Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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Finally saw EP 7 
I straight up ignore the prequels.

After the crawl you have a star destroyer.
Thats how it goes.

I dont like change.

Share the same feeling. ROTJ was my favorite growing up because it was the most kid friendly of the OT. But after watching it for the first time in a while, preparing for TFA, the despecialized edition, it does not hold up nearly as well when viewing right after SW and ESB.


- Jabba's palace is still great, even though they relied heavily on CGI when traveling to the Sarlaac Pit and it looks bad.

- Luke/Vader/Emperor showdown

- The final space battle over Endor


- Everything on Endor, I understand that they look cute and I enjoyed it growing up, but for the story they do not make sense. If the Emperor says that a legion of his best troops are on that moon and they get taken out by rocks, arrows, that just does not fly with me especially after the serious tone set from the previous two movies. Correct me if I am wrong but I think I read a long time ago that it was originally supposed to be Kashyyyk. If it were Wookies instead of Ewoks, man that would have been more realistic, but if that is completely false somebody let me know.

- Movie is very exposition heavy

- Death Star 2.0
Took my niece to see it since she watched the OG trilogy with was interesting to see her watch it...she didn't like a lot of action for some reason...gotta toughen her up...but now she's asking a lot about Jedi, Princess Leia and Yoda lol even though he wasn't in the movie

She even recognized Luke :pimp:
i always liked the endor forest trooper designs and the speeder chase 

luke getting the gang out of trouble with the ewoks by making C3PO fly was cool and smart

lando flying the falcon 

its a trap! 
Ewoks are the quintessential underdogs. I have no problems with them washing some bum *** stormtroopers, who rock all white armor when they should be in some camo gear or stormtrooper ghillie suits. These the same troopers that can't shoot for **** too right? Ewoks got the home field advantage and know the terrain and they outnumber the ground troops.

First order troopers might be a different story though
The blue one also used to belong to anakin (vader) if im correct
Yep, Obi-Wan picked it up after defeating Anakin at the end of ROTS... who then gave it to Luke in ANH... and was later lost at Bespin in ESB... and then, some how, was obtained by Maz Kanata... who then gave it to Finn... and then Rey.

I don't remember specifically, but did Anakin use the same lightsaber in AOTC and ROTS?  They could have retrieved it after Dooku took down Anakin. 
Finally watched Episode VII, I can't wait for VIII already

I wanna know what really made Luke isolate himself
I have no problem with the concept of David v Goliath and that is what the Ewoks essentially are. It was just poorly executed imo. Some of the inventions such as using swinging logs to take out the AT-ST or using ropes to hook speeders are fine.

Really wish that Gary Kurtz and Lucas did not have a falling out in between Empire and Jedi. Wanted to see them finish their original planned story.
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From the Novel


Halting an arm's length away, he studied her face from behind his mask. When he finally spoke, he sounded at once impressed and surprised. "You would kill me. Knowing nothing about me."

Finding that her mouth and lips worked, she replied defiantly. "Why wouldn't I kill you? I know about the First Order."

"I would say otherwise. But that is a small thing. Simple ignorances are easily remedied." As he spoke, he walked slowly around her paralyzed body.

Frightened, she tried to follow him with her eyes, but her head would not turn. "So afraid," he murmured. "Yet I should be the one who should be scared. You shot first. You speak of the Order as if it were barbaric. And yet, it is I who was forced to defend myself against you."

:rofl: Wish that made it into the film. That line would of KILLED in theaters
Yo I gotta say John Boyega acting was kinda bad but that was the only thing I found off, but I'll give him credit because he was funny and charismatic as hell and he's still so young in the acting game. Movie was amazing man..
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TFA Blu-Ray out on April 5
any news on if there will be a directors cut? 
"Star Wars" fans shouldn't expect an extended edition of "The Force Awakens" with such moments folded back into the narrative. Unlike his predecessor, Abrams isn't interested in rereleases.

"I'm not a huge fan of directors' cuts and modifications to a movie," he said. "I feel the movie that comes out is the movie that should be the intended final product."


Sam Witwer (Starkiller in The Force Unleashed) confirmed that several deleted scenes are about state of the Galaxy : the relationship between Leia and the Senate, the peace treaty between the First Order and the Republic, why does the Resistance exist, etc...
Saw the movie for a second time today, appreciated it much more the second time around. Finn and Kylo definitely the two people I'm interested in seeing the development of in the next movie. I got a feeling Kylo becomes a true badass next movie and steps in to his inner Vader :pimp:

Movie gets a 8.5/10 from me.

My personal rankings

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