So whats it like to be a white male from a middle class family or richer?

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

I was at Ruth's Chris Steak House on Sunday and it was whites-eat-free day- 
.  Just my luck, I was filling up my car at Chevron today and it was whites get gas free day- 
, saved me $55.  Turning out to be yet another good week to be white.

im black BTW and  that was either really insensitive or racist, im not sure but funny none the less... and im from the Pjs and had to fight my way out and im almost good now. still GRINDING tho. 

And that quote was deemed a lil Racist... 
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

i laugh at the race card ... you want something? go get it ... there is nothing stopping you
that's b/c you ARE white



so what? point in complaining about something you cannot change. as a youngster i was usually the token white boy since in my town the only white kids were nerdy jewish kids who i had nothing in common with and mostly kept to themselves. it was hard being the only white kid but i didn't let it stop me from being me or doing what i gotta do. i heard every racial slur for white people that there is but that didnt stop me from making friends, rockin the freshest kicks, talkin to the baddest girls, and breaking ankle after ankle on the court.  the color of your skin has nothing to do with what you are made of as a person. as dude put it you want something? go get it...thats all there is to it
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

i laugh at the race card ... you want something? go get it ... there is nothing stopping you
that's b/c you ARE white



so what? point in complaining about something you cannot change. as a youngster i was usually the token white boy since in my town the only white kids were nerdy jewish kids who i had nothing in common with and mostly kept to themselves. it was hard being the only white kid but i didn't let it stop me from being me or doing what i gotta do. i heard every racial slur for white people that there is but that didnt stop me from making friends, rockin the freshest kicks, talkin to the baddest girls, and breaking ankle after ankle on the court.  the color of your skin has nothing to do with what you are made of as a person. as dude put it you want something? go get it...thats all there is to it
I'm Serbian, and was born there. But to all of you, since my skin is white, you'll call me white. So since you're interested, here you go:

Q: Did you go to college?

A: We had no money for college. And i had no time for it. I had to work.

Q: Who was your role model growing up?

A: My Mother. She raised me, my sister, and a half brother by herself working as a cleaning lady.

Q: What is your circle of friends like?

A: European mostly. My Fiance is middle eastern, so add in her family as well, cousins etc. One of which is pretty much the ONLY Jordan fanatic that i know in real life. Thats why i'm on NikeTalk.
You guys are the only ones i get to talk shop with.

Q: What jobs did your parents have?

A: Like i said, my mom and dad came here from Serbia about 31 years ago. Neither spoke english at all. They lived with a family friend until my father and mother found jobs. 6 months into living in the good ole USA, my dad left my mother. He decided to open his own custodial company. then later a trucking company. He became very successful.
Meanwhile, my mother took me, my sister, and a half brother from my fathers previous marriage, to a studio apt in Chicago. I was about months old.
My father took my half brother away about 6 months after they divorced. So it was me, my sis and my Mom. My Mom did her absolute best. She worked hard everyday, learned english and put in 110% at her job. She would go without on many occasions so that my sister and i could have our "wants".

As time went on, things got a bit easier. My mom was making more money, my sister was married, and it was just me and my mom. I got a job as soon as was able to. And we lived decently until i got into my 20's.

Throughout all this, never a dime from my father. I grew up hating him, and what he did. And having to see him on occasion with his new family, living the good life.

When i was about 23 years old, he got a divorce yet again. And HE came looking for me. I wanted nothing to do with him. My fiance (girlfriend at the time) forced me to be civil. She talked me into hearing him out. So i did. And i let him have it. I told him everything i ever felt, and wanted to tell him.

Long story short, i have a relationship with him today. He sold off his trucking company to fund a wild idea, that could have crashed and burned, but made him a pretty penny. And today, i'm apart of his investment firm. And i get to take care of my momma now.

Q: What type of women have you dated?

A: Ive been with all kinds. american (white) girls, mexican, puerto rican, filipino, middle eastern, all kinds of Europeans. My favorite is the middle eastern. I liked it enough to put a ring on it.

Q: How did your siblings turn out?

A: They turned out great. But almost completely removed themselves from my family. One thing i will never do is leave my mothers side, and now my fathers as well. I'll always be here for them.

Q: Do you share the same morals and beliefs as your parents?

