Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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disney better not run the franchise into the ground. they better slow their role. people will grow tired of it fast

they need to treat the franchise with prestige and not like marvel

Marvel is thriving and doing good.

Unlike Star Wars, Marvel isn't just one movie. Its a whole damn company and universe of Star Wars'. :lol:

Marvel is pushing out individual films for individual characters. People will get tired of Star Wars because Star Wars is just one story. People don't look at Marvel itself as a story, because its not. Its a brand.

Only way Marvel can shoot itself in the foot is if they beat on the Avengers horse to long.. And they're only on their third movie. This is Star Wars 7 fam :lol:

Once people get tired of the Avengers, Marvel will introduce another film. Disney's got the cash to buy XMen or Spiderman if they really wanted to, or had to. They ain't worried about that train slowing down no time soon.

While Disney has to be pleased with the way its $4 billion acquisition of Lucasfilm is turning out, thanks to the galactic success of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” the man who created the “Star Wars” universe doesn’t feel the same way.

In an interview with Charlie Rose, George Lucas spoke about everything from his and Disney’s branching vision to the deal itself. Lucas, who has always been protective of his series and even refers to them as his “kids,” hasn’t been looking back well on the deal with Disney (via Collider).

“I sold them to the white slavers that takes these things, and…,” Lucas said before laughing and deciding it better not to finish. (See the interview below. Lucas mentions the “white slavers” around the 50-minute mark)

The father of “Star Wars” also opened up about why he and Disney were split on their decisions for the franchise’s future.

“They looked at the stories, and they said, ‘We want to make something for the fans,’” Lucas said. “They decided they didn’t want to use those stories, they decided they were going to do their own thing. … They weren’t that keen to have me involved anyway — but if I get in there, I’m just going to cause trouble, because they’re not going to do what I want them to do. And I don’t have the control to do that anymore, and all I would do is muck everything up,” he said. “And so I said, ‘OK, I will go my way, and I’ll let them go their way.’”

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” has been a massive success in the two weeks it has been out, becoming the ninth-highest box office performer ever with $1.23 billion in global box office receipts.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't goof and then cry wolf mane. Lucas knew what he was doing when he sold HIS company. He knew who Disney was and what they were about.

Don't point the "white slavers" finger now when **** ain't going the way you thought. You should have kept your **** :lol:

If they were your "kids" you wouldn't have sold them.

One minute Lucas is complaining about the responsibility of Star Wars, the next he's crying cause Tyrone is smashing his ***** and he can't do nothing about it.

Move on breh, its over

I swear this dude and Vince McMahon are two of the most stubborn guys who's every move always seem to alienate their longtime/hardcore fans :smh:
naw. i can find it on youtube though right?

i remember it being posted in here, but i was at work and youtube videos are blocked. :smh:
Lucas gonna regret setting Star Wars so cheap foreve man. Disney made off like a bandit

He made 4 billion on top of whatever he was already worth, + had Disney stock options.

He's currently at 5.1 Billion dollars, and is in his 70's. I doubt he goes broke the rest of his lifetime, so he'll be fine.
Basically. Dudes talking like he needs 10 billion more to prove some point just cuz he sold SW. Not just him but his family is set for generations.

It's not like he sold it to one dude and he caking off VII. He sold it to a media conglomerate. So 10 years from now when all the SW movies have made like 15 billi it's not like all of that is going to one person.
Thought he gave the 4 billi to charity?
no way i would sell complete rights without some kind of royalties.

hes salty because they ripped of ANH.

edit: this holiday special weird as **** man.
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damn marvel fanboys came out with the quickness to cape the franchise :lol:

my remark wasnt a knock on marvel it was saying star wars cant be used like marvel because marvel has different lead characters and universes that are already established over decades. star wars is just one saga and only one saga that people are familiar with.

people will get tired of star wars if disney pumps out movie after movie

i know they said trilogy but watch them make 4 or 5 movies splitting the last into two parts
no way i would sell complete rights without some kind of royalties.

hes salty because they ripped of ANH.

edit: this holiday special weird as **** man.
He got STOCK in Disney fam.

Yall know what that means? He's getting paid whether or not Disney even makes Star Wars movies.

Getting stock in Disney right now is like getting cheap stock in Apple when they were just starting and never selling it off.

Even if we running with the movies are his kids metaphor, I'd sell my kids for stock in Disney and then just make more kids even though I didn't have to. I mean hell SW franchise is 40+ years old or something, I'd sell a movie I created if Disney wanted to buy if it was just 3 months old.

Whats so funny Zik?
Two things really, one, that he gave it all to charity (I don't believe that) and two, just the idea that George was so done with SW that he got the money and then gave it away cuz he already has it made money wise.

George giving away 4 billi is like Dave Chappelle walking away from half a billi.
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damn marvel fanboys came out with the quickness to cape the franchise :lol:

my remark wasnt a knock on marvel it was saying star wars cant be used like marvel because marvel has different lead characters and universes that are already established over decades. star wars is just one saga and only one saga that people are familiar with.

people will get tired of star wars if disney pumps out movie after movie

i know they said trilogy but watch them make 4 or 5 movies splitting the last into two parts

You're drunk. They can release a movie a year for decades and not scratch the surface.

Rogue 1
Ep 8
Fett spin off
Ep 9
Solo spin off
Old republic
Fett sequel
Solo sequel
Old Republic sequel

That's 10 years without trying.

Kenobi series.
If they ever do a Vader spin off
Thrawn. :nerd:
Rebels series
Plageius tales

Maul spin off. :nerd:

Knights of Ren spin off.

X Wing series.

New era Jedi-Sith battle(s)

And all this without even finding what characters that people fall for. Maybe Captain Phasma blows up, people want spin off.

And they can still create new characters, stories from books, comics, games, etc. Can jump from era to era, tie characters together, spin them off, whatever.

And I'm just a jack off behind a keyboard, the Disney team of writers can run circles around me.

They'll never run out of material.

Every film won't do a billion, of course, but they'll earn enough, same as Ant-man, or Thor 1, etc.
The upcoming Star Wars movies are way more exciting than comic book movies imo

It's nice not knowing what's going to happen
The upcoming Star Wars movies are way more exciting than comic book movies imo

It's nice not knowing what's going to happen
I agree. Not knowing the deal with Rey makes me want the next movie now. Not that I'm not excited for civil war, we all know how that ends.
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