Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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    Votes: 27 28.4%

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We needed more darkside story... "like where did these guys come from since darth and emperor died"? How did they gain all of the dark side knowledge and technology... idk i needed more insight into the story to get into the current universe.. i understood every parg of the film but there was too many holes

Both the old dude in the beginning and Maz Kanata said the First Order rose from the Empire's ashes, so that was pretty much the only backstory needed for that. I mean, what else could they have said or done without going into a full exposition?

And as far as the darkside goes, this is Star Wars. There will always be Sith around. And I hate to use the "this will be a trilogy so just be patient" thing, but that's really what it is.
Yep, a basic storm trooper janitor wrecked this dude. A regular storm trooper should really wreck him, but that's not a "plot hole" in the movie.

He went from stopping lazer guns in the beginning of the movie to getting wrecked by a janitor. Who needs Luke Skywalker when a janitor can wreck this dude.
He didn't wreck him....Kylo almost killed him. What movie did you watch? 

Dudes just be talking man
What if in the end...

Rey turns to the dark side and Kylo turns light?!?!
That boy Finn got kissed on the forehead at the end which sealed him into Rey's friendzone. Dude's full name in Ep. IX will be FN Mormont.
I think those of you excited and hoping for greatness from Luke are going to be disappointed.

Luke = Obi Wan. A legendary old man. That's it. We might get a nostalgic fight for old times sake, but he's washed. Like Ben was at the Death Star.

If anything, we should be expecting a nice matchup, with Kylo cutting Luke down and something like that pushing Rey further into her training.

Not to even mention that Kylo figures to get even stronger in the next film and would be even tougher for a 60+ year old man to deal with, strong in the force or not.

Our best chance to see elite Jedi Master Luke would have been to recast the OG characters and only advance 5-10 years after Return of the Jedi. Advancing 30 years is simply too far. You see how old they all are now, how that Luke gonna dance around with Kylo at his peak?

Dooku was the only old man we've seen get a victory, and his was short lived, he got beheaded 20 minutes into the next film. :lol:

When we do get Luke, he better be moreso Force ability mind throwing things, playin games and such rather than actually going toe to toe with Kylo and a lightsaber. I just hope they don't do the Ben lightsaber up cut down move again, cuz then they really would be stepping into copycatting the OG's way too much.
They could play Kylo's card in Lukes advantage.

We know that boy is mentally weak. Luke knows too. He can probably feel it. If Rey can feel it, the OG can feel it.

Luke uses the force to weaken Kylo's swag and makes the duel suit more to his strengths as an old man.

I know Luke got at least one or two more front flips in him. He can dance for one more movie.
Well if Yoda can bounce and flip around like a jumping bean with a light saber then I am sure Luke can as well.
I'm not sure why there's so much fuss over Rey being able to handle a lightsaber and hold her own vs. Kylo Ren when we don't know her full story yet; how can you say she's never used a lightsaber before :nerd:
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What if in the end...

Rey turns to the dark side and Kylo turns light?!?!

Whatever happens, I just hope Finn gets da yambs

Finn ain't getting the yambs, as much as it pains me to say. Rey will end up with Poe and Finn with that little droid.

Also I agree with some of the points cguy610 made, but dude is going a little too far for me. You really asking why Finn didn't just walk off of the Death Star when he didn't know how to fly? First order employee ID cards man?

I'm not sure why there's so much fuss over Rey being able to handle a lightsaber and hold her own vs. Kylo Ren when we don't know her full story yet; how can you say she's never used a lightsaber before :nerd:

If she did she used it at a very young age, and Kylo has been training with it and other force powers for what I assume is a long time. Unless that gun shot was bleeding him out that severely (which I believe it was), she should not have been able to beat him
I can't believe NT is calling Kylo soft after the NUMEROUS, "NT could you wash your pops?" threads that have been on here and everyone saying, no, they prolly can't wash their pops.
I'm gonna be in my feels if they kill off Luke (I feel it coming) or Chewie. I don't care about anyone else. Chop em up
I don't think Luke will die. Han is already gone. I think Luk will come back with Rey and be some type of leader
I don't think Luke will die. Han is already gone. I think Luk will come back with Rey and be some type of leader
I think Luke is gonna die of natural causes like Yoda or he and Rey battle Kylo but ends up getting taken out by Kylo while Rey takes out Kylo after seeing Luke die
I can't believe NT is calling Kylo soft after the NUMEROUS, "NT could you wash your pops?" threads that have been on here and everyone saying, no, they prolly can't wash their pops.
Kylo aint wash his pops. He just killed him when Han wasn't expecting it.

And I'd wash my pops with ease.
Saw it again today.. in the scene when Han talks about "Luke... yeah I knew Luke" I had the same disappointed feeling that we won't see them together anymore. I knew going into my 1st viewing about Han.. and I knew most likely Luke was only showing up at the end.. but I was still disappointed these two didn't get to reunite for a brief moment in the new series.

Second viewing thoughts.. my only gripes are the same ones I originally had. It mirrors ANH a little too closely to make it a great standalone movie. I might like it more than A New Hope, but it's got the same basic story beats and that's a weakness. I understand why they went that route, I still enjoyed it, but it was something that took me out of the movie slightly.

I don't have a problem with the Kylo/Finn fight. I honestly don't get the complaint.. Finn gets destroyed. He gets one single good shot on Kylo and that's it. Yes, Finn has never handled a saber, going against a force user with some training, but considering the prior events, that's enough for Kylo to be a little weakened and Finn to not get immediately killed.

The rapid growth in Rey's force abilities wasn't a huge problem for me.. I know that it's possible she already had some training, or just that she was so strong in the force that once she became aware (or awakened...) that she grew stronger and stronger, so I don't have an issue with that, just that when she said "The force" and took like a ten second breather in the middle of a saber battle, that took me out of the scene a bit. Same as that AWFUL helicopter shot to end the movie. And as for the ending, it didn't blow me away like I expected. Maybe the shots just were held for a beat too long.. or you needed one line of dialogue.. or something else was missing for me. I think they did a great job with the scene given though... Luke and Rey conveyed a lot with no dialogue.

That's really it. Could use a bit of work with the pacing here and there.. too similar to ANH.. maybe we could have had a bit more backstory or exposition here and there, but that's it.

I might have it above ANH, simply because it was so much damn fun and enjoyable to watch. Despite following a familiar format, I still loved seeing the meeting between Han and Kylo.. Rey's loneliness and hopefulness while on Jakku.. the comedy between Solo and Finn.. BB-8.. Finn and Poe.. all of it was just so entertaining and the world I wanted to see again. It's what the originals did well and the prequels failed at.. making this a world you want to see more of and explore. This one showed you a poor scavenger joining up with the galaxy's most famous rebels, searching for the greatest Jedi of all-time, fighting against the dark side.. and the prequels gave you trade disputes and a boy podracing.
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