A: Yes. Im Serbian Orthodox. And as far as morals, a big yes. My parents are both amazing humans. My fathers made a lot of mistakes, but he's never hurt anyone. And my mom has saint status. I've been called old school, or what have you. But its a part of my culture, and thats who we are. And i will carry it on.

Q: Do you have a criminal record?

A: Yes. I had anger issues when i was younger. And i went to a really bad Chicago public high school. I don't take too kindly to people who like to mouth off.
Also, i got cought up in money laundering when i was 19. Dont ask, long story. I've been an angel since then.

Thats pretty much me. My fondest memories have always been with my Mom. She watched the bulls with me on tv, and saved all the spare money she could to buy me the new jordans once a year.

Thats what i remind her of when she goes off the deep end about how many shoes i have lol
I'm Serbian, and was born there. But to all of you, since my skin is white, you'll call me white. So since you're interested, here you go:

Q: Did you go to college?

A: We had no money for college. And i had no time for it. I had to work.

Q: Who was your role model growing up?

A: My Mother. She raised me, my sister, and a half brother by herself working as a cleaning lady.

Q: What is your circle of friends like?

A: European mostly. My Fiance is middle eastern, so add in her family as well, cousins etc. One of which is pretty much the ONLY Jordan fanatic that i know in real life. Thats why i'm on NikeTalk.
You guys are the only ones i get to talk shop with.

Q: What jobs did your parents have?

A: Like i said, my mom and dad came here from Serbia about 31 years ago. Neither spoke english at all. They lived with a family friend until my father and mother found jobs. 6 months into living in the good ole USA, my dad left my mother. He decided to open his own custodial company. then later a trucking company. He became very successful.
Meanwhile, my mother took me, my sister, and a half brother from my fathers previous marriage, to a studio apt in Chicago. I was about months old.
My father took my half brother away about 6 months after they divorced. So it was me, my sis and my Mom. My Mom did her absolute best. She worked hard everyday, learned english and put in 110% at her job. She would go without on many occasions so that my sister and i could have our "wants".

As time went on, things got a bit easier. My mom was making more money, my sister was married, and it was just me and my mom. I got a job as soon as was able to. And we lived decently until i got into my 20's.

Throughout all this, never a dime from my father. I grew up hating him, and what he did. And having to see him on occasion with his new family, living the good life.

When i was about 23 years old, he got a divorce yet again. And HE came looking for me. I wanted nothing to do with him. My fiance (girlfriend at the time) forced me to be civil. She talked me into hearing him out. So i did. And i let him have it. I told him everything i ever felt, and wanted to tell him.

Long story short, i have a relationship with him today. He sold off his trucking company to fund a wild idea, that could have crashed and burned, but made him a pretty penny. And today, i'm apart of his investment firm. And i get to take care of my momma now.

Q: What type of women have you dated?

A: Ive been with all kinds. american (white) girls, mexican, puerto rican, filipino, middle eastern, all kinds of Europeans. My favorite is the middle eastern. I liked it enough to put a ring on it.

Q: How did your siblings turn out?

A: They turned out great. But almost completely removed themselves from my family. One thing i will never do is leave my mothers side, and now my fathers as well. I'll always be here for them.

Q: Do you share the same morals and beliefs as your parents?

A: Yes. Im Serbian Orthodox. And as far as morals, a big yes. My parents are both amazing humans. My fathers made a lot of mistakes, but he's never hurt anyone. And my mom has saint status. I've been called old school, or what have you. But its a part of my culture, and thats who we are. And i will carry it on.

Q: Do you have a criminal record?

A: Yes. I had anger issues when i was younger. And i went to a really bad Chicago public high school. I don't take too kindly to people who like to mouth off.
Also, i got cought up in money laundering when i was 19. Dont ask, long story. I've been an angel since then.

Thats pretty much me. My fondest memories have always been with my Mom. She watched the bulls with me on tv, and saved all the spare money she could to buy me the new jordans once a year.

Thats what i remind her of when she goes off the deep end about how many shoes i have lol
Originally Posted by goukiteg

Originally Posted by doyung9
Out of curiosity. What is your ethnic background?

doyung9 wrote:

However, with people I didn't consider friends, some messed up $%*! has happened. Instance I can't ever forget is in the 1st or 2nd grade, I got a lot of praise from my teacher for being really intelligent at a young age and I enjoyed being "good" at something. Well one day, someone's mother came in as a substitute because our teacher had jury duty or something (yeah, in small towns sometimes someone's mom will teach, forget professional substitutes) and this particular lady thought her daughter was the chosen one or something. Well as we're going out for recess, the lady pulls me to the side and says "You don't have to show off for all the kids, you think you're so smart. Well if you're so smart, why didn't you real mom and dad want you and they threw you away".


