold truth after Disney declined using his ideas.
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