What a +$*%*@+ *%%##!.

I would've smacked the %#+! out of her with my tiny hands,I wouldn't even care. How the hell can someone say that to 1st grader
As a what, 7-8 year old kid, those were NOT my first thoughts.
It was more so, "yeah, I know I look different, but everyone looks 'different' right?" I didn't get really upset until I was probably 10-11 years old. That's when things were probably the most confusing in regards to "Why didn't my mother want me/Why don't I have any records of a father?".

And to answer your question, people can say that to a first grader because sadly, in our world, there is a lot of ignorance, hate, and stupidity that knows no bounds. Hell, I had a girlfriend in high school whose dad would call me "zipperhead" (google it). You've got to learn to let that kind of stuff slide to be honest, it's part of growing up and like the saying goes "being the bigger man".

I was in one fist fight in high school where race was the ONLY issue and surprisingly enough, it was over the word n***** and nothing to do with me being Asian.
Guy who was just angry at the world see's this girl's purse (I forgot who made them but they were really popular at the time and had all these iconic images on the side in like loud technicolor print) and her purse had a picture of some prominent black woman (sorry don't remember) and he says out loud, with a few of my black friends standing nearby "Why you got that purse with that n***** b**** on it?"

Girl in question was a white girl he was friends with, my black friends are NOT confrontational at all, and I just so happened to look up and make eye contact with him because I just couldn't believe ANYONE would say that out loud. He asked me what I was looking at, I just laughed, after school he came find me (yes, this is really how this stupidity went down) and I beat the crap out of it. Partially because he physically attacked me, partially because he verbally attacked me, but I think alot of it had to do with holding in anger at people like the lady when I was a kid and stuff. Next day, he apologized, wanted to squash it, I accepted (I'd won already, right?) and never had a race issue with him again.

Only time though. Most of the time, it's just easier to laugh at. Race jokes in 2011? Come on, son.
Originally Posted by goukiteg

Originally Posted by doyung9
Out of curiosity. What is your ethnic background?

doyung9 wrote:

However, with people I didn't consider friends, some messed up $%*! has happened. Instance I can't ever forget is in the 1st or 2nd grade, I got a lot of praise from my teacher for being really intelligent at a young age and I enjoyed being "good" at something. Well one day, someone's mother came in as a substitute because our teacher had jury duty or something (yeah, in small towns sometimes someone's mom will teach, forget professional substitutes) and this particular lady thought her daughter was the chosen one or something. Well as we're going out for recess, the lady pulls me to the side and says "You don't have to show off for all the kids, you think you're so smart. Well if you're so smart, why didn't you real mom and dad want you and they threw you away".


What a +$*%*@+ *%%##!.

I would've smacked the %#+! out of her with my tiny hands,I wouldn't even care. How the hell can someone say that to 1st grader
As a what, 7-8 year old kid, those were NOT my first thoughts.
It was more so, "yeah, I know I look different, but everyone looks 'different' right?" I didn't get really upset until I was probably 10-11 years old. That's when things were probably the most confusing in regards to "Why didn't my mother want me/Why don't I have any records of a father?".

And to answer your question, people can say that to a first grader because sadly, in our world, there is a lot of ignorance, hate, and stupidity that knows no bounds. Hell, I had a girlfriend in high school whose dad would call me "zipperhead" (google it). You've got to learn to let that kind of stuff slide to be honest, it's part of growing up and like the saying goes "being the bigger man".

I was in one fist fight in high school where race was the ONLY issue and surprisingly enough, it was over the word n***** and nothing to do with me being Asian.
Guy who was just angry at the world see's this girl's purse (I forgot who made them but they were really popular at the time and had all these iconic images on the side in like loud technicolor print) and her purse had a picture of some prominent black woman (sorry don't remember) and he says out loud, with a few of my black friends standing nearby "Why you got that purse with that n***** b**** on it?"

Girl in question was a white girl he was friends with, my black friends are NOT confrontational at all, and I just so happened to look up and make eye contact with him because I just couldn't believe ANYONE would say that out loud. He asked me what I was looking at, I just laughed, after school he came find me (yes, this is really how this stupidity went down) and I beat the crap out of it. Partially because he physically attacked me, partially because he verbally attacked me, but I think alot of it had to do with holding in anger at people like the lady when I was a kid and stuff. Next day, he apologized, wanted to squash it, I accepted (I'd won already, right?) and never had a race issue with him again.

Only time though. Most of the time, it's just easier to laugh at. Race jokes in 2011? Come on, son.
 why are white dudes from lower than middle class posting all angry like "i'm white and my life was hard" trying to prove a point.  There isn't a point. Nobody ever said all white people have a good life sheesh
 why are white dudes from lower than middle class posting all angry like "i'm white and my life was hard" trying to prove a point.  There isn't a point. Nobody ever said all white people have a good life sheesh
Originally Posted by aphexacid

Q: What jobs did your parents have?

A: Like i said, my mom and dad came here from Serbia about 31 years ago. Neither spoke english at all. They lived with a family friend until my father and mother found jobs. 6 months into living in the good ole USA, my dad left my mother. He decided to open his own custodial company. then later a trucking company. He became very successful.
Meanwhile, my mother took me, my sister, and a half brother from my fathers previous marriage, to a studio apt in Chicago. I was about months old.
My father took my half brother away about 6 months after they divorced. So it was me, my sis and my Mom. My Mom did her absolute best. She worked hard everyday, learned english and put in 110% at her job. She would go without on many occasions so that my sister and i could have our "wants".

As time went on, things got a bit easier. My mom was making more money, my sister was married, and it was just me and my mom. I got a job as soon as was able to. And we lived decently until i got into my 20's.

Throughout all this, never a dime from my father. I grew up hating him, and what he did. And having to see him on occasion with his new family, living the good life.

When i was about 23 years old, he got a divorce yet again. And HE came looking for me. I wanted nothing to do with him. My fiance (girlfriend at the time) forced me to be civil. She talked me into hearing him out. So i did. And i let him have it. I told him everything i ever felt, and wanted to tell him.

Long story short, i have a relationship with him today. He sold off his trucking company to fund a wild idea, that could have crashed and burned, but made him a pretty penny. And today, i'm apart of his investment firm. And i get to take care of my momma now.
Your dad sounds like a real piece of +$%@.

From having a couple Serbian friends their cultural values on family seem much different than that of American culture. 

Not they don't see each other as family , its just a different kind of love for each other.
Originally Posted by aphexacid

Q: What jobs did your parents have?

A: Like i said, my mom and dad came here from Serbia about 31 years ago. Neither spoke english at all. They lived with a family friend until my father and mother found jobs. 6 months into living in the good ole USA, my dad left my mother. He decided to open his own custodial company. then later a trucking company. He became very successful.
Meanwhile, my mother took me, my sister, and a half brother from my fathers previous marriage, to a studio apt in Chicago. I was about months old.
My father took my half brother away about 6 months after they divorced. So it was me, my sis and my Mom. My Mom did her absolute best. She worked hard everyday, learned english and put in 110% at her job. She would go without on many occasions so that my sister and i could have our "wants".

As time went on, things got a bit easier. My mom was making more money, my sister was married, and it was just me and my mom. I got a job as soon as was able to. And we lived decently until i got into my 20's.

Throughout all this, never a dime from my father. I grew up hating him, and what he did. And having to see him on occasion with his new family, living the good life.

When i was about 23 years old, he got a divorce yet again. And HE came looking for me. I wanted nothing to do with him. My fiance (girlfriend at the time) forced me to be civil. She talked me into hearing him out. So i did. And i let him have it. I told him everything i ever felt, and wanted to tell him.

Long story short, i have a relationship with him today. He sold off his trucking company to fund a wild idea, that could have crashed and burned, but made him a pretty penny. And today, i'm apart of his investment firm. And i get to take care of my momma now.
Your dad sounds like a real piece of +$%@.

From having a couple Serbian friends their cultural values on family seem much different than that of American culture. 

Not they don't see each other as family , its just a different kind of love for each other.
Socio-economic status matters more than race, but race matters. And they are definitely both separate things.

So if you grew up a poor white, then you do generally understand the struggle, minus the race aspect.

If you grew up a middle-class minority, you understand some of the struggle as well, minus the socio-economic aspect.

If you're a poor minority...then dang, life is much harder. But it's still possible to make it out. This is America.

What's the worst thing that can happen that will affect someone's ability to be upwardly mobile in society? Self-image.
Socio-economic status matters more than race, but race matters. And they are definitely both separate things.

So if you grew up a poor white, then you do generally understand the struggle, minus the race aspect.

If you grew up a middle-class minority, you understand some of the struggle as well, minus the socio-economic aspect.

If you're a poor minority...then dang, life is much harder. But it's still possible to make it out. This is America.

What's the worst thing that can happen that will affect someone's ability to be upwardly mobile in society? Self-image.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

 why are white dudes from lower than middle class posting all angry like "i'm white and my life was hard" trying to prove a point.  There isn't a point. Nobody ever said all white people have a good life sheesh
not trying to come off angry but it just seems like so many people assume because your white everything is fine and dandy.  ill admit it probably does make things a little easier but everybody goes through there fair share of struggles regardless of race
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

 why are white dudes from lower than middle class posting all angry like "i'm white and my life was hard" trying to prove a point.  There isn't a point. Nobody ever said all white people have a good life sheesh
not trying to come off angry but it just seems like so many people assume because your white everything is fine and dandy.  ill admit it probably does make things a little easier but everybody goes through there fair share of struggles regardless of race
Originally Posted by abutta13

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

 why are white dudes from lower than middle class posting all angry like "i'm white and my life was hard" trying to prove a point.  There isn't a point. Nobody ever said all white people have a good life sheesh
not trying to come off angry but it just seems like so many people assume because your white everything is fine and dandy.  ill admit it probably does make things a little easier but everybody goes through there fair share of struggles regardless of race

yeah I'm pretty sure that's common knowledge tho. 
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by aphexacid

Q: What jobs did your parents have?

A: Like i said, my mom and dad came here from Serbia about 31 years ago. Neither spoke english at all. They lived with a family friend until my father and mother found jobs. 6 months into living in the good ole USA, my dad left my mother. He decided to open his own custodial company. then later a trucking company. He became very successful.
Meanwhile, my mother took me, my sister, and a half brother from my fathers previous marriage, to a studio apt in Chicago. I was about months old.
My father took my half brother away about 6 months after they divorced. So it was me, my sis and my Mom. My Mom did her absolute best. She worked hard everyday, learned english and put in 110% at her job. She would go without on many occasions so that my sister and i could have our "wants".

As time went on, things got a bit easier. My mom was making more money, my sister was married, and it was just me and my mom. I got a job as soon as was able to. And we lived decently until i got into my 20's.

Throughout all this, never a dime from my father. I grew up hating him, and what he did. And having to see him on occasion with his new family, living the good life.

When i was about 23 years old, he got a divorce yet again. And HE came looking for me. I wanted nothing to do with him. My fiance (girlfriend at the time) forced me to be civil. She talked me into hearing him out. So i did. And i let him have it. I told him everything i ever felt, and wanted to tell him.

Long story short, i have a relationship with him today. He sold off his trucking company to fund a wild idea, that could have crashed and burned, but made him a pretty penny. And today, i'm apart of his investment firm. And i get to take care of my momma now.
Your dad sounds like a real piece of +$%@.

From having a couple Serbian friends their cultural values on family seem much different than that of American culture. 

Not they don't see each other as family , its just a different kind of love for each other.
Well, depending on age, in the old country, times were tough as far as finances go. There were a lot of poor farmers that didnt have time to coddle their kids. Newer school parents are a bit different.

My mom is in a league of her own though. One thing that was never in short supply was love.

And yeah, my dad made plenty of horrible decisions. All i can do now as 31 year old man is forgive and learn to accept him as an old man with mistakes, or pretend that i dont have a father. Only God can judge us. I think he realized where he went wrong.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by aphexacid

Q: What jobs did your parents have?

A: Like i said, my mom and dad came here from Serbia about 31 years ago. Neither spoke english at all. They lived with a family friend until my father and mother found jobs. 6 months into living in the good ole USA, my dad left my mother. He decided to open his own custodial company. then later a trucking company. He became very successful.
Meanwhile, my mother took me, my sister, and a half brother from my fathers previous marriage, to a studio apt in Chicago. I was about months old.
My father took my half brother away about 6 months after they divorced. So it was me, my sis and my Mom. My Mom did her absolute best. She worked hard everyday, learned english and put in 110% at her job. She would go without on many occasions so that my sister and i could have our "wants".

As time went on, things got a bit easier. My mom was making more money, my sister was married, and it was just me and my mom. I got a job as soon as was able to. And we lived decently until i got into my 20's.

Throughout all this, never a dime from my father. I grew up hating him, and what he did. And having to see him on occasion with his new family, living the good life.

When i was about 23 years old, he got a divorce yet again. And HE came looking for me. I wanted nothing to do with him. My fiance (girlfriend at the time) forced me to be civil. She talked me into hearing him out. So i did. And i let him have it. I told him everything i ever felt, and wanted to tell him.

Long story short, i have a relationship with him today. He sold off his trucking company to fund a wild idea, that could have crashed and burned, but made him a pretty penny. And today, i'm apart of his investment firm. And i get to take care of my momma now.
Your dad sounds like a real piece of +$%@.

From having a couple Serbian friends their cultural values on family seem much different than that of American culture. 

Not they don't see each other as family , its just a different kind of love for each other.
Well, depending on age, in the old country, times were tough as far as finances go. There were a lot of poor farmers that didnt have time to coddle their kids. Newer school parents are a bit different.

My mom is in a league of her own though. One thing that was never in short supply was love.

And yeah, my dad made plenty of horrible decisions. All i can do now as 31 year old man is forgive and learn to accept him as an old man with mistakes, or pretend that i dont have a father. Only God can judge us. I think he realized where he went wrong.
Originally Posted by abutta13

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

 why are white dudes from lower than middle class posting all angry like "i'm white and my life was hard" trying to prove a point.  There isn't a point. Nobody ever said all white people have a good life sheesh
not trying to come off angry but it just seems like so many people assume because your white everything is fine and dandy.  ill admit it probably does make things a little easier but everybody goes through there fair share of struggles regardless of race

yeah I'm pretty sure that's common knowledge tho. 
Originally Posted by abutta13

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

that's b/c you ARE white


so what? point in complaining about something you cannot change. as a youngster i was usually the token white boy since in my town the only white kids were nerdy jewish kids who i had nothing in common with and mostly kept to themselves. it was hard being the only white kid but i didn't let it stop me from being me or doing what i gotta do. i heard every racial slur for white people that there is but that didnt stop me from making friends, rockin the freshest kicks, talkin to the baddest girls, and breaking ankle after ankle on the court.  the color of your skin has nothing to do with what you are made of as a person. as dude put it you want something? go get it...thats all there is to it
If only all blacks could overcome the obstacles you faced and make friends, cop fresh kicks, talk to females and play basketball, 
Originally Posted by abutta13

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

that's b/c you ARE white


so what? point in complaining about something you cannot change. as a youngster i was usually the token white boy since in my town the only white kids were nerdy jewish kids who i had nothing in common with and mostly kept to themselves. it was hard being the only white kid but i didn't let it stop me from being me or doing what i gotta do. i heard every racial slur for white people that there is but that didnt stop me from making friends, rockin the freshest kicks, talkin to the baddest girls, and breaking ankle after ankle on the court.  the color of your skin has nothing to do with what you are made of as a person. as dude put it you want something? go get it...thats all there is to it
If only all blacks could overcome the obstacles you faced and make friends, cop fresh kicks, talk to females and play basketball, 
Originally Posted by abutta13

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

 why are white dudes from lower than middle class posting all angry like "i'm white and my life was hard" trying to prove a point.  There isn't a point. Nobody ever said all white people have a good life sheesh
not trying to come off angry but it just seems like so many people assume because your white everything is fine and dandy.  ill admit it probably does make things a little easier but everybody goes through there fair share of struggles regardless of race

True, but an ordinary white person in the same or similar circumstances as an ordinary minority in the same or similar circumstances will be looked upon more favorably by America.
Originally Posted by abutta13

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

 why are white dudes from lower than middle class posting all angry like "i'm white and my life was hard" trying to prove a point.  There isn't a point. Nobody ever said all white people have a good life sheesh
not trying to come off angry but it just seems like so many people assume because your white everything is fine and dandy.  ill admit it probably does make things a little easier but everybody goes through there fair share of struggles regardless of race

True, but an ordinary white person in the same or similar circumstances as an ordinary minority in the same or similar circumstances will be looked upon more favorably by America.
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